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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Gold Member
As with anything else, moderation is key. You shouldn't pig out on 6-10 slices of bread every single day, but removing all bread from your diet, forever, sounds like a fantastic way to remove any semblance of joy from your life. Your mental state is just as important as your physical, and enjoying a cinnamon roll now and then won't move you from healthy to unhealthy.



I haven't eaten bread in almost three years now. After a while I no longer "needed" it. There was a period of months initially where I would crave it that eventually passed. I don't know if it's "bad" for me anymore as I haven't eaten it in so long but when I did after abstaining for so long I would get mysterious aches, have trouble sleeping, retain all water for days, diarrhea, etc.

I initially decided to cut wheat as part of a paleo diet and viewed it as a means of eliminating "chronic" cardio without gaining much weight. It worked, but I had probably developed celiac through constant high intensity long distance running that through the heat generated in my stomach area no doubt led to leaky gut syndrome.

I'm not sure if I would do that today, and if I felt the desire I would no doubt eat wheat again, but I haven't felt that urge yet. My opinion, through recovering from low carb paloe, to the PHD, to a more Peat inspired diet today. The two keys to health are limiting PUFA and processed foods while at the same time not limiting yourself to anything. The psychological aspect of eating is largely overlooked and highly relevant. Stress inhibits the overall function of your system, yo-yo dieting slows the metabolism, etc.

My opinion is yes, all things in moderation, with some things more moderated than others, but if you have the urge than go ahead and eat whatever, a healthy metabolism like the one you have when young, if fostered and maintained through a healthy appetite will allow you to not need fear an unhealthy meal here and there.


Just hit 250 3x5 low bar squat, 115 OHP, and 90 3x5 dumbbell row. Feelsgoodman, 'specially since I never used to see gains on my press. I attribute this to a lot of sleep, 5 day break, and eating a surplus of food.


300lb squat



Was at the gym today, and two guys were doing dumbbell presses next to me. They started talking about different fighting styles for a few minutes, then the conversation turned weird. One of them complained that his gf kicked him out, and that he had lost tons of weight afterwards. Then the other started to console him and give him advice. "Love is hard", "Love and hate are the same feelings", "You know, when you try all you can to create a bond and it doesn't work, you're like what the fuck?", and then "We have the Lone Wolf poster at my dojo. It says that you must be a Lone Wolf, and take care of shit yourself. But if it's too tough, you must know that you can always come to the Brotherhood for help." Then they started spotting each other: "One more rep! You're going to find a super hot girl! Do it!" "Yeah, hot girl! Ueurrgh!" Never have I seen a discussion about fighting turn super-bro so fast.



So why the aversion to CrossFit in this thread? It doesn't seem to be too popular here. I was seriously considering using it as a starting point for getting fit. Is this a bad idea? Just wondering why no one here is too big on them. It seems legit to me........


So why the aversion to CrossFit in this thread? It doesn't seem to be too popular here. I was seriously considering using it as a starting point for getting fit. Is this a bad idea? Just wondering why no one here is too big on them. It seems legit to me........

Do Starting Strength.


Crossfit sucks. Veezy will be here to explain why shortly. If not, whenever I get back to my computer, I think I have one of his more informative posts bookmarked.


Workout went well this morning, added 5lbs to squat, bench and power clean.. Now I'm gonna make myself a nice ice cream, yogurt, banana, berries and whey smoothie!

And speaking of gyno, had never heard of it before but I definitely have it.. Man.. Anybody know whether doctors in Australia will prescribe anything for it? Can't believe I can actually fix it!


So why the aversion to CrossFit in this thread? It doesn't seem to be too popular here. I was seriously considering using it as a starting point for getting fit. Is this a bad idea? Just wondering why no one here is too big on them. It seems legit to me........

Crossfit is pretty expensive (the "exclusive" gyms) and clownish (imo). At least compared to legitimate strength training programs.

I guess if you're not doing anything then you might as well do something. Better than sitting at home playing Pokemon all day.


Crossfit is pretty expensive (the "exclusive" gyms) and clownish (imo). At least compared to legitimate strength training programs.

I guess if you're not doing anything then you might as well do something. Better than sitting at home playing Pokemon all day.

