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Final Fantasy XIV Reviews - GameSpot 4/10, GameTrailers 4.2/10, GameSpy 2/5, IGN 5.5

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HappyBivouac said:
Nobody's going to listen to this. It is far too rational.

SE was better in 2002 than today however.

I am sure FF XI wasn't outsourced to China to begin with. :lol Still,it's not impressive to see a 85 metacritic for FF XI when it was released one year after the japanese launch+ an expansion.

Never forget the fact that Square-Enix has been releasing their worst rated game in the last few years.Most of them I personally consider to be bad or mediocre at best.FF XIV is just awful imo and the worst mmo I played so far.The core gameplay of XI was superior to this mess.

It say a lot about a developer when he doesn't even bother or care to release an half finished game on the market.Square-Enix simply couldn't care less about quality these days. :lol If all you FF fans are willing to eat anything up,they will continue to pump out crap.


Zomba13 said:
Not checked it out but wouldn't most of the FFXI ones have been written about a year or so after release (due to Japan getting the big head start and the shitty launch and NA getting the actually decent launch with EU getting the best).

I just think that this whole FFXIV stuff is a bit sad. SE could have avoided it all (well most) by delaying the game after the beta and adding all the stuff we wanted for release (AH, split wards, more things to do etc)
Release the PC version with the PS3 version in March (after maybe having another beta in jan-feb)

They did what they could. What really happened with that game is an ill-advised blind faith and respect for the team that was making it from SE. They figured that the guys that made XI would've given them another solid game. They gave them a budget and reminded them to make it a globally friendly game, seeing WoW's success in China.

So 3 or so years passed and the company started asking questions. What the hell is the Rapture team doing in their basement? They finally decided to see the game and what they found downstairs was a team that had lost its mind with abstract gaming concepts and had lived in their bubble for so long that they actually thought the shit they were building was good. Square panicked, knowing that 4 years had passed and most of the game's core was set in stone. Fixing it would mean starting over, something they couldn't afford to do. So instead of letting the team finish making their giant turd, they decided to shit it out as soon as possible. Copy paste all the empty terrain, outsource translation and what's still unfinished to China.

They had faith in the 1990s fanboys they had harvested for a generation to blindly buy their shit on launch day, hoping to make enough money to break even. They didn't care if they were betraying their fanbase with an incomplete game, for everyone knows there are those few hardcore who, no matter what, would fight without end to legitimize their purchase and devotion to the franchise.


Dreamwriter said:
Actually, that's interesting - check out the actual reviews - they all were written one to three months after the game's release, many even later. I wonder how this game would fair with that sort-of delay, since fixes and tweaks are coming every week.

HappyBivouac said:
Nobody's going to listen to this. It is far too rational.

Check WoW's reviews, thanks for playing guys. It amazes me how ya'll are still defending this crap. Face it, the game was rushed. If SE didn't want the low scores, they should have delayed it and came out with the PS3 version at the same time to fix shit. Don't blame the reviewers for the low scores, blame your god SE.


GT Vespene said:
They did what they could. What really happened with that game is an ill-advised blind faith and respect for the team that was making it from SE. They figured that the guys that made XI would've given them another solid game. They gave them a budget and reminded them to make it a globally friendly game, seeing WoW's success in China.

So 3 or so years passed and the company started asking questions. What the hell is the Rapture team doing in their basement? They finally decided to see the game and what they found downstairs was a team that had lost its mind with abstract gaming concepts and had lived in their bubble for so long that they actually thought the shit they were building was good. Square panicked, knowing that 4 years had passed and most of the game's core was set in stone. Fixing it would mean starting over, something they couldn't afford to do. So instead of letting the team finish making their giant turd, they decided to shit it out as soon as possible. Copy paste all the empty terrain, outsource translation and what's still unfinished to China.

They had faith in the 1990s fanboys they had harvested for a generation to blindly buy their shit on launch day, hoping to make enough money to break even. They didn't care if they were betraying their fanbase with an incomplete game, for everyone knows there are those few hardcore who, no matter what, would fight without end to legitimize their purchase and devotion to the franchise.

