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Forget X360 price, let's talk about something that's really going to suck $60 games..

Fuzzy said:
It'll be like going back in time 5 years for us Canadians. :(


And to think, they were practically giving that game away only three years later.

AB 101

Well, I am not a huge fan of the 60 dollar price point but I guess it will just make me a bit more selective this time around.

I might actually spend less or just wait for eventual price drops.


Strap on your hooker ...
It's not going to hold for long. They'll be able to get away with that around launch when brand new $60 games is all that's available, but as the library expands and older titles come down in price, it's not going to be very successful. I mean, most games aren't really doing too hot now at $40/50, so $60 just won't fly in the long run (unless games get a lot better on average, which HAHAHAHAHA).
at the start of this generation I was working at a funcoland and had a like 25 or 30% discount and was paying 30 - 35 bucks for new games, but as the discount went down I was buying less and now that Im not working there any more I rarely pay 50, unless like others have said its a must have, or a title I know is going to be imposible to find or cost even more down the road

so I'm expecting to buy even less at 60


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
bill0527 said:
Its going to take them a while to ramp up on used selection, so it will be slow going on profit for next-gen titles. The bulk of their profits are going to have to come from this gen titles for the next couple of years. I was talking to a friend of mine that is the store manager of one of the EB games in town and he's not really sure what to think. He seems to think that higher game prices will lead to less impulse buying which leads to fewer available games to trade-in. He's basing this on what he's seen out of the PSP. None of the three EB stores in town are selling very many of the $50 PSP games. Its been about 6 months since the PSP launched and its slim pickings in the PSP used section for all three stores because nobody is trading anything in. The people that are biting on the higher priced games are hanging on to them.

Kinda my point I think the videogame stores/companys are gonna take it in the nose in this new highly profitable market that they just discovered in these last... 2 generations...
I paid $75 for Street Fighter II on the SNES. And what about NEO GEO games?! That was the biggest ass-rape in gaming history!

Although these days I'll only pay $50 for a AAA 90%+ metacritic title that has been tested and loved by at least 2 trusted friends.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
You guys want to talk ridiculous video game prices in past generations?

Anybody remember a little catalog/membership company called Fingerhut?


Good lord they still exist... AND they have a website!


If you hurry you can get Need for Speed: Underground Rivals for $69.99! That's As low as
$7.99 per month with Fingerhut financing!

Forget waiting for next gen pay next gen prices today! Get PS2 Destroys All Humans for $69.99! That's As low as $7.99 per month with Fingerhut financing!


Yes its very true that the cost of creating a game has gone up severely. But then again so has the population of people that play games. So they cancel each other out.

Last gen the average title had to sell 250k to break even and then some to make a profit.
According to MS games are going to become even more mainstream than last gen so keeping the price at 50 should not be a problem.

solution...make better games and keep price the same so you sell enough to make profit.
It's simple, don't buy games from publishers who will likely exploit the 'new gen games cost more to make so we have to charge more' excuse to jack up the prices. EA and Activision will likely lead the way, just don't buy their games and they'll get the message. Look what happened when Take Two started selling sports games for $20, suddenly Madden and NBA Live were selling for $30.


Fuzzy said:
It'll be like going back in time 5 years for us Canadians. :(

GameShack down on Yonge and Dundas in the Atrium? Receipt looks like it's from them. I know the owner, good guy, though his store is doomed to close in the next couple of years as the profit margins and pricing on their games just can't compete with Best Buy and Future Shop anymore. Shame.
DarienA said:
You guys want to talk ridiculous video game prices in past generations?

Anybody remember a little catalog/membership company called Fingerhut?


Good lord they still exist... AND they have a website!


If you hurry you can get Need for Speed: Underground Rivals for $69.99! That's As low as
$7.99 per month with Fingerhut financing!

Forget waiting for next gen pay next gen prices today! Get PS2 Destroys All Humans for $69.99! That's As low as $7.99 per month with Fingerhut financing!

When you mentioned Fingerhut before the edit, I did remember them but couldn't remember what was so bad about them. Now I do. :lol

They still have these?! :lol


DarienA said:
You guys want to talk ridiculous video game prices in past generations?

Anybody remember a little catalog/membership company called Fingerhut?


Good lord they still exist... AND they have a website!


If you hurry you can get Need for Speed: Underground Rivals for $69.99! That's As low as
$7.99 per month with Fingerhut financing!

Forget waiting for next gen pay next gen prices today! Get PS2 Destroys All Humans for $69.99! That's As low as $7.99 per month with Fingerhut financing!
:lol They used to send me that catalog even though I never signed up. It was good for a laugh.

[edit] Nice!


Unless there's something killer at launch, it might be a good idea to wait a few months and snag some games from the bargain bin first. The price of the system won't drop, but at least you won't be paying $60 for a game. :lol

I fully expect the return of the $70 premium titles. FF13 anyone? The dark ages have returned. :( PEACE.