Here's the thing, there are good and bad Crossfit gyms so if you're a beginner and have no idea what is good or not for olympic lifting, going to a bad Crossfit gym could be worse than sitting at home playing videogames. As least that way you won't be part of the crossfit injuries board.



As someone who knows absolutely nothing about fitness, I'm going to guess this was sarcasm? Was that first video bad or something?

Ugh....I guess I should spend a couple hours researching how to exercise and study routines and stuff with the help of this thread, I guess. I suck at putting together a routine. It's THE reason I don't exercise.

That being said, is there something outside of a personal trainer where I can get close-up and guided REAL life help with getting fit? I thought CrossFit was the answer....but I guess not :(
So why the aversion to CrossFit in this thread? It doesn't seem to be too popular here. I was seriously considering using it as a starting point for getting fit. Is this a bad idea? Just wondering why no one here is too big on them. It seems legit to me........

They have a bad reputation for causing injuries because some affiliates push people to do things way beyond their ability level, and because some of the things they encourage (ex. deadlifts with any time component) are inherently dangerous and awful regardless of experience level.

Many people also find their marketing/attitude distasteful.


As someone who knows absolutely nothing about fitness, I'm going to guess this was sarcasm? Was that first video bad or something?

Just about every single lift you see in that video is done with terrible form. Lift like that and you'll be badly injured in no time. Crossfit programs often have a focus on doing workouts quickly, on time, which makes people do them with sloppy form.

Not everything about Crossfit is bad, though. Some affiliates, like the one in San Fransisco, is run by people who really know what they're doing (and will never let anyone lift like in that video).

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Weight:80kg (176lbs)
Goal: doing the "Beginner Routine" from the op to get in shape
Current Training Schedule: none, will start the "Beginner Routine"
Current Training Equipment Available: bench and barbell (relics form more active times)

Hi guys,
First of some things about me:
Ive been doing material arts since I was 8 but I stopped about 5 years ago.
Now Ive decided that its time I start doing some regular exercises again.
I thought of doing the beginner routine described in the op.

My only questions would be what "x sets of y" is supposed to mean exactly.
Should I do short brakes between the sets or a different exercise?

Is there a good alternative to doing Pull-Ups, not sure I can find a good place to do those.

What would be the best exercises to do for "abdominal work"?
Just regular sit ups or something else?

Thanks a lot in advance, really appreciate it.
The op was immensely helpful.

Take a rest in between sets. As your strength increases, this will reach up to and over 5 minutes. You'll need it. Barbell rows aren't the same as pullups but they can be a replacement. You should be able to find somewhere to do them though, a park or a tree? You don't have to go to that effort if you don't want to but pullups can be done in a lot of places. Abdominal work for the beginner is adequately catered for by squats, deadlifts and overhead presses.


Neo Member
Hey FitnessGAF,
I've had somewhat of an unorganized free weights routine since August of last year, but after some persuasion by a friend and slow observable progress on the nonspecific routine, I decided to start the SS program in the OP last week. I feel as though I'm solid with technique for everything except for power cleans. I used to perform them in high school, but I never got the technique down and I've mostly lost what little power cleaning ability I had in the last 3 years.
One issue for me is the elbow positioning; I don't currently have the ROM to swing my elbows while catching the bar like I've seen in tutorial videos. Is there a method of stretching that y'all would recommend for this? Enjoying SS so far, getting plenty of beginner weight increases that I hadn't gotten on my previous routine.

Age: 21
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 185

So far the weights I'm at for SS (lbs): Squat 220, DL 235, Bench 145, Bent over Row 100, Power Clean 105, OHP 90.

Thanks for any advice, can't wait to see how far SS can take me.


Tried out one of the new gyms in my area today. Pretty nice, but I felt dirty by 3/4 of the gym being filled with a cardio theater, pool, basketball court, and two dance studios. I'm not a fan of fluff in the gym. Give me a squat rack with ample space, a bar, and some plates and I'm set.


anyone follow the hodge twins on youtube? what interesting is they are following the IF diet and they swear by it.
Yeah I watch them for laughs.. They have some good advice sometimes too and the fact they do IF is awesome.

I'd definitely take the advice here over theirs though.


I wouldn't say crossfit is bad. It just has a lot of bad coaches.

