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I need to git bad, because it lacks challenge, doesn’t demand skills and precision. I don’t like the idea of lifting up enemies in the air just to hit them a thousand more times. Hoping the full game has better gameplay, some kind of strategy element for combat and more interaction (exploration was also nonexistent in the demo). Will wait for the reviews.
Finish eikon challenge without easy rings on. It’s nuts.


Someone said that the HDR is off in this game, check your settings its a pretty damn good implementation. All my shots.
Hdr is using system level settings. You need your ps5 calibrated. Looks great but there is this one YouTuber who goes out of his way to find problems with hdr games.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
How people are doing in the Eikon Challange without the evasion rings to help? Game can get dark with lots of effects on screen and more enemies gagging on the player… haven’t tried yet but does it get too messy for the player or it’s possible to understand what’s going on all time and properly being able to manually dodge? Because I’ve seen lots of potential on 1vs1 battles but I fear when it gets crowded things get messy. Anyone pushed further and challenged himself already?
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The nicest person on this forum
How people are doing in the Eikon Challange without the evasion rings to help? Game can’t get dark with lots of effects on screen and more enemies gagging on the player… haven’t tried yet but does it get to messy or it’s possible to understand what’s going on and time properly manual dodges and such? Because I’ve seen lots of potential on 1vs1 battles but I fear when it gets crowded things get messy. Anyone pushed further and challenged himself already?
I would say dealing with crowed in Sekiro was much tougher compare to FFXVI and unlike GOW R the camera in FFXVI is not too close to the character so it was much easier deal with crowed, I never needed to use any of those rings and I dont think I ever will.
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How people are doing in the Eikon Challange without the evasion rings to help? Game can’t get dark with lots of effects on screen and more enemies gagging on the player… haven’t tried yet but does it get to messy or it’s possible to understand what’s going on and time properly manual dodges and such? Because I’ve seen lots of potential on 1vs1 battles but I fear when it gets crowded things get messy. Anyone pushed further and challenged himself already?
Not that hard. The mobs aren't too aggresive and normal attack easily stagger them. Elite enemies that have stagger bar usually alone so it's easy to focus to their telegraphed attacks
I can’t stop looking at those free shots I posted. I wonder if df will recognise what is going on here. We never seen graphics like this. I am not saying it’s higher fidelity than tlou2 or hfw… but it looks like cgi. Around the eyes, soft shadows. It’s crazy.
Fires I could switch around modes and maybe compare if frame rate changes in those moments. If not, maybe it is pre-rendered
Nothing in FFXVI looks like CGI. Good CGI, anyway. It’s a good looking game but it’s not up to par with the company’s good CGI work.


Well I’m off the FF train for this one. Demo was one hellishly good Game of Thrones episode storywise, but the gameplay … I was worried it will copy DMC5, but in reality this is Greedfall. A battle system „borrowed” from AA game.

Huge letdown. I’m usually against „playing games on YouTube”, but FFXVI seems to be perfectly crafted for that.
I got back into it and enjoyed myself. This feels like a nice return to form for SE, the demo was compelling from the outset which was so different from XV where you just meandered through the first act at a slow pace. Echoing the "feels like a Game of Thrones" comments because it really did, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

The performance was.... I could've sworn I saw sub-20 fps near the end of the demo. The game looks nice but isn't doing anything technically out of the ordinary in its opening hours, looks like it was being made for PS4 and development switched to PS5 at the tail end.

OST is really good!
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
I only just got to the swamp area before i went to bed last night so waiting to play an actual level to form a better opinion.


The intro cutscenes with that massive war scene and the titan fights were INSANE. I kept asking myself how its possible to be realtime with that level of fidelity. I will be interested to see if they actually let us participate in those battles. The opening shits on GOW Ragnorak and just

Edit: quoted the wrong guy, myself.

March Climber March Climber
Just finished the demo and I’m honestly blown away. The gane looks last gen as fuck but it is doing things games stopped doing ten years ago. The setpieces are so epic in scale that i find it hard to imagine them in a last Gen game. Yes they are glorified on rails sequences but the m scale and fidelity of these scenes is unlike anything I’ve played.

