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Fighting Game Headquarters |4| Cheers Love, the Anime's Here!

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No SFV in the top 10 most watched new games on Twitch

I mean I really doubt Fighting games could ever compete with those other genres. Not because of sales or popularity , Its just the nature of the genre. I dont think even Smash4 or MKX would come in top 10 of their respective years. ( Maybe I am wrong on the Stream numbers , but those games sold a boat load and can easily be considered "Mainstream")

I love FGs a lot more than other genres , but if I want to just watch some random stream. I normally just head to Dota. I really dont see many interesting streams for SF ( Apart from Infiltrations stream,Pro Talk or some other specific events ). There just aren't a lot of good content producers for daily streaming in FGs ( There might be exceptions but this is just my opinion from what I have seen on twitch ).

Like in Dota or some other moba , there is a lot of trolling going on and its just funny and entertaining in general. in SF the streamer is mostly focussing on the game since its a bit more intense and short , They cant really keep talking and come up with any fun or entertaining stuff , unless he is smurfing hard and playing scrubs. In which case its not really entertaining anyway. Unlike an RPG or Moba where there is some filler time where they talk.

Another thing is popular Streamers would generally stay away from Fighters , since all they can stream is them getting bodied online and that wouldnt be very entertaining for their viewers. Unlike other genres where they can at least do something and be entertaining while playing online.

I think SFV would definitely be in top 10 if they were talking about Peak concurrent viewers , since Tourney viewership is pretty high.


Okay MKXL after reading the patch sounds legit fun and I'll blow some powerup rewards that've just been laying around to get myself a PS4 copy to return to it now from the wastelands of the PC that I abandoned midway through KP1.

Biggest things I'm noticing:

  • stamina costs. Run costs more, Run cancels cost more, getting hit when running is horribly costly. This'll make dash around and cancel combos less prevalent and riskier
  • lots of armor is gone. Especially on launchers. Armor that was added went to a lot of grabs, and to characters lacking wakeups or who took a lot of hits elsewhere in their movesets
  • D2 looks like its buffed. Speeds on them were balanced to be similar and they increased the hurtbox on folks 1 frame in the air before an attack comes out to make AA simpler. Less jumping bean is good.
  • Kounter aint shit lol. Just a message displayed during trade. Go Boon go.

I'm seeing a lot of buffs that are interesting and some nerfs to more seen styles all over. Alien got hit hard, Kitana, Liu Kang Dualist, Kenshi got some great stuff, and honestly I dig the Tremor and Commando Kano armor changes. Dvorah looks nerfed but not murdered. Just not as safe or damaging but she gained an armored wakeup. I think Erron Black is honestly buffed now. Pocket sand lost armor but is safer and his slide shot GAINED armor. Jason got some cool stuff with blood mist getting an insane 3 hits of armor along with armor on 4 other moves being added to him.

Neat stuff all around this patch. I need to jump back into it alongside of KOF 14 playtime.


wtf a cpt event in Brazil was sabotaged?!

rkappa said:
Yep. The last Brazilian CPT event was sabotaged. By the end of the first set of Grand Finals, Keoma was winning 2x1 against Dark and had huge momentum.

Then somebody paused the game. Not satisfied with that, this someone took control of player 1 and turned the ps4 off. Legit.

Keoma lost his huge momentum, turned into Salt Incarnate and lost.

Were it an accident, ok. Accidents happen. But to say PSN button + taking control of player 1 + turning ps4 off is an accident looks like a stretch.

100% sure it wasn't Dark nor anyone related to him. Hella legit player, played mad well against Tokido in Never Give Up and his record with Keoma is very balanced. Dude's clean.

But somebody wanted to screw Keoma badly, and succeeded. Now here's my huge FUCK YOU, YOU PIECE OF SHIT to the dude, who's yet to be identified.
Sarda (main commentator) didn't say it in English, but Portuguese speakers realised fully well what happened. Sad.


You would be competing with all those random games that appear in speed run marathons every six months.

I was referring to this year , like on that twitch link. Unless a lot of games of this year pop up in those Speed runs as well , because I mostly see it being random old games.

Yep, here's the archive: https://www.twitch.tv/trtarcade/v/92696022

Happens around 2h 56min

Lmao wtf is this. Wait I thought Wireless controllers are banned?


Unconfirmed Member
The gam4e got paused and someone kept missing around in the menu for like three minutes before restarting the console, hard to believe someone could was controlling that and no one in there saw him!
I think that was the staff mostly. They were looking for connected controllers, I guess.


Pokken may be a dead game, but they're still releasing fighters.


