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Final Fantasy XIV Reviews - GameSpot 4/10, GameTrailers 4.2/10, GameSpy 2/5, IGN 5.5

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Khrno said:
Seems like he played it for like 5 or 6 years doing everything in the game but he didn't enjoy or had fun a single moment of it or something. Weird dude.

Sounds like an unstable gentleman. I'll admit FFXI had its lowest of lows but it also had its highest of highs, sorta like a bad drug....
Coldsnap said:
Sounds like an unstable gentleman. I'll admit FFXI had its lowest of lows but it also had its highest of highs, sorta like a bad drug....

I think that's the definition of all MMOs...everyone has their preferred choice of drug :lol


Wow, you guys need to try some new MMOs. :lol

EDIT: FFXI had the worst rough patches of MMOs I played. WoW, LotRO, GW2, and CoH were mostly highs. But I took long breaks from CoH when it started to get dull, so that game remained fresh for me.


I dont care what anyone says. FFXI was awesome. Sure, SE sucked at relaying info and fixing simple things and generally giving the players a lot of what they wanted but, at its core, it was still fun.

Its pretty much the reason I bought FFXIV and will be sticking it out with the game for a while. I know what XI became and am latched on to some hope that XIV becomes half that good. I might be delusional but who cares.
Salaadin said:
I dont care what anyone says. FFXI was awesome. Sure, SE sucked at relaying info and fixing simple things and generally giving the players a lot of what they wanted but, at its core, it was still fun.

Its pretty much the reason I bought FFXIV and will be sticking it out with the game for a while. I know what XI became and am latched on to some hope that XIV becomes half that good. I might be delusional but who cares.

*Bro fist*


Again, what kept me playing FFXI wasn't the game, it was my friends in the linkshell. Now that I am removed from it all, in hindsight, the game itself was rubbish and it was all a big waste of time. What ended it was exactly that: all of us in the linkshell started to realize that we were wasting our time, not having fun, there were better games to play, and we disbanded.


Salaadin said:
I dont care what anyone says. FFXI was awesome. Sure, SE sucked at relaying info and fixing simple things and generally giving the players a lot of what they wanted but, at its core, it was still fun.

Its pretty much the reason I bought FFXIV and will be sticking it out with the game for a while. I know what XI became and am latched on to some hope that XIV becomes half that good. I might be delusional but who cares.
Basically how I feel minus the last sentence. But I quit XI.


Kandinsky said:
FFXI is a terrible game.

There, there.


Ploid 3.0

DaBuddaDa said:
Again, what kept me playing FFXI wasn't the game, it was my friends in the linkshell. Now that I am removed from it all, in hindsight, the game itself was rubbish and it was all a big waste of time. What ended it was exactly that: all of us in the linkshell started to realize that we were wasting our time, not having fun, there were better games to play, and we disbanded.

Same for me, though when I leveled bst I realized how stupid the exp system for other jobs were. Waiting for exp parties wasn't acceptable for me anymore. Then when I no longer wanted gear (didn't want to be in debt for obtaining shiny sword XJ249.5 causing me to not be able to quit whenever I wanted) I saw how useless the game was. With no carrot in the front of you there's nothing to do just for fun. Sure helping people is interesting at times, but if it's not friends doing awesome crazy stuff there's no point.

Crazy thf af train wearing serious hat with friends - fun

3 hour dynamis # 74 wishing for super rare AF # 21 - Not so fun.
Dabookerman said:
Just go on youtube and watch any videos and you will see.

Okay, so let me make sure I got this down.

Go to YouTube, and watchy ANY video there?

Well, I just went to the homepage, and clicked on this video:


Uh, so you want to be a bit more specific, or is the ambiguity going to continue?

notworksafe said:
He's just mocking Londa. I can say with certainty her response will be either "look it up on youtube anywhere" or "I don't have say anything to you". Same as always.

Edit: Ah, you were just mimicking what she would have said. Well, then, this is directed back at her then.


He's just mocking Londa. I can say with certainty her response will be either "look it up on youtube anywhere" or "I don't have say anything to you". Same as always.


TSA said:
Could you actually post what specifically is factually incorrect in the reviews instead of just saying this?
Already pointed out issues with the gametrailer review near the front of the thread.


