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Full Auto screens (Xdude 360)


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
mrklaw said:
looks like shit. I'm getting tired (geddit?) of all this post apocalypse/near future dark shit where it just looks like you're racing through a fucking oil refinery half the time. No fucking imagination.

And everything is Havok wreckable? That makes it OK to look like shit? The power of the next gen consoles shouldn't even be slightly dented by a few rigid body objects.

anyone seriously using THIS as the reason for buying an xbox 360 needs their bumps feeling


does this max out 360 or show the true power of next-gen? fuck no it doesnt.

does it look better then anything on current gen? yes, yes it does.

does it offer anything that just simply isnt possible in todays (console) games? destroy everything, loads of physics based interaction... yes.

its perfectly ok to think 1st gen games can be awesome, even if they arent a true indication of what next-gen can offer. i dunno, fuck it. i'll be playing this and having fun i guess while you dicks sit around and day dream about 2nd gen software that will better take advantage of the hardware. wait, who am i kidding? you'll still be talking shit, cause nothing pleases you fucks.

sorry, i'm angry lately :p


olimario said:
this looks better

than this

You are VERY wrong.

We are talking about the graphics from a technical standpoint, not an artistic one.

If you can't notice the higher poly count, higher res textures, higher res of the display overall, the use of bump mapping, per pixel shadows applied to everything (and one car to another, something that PGR2 didn't have), and the far better particle/sprite effects...then you are suffering from diminishing return-itis.


Fight for Freeform said:
You are VERY wrong.

We are talking about the graphics from a technical standpoint, not an artistic one.

If you can't notice the higher poly count, higher res textures, higher res of the display overall, the use of bump mapping, per pixel shadows applied to everything (and one car to another, something that PGR2 didn't have), and the far better particle/sprite effects...then you are suffering from diminishing return-itis.

The game can be as technically mindblowing as it wants. If it doesn't LOOK better than current gen games then it's doing something HORRIBLY wrong with that tech.


olimario said:
The game can be as technically mindblowing as it wants. If it doesn't LOOK better than current gen games then it's doing something HORRIBLY wrong with that tech.

Exactly, and this is because we are comparing games on an artistic level.

So you admit that you are comparing ART rather than graphics on a technical level?
Fight for Freeform said:
Exactly, and this is because we are comparing games on an artistic level.

So you admit that you are comparing ART rather than graphics on a technical level?

It's not just the art. I can look at games running on the UNREAL engine and not be impressed by the art but still be impressed by how technically impressive it is. With this, I just don't see whats so impressive about it.


Fight for Freeform said:
Exactly, and this is because we are comparing games on an artistic level.

So you admit that you are comparing ART rather than graphics on a technical level?

More a combination of the two. I've seen technically impressive games that still look as such even with shitty art. Doom III is a good example.

Funky Papa

Full Auto have some serious art problems and a lack of tech and sight. Everybody should be able to see it.

Those explosions are really sweet though.


SolidSnakex said:
It's not just the art. I can look at games running on the UNREAL engine and not be impressed by the art but still be impressed by how technically impressive it is. With this, I just don't see whats so impressive about it.

olimario said:
More a combination of the two. I've seen technically impressive games that still look as such even with shitty art. Doom III is a good example.

Well I guess this has a large part to do with diminishing returns. Effects have to be a bit more extreme for casual gamers to notice them. And this explains why we see things like the bloom effect being overdone, because otherwise you guys wouldn't be able to notice them. Bringing up DOOM 3, a game which uses scenarios where exaggerated lighting fits right in, only proves my point.


No need for that "diminishing returns" bullshit....compared to alot of next gen games (including lots of Xbux Three $ixty ones) this looks crap....

The *idea* of Full Auto (racing around blowing everything in sight) is alot better than the *look* of Full Auto....and yes, I saw it moving at E3...this game is just not for me, but then I luv stuff like GT4, Ridge Racer and what I see of PGR3...

To *me*, this looks like garbage.....saints row looks better, and thats not saying a lot....
this shot looks awesome. definately next gen IMO. if the entire game looks this good if not better and its just a case of bad shots then i'll have no complaints.



kleegamefan: What DR refers to is how increasing poly counts, bettering the textures, and improving the lighting will not make the game look much better in the eyes of people.