It looks like it's missing animation frames, which I'm hoping is intentional until they actually ramp up into full production

If not them welp

Also, isn't this the game made by the guy who got negged by MikeZ?



SCR is at 338 attendees right now, uh, I'm guessing around 500 total when it starts.

That would make it the smallest Premier in the NA region (Canada Cup already said they're above the pace in entries they were last year) easily. NCR had about 700 attendes total. Final Round had 1024 for Street Fighter alone.

Well, at least Combo Breaker will be a premier next year.

SCR is at 338 attendees right now, uh, I'm guessing around 500 total when it starts.

That would make it the smallest Premier in the NA region (Canada Cup already said they're above the pace in entries they were last year) easily. NCR had about 700 attendes total. Final Round had 1024 for Street Fighter alone.

Well, at least Combo Breaker will be a premier next year.

SCR had like 250+ last year didn't it? So this year's already surpassed that. In order to have sort of the same type of growth as the other premiers in the US, it would need 500 players.

edit: The 338 is total, not for SFV alone. So SCR is at 201 for SFV alone. I doubt it grows to 500.



interesting. are we seeing a new of form of esports sponsorship? instead of having an esports team acting like an intermediary between the sponsors and the team's players, sponsors are now going directly to the players. daigo has twitch and redbull and now infil has razer and viewsonic.

when i say sponsors, i mean legit companies not like what kbrad used to have as his tag before he joined team eg.


indie fighting game turns out no not be vaporware yet, shows new character vergil mixed with the guy from tales of vesperia


Uh, that does not look good.

I actually checked in on them a lot. They're adding a lot of tween frames later and its mentioned often enough in developer streams. If they get the keyframes done first though they can prototype the movesets and alpha test a lot while the animator catches up. Its a solid workflow.

They're using the Blaz Blue design style of making models of complicated pieces to keep stuff like elaborate props and weapons on model, but largely hand drawing the rest so that they can get a lot of squash, stretch and deformation work easily which takes up a notorious amount of time in 3d.

Sadly they kind of proved that without enough 3d animators you're in trouble goin in on 3d. To get smoother 3d you still need to frame by frame edit and rework stuff. You can rework in drastic degrees in 3d or outright replace moves, but the amount of tweaking is pretty high to get something that looks right...often requiring more post 3d work in 2d to touch up for hit sparks anyways.

I found them because recently my animation work came to a head and it just wouldn't smooth out in some areas without a LOT of techy shit and frame by frame work which was what I was trying to avoid to begin with by goin 3d. I looked around and found the bulk of people who ran into that in the indies hit the wall of either get more 3d animators or go Blaz Blue and just draw it and use 3d to stay on model. I'm being forced to go 2d on things now due to that, but as Fearless Night showed you can keyframe to prototype and add tweens later to smooth it. I got a few animators and resources to I can tap for 2d so its not too bad getting tweeners.

Indie fighters...not even once man. This shit takes a lot...as is I gotta tone down a couple of designs. I go way too far on detailed models after basing my work on Silvestri.
They actually teased a bishounen Hwoarang a few years back, but i guess it fell through.

I think nowadays they do the guys under their ArtFX J label.

Edit: In other news, Yukari is available now for Genso Rondo.


Neo Member
indie fighting game turns out no not be vaporware yet, shows new character vergil mixed with the guy from tales of vesperia


Hello everyone, I'm the designer/programmer for Fearless Night.
I just wanted to say we hate going long periods of time without showing new content, so we wanted to get something out around CEOtaku. We're very open with the unfinished state of the game, and yes what you see includes a lot of placeholder animations.

We always want to show game play with a character announcement, so unfortunately we kinda have to show animations missing inbetween frames or just rough color drawings we use to test moves.
Hello everyone, I'm the designer/programmer for Fearless Night.
I just wanted to say we hate going long periods of time without showing new content, so we wanted to get something out around CEOtaku. We're very open with the unfinished state of the game, and yes what you see includes a lot of placeholder animations.

We always want to show game play with a character announcement, so unfortunately we kinda have to show animations missing inbetween frames or just rough color drawings we use to test moves.
You'd do well putting the "these images represent a game in development and are not indicative of the final product" watermark throughout the whole video as opposed to briefly for a few seconds at the beginning.


Mrs. Harvey
Arnis and Maxxxy boy are the two top fgc streamers. Problem is that they don't just stream fighters and specifically sfv.
My custom hitbox shipped =)

Arnis and Maxxxy boy are the two top fgc streamers. Problem is that they don't just stream fighters and specifically sfv.

They also stream near-daily, bring a unique or entertaining personality, and heavily engage with the viewers. A lot of FG house streams are basically "I'm training, you can watch if you want" whereas these two guys are specifically trying to entertain their audience.