I do wish that the character models were better. Joshua looks like he belongs in a different game because his model is next Gen with stunning hair tech while everyone else gets shit hair and their faces look like they were built in the ps3 era.

Overall though, i was the most impressed with the story. This is game of thrones quality stuff and I’m not even exaggerating. I thought naughty dog or cd project would give us something like this but a Japanese dev? Nothing makes sense anymore. Its perfect.
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Finished both parts of the demo.

I'm glad you pretty much play any FF title as your first and it doesnt matter (for continuity sake). Its a little too dramatized in some parts, but I think that's just how Japanese studios write their scripts. I'm interested in the cast of characters. So far, I only find one annoying. It will be interesting how the story progresses from where you leave off from both playable parts.

It takes a bit to get used to, but once you do, it's pretty fluid. I found myself fumbling through here and there, and not dodging as I should. Some of the harder fights, there is a lot of stuff going on and can get really confusing with the different holds and swaps you have to do (and fast). I still have to figure out how to get across the room fast and trying to target a single enemy with multiple in the room can be tricky. I found myself using X+■ a lot. Difficulty wasn't too bad, I was able to beat both parts of the demo without dieing. Also,
having O ingrained as dodge, I might change buttons around next time.

Started on Performance, but the blur and camera were so bad, I changed to visual and it mostly corrected itself. I don't know if it's a bug in the version, but it made it almost unplayable for me (glad I tried again because it's good). The environments are pretty standard, the assets also look pretty average. However. Character models/ bigger environmental textures/Skybox/lightening/effects look great (should be looked at in bigger spaces than upclose at things in corridors). FOV is a little close so some parts felt like playing Dark Souls.

Overall, its a very good demo. It's FF, but has combat structured more like GoW/Souls/Fable/etc. I will more than likely pick it up because the gameplay is pretty exciting. The story so far....idk...it's interesting, but the combat is where it shines. Hopefully, with the full release, the story picks up. It's a prelude demo after all, so it's not really meant to be that exciting in terms of story at this point


Gold Member
Just finished up both halves of the demo and I’m glad I gave it a chance beyond just watching video of gameplay. This is one of those games where watching someone else play really doesn’t do it justice. I went from not being interested at all to being almost sold on a day one purchase.

I say “almost” because I don’t think I’ll miss out by waiting a bit and clearing my current backlog. I’m definitely picking this up, just probably when it’s around $40-ish in a few months.

Soundtrack is spectacular. Love the riffs of the old nostalgic final fantasy iconic themes and jingles.
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The nicest person on this forum
This is one of those games where watching someone else play really doesn’t do it justice.
Thats the case in almost all games, I mean love Souls games but its absolute bore fest watching someone else play. I also fucking love turn based JRPGs but they not exactly fun to watch.

The ONLY game that actually fun to watch is Fighting games and only if pro going at it in tournaments like EVO.


I honestly dont understand how anyone could see these Aeikon fights as gameplay....I literally just moved a cursor around a screen until it turned into a circle and pressed triangle.......

Is this 2023's answer to Dragon's Lair....?

Am I just this out of touch...the game is far too easy, I just spam square, performance is atrocious even in fights in this demo....Im actually sat here baffled that people think this is good....I just can't see it and genuinely feel so out of touch.

The music is absolutely amazing, the graphics are nuts...the story seems really decent....but this isn't a game at all to me, and definitely not a final fantasy GAME......I hope Rebirth is nothing like this as I loved FF7 remake.
You don't play eikons fights for the gameplay value, just for the spectacle and to push the plot forward.

Thank god most of the game is on foot and those are just rare setpieces.


It is definitely bordering on "interactive movie" territory for me too. Lots of story, not much gameplay, people defending it as "this is just the beginning of the game, all RPGS have crazy long intro sequences".

I finished the Morbol fight last night and wanted to save my game. I sat through about 45 minutes of cutscenes before I had control of my character again.