It seems that you are very confused over the term, so hopefully that helps. Even if they tripled the poly count from the current version, it's not going to look much better.

Another problem is that gamers aren't able to notice graphical improvements when they see them, and they compare it to games they see in current gen, which proves that DR
is an issue developers have to deal with.
Fight for Freeform said:
kleegamefan: What DR refers to is how increasing poly counts, bettering the textures, and improving the lighting will not make the game look much better in the eyes of people.

It does with games like Heavenly Sword, GoW ect. So why not with this? I've been impressed with many next gen games, but this isn't one of them. It helps in racing games too as PGR3 shows which i've been really impressed by. This is just very eh.


SolidSnakex said:
It does with games like Heavenly Sword, GoW ect. So why not with this? I've been impressed with many next gen games, but this isn't one of them. It helps in racing games too as PGR3 shows which i've been really impressed by. This is just very eh.

I think he ment that after every iteration(lineary updating graphics), the difference to the eye will be less than previous iteration.
i think you guys are looking too much at the surface and not the finer details. for instance on the pic i posted the green car shows some nice reflection and damage. the cars metal is actually bent, warped and rippled as it would be in real life if you grinded your car against a wall. its not just some lame damage texture. its deformation and physics that will own in this game. the lights and shadows in that pic look insane as well. very nice IMO.

I just keep thinking about how solid these titles will look on an HDTV and drool. :lol


SolidSnakex said:
It does with games like Heavenly Sword, GoW ect. So why not with this? I've been impressed with many next gen games, but this isn't one of them. It helps in racing games too as PGR3 shows which i've been really impressed by. This is just very eh.

No, that has to do with art style, and not the number of polygons, or the resolution of textures.

Are you telling me that if this game recieved 100 times the polygons, that it would look much better? Not really. The green car will still stick out like a sore thumb, the drab colours wouldn't change one bit, etc.

I don't mind the art style for this game THAT much. Twisted Metal is somewhat similar. I just think it requires a lot of tweaking.

LA said:
i think you guys are looking too much at the surface and not the finer details.

That's the whole issue with DR. People will not notice the finer details. This is why we are seeing devs using the bloom effect to the max, high contrast lighting situations, etc. People will notice it and be wowed.


Lunar Aura said:
i think you guys are looking too much at the surface and not the finer details. for instance on the pic i posted the green car shows some nice reflection and damage. the cars metal is actually bent, warped and rippled as it would be in real life if you grinded your car against a wall. its not just some lame damage texture. its deformation and physics that will own in this game.

The complete overall package is what most people see and judge, and it isnt really that impressive. Far from that WOW feeling I got when I saw PGR 3 and GOW screenshots/videos.

Funky Papa

Lunar Aura said:
i think you guys are looking too much at the surface and not the finer details. for instance on the pic i posted the green car shows some nice reflection and damage. the cars metal is actually bent, warped and rippled as it would be in real life if you grinded your car against a wall. its not just some lame damage texture.
It is. Actually it is pretty clear that Full Auto uses some kind of bump mapping (or relief, I don't know) to simulate the smaller bumps.


Fight for Freeform said:
kleegamefan: What DR refers to is how increasing poly counts, bettering the textures, and improving the lighting will not make the game look much better in the eyes of people.

It seems that you are very confused over the term, so hopefully that helps. Even if they tripled the poly count from the current version, it's not going to look much better.

Another problem is that gamers aren't able to notice graphical improvements when they see them, and they compare it to games they see in current gen, which proves that DR
is an issue developers have to deal with.

I could not disagree with you more....

I have been PLENTY impressed with other PS3/Xbux Three $ixty games not called Full Auto....

Not able to notice graphical improvements when I see them??? You aren't serious, are you??

This game is just ugly to me and I am far from confused about that buddy...


Here I am, spending my valuable time educating you and this is how you repay me?

*runs and cries like a little girl*


The "big" selling point for this game is how everything is supposedly damagable. It looks ok in motion when you see all the stuff that`s happening.

Still pics doesn`t help it that`s for sure. Although I don`t think games like NFSU looked any better artistically. Just as bad.


