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Full Auto screens (Xdude 360)


Lunar Aura said:
i think most of the people here would be better off attaching a controller to gamepro or egm these days and playing screenshots instead.

I play games plenty, but this game, in screenshots and all the videos I have seen, just doesn't do if for me...



I play games plenty, but this game, in screenshots and all the videos I have seen, just doesn't do if for me...


Does that mean your moving on or will you continue to troll every Full Auto thread?


Nah, I think I'll post some PGR3 shots to raise the beauty index of this thread:




Now I'll move on...


Yeah, the two times I played Full Auto it was the most promising, most fun, most next-gen playing Xbox 360 game period.

But in la-la GAF-land where mere screenshots/static scans of an unfinshed game trumps the actual hand-on experience of playing a video game...well why are we bothering?


Ante Up
Looks like a slightly upgraded XBOX game in these screenshots. I'll need to see this in motion to conclusively determine the crappiness of the visuals.


Banstick Emeritus
Metal Messiah said:
Full Crap
No no no no NO.

There is reasoned discourse, then there are posts like the one above. You can disagree on the artistic merit of the game in question, you can full-on hate everything Three $ixty-related, you can roar to the heavens how both Allard and Gates allegedly DP'd your grandmother while you shook in impotent rage inside the bedroom closet....but by GOD I WILL MAKE YOU WRITE BETTER REBUTTALS THAN THIS.

You illiterate shaved apes will at least attempt to contribute something of substance or you will get banned.



intangibles, motherfucker
bishoptl said:
No no no no NO.

There is reasoned discourse, then there are posts like the one above. You can disagree on the artistic merit of the game in question, you can full-on hate everything Three $ixty-related, you can roar to the heavens how both Allard and Gates allegedly DP'd your grandmother while you shook in impotent rage inside the bedroom closet....but by GOD I WILL MAKE YOU WRITE BETTER REBUTTALS THAN THIS.

You illiterate shaved apes will at least attempt to contribute something of substance or you will get banned.


:lol :lol :lol


It looks like absolute shit in screen shots, but it looks better in motion.

Seriously, the screens make it look like something on Xbox 1 a year and a half ago.

As for the people looking at these sceens and going AWESOME you're out of your fucking minds.


bishoptl said:
No no no no NO.

There is reasoned discourse, then there are posts like the one above. You can disagree on the artistic merit of the game in question, you can full-on hate everything Three $ixty-related, you can roar to the heavens how both Allard and Gates allegedly DP'd your grandmother while you shook in impotent rage inside the bedroom closet....but by GOD I WILL MAKE YOU WRITE BETTER REBUTTALS THAN THIS.

You illiterate shaved apes will at least attempt to contribute something of substance or you will get banned.




bishoptl said:
No no no no NO.

There is reasoned discourse, then there are posts like the one above. You can disagree on the artistic merit of the game in question, you can full-on hate everything Three $ixty-related, you can roar to the heavens how both Allard and Gates allegedly DP'd your grandmother while you shook in impotent rage inside the bedroom closet....but by GOD I WILL MAKE YOU WRITE BETTER REBUTTALS THAN THIS.

You illiterate shaved apes will at least attempt to contribute something of substance or you will get banned.


Because of this post, I WILL BUY 18 COPIES.


Is this a joke? Its pretty obvious when you see PGR and you see this piece of shit, that some people know how to program for the system and others either dont have the time, the money, or the talent to get the job done. Seriously, if you are defending FA, go get your eyes checked.


intangibles, motherfucker
meelk said:
Is this a joke? Its pretty obvious when you see PGR and you see this piece of shit, that some people know how to program for the system and others either dont have the time, the money, or the talent to get the job done. Seriously, if you are defending FA, go get your eyes checked.

Yes because screenshots=actual game in motion and gameplay.
meelk said:
Is this a joke? Its pretty obvious when you see PGR and you see this piece of shit, that some people know how to program for the system and others either dont have the time, the money, or the talent to get the job done. Seriously, if you are defending FA, go get your eyes checked.

i'd post that pic yet again but its still on this page. :lol please tell me what part of that shot looks bad. please. the color of the car MAYBE if you wanna nitpic but besides that i cant find a flaw. better yet download the linked video and marvel at the solid IQ and chaos.


