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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Hi guys - I only recently got back into serious lifting again at the beginning of the year but this is a good opportunity for me to shill Sheiko's training method. Boris Sheiko coaches Kirill along with many other champion powerlifters so if you're looking to improve on your S/B/D I'd highly recommend looking into it.

The basics of it can be found here:


I've been able to improve my squat/bench/deadlift significantly since the beginning of the year. Unlike 5/3/1, I'm squating and deadlifting twice a week each and benching 3x a week (lifting 4 days total). Once you get to the more advance programs the major downside is that it does take a long time to complete each workout (~1.5 hrs or more depending on how long you rest).

Interesting read. Cheers.


ezrarh, thanks for the reminder. I felt I was missing a few intermediate programs like Sheiko, Smolov, and Smolov Jr. I'll add those tonight.

Yeah, I feel like high volume medium intensity programming has allowed my bench to go up drastically (for me at least). At the beginning of the year, I could barely do 235 lb at 148 lb bw. I last tested in early April and was able to do 255 lb without issues (at about 150). I last did 225 for 5 a week ago at the end of a workout without planning for it. These aren't big numbers but I've been struggling with bench for a while. The core philosophy is that you can improve your max without training near max as long as you have the right volume/intensity down. It's a good alternative to 5/3/1 or say a Westside training program if those aren't working for you.
You think about mixing it up for the last few weeks? New diet, IF, etc.?

Imma step up cardio and rework my diet. Do some grocery shopping. I think my body is doing more of a slow recomp as opposed to fat loss. Because I have gotten leaner (tighten up belt, clothes fitting different, etc) but the scale isn't moving. So that is a good thing but still want to see the scale move lol.


Imma step up cardio and rework my diet. Do some grocery shopping. I think my body is doing more of a slow recomp as opposed to fat loss. Because I have gotten leaner (tighten up belt, clothes fitting different, etc) but the scale isn't moving. So that is a good thing but still want to see the scale move lol.

I feel you. Sometimes diets get stale and the body reacts differently. Good approach.


I really wouldn't worry about the macros. At your stage it's not worth getting hung up on the details. Also, it's percent of calories from each, so it doesn't work out 96/96/128, it would be more like 43/96/128 (grams)... but that would be wrong anyway as it calculates out to no-where near enough calories for you at 1283 kcal.

Have a look here to get an idea of how different setups work out: http://iifym.com/iifym-calculator, but like I said, you don't need to get obsessive about it.

So for now, it's best just to keep track of calorie intake, while making sure I eat 128g of protein? And thanks for the link! I'll check it out later during my break.


So for now, it's best just to keep track of calorie intake, while making sure I eat 128g of protein? And thanks for the link! I'll check it out later during my break.

I'd second Psycho. Focus on calorie intake and just be cognizant of macros (i.e. don't eat break, potatoes and ice cream only just to get your calories)
Used the SlingShot today for the first time on bench. Cool way of doing an overload. Fucking awkward to use though. I think I'll be using it off and on in the future.

J. Bravo

Imma step up cardio and rework my diet. Do some grocery shopping. I think my body is doing more of a slow recomp as opposed to fat loss. Because I have gotten leaner (tighten up belt, clothes fitting different, etc) but the scale isn't moving. So that is a good thing but still want to see the scale move lol.

you're 6'4" and have a fuck ton of muscle. i doubt you'll lose much weight.
I'd second Psycho. Focus on calorie intake and just be cognizant of macros (i.e. don't eat break, potatoes and ice cream only just to get your calories)

Aye. Just common sense really. You could technically eat 600g of chicken and then 500g of chocolate to get your calories and protein... but it probably wouldn't be the smartest idea.

J. Bravo

New low of 235.8. Mmmm, feels good.

Im in the gym for about 45-50 min a day, really no way thats possible.
sure it is. when was the last time you went a week without hitting the gym? just because you don't spend much time in the gym each day doesn't mean your body isn't fucking tired of exerting near maximal effort 4 times a week.

Do you worry you might be obsessing about your weight slightly? I might be wrong, but you seem to post it daily.
well he did used to be super fat. better to obsess and not let it happen again, as long as he doesn't fall to the other extreme.


Do you worry you might be obsessing about your weight slightly? I might be wrong, but you seem to post it daily.
Everyone loves progress. I say if you are making it happen, post away. Not sure if it's necessarily the "healthiest" to lose weight that fast (I really don't know), but he's killin it.


Forgot to mention, i got ice cream cones that are only 2 carbs each at Sprouts yesterday along with low carb ice cream. Going to give them a go this weekend.

Do you worry you might be obsessing about your weight slightly? I might be wrong, but you seem to post it daily.

It was Evilore himself who told me certain things in life are worth obsessing about, and weight/fitness is one of those things. I agree with him on that one.

sure it is. when was the last time you went a week without hitting the gym? just because you don't spend much time in the gym each day doesn't mean your body isn't fucking tired of exerting near maximal effort 4 times a week.

well he did used to be super fat. better to obsess and not let it happen again, as long as he doesn't fall to the other extreme.

I take deload weeks once a month, where i just do warm up reps and head out. And its only 4 days a week when i go, im no cooter going everyday!