No, not all next-gen racing games need to have destructible environments. That was not my point, and Olimario your GT5 analogy here is nothing less than bizarre. The GT series is a REAL DRIVING SIMULATOR. It's a 'sim', hence it's primary goal is car realism. Does Outrun aspire to the same? Does Burnout? Should all next-gen racing games just aspire to be prettier, more realistic versions of the their previous generation? How small minded is that?

The next-gen gives developers a lot more processing power, and personally I'm more intested in attempts at new, original games that use the lions share of that for new gameplay (spectacular, procedurally destructible city environments), instead of on 20,000 more polygons just for the car model's interior.

edit -

of course, this is probably an unfashionable position to take on GAF where fanboys throw pre-Alpha screenshots back and forth more often than reason.


Vibri said:
The next-gen gives developers a lot more processing power, and personally I'm more intested in attempts at new, original games that use the lions share of that for new gameplay (spectacular, procedurally destructible city environments), instead of on 20,000 more polygons just for the car model's interior.

I agree, but that doesn't mean you can't do things with style.

I'm interested in what I've heard about Full Auto from a gameplay perspective (destructible environments, heavy use of physics, ability to 'rewind time' to the point before a crash), but I also have to agree with the posters here who feel the game's... somewhat underwhelming from a visual standpoint. I don't think that has so much to do with the limitations imposed by the design of the game as it does the art direction. It's obvious from the screenshots that even with all the physics calculations, the game's still able to shift a good number of polygons and pump out some nice visual effects. What they could use right now is an art staff that knows how to get the most out of their poly budgets. With better art design and intelligent use of the resources allotted for art assets, they could probably get this game looking 10x better than it does now without sacrificing any of the gameplay.
bump mapping or not that pic looks something that would have been considered prerendered CG the very beginning of this gen. i like it. :)

"full crap"



This is one of the few announced next gen games that uses the technology to do things gameplaywise that would have been impossible on current consoles. I dont remember ever playing a racing game where everything was destructable and fully interactive. It would have been impossible. Games like PGR3, Gears of War, they arent bringing anything new to the table other than being really good looking IMO. This game doesnt deserve the ammount of hate it gets.


op_ivy said:

sorry, i'm angry lately :p

fine, me too lately. I'm fine with first gen stuff like PGR3. Yes I'm aware MS will be throwing money at it.

Thats still no excuse for what looks like Burnout with guns. Its not just the technology, its the setting, the art, the entire approach just seems tired to me.


Tellaerin said:
I agree, but that doesn't mean you can't do things with style.

I'm interested in what I've heard about Full Auto from a gameplay perspective (destructible environments, heavy use of physics, ability to 'rewind time' to the point before a crash), but I also have to agree with the posters here who feel the game's... somewhat underwhelming from a visual standpoint. I don't think that has so much to do with the limitations imposed by the design of the game as it does the art direction. It's obvious from the screenshots that even with all the physics calculations, the game's still able to shift a good number of polygons and pump out some nice visual effects. What they could use right now is an art staff that knows how to get the most out of their poly budgets. With better art design and intelligent use of the resources allotted for art assets, they could probably get this game looking 10x better than it does now without sacrificing any of the gameplay.



I agree that the art is lacking, something I mentioned in my first post. The game in motion however is spectacular, and more importantly, features interactive environments on a scale never before seen in a racing game. My most wanted racing game for 360 by far.


From the footage I've see the only complaints I have with the visuals is the terrible looking texture (normal mapped) damage...I mean...really...are they even trying?

The game liike like some sort of crazy fun car combat game though...so I'm definately looking out for it
full how none of you have even played the game or know of much of the gameplay specifics. it was actually one of the fun titles at e3 *scratches head*
i think most of the people here would be better off attaching a controller to gamepro or egm these days and playing screenshots instead.


intangibles, motherfucker
I dont know how many times i have to say Full Auto owned at E3. BUT OH NO TEH SCREENSHOTS! FULL CRAP IM NOT BUYING! Take that to GFaqs not here.
They can keep waiting and fapping to screens of games so far down the road they're not even worth discussing.

Who really cares what they think?

Full Crap. *snicker* Great way to describe your opinion of games.
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