Like you, I love a lot of stuff about this game (music, graphics, story, etc.) but it's extremely light on actual gameplay. Hoping the naysayers are right in that it opens up later to become more of a game and less of a "movie where you occasionally press buttons to arrive at the pre-determined outcome"
The game is a semi open world, you are gonna have a fuckton of gameplay not interrupted by 45 min long cutscenes at any given time.

This is not even a debate dude.
The HDR support is broken on this demo. The moment I launch it, my PS5 is forced into SDR mode and everything looks washed out. I can verify this by checking the TV which says HDR is not enabled. I don't know why it's doing this. I made sure HDR is set to Always On in the PS5's settings. Yes, I'm sure my TV supports HDR LMAO, it's not hard to tell HDR is working when I quit the demo and the PS5's main menu screen switches the TV back into HDR mode.


Guys do yourselves a favor and change control type to C, this has the magic button on L1 and lets you charge while still being able to attack with square, the damage of charged magic is like 10x a normal shot.
Does it change the button for the evade and lock on? R1 to evade and l1 to lock are so unintuitive.


The HDR support is broken on this demo. The moment I launch it, my PS5 is forced into SDR mode and everything looks washed out. I can verify this by checking the TV which says HDR is not enabled. I don't know why it's doing this. I made sure HDR is set to Always On in the PS5's settings. Yes, I'm sure my TV supports HDR LMAO, it's not hard to tell HDR is working when I quit the demo and the PS5's main menu screen switches the TV back into HDR mode.
Interesting. No such thing here. Game issues ps5 system level calibration and looks correct


The mother seems over the top heartless with little explanation, so I hope they go into that some more. Good for that intro shock value though.

Dunno I don't find her that cartoonishly evil. just a status / power obsessed woman disgusted about what she got and rectifying that


Did you actually check your TV and does it say HDR, if it doesn't, then you just didn't notice you are in SDR this whole time
Yes I did. It says HDR picture profile and reacts properly when I change hgig/dtm.
It's for sure normal hdr. It's not SDR.
PS5 I have calibrated with hgig and set to "on when supported".
lg c1


Yes I did. It says HDR picture profile and reacts properly when I change hgig/dtm.
It's for sure normal hdr. It's not SDR.
PS5 I have calibrated with hgig and set to "on when supported".
lg c1
Make sure that both the tv and ps5 have the same black level setting.


I honestly didn't even venture on trying out the rings.

Just reading their description I got the feeling they were meant to make the game easier.

I might change opinion when I play the game on higher difficulties though :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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Gold Member
Yeah the performance mode in this is awful. They just uncapped the framerate and thats it. It runs betwenn 30 and 60 fps, almost never 60. Atleast it doesnt have screentearing like sw...


Gold Member
C2? I played with the game optimizer open a lot to see the frame rate and it seems to jump between 49-59 FPS for me in the castle section I wouldn't like to experience this on a shit/average TV.


Without VRR franerate is very bad in performance mode, with standard tv i would have to play in 30fps.

Overall after finishing the demo, i think game will be amazing, can't wait for final release.
Fucked around with every setting in the PS5's Screen and Sound menu trying to figure out why my HDR was fucked.

Turns out for some reason, and I never bothered to notice this before because every other game I've played never had an issue, but I have to set 120 hz mode explicitly to Off and not Automatic. Even though I have a 60 hz TV and every other game worked fine, including other games I know have 120 hz support. I don't even know why my PS5 is showing this option, why is 120 hz mode even an available option on my 60 hz TV? And why does this game shit itself when I have 120 hz mode left Automatic instead of Off, and bug out and force the PS5 into SDR?

Anyways, it's fixed now. HDR works correctly. Too fucking bad I already played through the whole demo when it looked like shit. Oh well, I guess that means I have to play through it again LMAO

Fucking Dodge not on Circle makes me angry still


Finally caved in and tried the demo.

Hype levels of overdrive now. Gameplay is sublime and the story has me hooked.