Sure the team probably screwed up big time,but don't forget management.

When a developer start sucking ass,awful management is almost 100% of the time involved.I am sure SE is clogged up with talentless hack at the top who will blame all these failure on the team/biased western critics and protect their spot.Management has no clue whatsoever of what they are doing.

Pushing out a complete turd and hoping the blind fanboy will buy it is one clearcut sign of atrocious management. :lol They should do like Blizzard: if it's going to stink,just cancel and scrap the freaking game. :p
notworksafe said:
Far more rational than the idea of putting out a game that isn't broken and half-finished, right?

In all reality, they had two options:

1) Delay the game, because it's obviously not what they would've ideally wanted to release.
2) Give people the option to pay for and play the game while they finish up the development.

They decided to go with the second option, which may seem stupid, but hear me out. It's going to be hard to get through making this point without seeming like a lunatic, and it's probably going to end up being an unfocused rant, but here goes:

The strategy they chose was essentially to give the players that really wanted to play the game the option to start playing before it was finished. All this really does is give gamers, the consumer, more options of how/when they want to play the game and what to do with their money, compared with the more traditional method of just saying "well, we're not finished, so delay it."

Looking at it this way, it seems like what they did is a great thing, but here why it's not:

The gaming community sucks. It really sucks. Look at that youtube video posted above of the guy getting a kick out of laughing about a game getting low reviews and calling people faggots for liking it. Where does the motivation for that kind of thing come from? Why do people find it so satisfying to--collectively or not--shit all over a video game and verbally assault the people who like it? And that's really just a small segment. The fact is the gaming community of today loves to be critical and negative about everything. Gamers act as if they get points for every time they call a game shitty. It just seems so absurd to me. I'm not a big fan of, say, Halo, or God of War, just to give examples of popular franchises. In fact I pretty much loathe the way Halo games play. But I don't see myself getting any satisfaction going around saying "GAME SUX" and telling people they're idiots/homosexuals (and the homophobia thing is a whole other rant I could go on about how terrible the gaming community is) for liking it. This sort of thing has always been around, but it seems more than ever, in recent years, people get their kicks by going on about what games suck.

Now that was definitely a bit of a rant, but here's what I'm getting at: FFXIV does suck, in a lot of ways, right now. I imagine even some of the developers would admit to it if saying so didn't pose any risk to them. They gave us the option to
give them our money and
and play the game before they finished it. Seems like a cool thing to do, right? Nope. Not with the mentality of the current gaming community.

I understand the idea that people need to be informed about whether a product is worth their money right now. I totally get that. But (and I know it's encyclopedia dramatica) if after seeing the ED page for this game as well as the shit that goes on on numerous other websites, you still think people aren't getting a kick out of collectively and concertedly shitting on this game, then you're an idiot.

And how is it that on our very own Neogaf we have people posting images saying a game is shitty because it's "Japanese and full of weaboos" and then people turn around saying there's no animosity towards Japanese-developed games?

I've done this before already but:

Think of one recent game you love and for the purposes of this hypothetical scenario call it your favorite. Imagine the developers of your favorite game decide to release this game unfinished, then finish up development via patches after release. The game will still end up being the same amazing final product it was always going to be, but now you have the added option of putting down your money now to get in now, even if the game isn't really up to scratch yet. You don't have to take the option, but it's there.

Well, unsurprisingly, this hypothetical game that you love gets shit all over because the company decided to give the consumer more options rather than less. When you break it down like this, how does it make any rational sense? I think it comes down to people getting kicks out of shitting on things they don't like.

People will say the problems with FFXIV run deeper than it being released in an unfinished state. Things like not liking the world design, or not liking the lack of jumping/swimming. To that there's not much more to say except: okay, so it was never going to be your cup of tea to begin with. There are different types of games for different people.

Telling people to hold onto their money and not buy an unfinished game is one thing. Some of the other crap going on around this game is downright absurd and sad.

demigod said:
Check WoW's reviews, thanks for playing guys. It amazes me how ya'll are still defending this crap. Face it, the game was rushed. If SE didn't want the low scores, they should have delayed it and came out with the PS3 version at the same time to fix shit. Don't blame the reviewers for the low scores, blame your god SE.

