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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Ugh, have been on very little sleep and sick all weekend. Using this as an opportunity to rest up and carb up and start again on Tuesday.

Funnily enough, being sick has caused me to lose a bunch of weight anyway. Been looking lean the last few days.
Thanks Cooter.

I think my main problem is eating. I just dont have the appetite or the life style that allows me to eat as much as is needed.
I'm in the same boat as you mate. No way I can eat anywhere near 3,000 calories in one day.

Question. How's the Max OT Program? My field supervisor stopped by last night and we were shooting the shit about working out and he recommended that program. Wanted your guys opinion on the matter.


I'm in the same boat as you mate. No way I can eat anywhere near 3,000 calories in one day.

Question. How's the Max OT Program? My field supervisor stopped by last night and we were shooting the shit about working out and he recommended that program. Wanted your guys opinion on the matter.

Milk, peanut putter, heavy cream, sour cream, butter. You can add calories pretty fast using those.

Here's a 1000 calorie shake recipe.

good stuff- what routine are your running out of curiousity?

I've been on 5/3/1 for 6+ months. After talking to some peeps at the gym, they suggested that I focus on one specific body part, that being the chest. Saying that I'm pretty wide but I should try to get my chest to pop more. Make me look more intimidating and big haha. So I picked a periodization program centered on just that. Finished week one today.


Falling edge you have nice hair <3

Haha. Thank you sir. I really like trying new things with my hair.

Looking swole, bro.

Thanks dood!


I've been on 5/3/1 for 6+ months. After talking to some peeps at the gym, they suggested that I focus on one specific body part, that being the chest. Saying that I'm pretty wide but I should try to get my chest to pop more. Make me look more intimidating and big haha. So I picked a periodization program centered on the just. Just finished week one today.


Thnx for the link- really surprised at how many programs overlap with some of the principles of the w/o I'm on, namely higher reps/volume for size. Its pretty eye-opening, because I was so dumb about stuff like this just a few years ago.

Good shit man, gl w/ the rest of the routine


All out of almond milk :(. But I put my smoothie in a huge glass to feel big



good credit (by proxy)
I just got done doing arms. I'm about 4-5 days in on keto/paleo/IF and I just feel exhausted as fuck. I felt fine during my workout. I'm in a shitty mood too. The first day I kind of felt like this and ate 2 bites of a pastry and immediately felt much better. Also it seems like I need about 25% less sleep on this diet.

Finally feeling like my chest is starting to have some definition. Not on cooter's level but I be working on it (great shoulders and traps btw)!

Looking mean.


First time changing em but I've heard good things about these pads. Looking forward to my wheels not appearing powder coated a week after washing my car. The oem brakes were noisy and shed like crazy...
Yeah mine is just a little noisy. And the idiot I got my bike from took off the front brake so it stops slower than I'd like.
Why do you guys like almond milk? I get it's basically no calories so good alternative to milk for cutting but I bought some unsweetened almond milk for the first time the other day and I didn't like the taste much. I like actual almonds but.


Why do you guys like almond milk? I get it's basically no calories so good alternative to milk for cutting but I bought some unsweetened almond milk for the first time the other day and I didn't like the taste much. I like actual almonds but.

For me it's the sugar.


Why do you guys like almond milk? I get it's basically no calories so good alternative to milk for cutting but I bought some unsweetened almond milk for the first time the other day and I didn't like the taste much. I like actual almonds but.

I drink it for health reasons. You're effectively avoiding most of the nefarious shit found in regular (cow) milk. rBGH and Estrogen to name a few.


Why do you guys like almond milk? I get it's basically no calories so good alternative to milk for cutting but I bought some unsweetened almond milk for the first time the other day and I didn't like the taste much. I like actual almonds but.

Because as you stated, it has like no calories. I use it for my protein shakes, that's 60 calories for 2cups vs 300 for whole milk.

sweetened vanilla almond milk is fucking delicious, but it's like 90 calories.


The almond you buy isn't even that healthy imo. Most companies cheapen out on the almonds and use artificial flavoring to make up for it. They also put other additives to give it a similar consistency to milk. So if you are really health conscious, you should make your own.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
So I've read Wendler's 531 to get back into it and I have a question for those of you who are already using it.

How do you calculate how much weight you use for the assistance work? For BBB, Wendler says to do no more than 60% of your training max and that you don't even have to actually progress in terms of adding weight on these assistance exercises. He says just doing the 5 sets of 10 is enough.

Does this apply to ALL assistance work even if you're not doing BBB? Seems weird to me to just stick with the same weight (that seems relatively "easy") for the same sets and reps and not actually up the weight over time.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
So I've read Wendler's 531 to get back into it and I have a question for those of you who are already using it.