TheExodu5 said:
I equate FF XI end gamers to that kid that caught the shiny Ponyta.

Hey, it's not called Ponyta, it's called Dark Ixion, and I claimed it once with a 60~ Throwing skill :lol


Ploid 3.0 said:
Same for me, though when I leveled bst I realized how stupid the exp system for other jobs were. Waiting for exp parties wasn't acceptable for me anymore. Then when I no longer wanted gear (didn't want to be in debt for obtaining shiny sword XJ249.5 causing me to not be able to quit whenever I wanted) I saw how useless the game was. With no carrot in the front of you there's nothing to do just for fun. Sure helping people is interesting at times, but if it's not friends doing awesome crazy stuff there's no point.

So Ploid you think you could help me get another Sam Test from castle zvahl baileys? :lol


TSA said:
Okay, so let me make sure I got this down.

Go to YouTube, and watchy ANY video there?

Well, I just went to the homepage, and clicked on this video:


Uh, so you want to be a bit more specific, or is the ambiguity going to continue?

Edit: Ah, you were just mimicking what she would have said. Well, then, this is directed back at her then.
You seem to mosty post to reply to me. Except for this post here that you directed back at me. True dedication.

Ploid 3.0

Jbird34 said:
So Ploid you think you could help me get another Sam Test from castle zvahl baileys? :lol

hahaha, I wish I was still activated, well if you guys are still playing. If I had 85, or whatever the cap is now, BST I'd be able to slaughter everything.
Londa said:
Already pointed out issues with the gametrailer review near the front of the thread.

Next time, I'm making you re-post them...they were nearly half-way through the thread. Since you said the GT review, here we go.

Londa said:
Wow Design and Presentation is under 8 points. They are clearly bias and just want to join in on the negative reaction this game has been getting, so they can get more views.

So by your logic, every single outlet that has ever given below and 8 to any game is biased. You don't back up why the scores are biased, you just say they are. And again, scores are opinions, not facts.

Londa said:
the gametrailer's review has misinformation in it. Like when they said you have to be close to a player to even add them to your friendlist.

This was a verified bug that's since been fixed but not mentioned by SE on Lodestone. You had to have first interacted with somebody by telling them, trading with them, or partying with them before adding them as a friend would work for some users. If you weren't near them, it would return a "no results found" message when trying to add them. Even still, the issue is that you can't just type /add [username] or quickly tap one button and type in their name.

Londa said:
What about this one,

"you have to wait to have spells go off"

or the real kicker

"You have to deal with bugs, like monsters regenerating health"

:lol :lol

This review is 100% unbiased and very informative. No lies except that one with the friendlist. But that was a mistake.

Have listening comprehension skills gone down? Or perhaps you're just in the business of quoting things out of context and incompletely. The review specifically says spells take longer than advertised to go off, ie, they are laggy. Personally, I saw issues where I would initiate a spell and it would not begin until clicked again. When that happened, it would start the spell and then cancel it. It was server latency processing the inputs.

I already posted about that "mob regen" bug earlier, not sure if you saw it. Since you were kind enough to tell me to find your post, you can do the same and read up how it is a verified bug and is problematic.

Londa said:
The bolded suppose to do this. Its called AI and having the mobs act like they are in a party.

Here is another quote of his:

"get ready to listen to the endless pitter patter of your feet, gets annoying"

all games have sound effects for running. Yet this game it targeted for it. Very unbiased, right?

Except the review calls out it is annoying, not that it just exists. The sound effect specifically used for footsteps in situations is flat out annoying. It's not the fact it exists that's the flaw. Again, listening comprehension skills.

Finally, I shouldn't do this, but since you love to preach if something has "misinformation", it can't be trusted...

Londa said:
Thats the thing, I didn't play WoW. But any game, I mean any game has copy and paste. Look at Super Mario Brothers, Twilight Zelda, Radiata Stories, Monster Hunter Tri.


How can I can't trust people who can't even get a major Zelda game's title correct?

So...what's wrong with the GameSpot, GameSpy, and IGN reviews?


I'm not into MMOs but it's a shame that the game didn't turn out good. Finally a FF that kind of returned to its traditional fantasy roots, at least I thought so when looking at some trailer.