Maybe you have this idea that there are only haters and defenders in this world. I'm not defending the game; I'm defending rationality. I think the game in its current state is unfinished and terrible, and I barely have any motivation to log on even during my free 30 days. I just think there is a ridiculous amount of immaturity and irrationality surrounding the reception of this game. I dunno, I guess that happens all the time in gaming, but it seems like a recently growing phenomenon.


Yeah, that's the first thing I mentioned... an ill-adviced respect from the management at the company. When a Japanese publisher respects a developer, they are willing to let them do almost anything they want without checks and balances. This is why Nomura can spend 5 years making cutscenes for Versus XIII without working on the game itself. For years, within the company, that game was nothing more than CG trailers and fashion designer marketing deals. The gameplay doesn't matter, the hairstyle and what they're wearing does. But anyway...

Japanese people don't play MMOs though, so it's hard for them to understand why they are the way they are.

But lets face it... the MMO is a tough nut to crack, even for western developers. How could we expect a Japanese company to do any better on an MMORPG when they can even move forward the plain RPG?
GT Vespene said:
Japanese people don't play MMOs though, so it's hard for them to understand why they are the way they are.

But lets face it... the MMO is a tough nut to crack, even for western developers. How could we expect a Japanese company to do any better on an MMORPG when they can even move forward the plain RPG?

The MMO community also tends to take on this bullshit idea that the design philosophies with the most mass-appeal are the ones every developer should stick to, and everything else is shit. FFXI even at its launch way back when got criticized for having "ancient" UI design, but that kind of UI design is exactly what the game's niche audience wanted. And it found its niche and pulled in plenty of success for the company as the game got ironed out more and more. Plenty of people play it, it still pulls in plenty of money, but it doesn't have the mass-appeal of WoW, and it does things in its own "ancient" way. Is it a shit game?

It seems to me that largely these days the prevailing idea is that a niche game is a shit game.
kitzkozan said:
Sure the team probably screwed up big time,but don't forget management.

When a developer start sucking ass,awful management is almost 100% of the time involved.I am sure SE is clogged up with talentless hack at the top who will blame all these failure on the team/biased western critics and protect their spot.Management has no clue whatsoever of what they are doing.

Pushing out a complete turd and hoping the blind fanboy will buy it is one clearcut sign of atrocious management. :lol They should do like Blizzard: if it's going to stink,just cancel and scrap the freaking game. :p

You won't see many people on GAF defending Wada or his business decisions, that's for sure.


HappyBivouac said:
In all reality, they had two options:

1) Delay the game, because it's obviously not what they would've ideally wanted to release.
2) Give people the option to pay for and play the game while they finish up the development.

They decided to go with the second option, which may seem stupid, but hear me out. It's going to be hard to get through making this point without seeming like a lunatic, and it's probably going to end up being an unfocused rant, but here goes:

Nah,you are overthinking this.

It's really simple: if they don't care about damaging their reputation,they can release the game in whatever state it's in.That's exactly what they did and now that it's been done,they can do it again and probably will in the future.

SNKplaymore did the same thing with King of fighter XII.Even if XIII is the game they wanted to release,their reputation has been damaged.

Ultimately,damaging the reputation of your company or brandname is never a good thing even if money is always involved in the decision.No matter what happen,people can always say: after XIV,I'm never buying another SE game again and I can easily understand them (after burning their fans many time over,the Dreamcast was done right and it was still a failure thanks to all the mistake of the past from Sega).

Blizzard never hesitated in scrapping Starcraft:ghost since they knew it wasn't up to par and didn't want to be associated to a mediocre game.


HappyBivouac said:
The gaming community sucks. It really sucks. Look at that youtube video posted above of the guy getting a kick out of laughing about a game getting low reviews and calling people faggots for liking it. Where does the motivation for that kind of thing come from?

I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to disagree with you right there.