How do you calculate how much weight you use for the assistance work? For BBB, Wendler says to do no more than 60% of your training max and that you don't even have to actually progress in terms of adding weight on these assistance exercises. He says just doing the 5 sets of 10 is enough.

Does this apply to ALL assistance work even if you're not doing BBB? Seems weird to me to just stick with the same weight (that seems relatively "easy") for the same sets and reps and not actually up the weight over time.

I'm not doing 5/3/1 but I think the idea with BBB is that your weights will increase once your training max does. Strength is gained through your work sets, BBB is for improving endurance, size, motor patterns and work capacity. As for other assistance, just use enough weight so you can comfortably complete your specified sets/reps, not too easy but not overdoing it. It might take a bit of experimenting to find the right numbers.
Anyone here have or had gynemastia? I've lost a lof weight over the last 2 years and I still have some leftover glandular tissue. I'm thinking of surgery, but boy it ain't cheap.

My brother had it done when he lost some weight. He still looks great even though he only went from about 270 to 230. If youre working out and putting on muscle youll have even better results. If you can pull the cost and it's something you're insecure about, I'd highly recommend it.


This is 5 days into the cut, at about 208. I took a bunch of starter pics but somehow didn't take a full body shot.


Note the calves. Genetics are funny sometimes with the muscles you can grow easy and the muscles that laugh in your face. Brother has the same problem.

Anyone here have or had gynemastia? I've lost a lof weight over the last 2 years and I still have some leftover glandular tissue. I'm thinking of surgery, but boy it ain't cheap.

I have actual gyno on my left side, not from weight loss. You can spot the difference in the picture above (minimized by the photo being taken at an angle; dead on shots its funny). Just a relic of adolescence, the doctor guessed (after asking if I had ever taken steroids... and I chuckled and said if I have, then steroids clearly don't fucking work).

Sometimes it's just excess fat that you can strip away with hardcore dieting, which is what I'm hoping for, but I have an actual fatty boob tissue growth. I'd get it removed if I had the bank to do so.


good credit (by proxy)
Yeah I have gyno from puberty. I remember when I was in middle school asking my mom why a weird donut shape developed behind my nipple, shoulda went to the doctor then :(. I'm thinking about getting some Tamoxifen Citrate to try to reduce it a little. I would get Raloxifene (since that apparently works way better) but that shit is WAYYYY too expensive for my blood.


Any suggestions to an ios app/easy mobile website that you can enter your lifts into? I usually carry a tiny notepad and a pencil, i'd love to eliminate it and only have to carry around my phone(no belt or wrist wraps yet).


good credit (by proxy)
Any suggestions to an ios app/easy mobile website that you can enter your lifts into? I usually carry a tiny notepad and a pencil, i'd love to eliminate it and only have to carry around my phone(no belt or wrist wraps yet).

When I looked around like a year or so ago pretty much only Gym Buddy worked close to the way I wanted it to work. There were some that didn't work on my iPod cause it was an older Gen, and there may have been new awesome apps made since then, but that worked very well for like a Starting Strength type routine. I think it was like 3 or 5 bucks.
I feel like I'm burning up.
Increased metabolism or something has been suggested.
I'm not feverish or sick by any means.
I feel this too, people say it's freezing in rooms and I be chillin.

I've been semi-dirty bulking for 5 months now, the last 2 months I stopped gaining weight at 85kg, even though I eat a lot compared to what I'm used to before training, like at least 3200 cals, when I spent years eating around 2000.

Guess that means I can start cutting around 2800cals, so awesome.

Also my resting heart rate is now in 60s per minute, when I was doing Insanity it was freakishly low in early 40s, so I lost a lot of cardiovascular fitness, but who cares it comes fast and goes fast unlike dem strength gainzzz.
Any suggestions to an ios app/easy mobile website that you can enter your lifts into? I usually carry a tiny notepad and a pencil, i'd love to eliminate it and only have to carry around my phone(no belt or wrist wraps yet).

And for the Android guys...

Man, you guys weren't kidding about squats. Three days after I first try them and I'm still a little sore. My technique is good; I was reading the OP right before attempting them, so it's a good sore, at least.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Man, you guys weren't kidding about squats. Three days after I first try them and I'm still a little sore. My technique is good; I was reading the OP right before attempting them, so it's a good sore, at least.

That's normal, yeah. Rest up and you should be able to 3x a week no problem after the first session DOMS clears.


Weight:80kg (176lbs)
Goal: doing the "Beginner Routine" from the op to get in shape
Current Training Schedule: none, will start the "Beginner Routine"
Current Training Equipment Available: bench and barbell (relics form more active times)

Hi guys,
First of some things about me:
Ive been doing material arts since I was 8 but I stopped about 5 years ago.
Now Ive decided that its time I start doing some regular exercises again.
I thought of doing the beginner routine described in the op.