And yah, i prefer obsessing about the weight truthfully, i have a goal to hit and its not a casual thing to me, its a big deal to me. I know for sure i'll ease up once i get to my goal (flat stomach).
It was Evilore himself who told me certain things in life are worth obsessing about, and weight/fitness is one of those things. I agree with him on that one.


And yah, i prefer obsessing about the weight truthfully, i have a goal to hit and its not a casual thing to me, its a big deal to me. I know for sure i'll ease up once i get to my goal (flat stomach).

Depends how you're obsessing though. If it's just to keep you on track, that's fine, but if it makes you mess with what you're doing / eating all the time because you think you're not making progress (on a day to day basis), then obviously it can be harmful.


I'd second Psycho. Focus on calorie intake and just be cognizant of macros (i.e. don't eat break, potatoes and ice cream only just to get your calories)

I'm not sure I follow. I shouldn't eat breakfast (I assume that's what break is)? And I should only eat potatoes and ice cream if I want to meet my calorie intake?


I'm not sure I follow. I shouldn't eat breakfast (I assume that's what break is)? And I should only eat potatoes and ice cream if I want to meet my calorie intake?
Oh Jesus what have you guys done :)

They are saying to be cautious of what you eat to meet your caloric goal for the day. DO NOT just eat unhealthy food (potatoes, ice cream) thinking that if you hit your calorie goal for the day that everything is fine.

Focus on calories, but be mindful to eat mostly healthy foods. Protein, healthy carbs, healthy fats.
Im in the gym for about 45-50 min a day, really no way thats possible.

Overtraining is still possible if your body can't repair itself adequately between training sessions. Lifting increasingly heavier weights while running on below maintenance calories makes this scenario more likely.

Trouble sleeping was the big 'tell'. This is how over training affects me, so I either reduce volume or frequency when I notice this happening.


Overtraining is still possible if your body can't repair itself adequately between training sessions. Lifting increasingly heavier weights while running on below maintenance calories makes this scenario more likely.

Trouble sleeping was the big 'tell'. This is how over training affects me, so I either reduce volume or frequency when I notice this happening.
I wonder if it might be worth him trying to eat a few calories more, take an off day or two and see how it affects sleep?
Yep, I started to get overtrained on squats on Starting Strength, it's not like that's a lot of volume, it was just the poundage three times per week that did it.


Yeah, don't know... thought for a moment he meant bread, but k and d keys aint exactly close...

Pretty sure he meant bread, even if the d and k keys aren't close. He's definitely saying, "Don't eat bread, potatoes, and ice cream for all your calories." If they were separate thoughts, there would have been a semi-colon rather than a comma after bread/break (although he's missing the oxford comma!). Sorry, bit of a grammar nerd :p

Anyway, surprised to see I made the Bro Wall for the last thread. Pretty impressive given it was my first FitGAF thread...


Depends how you're obsessing though. If it's just to keep you on track, that's fine, but if it makes you mess with what you're doing / eating all the time because you think you're not making progress (on a day to day basis), then obviously it can be harmful.

Regardless of what shows on the scale, the plan doesn't change. 1750 everyday. That's the magic of having your food prepped in advance. No need to think about it. Weekends at times I get a little lenient because of being bored. Still working on that.

Overtraining is still possible if your body can't repair itself adequately between training sessions. Lifting increasingly heavier weights while running on below maintenance calories makes this scenario more likely.

Trouble sleeping was the big 'tell'. This is how over training affects me, so I either reduce volume or frequency when I notice this happening.

I usually workout m-th, rest of the days off. Also take a deload week every once a month. I mean, yah I don't eat much, but my lifts are going up. Of course I could be absolutely wrong and you're right. I won't be able to test otherwise till I take my next diet break which should be sometime in July.

I wonder if it might be worth him trying to eat a few calories more, take an off day or two and see how it affects sleep?

I can try this weekend I guess.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Yep, I started to get overtrained on squats on Starting Strength, it's not like that's a lot of volume, it was just the poundage three times per week that did it.

I did this week. Forgot I did 4x8 Monday and then went and did 5x10 wednesday...or tried. Did three sets and was destroyed.
Oh look the AC died at my gym again. This happens every fucking year, how do they let this happen? lol

I skipped my cardio cause my heart was on fire the whole workout.


Oh Jesus what have you guys done :)

They are saying to be cautious of what you eat to meet your caloric goal for the day. DO NOT just eat unhealthy food (potatoes, ice cream) thinking that if you hit your calorie goal for the day that everything is fine.

Focus on calories, but be mindful to eat mostly healthy foods. Protein, healthy carbs, healthy fats.

Pretty sure he meant bread, even if the d and k keys aren't close. He's definitely saying, "Don't eat bread, potatoes, and ice cream for all your calories." If they were separate thoughts, there would have been a semi-colon rather than a comma after bread/break (although he's missing the oxford comma!). Sorry, bit of a grammar nerd :p

Anyway, surprised to see I made the Bro Wall for the last thread. Pretty impressive given it was my first FitGAF thread...

