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Forget X360 price, let's talk about something that's really going to suck $60 games..


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Ugh.... I'm so not down with paying $60 for EVERY game next gen.... why hasn't this been getting more press? Or has it not been confirmed that most games will be $60 next gen?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
truffleshuffle83 said:
appearantly you dont remember the past. i have nes games with 60 dollar price tags on them

Aparently you don't know the price to produce a CD versus a Cartridge :lol


Queen of Denmark
truffleshuffle83 said:
appearantly you dont remember the past. i have nes games with 60 dollar price tags on them
Just because it happened before doesn't mean we should be happy that it's happening again.

As for me, I'm not too concerned because I rarely buy any games new as it is, so the initial cost of games means little to me. As long as price drops still occur fairly quickly for most games, I'll be happy.
Suikoguy said:
Aparently you don't know the price to produce a CD versus a Cartridge :lol

and you forget that now it costs millions of dollars to create a game, not a couple thousand and a few guys sitting in a basement


I remember going to Walmart and seeing a $119 (Canadian) pricetag on Wrestlemania 2000 for the N64. The fucking console was $99.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
truffleshuffle83 said:
and you forget that now it costs millions of dollars to create a game, not a couple thousand and a few guys sitting in a basement

Yes, and how many more games are sold now?


Rage Bait Youtuber

Reed wasn't giving much away about the launch game lineup. "We're still expecting to have 25 to 40 titles released before the end of the year" he told us. Third-party publishers will be free to set their own prices -- and the figure of $59.99 has been rumored -- but Reed confirmed titles published by Microsoft would stay at the same prices we've come to expect from the current generation of hardware.


Good!, Only the rich should be able to play games anyway, we dont need any old rif-raf putting there grubby working class hands on items that i may purchase.


I don't think $60 price tags will last very long. Even 50 is a stretch in a lot of cases with such intense competition.


jenov4 said:
I remember going to Walmart and seeing a $119 (Canadian) pricetag on Wrestlemania 2000 for the N64. The fucking console was $99.
I remember I asked my mom for money to buy Ocarina of Time on the N64. I think I was like 10. The game cost like 90 dollars.

Worth every fucking penny.


Console Market Analyst
It just makes me even more inclined to rent instead of buy. Or, I'll use my entertainment funds for DVD box sets, which give me more value for the buck than games do now.
cmon, you cant honestly complain about it. not to mention inflation, you knew it was coming. look at the psp. if we want good games were gonna have to pay higher prices. i guess this generation ill have to start considering if i really need a game or wait until it hits greatest hits


MS games staying $49.99. Some 3rd party games may be $59.99 but I'm guessing it'll only be the games from EA and Activision.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
truffleshuffle83 said:
cmon, you cant honestly complain about it. not to mention inflation, you knew it was coming. look at the psp. if we want good games were gonna have to pay higher prices. i guess this generation ill have to start considering if i really need a game or wait until it hits greatest hits

I guess if you consider inflation, it was kinda expected regarding game prices. Unfortunatly Game Sales ≠ Movie sales


Mrbob said:
MS games staying $49.99. Some 3rd party games may be $59.99 but I'm guessing it'll only be the games from EA and Activision.

Now that sounds realistic. It's 1993 again...


Tagged as I see fit
jenov4 said:
I remember going to Walmart and seeing a $119 (Canadian) pricetag on Wrestlemania 2000 for the N64. The fucking console was $99.

Ah, those were the days. I remember when SNES games went for 99.99. Super Street Fighter II. FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. Sigh. Looks like we're slowly moving back that way. I wonder how much PS3 games are going to be, or Revolution games?
I'll put up with $60 since my release-date purchases are so few and far inbetween. Outside those rare occasions, it's $20 or bust.


Its not really an issue because sony still might charge 60 per game. Untill they decide the fanboys dont know which position to defend.


You Americans shouldn't complain. In Europe we've been paying 60 to 68 euro's for most games in-store this current generation. That 70-80 dollars. Webshops are cheaper, around 50 euro's, but that's still 60 dollars anyway.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
ACTUALLY since I'm older than most of you whipper snappers I do remember $60, and $70, and $80, etc dollar games.

That's not the f'n point.

truffleshuffle83 said:
i doubt ms games wil be $50, SCEA promised said all ts games would all be 39.99 this gen and that didnt work out to well

Actually while they did promise that I believe they also gave a disclaimer that they reserved the right to charge more... which they did... for some of their premium titles. (GT, Socom, etc.).