Hello everyone, I'm the designer/programmer for Fearless Night.
I just wanted to say we hate going long periods of time without showing new content, so we wanted to get something out around CEOtaku. We're very open with the unfinished state of the game, and yes what you see includes a lot of placeholder animations.

We always want to show game play with a character announcement, so unfortunately we kinda have to show animations missing inbetween frames or just rough color drawings we use to test moves.

Its cool. I've been following your stuff and from I can tell you're doing great. Tweens can always be added later. I like your sword summoner a lot. Always neat to have someone using a floating weapon they can send wherever they want.

Its actually remarkable how fast you can output the amount of keyframes you already have in place for prototyping and test play. You have a pretty fast and solid animator. Watching your streams is what had me finally convinced that the issues I was facing with 3d are similar to your own and that it'd be better to just use it to stay on model for props rather than try to use it for every animation since it was making squash and stretch and streaking deformations such a long winded bitch.

From what I can tell the 3d props to stay on model worked out fantastic on your scythe animations.


Neo Member
Its cool. I've been following your stuff and from I can tell you're doing great. Tweens can always be added later. I like your sword summoner a lot. Always neat to have someone using a floating weapon they can send wherever they want.

Its actually remarkable how fast you can output the amount of keyframes you already have in place for prototyping and test play. You have a pretty fast and solid animator. Watching your streams is what had me finally convinced that the issues I was facing with 3d are similar to your own and that it'd be better to just use it to stay on model for props rather than try to use it for every animation since it was making squash and stretch and streaking deformations such a long winded bitch.

From what I can tell the 3d props to stay on model worked out fantastic on your scythe animations.

Thanks for the support! And yes using 3d models for reference on Poco's weapon made that character actually possible to animate. We would have had to simplify the design otherwise.


Thanks for the support! And yes using 3d models for reference on Poco's weapon made that character actually possible to animate. We would have had to simplify the design otherwise.

Yeah, I'm kind of facing the potential of that soon. My art style is based off of Silvestri who did Witchblade and The Darkness. My designs were originally intended for 3d models and while the models could take the detail the animations weren't gonna come together without essentially frame by framing the whole thing in 3d which is what I was trying to avoid by going there to begin with.

The jump to 2d with models for certain props is gonna take some feeling out on the art. Gonna see if my most elaborate design works in 2d as is. If so then the rest would be cake by comparison. At least I can enjoy the Skullgirls tactic of animation and essentially run 3 of most frames to gimmie the 60 fps effect. Just gotta be selective of which frames to hold and which to go singles on. Sometimes certain transitions need the frames, other times you just kill the impact.

BTW what coding language are you working with?


They actually teased a bishounen Hwoarang a few years back, but i guess it fell through..

Probably caught sight of his T7 redesign and bailed.

Hello everyone, I'm the designer/programmer for Fearless Night.
I just wanted to say we hate going long periods of time without showing new content, so we wanted to get something out around CEOtaku. We're very open with the unfinished state of the game, and yes what you see includes a lot of placeholder animations.

We always want to show game play with a character announcement, so unfortunately we kinda have to show animations missing inbetween frames or just rough color drawings we use to test moves.

Hi! Nice to see more devs talking with us.


Are you all able to juggle two or more fighting games at once and still play them well?

I started playing SFV at launch and it was the first game that I actually put the time into learning combos punishes etc, I managed to crack Gold league which was kinda like a goal I set for myself. Now I also have GG Revelator and I want to start learning that properly, the only thing is I'm worried I will forget how to play SFV and just end up trash in both....
Are you all able to juggle two or more fighting games at once and still play them well?

I started playing SFV at launch and it was the first game that I actually put the time into learning combos punishes etc, I managed to crack Gold league which was kinda like a goal I set for myself. Now I also have GG Revelator and I want to start learning that properly, the only thing is I'm worried I will forget how to play SFV and just end up trash in both....

Yeah, it's not hard.


Are you all able to juggle two or more fighting games at once and still play them well?

I started playing SFV at launch and it was the first game that I actually put the time into learning combos punishes etc, I managed to crack Gold league which was kinda like a goal I set for myself. Now I also have GG Revelator and I want to start learning that properly, the only thing is I'm worried I will forget how to play SFV and just end up trash in both....

Juggle multiple games and be reasonably competent at each one? Yes. Consistently great results online/offline? Not so much.

I tend to forget mechanics for fighters I don't play often enough but a few matches in the muscle memory usually comes back. Main issue I have is not enough time to play games period. I don't want to be a tournament top player, I just play for fun so I don't concern myself with juggling games having an effect on my proficiency. Just playing for enjoyment.
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