If anything, the gaming community is the most open, vocal and passionate out of all the modern mediums. Their voice makes stuff like Minecraft, Vindictus, Demon's Souls, and DOTA live on to be great successes where they would've otherwise failed into obscurity. People attack companies and their fanboys when the companies clearly exploit the passion their fans have for their games. When you have a developer telling their team not to listen to the gamers cause they're just mindless trolls, like the FFXIV director did, you can't expect the community to not fight back.

You're on Denis Dyack's side or on GAF's side on this one, cause its the same argument.


HappyBivouac said:
Now that was definitely a bit of a rant, but here's what I'm getting at: FFXIV does suck, in a lot of ways, right now. I imagine even some of the developers would admit to it if saying so didn't pose any risk to them. They gave us the option to give them our money and and play the game before they finished it. Seems like a cool thing to do, right? Nope. Not with the mentality of the current gaming community.

No that's not a cool thing to do, not a cool thing at all. If I was a developer I sure as hell wouldn't sell my customers a game I consider unfinished. I would put out my unfinished game as an alpha or a beta. It's kinda shameful to take advantage of diehard fans and let them pay for a game you consider not done.
GT Vespene said:
I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to disagree with you right there.

If anything, the gaming community is the most open, vocal and passionate out of all the modern mediums. Their voice makes stuff like Minecraft, Vindictus, Demon's Souls, and DOTA live on to be great successes where they would've otherwise failed into obscurity. People attack companies and their fanboys when the companies clearly exploit the passion their fans have for their games. When you have a developer telling their team not to listen to the gamers cause they're just mindless trolls, like the FFXIV director did, you can't expect the community to not fight back.

You're on Denis Dyack's side or on GAF's side on this one, cause its the same argument.

Obviously I'm a huge fan of open, small development. I've done a few rants on how gaming has woefully moved toward this obsessiveness for massive-budgeted AAA titles.

I'm being unfair in saying outright that the gaming community sucks. I love a lot about it, like the things you mentioned. Most of my issue just stems with people being so eager to shit on things and the people that like them.

hamchan said:
No that's not a cool thing to do, not a cool thing at all. If I was a developer I sure as hell wouldn't sell my customers a game I consider unfinished. I would put out my unfinished game as an alpha or a beta. It's kinda shameful to take advantage of diehard fans and let them pay for a game you consider not done.

Extending the beta and delaying retail would've been my choice as well. I'm just trying to put a different perspective on it, saying basically:

Holding onto your money for now and seeing how this game shapes up is only different from having a developer delay a game in that, in the former, you get to make the choice yourself, and in the latter you don't. I see where you're coming from though as far as taking advantage of the fans for their money, and I kind of agree.


HappyBivouac said:
Think of one recent game you love and for the purposes of this hypothetical scenario call it your favorite. Imagine the developers of your favorite game decide to release this game unfinished, then finish up development via patches after release. The game will still end up being the same amazing final product it was always going to be, but now you have the added option of putting down your money now to get in now, even if the game isn't really up to scratch yet. You don't have to take the option, but it's there.

Well, unsurprisingly, this hypothetical game that you love gets shit all over because the company decided to give the consumer more options rather than less. When you break it down like this, how does it make any rational sense? I think it comes down to people getting kicks out of shitting on things they don't like.

For the comparison to really hold, you take home your copy, boot the game. It has issues out the ass; the developer didn't tell you it was going to be nigh-broken on release. They didn't sell you "Your Favorite Game: Sneak Peek Beta Edition", and they didn't give you a heads-up that it's not quite ready in advance. They launched it as a full product, complete with CE and marketing blitz. They actively request reviewers wait a month to review, effectively trying to cut down on the number of reports that shit ain't ready yet. So you buy it expecting a finished product, even if it's not flawless.

So you get it, and you load it up, and, surprise, it's pretty defective. But, fret not, it'll be fixed eventually! Sadly, 'eventually' comes after the 30 days of playtime you get with the game stops working. So, when eventually arrives, you'll have to pay again to get to play the actual good version of the game. And god knows how you're going to tell when it's actually good--waiting for product launch wasn't sufficient; you can wait for word-of-mouth to turn, but there are people out there already claiming the game is good (not saying you are here, but... there are people claiming FFXIV is, right now, a good game.) So basically you either pay a fee, every month, gambling that this will be the month the game is finally worth paying for, or you've kindly given the developer a $50 loan, contingent on the hope that they fix their product prior to driving away too much of the audience.