Oh, I see, lol. That makes sense. Those foods add calories, but don`t provide much in terms of fat, carbs and protein. I eat a lot of bread, potatoes and rice, so I should look into finding some replacements for those.
Oh look the AC died at my gym again. This happens every fucking year, how do they let this happen? lol

I skipped my cardio cause my heart was on fire the whole workout.

I really, really struggle with cardio in the heat. I have a massive industrial fan, but sometimes even that doesn't cut it.

Oh, I see, lol. That makes sense. Those foods add calories, but don`t provide much in terms of fat, carbs and protein. I eat a lot of bread, potatoes and rice, so I should look into finding some replacements for those.

More than anything you want to be getting rid of bread. Rice isn't tooooo bad, though not ideal.


All, I meant "Bread". Yes, I know, the "D" and "K" aren't close, but an employee was asking me a question and started walking towards my desk so I rushed my post (did not want the inevitable sweating and shaking that comes with having to answer "what's a neogaf?"). Please, by all means, eat breakfast. Eggs, oatmeal, etc. Just don't eat that much bread, ok?


So how many grams of protein do you need per lb when losing weight or cutting?

People vary with their suggestions, but given that preserving muscle mass is more important when cutting, I think the recommendation is to up protein intake. I've read anywhere from 1.0-1.2g per lb when cutting.

I think in terms of just general wellness, as long as you're somewhere between 0.8g-1.2g of protein per lb, you'll probably be fine.


Ah thanks. I started eating 1g 1lb protein yesterday and I felt fuller. My goal is to get cut with muscle while losing weight so nurtrition is first.

Gone are the bad sweets or chips. Gotta get serious. I may need advice one day. Im at 206 today cuz of bad weekend chow down. I'll try not to happen again.
If there's one good thing about being on a cut, it's that bodyweight movements get easier every week. Earlier this year I was struggling with chin-ups and could hardly do three sets of five but yesterday I was able to bang several sets of 8 reps and probably did ca 40 chinups altogether. I think I will switch to pullups once I can do three sets of ten. Dips felt really good too, I think I did four sets of 15 reps. Might have to add some extra weight on dips the next time.


Hey now! I've taken 5 days off this year.

This is what Cooter looks like during those 5 days.



Wow. There were a couple of retirement parties at work today. I didn't hold anything back.

Had some fried chicken, fried plantains, fried beans, and fried rice. Two pieces of cake.

MTP calls this an appetizer.


Wow. There were a couple of retirement parties at work today. I didn't hold anything back.

Had some fried chicken, fried plantains, fried beans, and fried rice. Two pieces of fried cake.

MTP calls this an appetizer.
Corrected. You missed one :)


Wow. There were a couple of retirement parties at work today. I didn't hold anything back.

Had some fried chicken, fried plantains, fried beans, and fried rice. Two pieces of cake.

MTP calls this an appetizer.


Today's my birthday (awww, thanks guys!!) and my coworkers brought me breakfast, took me out to a thai restaurant and got me cake, cookies, donuts, etc. I tried to avoid the sweets and got the "IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" so I went in.

4,000 calories or so before birthday dinner with the wife / family?


Hi all, long time no talk.

So say I wanted to start Starting Strength... Is it possible to do this with dumbbells or is it a barbell only sort of thing? If so, I guess I'd better go check out my little apartment gym and see what is in there... :(

And can my "start low" be like, 20lbs? I'm the weakest creature on the planet.

Finally...just looking at the wiki, you just alternate between A and B, so week 1 is A, B, A, week 2 is B, A, B, etc. Correct?
Hi all, long time no talk.

So say I wanted to start Starting Strength... Is it possible to do this with dumbbells or is it a barbell only sort of thing? If so, I guess I'd better go check out my little apartment gym and see what is in there... :(
It's a barbell program.

And can my "start low" be like, 20lbs? I'm the weakest creature on the planet.
An empty barbell is 45lbs. and you'd be surprised, give it a try. Also, a proper deadlift is either going to require lighter bumper plates or full 45 lbs. iron plates, for a beginning deadlift of 135. Or you could possibly use smaller plates and put the setup on blocks so the bar starts at the proper height.

Finally...just looking at the wiki, you just alternate between A and B, so week 1 is A, B, A, week 2 is B, A, B, etc. Correct?


It's a barbell program.

Okay, cool, I'll look into my little apartment gym and see if it has the necessary equipment.

An empty barbell is 45lbs. and you'd be surprised, give it a try. Also, a proper deadlift is either going to require lighter bumper plates or full 45 lbs. iron plates, for a beginning deadlift of 135. Or you could possibly use smaller plates and put the setup on blocks so the bar starts at the proper height.

Oh god lol. 135? No sir haha. 45lbs is already probably too heavy for me. Gah. I guess I'll see when I get in there and check out the equipment.

Thanks :)



Today's my birthday (awww, thanks guys!!) and my coworkers brought me breakfast, took me out to a thai restaurant and got me cake, cookies, donuts, etc. I tried to avoid the sweets and got the "IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" so I went in.

4,000 calories or so before birthday dinner with the wife / family?

Happy birthday!!!!!

Only 4000, lightweight.
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