My only questions would be what "x sets of y" is supposed to mean exactly.
Should I do short brakes between the sets or a different exercise?

Is there a good alternative to doing Pull-Ups, not sure I can find a good place to do those.

What would be the best exercises to do for "abdominal work"?
Just regular sit ups or something else?

Thanks a lot in advance, really appreciate it.
The op was immensely helpful.


I just got done doing arms. I'm about 4-5 days in on keto/paleo/IF and I just feel exhausted as fuck. I felt fine during my workout. I'm in a shitty mood too. The first day I kind of felt like this and ate 2 bites of a pastry and immediately felt much better. Also it seems like I need about 25% less sleep on this diet.

Looking mean.
You getting enough fats? Pretty important on keto since they effect hormone regulation, libido but since you're still adapting it probably can't be helped for a while. I think carbs counteract cortisol, a stress hormone.


Been enjoying pause squats instead of normal back squats recently. Lighten the weight a bit and stay down in the hole, it definitely gets the blood flowing and is a nice alternative from the regular grind.


the piano man
is the myfitnesspal app a reliable tool regarding nutrition?

I downloaded it and it prompted me to describe myself and my habits. I did and it told me I should eat around 2440 per day.

in general terms, is it a good tool to keep up with nutrition?


is the myfitnesspal app a reliable tool regarding nutrition?

I downloaded it and it prompted me to describe myself and my habits. I did and it told me I should eat around 2440 per day.

in general terms, is it a good tool to keep up with nutrition?

I have used multiple and it's the best out there.


Yeah I have gyno from puberty. I remember when I was in middle school asking my mom why a weird donut shape developed behind my nipple, shoulda went to the doctor then :(. I'm thinking about getting some Tamoxifen Citrate to try to reduce it a little. I would get Raloxifene (since that apparently works way better) but that shit is WAYYYY too expensive for my blood.

Since its from puberty that won't work, neither will Letro or anything else. From what I've read, no personal experience. I've never had it.


is the myfitnesspal app a reliable tool regarding nutrition?

I downloaded it and it prompted me to describe myself and my habits. I did and it told me I should eat around 2440 per day.

in general terms, is it a good tool to keep up with nutrition?

It is only good for tracking calories. It's absolute shit for determining how many calories you should eat. You need to figure that out elsewhere and manually add it to mfp


Timedog, are you doing CKD, TKD, or straight up keto? How long have you been on it? How many non fiber carbs you get per day? How many grams fat?

I have a lot of experience with keto. Trying to help you out.


It is only good for tracking calories. It's absolute shit for determining how many calories you should eat. You need to figure that out elsewhere and manually add it to mfp


MFP is great for tracking, but their recommendations are not best it's your looking to build muscle. 40 grams of protein?! lol

I wish the mobile app had macro tracking. It doesn't.


Yeah I have gyno from puberty. I remember when I was in middle school asking my mom why a weird donut shape developed behind my nipple, shoulda went to the doctor then :(

Meh, I actually went to the doctor for this reason when I was 12 or 13 and he just told me it'd go away. It didn't.


I'm in the same boat as you mate. No way I can eat anywhere near 3,000 calories in one day.

Question. How's the Max OT Program? My field supervisor stopped by last night and we were shooting the shit about working out and he recommended that program. Wanted your guys opinion on the matter.

I think you should do SS.


I'll probably max my squats today, deads on Wednesday. I can't fucking wait for a week off. I need it pretty bad after these past 3 months. I'll post a before and after once I hit my deadlift goal next week.


Was at the gym today, and two guys were doing dumbbell presses next to me. They started talking about different fighting styles for a few minutes, then the conversation turned weird. One of them complained that his gf kicked him out, and that he had lost tons of weight afterwards. Then the other started to console him and give him advice. "Love is hard", "Love and hate are the same feelings", "You know, when you try all you can to create a bond and it doesn't work, you're like what the fuck?", and then "We have the Lone Wolf poster at my dojo. It says that you must be a Lone Wolf, and take care of shit yourself. But if it's too tough, you must know that you can always come to the Brotherhood for help." Then they started spotting each other: "One more rep! You're going to find a super hot girl! Do it!" "Yeah, hot girl! Ueurrgh!" Never have I seen a discussion about fighting turn super-bro so fast.



MFP is great for tracking, but their recommendations are not best it's your looking to build muscle. 40 grams of protein?! lol

I wish the mobile app had macro tracking. It doesn't.

What do you mean it doesn't? You can track protein carbs and fat, among others. Yes their recommendations are stupid, but it still displays what you eat.
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