People will say the problems with FFXIV run deeper than it being released in an unfinished state. Things like not liking the world design, or not liking the lack of jumping/swimming. To that there's not much more to say except: okay, so it was never going to be your cup of tea to begin with. There are different types of games for different people.

What about the server-side UI? It's a design element that isn't normally done for good reason; it fails at doing what it is intended to do. It lags. And, the hyper-console-centric design means navigating the UI is less convenient than it needs to be. It's a game focused on crafting, hoping for user-driven economy, while making commerce a gigantic pain in the ass for buyers and sellers. The world, in general, is huge, and empty. And as a result of the hugeness, it's repetetive, too. Patching the game to a 'good' state is, by most accounts, going to require patching in the entire game. Quests, a functional way to sell things, compelling combat.

And, edit: For me, the fun in the schadenfreude here is largely feeling like SE tried to pull one over on the MMO public and is, rightfully, getting slapped for it over and over. If they can patch XIV into a good state, that's awesome, but as it stands right now its primary entertainment value to most of the public is in enjoying the reaction to a game that tries to, at present, skate by almost entirely on looking pretty.


kitzkozan said:
Sure the team probably screwed up big time,but don't forget management.

When a developer start sucking ass,awful management is almost 100% of the time involved.I am sure SE is clogged up with talentless hack at the top who will blame all these failure on the team/biased western critics and protect their spot.Management has no clue whatsoever of what they are doing.

Pushing out a complete turd and hoping the blind fanboy will buy it is one clearcut sign of atrocious management. :lol They should do like Blizzard: if it's going to stink,just cancel and scrap the freaking game. :p

Seriously... a reputation of solid gold is a good business strategy. It works for Blizzard, Valve and did so for Square in the past.

Then management types step in and they think they can run a better show. Except all management have sipped from the same kool-aid fountain; make more money sooner, the long term doesn't really exist.

Well, this is 5 years down the track from the abandon quality philosophy, and they're reaping what they sow.


HappyBivouac said:
Obviously I'm a huge fan of open, small development. I've done a few rants on how gaming has woefully moved toward this obsessiveness for massive-budgeted AAA titles.

I'm being unfair in saying outright that the gaming community sucks. I love a lot about it, like the things you mentioned. Most of my issue just stems with people being so eager to shit on things and the people that like them.

Extending the beta and delaying retail would've been my choice as well. I'm just trying to put a different perspective on it, saying basically:

Holding onto your money for now and seeing how this game shapes up is only different from having a developer delay a game in that, in the former, you get to make the choice yourself, and in the latter you don't. I see where you're coming from though as far as taking advantage of the fans for their money, and I kind of agree.

I think it's just human nature showing itself in the case of FF.

It's been popular for years (the most popular rpg franchise of all time) and has been loved by critics in the past as well.Now that the giant is showing sign of weakness and critics are stabbing the franchise in the back,the haters are out in full force. :p

The same happened to Nintendo at one point or Sony with the PS3.People always want to knock down what's on top (Titanic box-office reign,a dominant sport team like the yankees,the shooter genre which is dominating right now,World of Warcraft,etc).


Subconscious Brolonging
Games should be reviewed by their potential, not by what the company actually releases. Every game can potentially be patched to be amazing, so every game should be given a 10/10. It's the only fair way to do it. Also reviews should only happen several years after the games release, so we can be sure the game has been patched to it's full potential.
Spire said:
Games should be reviewed by their potential, not by what the company actually releases. Every game can potentially be patched to be amazing, so every game should be given a 10/10. It's the only fair way to do it. Also reviews should only happen several years after the games release, so we can be sure the game has been patched to it's full potential.

Yeah nobody actually ever said that.


Subconscious Brolonging
HappyBivouac said:
Yeah nobody actually ever said that.

