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Forum Avatar Request Thread

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PantherLotus said:
Does anybody recall the Chocolate video by SNSD that made the rounds some time ago (Did I post it?)? Anyway, near the end is this beautiful shot with sparks raining down on Taeyon (the cutie in my avatar), and I would willingly do naughty things over the internet to secure an avatar'd version of that.

Any help?

If you mean 3:03-3:12, that's actually Yuri :eek:


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CruxisMana said:
...And just because I already had it open;

I can make this, but the looping is going to look really back since the sparks are going to go backwards and forwards, or it won't loop at all and the girl will jerk around.

I almost feel like I shouldn't make this because you're current one is too popular/famous and I think this would be a major downgrade. :lol

Avatarize, plaz.


I almost hate to ask, but can someone avatarize this picture of Mark Webber with a blue background and drop shadow like mine? I finally figured out how to do random avatars so I wanted to cycle between both.


The first part of this isn't necessarily a request to make an avatar, but moreso a request for ideas about an avatar. Now, I love me some FF9, but my avatar is just plain boring and I dont quite like it. I've been racking my brain trying to find something that encompasses both "Dave" and "Dough" in one collective image.... animated or not, and I'm drawing a blank.

I understand this is beyond the norm of what people are doing, but I wouldn't mind something that more closely represents my username.

If that's out of the scope, then my other request is to somehow animate the one i have now. Here's the source:

Now, I was thinking of trying to spin the circle at his feet around or make the flames look flamey through some type of animated process that is beyond my basic grasp of photoshop. If either are too difficult, I fully understand but appreciate all input.
How about an avatar (from the new KZ3 teaser) of the part where he puts the helmet on and the eye's light up. Just looping the part where they light up.

Like this but just the eye's lighting up and his head slightly looking up. That, looped like TTP's avatar would be sweet.

(Amazing avatar btw!)

Please and Thank you.


Did it myself, think it turned out pretty good.


I was wondering if some kind GAFfer could add a transparency effect to my avatar's background, removing the white bg.
RubxQub said:

Can you do an avatar gif of cruise's dance at the end of the movie, during the credits?

Also, an avatar moving gif of the dancing saxo player from eurovision anyone? :lol




EDIT: CRAP Beaten!


noisome07 said:
when you have a bunch of avatars and you happen to post a lot in a particular thread it looks weird that from one post to the other your avatar is not the same.


Hey guys,

It would be great if someone could turn these pictures into avatars like my current floating head one, but different colours. So after you make all the floating heads would it be possible to put them into a gif that flicks through each one one by one. Including my current one?






I know its a big ask but it would be really amazing if someone could do it.
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