Londa said:
does your friend know a friend that knows a friend who's dad works for SE?
Reverse that question back at yourself, I'm going by my experience with FFXI which I've played since launch up until recently. Anytime ANYTHING would be fixed it would be an exploit that involves getting the upper hand on the game terrible design. (Any PUP from FFXI would know about the Diabolos Solo) that was specifically patched while ignoring other problems that have been around before that existed. All you've done here is stayed in the thread literally all day. Why aren't you playing this "Great" FFXIV? Is it that bad that you only can come to the forums?

Kandinsky said:
I still prefer warlock's!


Because you never got the AFv2 one :lol


TSA said:
This was a verified bug that's since been fixed but not mentioned by SE on Lodestone. You had to have first interacted with somebody by telling them, trading with them, or partying with them before adding them as a friend would work for some users. If you weren't near them, it would return a "no results found" message when trying to add them. Even still, the issue is that you can't just type /add [username] or quickly tap one button and type in their name.
After trying to figure out how to add my friend on my list during open beta, I gave up after fifteen minutes and we proceeded to our frustrating adventures.

I mean, can't they at least get that right? The social aspect of MMOs is the MOST important.


Teknopathetic said:
Betting odds on Londa writing decent response to TSA's post?

2:1 - Wow what a stalker. You are creepy.
4:1 - Ignoring it completely
7:1 - I don't have to explain myself
10,000:1 -Wow, you are right. Thank you for such a reasonable argument.
500,000,000:1 - Here's the proof for the idiotic claims I've made throughout this thread.
999,999,999,999:1 - I'm a man, baby! :lol


Hmm all these arguments sound familiar (from the above link).

1. This game is the real deal. Face it, most people will not have what it takes to play it. The purpose of this game is not to entertain, it was made entirely to scare of the dumbed down masses and cater only to the selected elite of online gaming. Only the few, chosen people who are blessed with the soul of the warrior can stand up to the challenges this game offers. It is the definition of a real mature, complex game only for the most dedicated and talented.

If you are not one of them, then tough luck for you mate, but remember; you have no right to complain about anything in the game because it is not the games fault that you're a total fail who cant stand a real MMORPG. Guess what? Square-Enix don't even want you to play their game, inferior one. Go back to WoW.

2. If you don't think a game should require you to use a walkthrough or wiki page to find out the locations of vendors, Quest givers or other important NPCs and locations, you are a lazy, spoiled little child and must immediately go back to WoW (which obviously is your favorite game, kiddo) . You are not worthy of playing Final Fantasy XIV. The same rule applies to game mechanics such as interface, combat and crafting. If you are too stupid to figure out how these things work by yourself, GTFO. Square Enix shouldn't have to bother with making tutorials just because you're to lazy and stupid to figure things out.

3. Real hardcore gamers (aka worthy human beings) don't require ingame rewards for them to keep on playing. Mounts? Such vanity is only implemented for lazy impatient people who cant face the test of endurance. Quests? a true passionate gamer does not demand such a luxury. 1 story mission each 5 levels is more than enough and it is disrespectful and demanding to ask for any more.

4. In general, it is always the customer who should adapt to fit a product, not the other way around. The paying customer has no right to voice their opinions on the product they are paying for.


TSA said:
So by your logic, every single outlet that has ever given below and 8 to any game is biased. You don't back up why the scores are biased, you just say they are. And again, scores are opinions, not facts.
Well.. she is talking about presentation, and the game looks absolutely stunning, and the music is really good from what I've heard (tip: not much). But I guess presentation also incorporates the copy paste terrain, and how you interact with npc's and players maybe..

TheExodu5 said:
And it also includes the worst MMO interface of the last decade.
Yeah, that's what I mean, but I don't think Londa thought it refered to that (maybe). Still, this is just a minor point.


Boney said:
Well.. she is talking about presentation, and the game looks absolutely stunning, and the music is really good from what I've heard (tip: not much). But I guess presentation also incorporates the copy paste terrain, and how you interact with npc's and players maybe..

And it also includes the worst MMO interface of the last decade.


Mr. Snrub said:
Races picture
Now that's just retarded. People would shit their pants if the same/similar races from FFXI weren't in FFXIV. Do you think a theoretical World of Warcraft 2 wouldn't have Night Elves, Dwarves, Orcs or Tauren?
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