I just did. I'm tired of all this biased Blizzard-fantard sewage spewed at FFXIV. It's not fair and it's not right.
DaBuddaDa said:
Miqote, Lalafell and Roegadin all look much, much more "human" in FFXIV compared to FFXI under closer inspection.

Yes, I think the de-furrying of the non-human races was a conscious decision to make them look less, well, furry and creepy. Miqo'te and Lalafells lost their animal noses and Neo-Galka Roegadyn lost their tails. They all look much more human now than in XI in their facial structures as well.

Pai Pai Master said:
Fuck Mi'Qote. FFXI had catwomen.

FFXIV just has stupid moe catgirls.

I wish they kept everyone the same as FFXI and added some of the Ivalice and Crystal Chronicles races.



I'm not real sure how the non-human races from the other FF titles would fit into FFXIV, but if I were Squenix I would focus on having more than like 5 mob types in the whole game first before adding playable races. This was a problem in FFXI too, the mob variety was just total crap there and it's total crap here. We went on a leve the other day and found ourselves fighting goats underground. WTF, Squenix? :lol


CliffyB's Cock Holster
HappyBivouac said:
Why do people find it so satisfying to--collectively or not--shit all over a video game and verbally assault the people who like it?

...The fact is the gaming community of today loves to be critical and negative about everything. Gamers act as if they get points for every time they call a game shitty. It just seems so absurd to me

I completely agree.

I mean seriously, if you don't *want* FFXIV to improve, what exactly is the point of this thread? Another opportunity to rage at SE, who appear to be whipping boy #1 for Japanese development at the moment.
There are people that are genuinely disappointed in how the game has turned out. I was looking forward to the game, just as I was looking forward to FFXI when I unfortunately spent months of my life waiting around hoping an EXP group would allow my feeble warrior to play the damn game.

I always like to have a MMO to kill time with, and especially one that promises to be open and intuitive to casuals. The only one that I play at the moment is EVE which I love but it lacks a certain feeling of community. I think that will change when we are allowed to walk around the space stations(in the next expansion? I forget), but my one qualm with the game is all interaction takes place in chat windows.

If every thread on GAF was a damn circle jerk without and real criticism of the game then it would be an extremely boring place.

So yes, there is really nothing wrong with pointing out problems such as the dreadfully boring deja vu environments and backwards UI. We can only hope that complaining will actually make it a better game. As others have said hopefully these reviews will give SE the hard backhand across the face that they deserve.


Maybe this was already suggested but anyone else get the feeling that Final Fantasy XIV, at least in terms of coding and it's core, was actually a completely different and totally unrelated game that SE bought the code for and simply altered as best and as fast as they could and named it Final Fantasy XIV? Perhaps their internal teams were to slow and something had to be done to get a game out? That this simply wasn't a a FF product.

SE knew full well this game had to sell in the west. It had to appeal to western players. Even if they farmed the coding out to developers in China to lower cost there are still things they would have had to tell them to include in the game. SE would still have had to have been directing them. There are some things in this game that make me think this wasn't a game originally designed for the western market or for even those that played FFXI. It seems like a game aimed specially at eastern mmo players from the player store focus, the limiting quest structure and fatigue system to perhaps address addiction issues (which I think was tweaked to only work on one class at a time) to name a few. This also makes me think there is possibly a PC UI out there that was stripped in favor of the one we have now due to SE's desire to have the game on the PS3 and game might not have been designed for such a UI. The coding behind it and the game are most likely different.

Could this explain why so many things from FFXI are simply missing from the game. Things SE realized they had to include over time. Would an internal SE dev team really screw up like this even if they had to rush something that was unready?


Effect said:
Maybe this was already suggested but anyone else get the feeling that Final Fantasy XIV, at least in terms of coding and it's core, was actually a completely different and totally unrelated game that SE bought the code for and simply altered as best and as fast as they could and named it Final Fantasy XIV? Perhaps their internal teams were to slow and something had to be done to get a game out? That this simply wasn't a a FF product.