Yahoo! said:
...but Reed confirmed titles published by Microsoft would stay at the same prices we've come to expect from the current generation of hardware.

So, does this mean an everyday game or a Limited Edition or Special Edition?


as I said elsewhere, in the UK they are trying £49 games. Well they can fuck off. Current gen stuff is around £29 - everyone is discounting these days. So going back to £39 is bad enough.

And since when did a $10 rise equal a £10 one? £50 = $90. Thats just stupid.

What with this and the dual SKU fiasco, are MS determined to make the next gen stillborn?


they call me "Man Gravy".
newsguy said:
That clicking sound you hear is millions of fingers typing:


Use it, love it.

uhh, IIRC doesn't gamefly only have 1 warehouse, and it's on the left coast? That's a big no thx from me, I'm not going to wait over a week turnaround to get games to / from my place in Boston.


Gamefly is worthless for me.

They have something like a 5 day turnaround time where I live here. They also claim to not have gotten 2 games back that I returned to them and they said that if it happens again, I'm banned from their service. I went ahead and cancelled it and decided not to do business with them anymore. I returned the games to them but either the postman lifted them, they got legitimately lost, or maybe the person that scans them back in when Gamefly receives them stole them. I have no clue and don't care at this point. My conscience is clean because I returned their fucking games and the problem is either the post office or their own internal theft.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
bill0527 said:
Gamefly is worthless for me.

They have something like a 5 day turnaround time where I live here. They also claim to not have gotten 2 games back that I returned to them and they said that if it happens again, I'm banned from their service. I went ahead and cancelled it and decided not to do business with them anymore. I returned the games to them but either the postman lifted them, they got legitimately lost, or maybe the person that scans them back in when Gamefly receives them stole them. I have no clue and don't care at this point. My conscience is clean because I returned their fucking games and the problem is either the post office or their own internal theft.

They haven't activated the FastReturn service in your area? That sucks....


acidviper said:
The higher the game/system price the faster the mod chip is going to come.
Yeah... I wonder... if the games would be $80 dollars everyone would massively do that mod chip stuff and no game developer would profit by developing games on X360 = doomed.


Ruzbeh said:
Yeah... I wonder... if the games would be $80 dollars everyone would massively do that mod chip stuff and no game developer would profit by developing games on X360 = doomed.

The games are on DVD's and the thing comes with a HD it seems too easy.


I'm still going to buy what I want and more than likely they'll be used more than half the time. These new *Doomed* game prices don't effect me since I don't really run out and buy that many games on the spot anyways. I'm buying no more than 2 X360 games at launch,that should keep me busy for quite awhile. I'll rent the rest,and then probably pick a few up used at GameCrazy,or look for deals at the usual stores I shop for games at.
I guess these new higher prices sorta put a damper of folks who tend to collect games though,that extra money is going to hurt them.


Hmmm.... I recall reading somewhere that depending on dev costs games will range in prices.

Maybe EA's games will be 59.99 but other developers might charge 49.99... some games may even charge 39.99... and if were lucky... i mean really really lucky... 2K sports titles will be 19.99... i know... wishful thinking... but hey anything is possible.

Ranger X

Himuro said:
I did not know about this, but I will have to adjust because I plan on moving there!

Actually you may have 15% tax but if you're in Quebec particularly, it's one of the place in the world where you get the most services. Canadian tend to forget that we are lucky to live here and benefit from a shitload of things.


Rorschach said:
Who pays full price for games, anyway? Only on rare occasions do I have to pony up full price.

The only problem is the higher retail price will make the price higher for the "deals" also.

Now you can get a $50 game on sale for $40.

With 360 it will be a $60 game on sale for $50.


Gas Guzzler
Heian-kyo said:
GameShack down on Yonge and Dundas in the Atrium? Receipt looks like it's from them. I know the owner, good guy, though his store is doomed to close in the next couple of years as the profit margins and pricing on their games just can't compete with Best Buy and Future Shop anymore. Shame.

Yeah, I go out of my way to try to support my local independent Game shop. Well, actually, he's not local anymore since I moved 100km away, but I still make the drive out to buy games from him.

Gamerama at Yonge and Eglinton in Toronto - best game store in Toronto by a wide margin :D


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Initial prices won't change the way the industry is set up, good games will still fall to $20 or less quickly enough. I never buy new systems anyway, it's smart to wait a year after a console's release to pick it up.


djtiesto said:
back then I'd pay $70+ for some SNES and Genesis RPGs, but those were awesome games, undoubtedly will be much more enjoyable for me than most any next gen game.

Yes but also back then the RPG's where worth $70+ on the SNES and Genesis, Chrono Trigger, FF3/6, Phantasy Star, etc....

A lot of the RPG's these days aren't that good, granted I liked FF10, and Shadow Hearts, but there are a LOT of RPG's that aren't even close to worth $50.
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