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Final Fantasy XIV Reviews - GameSpot 4/10, GameTrailers 4.2/10, GameSpy 2/5, IGN 5.5

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DaBuddaDa said:
Now that's just retarded. People would shit their pants if the same/similar races from FFXI weren't in FFXIV. Do you think a theoretical World of Warcraft 2 wouldn't have Night Elves, Dwarves, Orcs or Tauren?

True, and it is a very minor point to make, but to be fair, FFXIV is set in a new world, new universe, etc, but despite that, the visual design on everything is basically straight copy/pasted which is odd for a game swapping art directors. There's actually quite a lot that makes it look like Yoshida didn't participate all that much on this project.

I was happy to have the old races, although I'd have liked a few additions, but I do think it's a bit pathetic just how much recycle is there in hairstyles, features, etc though.
DaBuddaDa said:
Now that's just retarded. People would shit their pants if the same/similar races from FFXI weren't in FFXIV. Do you think a theoretical World of Warcraft 2 wouldn't have Night Elves, Dwarves, Orcs or Tauren?
I think they should have done completely away with races from FFXI. They could have done something like the console games and people could just be from different areas or cities.


Eaten By A Grue said:
I think they should have done completely away with races from FFXI. They could have done something like the console games and people could just be from different areas or cities.


The races are fine. Perfect, even.
Fuck Mi'Qote. FFXI had catwomen.

FFXIV just has stupid moe catgirls.

I wish they kept everyone the same as FFXI and added some of the Ivalice and Crystal Chronicles races.
Gravijah said:

The races are fine. Perfect, even.
This is just me, but I really think they are unnecessary. Using my favorite FF game, FFVI, as an example of how they could of structured an MMORPG without races it would be awesome if you just had two factions like the Returners rebels or Empire. From there it could be broken down into your starting region or city (say Narshe or Vector as examples) to differentiate the looks of the characters based on their regions. Then you can choose your class like warrior, knight, bard, dragoon, white mage, black mage, red mage, etc. etc and the class's look of your character would be based off that region or city to create some unique looking characters. Personally I have never really been into the furries, midgets, and weird looking ape characters. I really wish they would make a FF MMORPG based off FF's roots.
Presentation is about how the game "presents itself" to the players. How something functions isn't part of that. People complaining about slow, laggy interfaces, or lack of sorting options, are complaining about functionality/gameplay. People complaining about a game's looks, sound, and overall "polish" are talking about the presentation.


Gravijah said:

The races are fine. Perfect, even.
Great, except the way they presented them in the character select screen is so unintuitive and slow. I spent like 10 minutes figuring out which race and gender makes the best spellcaster.
JWong said:
I spent like 10 minutes figuring out which race and gender makes the best spellcaster.

Well that might be because no one race actually makes the best spell caster. Seeing as how you allocate skill points yourself. The only difference is that you'd get a small headstart with some races.
Pai Pai Master said:
Fuck Mi'Qote. FFXI had catwomen.

FFXIV just has stupid moe catgirls.

I wish they kept everyone the same as FFXI and added some of the Ivalice and Crystal Chronicles races.

I've just been wondering when they'd drop the maleless race and the femaleless race deal.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Wait, Final Fantasy XIV? As in, a new main line FF? What the hell happened? Why is it so shitty and why is it out so early?


Oblivion said:
Wait, Final Fantasy XIV? As in, a new main line FF? What the hell happened? Why is it so shitty and why is it out so early?
Shitty: because Square is proven to have a broken and outdated internal development system at the moment.

So early: the PC launch is essentially a beta test for the proper PS3 launch.


I think the PC version is a beta test for the PC version. We've still seen not one screenshot or second of footage of the game on PS3. At this point, a March launch would amaze me a bit given how poorly the PC version is going.



:lol :lol


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
I think what is clear is that the developer didn't really want to make an MMO game but were put to work on one anyway. The lack of passion in the project seems almost too obvious. I really believe that if a company are going to make an MMO they really need to want to make one otherwise it'll turn out like this.


kinoki said:
I think what is clear is that the developer didn't really want to make an MMO game but were put to work on one anyway. The lack of passion in the project seems almost too obvious. I really believe that if a company are going to make an MMO they really need to want to make one otherwise it'll turn out like this.

Could you expand on what you mean about that? I'm interested in hearing what specific things in the game make you feel that way.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Jeels said:
Could you expand on what you mean about that? I'm interested in hearing what specific things in the game make you feel that way.

Being a four year veteran of WoW and recently quit it I was looking for a new game that I could casually play so I kept an eye out for this game hoping it would be a good game.

So, the races are quite obvious examples of that they didn't have any new creative vision of thier own it's just copy-pasted from the previous game in the series. The scenery. The lack of a solid infrastructure in the game when it comes to dealing with communication in general.