SE knew full well this game had to sell in the west. It had to appeal to western players. Even if they farmed the coding out to developers in China to lower cost there are still things they would have had to tell them to include in the game. SE would still have had to have been directing them. There are some things in this game that make me think this wasn't a game originally designed for the western market or for even those that played FFXI. It seems like a game aimed specially at eastern mmo players from the player store focus, the limiting quest structure and fatigue system to perhaps address addiction issues (which I think was tweaked to only work on one class at a time) to name a few. This also makes me think there is possibly a PC UI out there that was stripped in favor of the one we have now due to SE's desire to have the game on the PS3 and game might not have been designed for such a UI. The coding behind it and the game are most likely different.

Could this explain why so many things from FFXI are simply missing from the game. Things SE realized they had to include over time. Would an internal SE dev team really screw up like this even if they had to rush something that was unready?

I think it has more to do with people involved in the early FF games have moved on or are not involved.


The Everyman
Clear said:
I completely agree.

I mean seriously, if you don't *want* FFXIV to improve, what exactly is the point of this thread? Another opportunity to rage at SE, who appear to be whipping boy #1 for Japanese development at the moment.
being critical of the game is a good way to prod for improvement in the future

HappyBivouac said:
The fact is the gaming community of today loves to be critical and negative about everything.

i wish, most blockusters are rated from 7-10. which makes ff14 a rare -3. if youre talking about neogaf specifically, people on the internet bitch about everything everywhere. it also goes for OT and other non-gaming/gaming forums out there.

HappyBivouac said:
Think of one recent game you love and for the purposes of this hypothetical scenario call it your favorite. Imagine the developers of your favorite game decide to release this game unfinished, then finish up development via patches after release. The game will still end up being the same amazing final product it was always going to be

what made mgs4 so good was that it was a completely knockout experience the first time through from beginning to end without exception. a complete roller-coaster with no loose screws. if it was released unfinished then i would never have got to experience the BOOM of the one first perfect play-through.
-COOLIO- said:
what made mgs4 so good was that it was a completely knockout experience the first time through from beginning to end without exception. a complete roller-coaster with no loose screws. if it was released unfinished then i would never have got to experience the BOOM of the one first perfect play-through.

Never mind that MMOG development, launches, and life cycles have little or nothing to do with single-player games like MGS4.
demosthenes said:
Wait a second, this outsourcing thing to China is legit? I thought it was just making fun of how clunky the game was. FFS SE, SMH.

Of course, they had to focus the company resources on their flagship single-player title FFXIII and make sure it was released with the quality everyone expects from a mainline FF title!
DaBuddaDa said:
OK, all of you playing and defending FFXIV right now, you owe us for this. Our criticism of the game has gotten you a free month of playtime.

You're welcome.

LOL, get off the your high horse. Those of us playing and defending still think it was a shitty launch and complain a lot too. They did this for XI as well.
zlatko said:

The amount of fixes coming at the end of November are HUGE and automatically could make this game go from a 4/10 to a 8/10 in most peoples books.

If SE pulls of all the stuff they are promising for this update I'll be around for years. Not to mention they just gave us that free month.

Crossing my fingers they live up to this. :D

If you buy by 10/25 you get to play at least until their mid November update which is promising a lot.


Until I read the words "Auction House implemented," or retainers get patched to become functionally the same as the Auction House, I won't be returning.


demosthenes said:
If you buy by 10/25 you get to play at least until their mid November update which is promising a lot.

Yeah I'm actually surprised that the cut off date is that late out. I'm glad I'm getting a free month either way, but now I can actually recommend the game to my friends by showing them what they have planned for November. That November content is worth the 50 bucks on PC right now since you can play casually for free until it goes live.

Really though like I keep saying if SE pulls this off, then they will have put out the fire. Sure the reviews have already done massive damage to the games potential, but at least this patch could turn things around in the long run.


DaBuddaDa said:
OK, all of you playing and defending FFXIV right now, you owe us for this. Our criticism of the game has gotten you a free month of playtime.

You're welcome.

lol yep, like normal players weren't complaining about the game, but still playing, because they still had fun. That isn't possible, right? Only haters foaming at the mouth did this.
Londa said:
lol yep, like normal players weren't complaining about the game, but still playing, because they still had fun. That isn't possible, right? Only haters foaming at the mouth did this.

