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FINALLY....beat Kotor w/out ever using a lightsaber last night.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Is it possible to be a Jedi and never wield the lightsword? I guess so....

Been playing this off and on for the past year since it launched and have been saved at the beginning of Star Forge for the past several months.

My avatar equipped dual pistols for the entirety of the game, spent most of the time with Zaalbar wielding dual 'metal' swords, and the R2-bot just doing his own thing with flamethrowers and stuff. (yea, never used HK-47 much)

Took me a few tries to kill off Malak, required a lot of hit and run tactics, sprinkled with the occasional mine when safe enough distance(the boob seems scripted to just run at you and slash away mindlessly so he was ripe for this) From a cinematic perspective, the fight must have looked pretty damned stupid for such a 'destined' encounter.

But yea that ending sucked(Light-side). Cutting a swath of Sith Jedi in the Star Forge was kinda cool though, I happened to have 99 CPU spikes on hand surprisingly for the 'mech-trap' which made that stupidly easy.

I had always planned to play a second time through with a dark lightsaber fighter-type...but I think I will sell the game back now instead. Just don't love it enough. (BTW, Force Breach was totally underutilized, I half expected it to be as useful as Breach or Ruby Ray in BG2...) 8/10.

Back to Fire Emblem!
Um, this isn't that much of a challenge. Dark Side Jedi Consular + Force Choke +Force Lightning + Force Drain Life = Death to every enemy in the game easily (except Darth Malak, in which case you use Poison).

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I ditched the saber at first chance. Not being a dark jedi I didn't have access to those 'evil powers'. Just a real weak heal spell and a bunch of cripple stuff.
If you were a total light jedi and your healing powers were weak, then you played the game wrong :p. Also, Force Block + Shields = he can't attack you via force, and he light saber doesn't do much damage.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Is there a way to play the game wrong? Isn't this whole D&D thing built for 'creativity and freedom!' If my playing was broken, and yet I still was able to blaze through the game without much of a challenge, then wouldn't Bioware be at fault?

I was a maxed out light-side player, heal was buolt up fully, yet it never seemed to restore more than 32 or so HP. It took about 4-5 uses to fully recover. Didn't much matter though, Force stasis was super useful...
"Is there a way to play the game wrong? Isn't this whole D&D thing built for 'creativity and freedom!'"

There's a way to do everything wrong. As in choosing the wrong attributes, etc. Although, that doesn't mean it hinders your ability to beat the game because........

If my playing was broken, and yet I still was able to blaze through the game without much of a challenge, then wouldn't Bioware be at fault?"

The game was piss easy, yeah. :p

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Maybe hard mode really pounds on you though? Did anyone notch it up beyond normal?
Brandon F said:
Maybe hard mode really pounds on you though? Did anyone notch it up beyond normal?

I played it on Hard, and again, it was easy--mostly due to 18+ Wisdom and Force Choke (enemy characters fail their saves consistently against a high Wisdom Jedi Consular). Plus, going completely Dark Side Consular gives your character bonus Force Points, so it's basically spamming the Force Choke attack for 3/4 of the game.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Dark side sounds neat. Why oh why am I so conditioned to being such a goodie-goodie in these games! Morality blows...

Oh and I think the low heal thing may have been offset by me not really taking advantage of the 'treat injury' skill for my avatar. I always assumed it was just for healing items, but maybe it in turn does have some effect on force heal as well?
Brandon F said:
Dark side sounds neat. Why oh why am I so conditioned to being such a goodie-goodie in these games! Morality blows...

You and Nikashi....

You should join City of Heroes then....I'll enjoy being the supervillain to smackdown your do-gooder superheroes. :)


Brandon F said:
Dark side sounds neat. Why oh why am I so conditioned to being such a goodie-goodie in these games! Morality blows...

Oh and I think the low heal thing may have been offset by me not really taking advantage of the 'treat injury' skill for my avatar. I always assumed it was just for healing items, but maybe it in turn does have some effect on force heal as well?

I played light side too.. just recently ( 3 or 4 months ago) I loaned the game to a friend, who played through on Dark. :(

I had always meant too, but never did. It sucked.. the dark side OWNZ. You get to totally devestate even your own friends.. man. I'm a sucker for the good! FUCK YOU, YODA!!@
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