I don't mind spending $60 a game, because I don't buy that many games these days with 2 girls in the house... being a daddy has cut my gaming down by 92%

I will only be mad spending $60 if the games don't blow me away... I really only want sports games right now on X-Box 360... these graphics better blow me away to point where I will say "wow" a number times playing the games.

I want Tiger Woods 2006, NBA2K6 and NBA Live videos on X-Box 360 NOWWWWWW!!!


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
People have gotten so used to paying $50 for games that I don't think $60 is gonna go over very well... the extra $10 may not be a big deal to me, but there are a LOT of people who mostly go budget hunting (doing the buy 2 used games, get 1 free promotions at EB, or so), they're not gonna like this at all. It's sad that we've regressed in terms of price, back then I'd pay $70+ for some SNES and Genesis RPGs, but those were awesome games, undoubtedly will be much more enjoyable for me than most any next gen game.


it doesnt bother me that much, we kept hearing over and over again how expensive it has gotten to make games compared to previous generations, so I wasn't surprised at all.

Besides it isnt like games aren't going to drop in price anymore or anything. I'll wait to purchase at a reduced cost if I have to, just like now.


works for Gamestop (lol)
add the words "Collector's Edition" to every game and people will still buy them

hell, just make 2 SKUs for every game!


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
djtiesto said:
People have gotten so used to paying $50 for games that I don't think $60 is gonna go over very well... the extra $10 may not be a big deal to me, but there are a LOT of people who mostly go budget hunting (doing the buy 2 used games, get 1 free promotions at EB, or so), they're not gonna like this at all. It's sad that we've regressed in terms of price, back then I'd pay $70+ for some SNES and Genesis RPGs, but those were awesome games, undoubtedly will be much more enjoyable for me than most any next gen game.

I'm curious to see how the used game business is going to be next gen... it's quite a profitable business for videogame stores THIS gen....


Ruzbeh said:
I remember I asked my mom for money to buy Ocarina of Time on the N64. I think I was like 10. The game cost like 90 dollars.

Worth every fucking penny.

Yes, but OOT was like a once in a lifetime type of game. A game would have to be that type of quality for me to pour out that kind of money. I remember paying $70 for Street Fighter II when it came out on the SNES. Worth.every.fucking.penny. Those types of games don't come along very often. Each platform is lucky to even get a handfull of games that I feel are even worth a $50 price, much less $60 or $70 or more.


I would bang a hot farmer!
jenov4 said:
I remember going to Walmart and seeing a $119 (Canadian) pricetag on Wrestlemania 2000 for the N64. The fucking console was $99.
It'll be like going back in time 5 years for us Canadians. :(


AB 101

Ruzbeh said:
I remember I asked my mom for money to buy Ocarina of Time on the N64. I think I was like 10. The game cost like 90 dollars.

Worth every fucking penny.

Isn't every Nintendo game?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
xsarien said:
Microsoft also said something about the hard drive being included, but we all saw that kind of evaporate right in front of our eyes yesterday, huh?

:lol :lol :lol


I would bang a hot farmer!
I just checked and I still had my OoT receipt also (I would keep them in the boxes most of the time), $79.99 = $91.99 CAD after tax. :(


DarienA said:
I'm curious to see how the used game business is going to be next gen... it's quite a profitable business for videogame stores THIS gen....

Its going to take them a while to ramp up on used selection, so it will be slow going on profit for next-gen titles. The bulk of their profits are going to have to come from this gen titles for the next couple of years. I was talking to a friend of mine that is the store manager of one of the EB games in town and he's not really sure what to think. He seems to think that higher game prices will lead to less impulse buying which leads to fewer available games to trade-in. He's basing this on what he's seen out of the PSP. None of the three EB stores in town are selling very many of the $50 PSP games. Its been about 6 months since the PSP launched and its slim pickings in the PSP used section for all three stores because nobody is trading anything in. The people that are biting on the higher priced games are hanging on to them.


There are plenty of games I own from this gen I would have paid $60 for, but there are many more I wish I didn't touch until they were at most $30.

I already intend to wait for more price drops and buy more used games this coming gen than in the past. I always used to think 'got to support my favorite developers', but as I've gotten older I just want better value and cheaper games!

One thing I can think of though that would bother me excessively would be if games that come out on both PC and consoles were cheaper on the PC. I'm kind of worried about this with Oblivion, CoD2, etc. I want to get Oblivion for the 360, I'm not willing to pay an extra $10 over the PC version to do so.
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