You haven't replied to TSA, by the way.


DaBuddaDa said:
Until I read the words "Auction House implemented," or retainers get patched to become functionally the same as the Auction House, I won't be returning.

They covered that. I just read in all the stuff that came out today that by end of November you will not only have wards for the item types you want, but will have a search function for specific items. You'll also just be able to click a retainer NPC and you're automatically browsing its wares.

It will finally act like an auction house once that super patch happens. :D


Pureauthor said:
You haven't replied to TSA, by the way.

reply to what? Didn't see it. I blocked him after I said he had true dedication. If he makes me feel uncomfortable, I have a right to that. Also after I blocked him I stopped posting, so that means I was busy doing something else.

Even if you post what he saids I won't respond to it. find someone else to bother.


Well, this extension works for me. I had just finished canceling my sub; looks like I'll be around for one more month; they better work some fucking miracles in that time frame.

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
Shut up Londa...

But you guys see what can happen when the Press and Gamers make their voice heard. If we left it up to the die hard FF fans that would settle for mediocrity they wouldnt be getting shit. In some ways the die hard fans are FFXIV worst enemy. :lol
zlatko said:
They covered that. I just read in all the stuff that came out today that by end of November you will not only have wards for the item types you want, but will have a search function for specific items. You'll also just be able to click a retainer NPC and you're automatically browsing its wares.

It will finally act like an auction house once that super patch happens. :D

Not really. Even with those changes the retainer system will be a godawful and pointless substitute for an Auction House.

It will just be "terrible and annoying" instead of "hopelessly unusable and what the hell were they thinking?!"

Good on Square for giving you guys the extra 30 days though. Gives me hope that the game will at least be elevated above "worst MMO in the past 5 years" by the PS3 launch.
RainbowByte said:
bomba confirmed, historically no mmo dev dishes out 30 days free gametime unless $h*t has hit the fan.
Not worth reactivating, they need to actually fix stuff, not just give players more time to play it in its miserable state.

FFXI got a free month extension in Japan, 8 years later...still going strong.

edit: They did fix stuff in the update and they promised more fixes before the extended time ends and then more fixes shortly after that. You get 2 months free to dick around and play as casual as you want while they improve it.


There is a problem with this. If you started on launch day and if the promised UI updates come at the end of November chances are depending when they put out that update you might not actually be able to play the game with those updates. The next 30 days should end on the 28th of November I believe. So they have until Nov 26th to give those that have already canceled time to play the game with updates if they wait until the end of the month. Not much time. If they delay it for some reason then they'll have lost their chance to get people to sign back up. I hope they speed that up and late-November is the latest they'll put it out. This update should bet set for the beginning of November. The start of the additional 30 days not the end of it.

Anyone's account actually updated yet?
RainbowByte said:
bomba confirmed, historically no mmo dev dishes out 30 days free gametime unless $h*t has hit the fan.
Not worth reactivating, they need to actually fix stuff, not just give players more time to play it in its miserable state.

Umm... If I recall WoW gave a bunch of extra free play time when it released. Wasn't 30 days but I think it was at least a week.
Mister Zimbu said:
Not really. Even with those changes the retainer system will be a godawful and pointless substitute for an Auction House.

It will just be "terrible and annoying" instead of "hopelessly unusable and what the hell were they thinking?!"

Good on Square for giving you guys the extra 30 days though. Gives me hope that the game will at least be elevated above "worst MMO in the past 5 years" by the PS3 launch.

Nothing beats Vanguard.
RainbowByte said:
bomba confirmed, historically no mmo dev dishes out 30 days free gametime unless $h*t has hit the fan.
Not worth reactivating, they need to actually fix stuff, not just give players more time to play it in its miserable state.

FFXI? :lol

And they just announced the changes they're making in November and December.


RainbowByte said:
bomba confirmed, historically no mmo dev dishes out 30 days free gametime unless $h*t has hit the fan.
Not worth reactivating, they need to actually fix stuff, not just give players more time to play it in its miserable state.
This came directly out of your ass. Ass to internet.

It's effectively cultivating a playerbase who will give them years of dedication in the future.
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