Lunar Aura said:
i'd post that pic yet again but its still on this page. :lol please tell me what part of that shot looks bad. please. the color of the car MAYBE if you wanna nitpic but besides that i cant find a flaw. better yet download the linked video and marvel at the solid IQ and chaos.

I dont think "marveling at the chaos" isnt really going to be a big selling point, as half the xb360 games I see are pushing a trillion guys on screen at once as "the cool new thing". Seriously, what DOESNT look bad about those screenshots vs. ANY PGR screenshot?
How many times in this thread alone can people point out that this game is amazing in motion and still people stumble in with their omg wtf xbox1.5. Jesus.
no but PLAYING within the choas online with 8-16 other people will. how can you compare this to PGR3? can you barrel thru buildings in PGR3? can you blow things up in PGR3? totally different use of game worlds and totally different use of physics not to mention totally different developers using totally different methods of creating games. why is this concept so hard to grasp? as far as the millions of people onscreen games all of em look stupid IMO. even the new ps2 one. its pointless. *ooooooooh looky here...thousands of CLONES on the screen! what an amazing technical feat!* YAWN.


Lunar Aura said:
show me an xbox 1 game that looks like this.

Nice strategy. Using one okay-looking screenshot to make up for the 7 other shitty ones. I like it. I'll have to try it sometime.

The cars are the only thing that look remotely good and they look crappy in other pictures. Everything else looks like Xbox.
*cough*video*cough* *cough*buddy Cs gameplay impressions*hack*

look at the parts littering the streets i'm assuming from carnage. its like burnout's crash mode to the 25th power but instead of crashing into a set the game is an ongoing crashfest with debris and destruction alterting gameplay constantly. how can you people NOT be excited about this?



Steroid Distributor
Lunar Aura said:
*cough*video*cough* *cough*buddy Cs gameplay impressions*hack*

look at the parts littering the streets i'm assuming from carnage. its like burnout's crash mode to the 25th power but instead of crashing into a set the game is an ongoing crashfest with debris and destruction alterting gameplay constantly. how can you people NOT be excited about this?

I am man. That shot is crazy. I almost laugh when I think of the carnage that you can create in this game. All the videos look awesome.
If people could get all jacked up about Twisted Metal Black at the PS2 launch and can call Burnout3 the best racer ever than they should be able to see the potential this game has.
Next gen should not equal Toy Story graphics. It should give us smoother framerates, better graphics and more interactive environments.
This game is gonna rock!


*if* it plays like the car chase in bad boys II, dodding debris all over the place, and really getting your adrenaline going, then great.

Its just that from the screenshots and videos it looks like a slow, meandering racing game with 'big guns' (wooh) and some breaking things.

I'd love to be proven wrong, but perhaps this will be the flag bearer for why 'just add physics' won't cure all your gaming ills.
Kleegamefan said:
Truly a polarizing game, this one...

Agreed. I have yet to get my hands on it, but each time I see it I'm more excited than the last. I think the visuals look good enough and the game looks to be insanely fun. This is one of my most anticipated games.
hmmm...low poly car, car shine textures that look like someone used the smudge function in photoshop, low quality background textures(look at the walls for god sake) and 128 colors that all run and swirl into eachother in the background. That pic is some what representative of what a clowns nightmares look like.
The headless girl from Killer 7 approves of these pics:

"You're ****ed."Coyote Smith-Killer7Hello. My name is Elizibeth......... When I died in 1953, I was only ten. I was kidnapped by two rapists who skinned me alive. My corpse has been rotting in the ground, only to awaken when someone reads this letter. Post this message on five different boards and your life will be saved. otherwise, in one hour I shall stand right behind you, tap you on the back and suck out your soul to nourish mine. If you post it, your life shall be spared and you shall never be bothered again.

I don't see what the issue is. The game is something to see in motion, not from pics. Simple.
Lunar Aura said:
look at the parts littering the streets i'm assuming from carnage.


No no, that's just how Detroit, where the game takes place, looks like every day.*

*I use to live in Detroit so I'm allowed to make this joke.


They've only made one other game in their history, a cel-shaded title, and now they're tackling next-gen hardware.

Yeah some of those screens don't exactly scream "next gen" or "next level", but damn, Full auto looks fun to me.
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