I would say this.

They're biggest boo boo is doing Olympics lifts for volume, which where never designed for high rep work, especially for drug free novices still learning form. Crossfit is very HIIT orientated as well, which can lead to sloppiness.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
I wouldn't say crossfit is bad. It just has a lot of bad coaches.

That and the main programming isn't as effective for any stated goal as safer alternatives. When the only positive you can give for a program is that the smart coaches tell you to ignore it completely it's not much of a ringing endorsement.


Good Crossfit: Working out with others that keep you committed and motivated.

Bad Crossfit: Working out with others that are holding a stopwatch.


the piano man
after watching those funny awful clean and jerk exercises posted by IceCold, youtube suggested this video so i watched,


what do you guys think? is the girl coaching good at it? I honestly don't know, C&J is something I am not sure I'll try and/or develop but if I find good tutorial videos, I may give it a shot.


Crossfit's redeeming value it that it rescues people from the vortex of mindless cardio and it introduces them to squats and deadlifts as well as the olympic lifts, but it fails in every other way.

It has no notion of programing; no notion of progressive adaptation. It's just random nonsense for the sake of it; for the sake of being "elite"; for the sake of getting better at Crossfit. It's just fancy conditioning

Let's check out, for instance, today's WOD:

Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3 reps.

With what weight? With what percentage of my max? To what end? How does that fit into my programming?

Of course the argument is always made that "many Crossfit gyms are pretty good". No doubt they are, but that's because they aren't doing actual Crossfit. Good Crossfit gyms are good in spite of Crossfit, not because of it..

I wouldn't say crossfit is bad. It just has a lot of bad coaches.

I have to disagree. Crossfit is fundamentally flawed. Its underlying principles are misguided, and based upon intrinsically mistaken notions of fitness, programming and adaptation. Again: it's just fancy conditioning. Good coaches can salvage Crossfit, but then it stops being Crossfit; it just becomes strength training with Conditioning added in. So why even bother with it? This is what a well thought-out Strength and Conditioning Program looks like. It's simple. It's concise. It's not gimmicky.

Anyway, I just wanted an excuse to post these:





I would say this.

They're biggest boo boo is doing Olympics lifts for volume, which where never designed for high rep work, especially for drug free novices still learning form. Crossfit is very HIIT orientated as well, which can lead to sloppiness.

I would say this means CrossFit is inherently terrible.

It's inherent to the CrossFit experience to perform Olympic lifts under (best case) HIIT conditions and (worst case) for speed high score.

EDIT: or see Noema's excellent post.


What time do y'all get to bed at night? I'm gonna try and make it to bed either at midnight or before for this whole week and see how much it helps my lifts at the gym. I usually go to bed at like 1:30-2:30am :\

I admit it's a weak point for me, gotta fix it :(


Went a bit too crazy last night with the drinking and ended spending all day feeling like absolute trash and lounging around in bed. Never again. I've spent way too much time trying to sort my health out to do that again. Sheesh.


What time do y'all get to bed at night? I'm gonna try and make it to bed either at midnight or before for this whole week and see how much it helps my lifts at the gym. I usually go to bed at like 1:30-2:30am :\

I admit it's a weak point for me, gotta fix it :(

Dude... I have this same EXACT problem. Worst part about it is that 90% of the time, 12-2 AM is just spent on useless bs.


Dude... I have this same EXACT problem. Worst part about it is that 90% of the time, 12-2 AM is just spent on useless bs.

Last three weeks of a semester before finals time in college and law school, without fail, 2am would become 4am.

No cable in law school besides an HD antenna getting the basic channels in the city, so I would watch Poker After Dark on NBC at 2am. Why? No god damn reason. But I watched every damn night. Then I subscribed to Netflix which was all the worse.

Working FT at least gets me into bed by 1230 on weekdays. Weekends are still my domain to game late as fuck.


I saw shoulder shrugs in the stand-up calf machine today.

I guess it works. But it doesn't seem like you would be getting the full ROM.


good credit (by proxy)
Since its from puberty that won't work, neither will Letro or anything else. From what I've read, no personal experience. I've never had it.
Nah, it might work somewhat on old gyno according to some 9 month study done on people of all ages. It's not going to work a miracle, but it's cheap, if illegal. Raloxifene would work better but is too damn expensive.