Feels like the first time in ages that we finally get a good mainline FF game.

only nitpickd are the graphics are pretty inconsistent, sometimes looking amazing, other times looking plain. and there's a bit of that japanese jank. Kinda lacking that final layer of polish that games like GOW Ragnarok have.
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How people are doing in the Eikon Challange without the evasion rings to help? Game can get dark with lots of effects on screen and more enemies gagging on the player… haven’t tried yet but does it get too messy for the player or it’s possible to understand what’s going on all time and properly being able to manually dodge? Because I’ve seen lots of potential on 1vs1 battles but I fear when it gets crowded things get messy. Anyone pushed further and challenged himself already?
I did everything without rings. Pretty easy imo

The true test will be fighting enemies way above your level.


Gold Member
This game just doesn't feel good on anything. Performance had awful frame dropping and the quality mode feels like you're watching a slide show. Here's hoping they clean up the performance a bit before the full release, but that being said......

I really, really liked it. I was even impressed with the English voice acting, which is absolutely a first for me with FF. The gameplay is the best FF has ever been, and it really rewards skill while not necessitating it. Visuals are fine, nothing game changing but the game is pleasant to look at, minus the choppy performance. This is a true Final Fantasy has grown up moment, and the writing is genuinely good. It's a bit more brutal than I was expecting, not one for the kids, but that's totally fine and I enjoy the mature fantasy tales more than the family friendly ones.

Good writing, decent visuals, great gameplay, interesting characters, I mean I'm just very in. I won't be buying on release, but I look forward to trying it in the future. Great direction for Final Fantasy in my opinion.
Ok, so without reading any of this thread and not knowing the general consensus about the demo:

I'm not a Final Fantasy fan by any means and I hate it when a game has a slow opening without much gameplay or when it takes a long time to get to the action.
Having said that: I'm totally on-board after playing this demo and will buy this game for sure now.

There's something about every aspect of the presentation that really hits well with me. Be it the story telling, framing of the camera, editing, sound effects, acting, visual effects and what the fuck: incredible haptic feedback during the cutscenes (this added a lot: you could feel some of the stuff on the screen, like someone grabbing a sword from a sheath). Even with the long cut-scenes I wasn't bored a second.
The graphics are not blowing me away most of the time, but there's something about them that are very pleasing to the eye. The particle effects and things like fire, smoke, electricity, ice shattering, etc are the best I've seen to date.

Combat wasn't too deep yet, but I'm sure it will become a lot more interesting later in the game.

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The demo is amazing! I didn't want it to end (both story and the Eikonic challenge part). They've done an amazing job with the story and the telling of it. I honestly was expecting the usual FF cringe but damn this is great!

Combat is a little button mashy mainly because enemies have too much health. But it's still fun enough.

I came for the combat but will stay for the story. Bring on the release date!
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Question about the story:

so did the dude kill his own brother when he transformed into the monster?

I don’t think so but it is open to interpretation I guess.

When Clive is on the ground, the Lord Commander looks across and draws Clive’s attention to something, and at that moment the player view switches to First Person - we appear to be seeing through Clive’s eyes and look upon humanoid form of the Ifrit.

So that’s why I don’t think it is Clive, but it’s vague - deliberately so.

There’s the hood guy - who and what he is remains unclear.


Stunned by this. Complete opposite of FF XV’s “traveling emo boy band”.

Looks incredible too….feels like this is the first true “next-gen” game (3 years in…. 😭)
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I don’t think so but it is open to interpretation I guess.

When Clive is on the ground, the Lord Commander looks across and draws Clive’s attention to something, and at that moment the player view switches to First Person - we appear to be seeing through Clive’s eyes and look upon humanoid form of the Ifrit.

So that’s why I don’t think it is Clive, but it’s vague - deliberately so.

There’s the hood guy - who and what he is remains unclear.
Technically this could just be similiar to an out of body experience considering the situation. That said it does seem to be very deliberate.
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Gold Member
Stunned by this. Complete opposite of FF XV’s “traveling emo boy band”.

Looks incredible too….feels like this is the first true “next-gen” game (3 years in…. 😭)


I feel like it was an idea that could've worked. The whole "boys on a roadtrip" is a cool concept for a FF game. But they made them as visually bland as possible, and none of them were particularly memorable. Noctis was a decent enough protagonist, but the storytelling wasn't good enough to serve his character and allow him to shine. I beat the game once and never looked back.
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