It feels like they've designed the game backwards. First of all they decided that you needed to grind, what exactly wasn't important. And that it needed to take certain amounts of hours to reach it--doing what they weren't exactly sure. And you needed to craft and sell things, how and why they probably reasoned would be explained once the game was done. Then after all of the MMO-measurements were in place they made a game inside that framework and from the looks of it they haven't really filled that framework with enough game to warrent a purchase from me.
entrement said:
The Final Fantasy franchise has had a tough year with the reviews.
Eh? They've only had one game get bad reviews this year, FFXIV. Remember that FFXIII was actually a great game, despite all the anti-hype that hit right after its first release in Japan, and got a GameRankings score of 85%/82%. The only other Final Fantasy game to be released this year is Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light, which is getting around a 73%.


Mister Zimbu said:
Considering how many things you've said on SE's behalf between the beta and now, you saying that is extremely hypocritical:

  • "Beta 3 will have a ton more content and a ton more fixes than Beta 2 did!" (it didn't)
  • "I know beta 3 is buggy but you dont have to worry about reporting the bugs and the UI because Square has a super secret release build that isn't publicly available that they will use for the public beta that has all the bugs fixed and alot more content" :)lol)
  • "The public beta is artificially limited I know for a fact that the full version when it's released will have a ton more content. And an auction house."

Londa actually said this? How exactly is she not been banned yet? If it was anyone else on Gaf I'm pretty sure they'd have a 3 month ban sitting there waiting for them when they try to log back into Gaf. Hell people get banned for less, so I'm just curious how she is sliding by in this thread with what she's "contributing."


"I already said why I like the game before. If you dislike this game, fine, I respect your opinion. But that doest mean I have to explain or defend why I like it to you. Imo, you deserve no explanation from me."

I WANT to like this game, because I liked FFXI for 6 years straight, and I'm not bailing ship till December at earliest. The thing is you do not explain ANYTHING you fucking say in this thread. The rest of us do, and are bending over god damn backwards to accommodate your posts. I'd LOVE to know where it is you said what it is you like about this game and what it is you don't like.

The only thing I've ever heard you say that you like about this game is it has cat girls, and I think that was back in open beta thread. I think 99% of the people in this thread would LOVE to see a review for the game from your playtime. It doesn't have to be long or wordy, hell make a YT video if you want or just do some bullet points of likes and dislikes.

I doubt you'll do it, and I'm sure you'll ignore this and all other posts that call you out. Can't believe at one time I wanted to defend you, because it seemed people were "attacking" you, but turns out you are simply doing super trolling.
Caj814 said:
Actually, that's interesting - check out the actual reviews - they all were written one to three months after the game's release, many even later. I wonder how this game would fair with that sort-of delay, since fixes and tweaks are coming every week.


It seemed crazy to me that SE could outsource the game in China,but now I believe it.The article from that encyclopedia dramatica concerning the outsourcing does make a lot of sense.

This developer has been getting worse and worse and I am sure the confidence and morale level is getting lower with each new game released(aka they are losing it and they know it). :lol Next thing you know,FF XV will be outsourced to some chinese or korean developer.It's no wonder that these fools now need to rely on Eidos or whatever developer to even think of having one of their game reach 90 on metacritic. :p
Dreamwriter said:
Actually, that's interesting - check out the actual reviews - they all were written one to three months after the game's release, many even later. I wonder how this game would fair with that sort-of delay, since fixes and tweaks are coming every week.

Nobody's going to listen to this. It is far too rational.


Dreamwriter said:
Actually, that's interesting - check out the actual reviews - they all were written one to three months after the game's release, many even later. I wonder how this game would fair with that sort-of delay, since fixes and tweaks are coming every week.

If this link works as intended, it should sort reviews by date. US PC release was late October 2003, reviews start in early November. The scores mop the floor with what FFXIV is getting right now. And the reviews seem to actually trend lower the farther out from release you get, as hype wears down.

We have no actual scores from FFXI's initial go-live in Japan, unfortunately.


Dreamwriter said:
Actually, that's interesting - check out the actual reviews - they all were written one to three months after the game's release, many even later. I wonder how this game would fair with that sort-of delay, since fixes and tweaks are coming every week.
Not checked it out but wouldn't most of the FFXI ones have been written about a year or so after release (due to Japan getting the big head start and the shitty launch and NA getting the actually decent launch with EU getting the best).

I just think that this whole FFXIV stuff is a bit sad. SE could have avoided it all (well most) by delaying the game after the beta and adding all the stuff we wanted for release (AH, split wards, more things to do etc)
Release the PC version with the PS3 version in March (after maybe having another beta in jan-feb)
HappyBivouac said:
Nobody's going to listen to this. It is far too rational.

I....I...don't even know what to say.

We should find it interesting that a game that has been out for several years has reviews that span that amount of time?

And that a game that has been out for a couple of weeks only has reviews in that time period?

I really think you guys are on to something here.
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