Timedog, are you doing CKD, TKD, or straight up keto? How long have you been on it? How many non fiber carbs you get per day? How many grams fat?

I have a lot of experience with keto. Trying to help you out.
I think I'm done with keto. I felt so bad yesterday, fuck that shit. I think I'm just going to keep it under 100g with an occasional cheat/carb up day. I wanted to try keto to see if it improved mental sharpness for researching, but the transition was maybe too fucking extreme for me.

Meh, I actually went to the doctor for this reason when I was 12 or 13 and he just told me it'd go away. It didn't.
Yeah apparently it does for some people. Not us :(.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Don't look for a quick, easy fix. Be willing to put in the work. Whey protein, fish oil, multivitamin, creatine covers maybe 95% of what you can gain from supplementation without compromising your health with PEDs.
Don't look for a quick, easy fix. Be willing to put in the work. Whey protein, fish oil, multivitamin, creatine covers maybe 95% of what you can gain from supplementation without compromising your health with PEDs.

Something along these lines are in the OP I think:

80% of the results from 20% of the work.
That extra 80% of work, will only net you the remaining 20%.

Just start lifting, eat properly, and sleep properly.
That's your 80% of result and 20% effort.
The BCAA, Creatine, EEAs, fish oil, flax seed, creatine, protein shakes 30 minutes after a work out, caffeine pills, intermittent fasting, inverse pyramid sets, wrist straps, chalk, aroma therapy, etc... pales in effect compared to sleeping/eating/working out.


good credit (by proxy)
You can boost testosterone and or other muscle growth inducing hormones by intermittent fasting, cutting carbohydrates, squatting and deadlifting heavy, taking really hot showers, reducing stress, eating saturated fats, scheduling ejaculations, etc.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
However the effects are so minor and transient that it's basically all a complete waste of time.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Hey fitness GAF!

I've always been a taller guy with a big frame. Large hands, very broad shoulders, size 14/15US shoes, etc. I've never been a super fit person by any means, but I haven't been super sedentary and/or unable to play outside or anything, either. Luckily, just my day-to-day has usually been enough to keep me feeling and looking alright. I had a 50 min swim class each day in HS, I walked a good 3+ miles every day in college just going to class, and while looking for work I would do 30 min of light cardio and maybe 15 minutes of easy weights at the local Y a few times a week.

But now I've found myself working 60+ hour weeks a lot. Usually about 7:00am-6pm several days a week, plus an hour drive to and from. By the time I'm home and by the time the weekend rolls around, my motivation to workout is zero. Factor in lots of travel for work and sitting at the office during the day, and yeah, it's not good. Furthermore, I like eating out. Which has never been a problem; but doing it 4 or 5 times a week is starting to have its affect on me.

Right now, I'm not in "OMG I'm getting fat" mode or anything. I'm still look okay, I think... but I can definitely tell I'm starting to fall in a direction I don't want to. And before that happens, I want to put a stop to it.

I can't help working at a desk during the day. And, honestly, I know I'm not going to give up going out with my friends for lunch and having a couple drinks on the weekend. And I like trying new places to eat when traveling. But I'm trying to make small changes. First off, the super easy stuff - park in far parking spaces, shop with a basket rather than a cart, etc. And then for food, I've been trying to really increase my veggies and cut away the BS.

I've been doing a salad like this for lunch quite a bit:


1/3lb chicken, spinach greens, whole avacado, whole tomato, cheese, croutons, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, three tablespoons of balsamic vinaigrette.

And something like this for dinner:


3/4lb of salmon with herbs, pepper, dash of salt on top of greens, croutons, and about a tablespoon and a half of lite strawberry vinaigrette.

I actually made a post about such salads a while back ago, and most agreed it was healthy enough. But I put just enough "junk" on it to keep it tasty and let me enjoy it.

Finding time to workout is the kicker. My plan right now is to always use the hotel gym at least 30min a day when I'm traveling. I imagine this will be about four days a week every other week or so. It's nothing great, but it's something.

I don't know why I'm sharing. I guess it's just the first time I'm taking a real conscious look at myself, and deciding I need to take action. It's not much, but it's something. Sorry to bore ;p
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