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Gamepass is no longer a good value, it's now a necessity

Eh, anything that uses EA titles as an incentive needs further scrutiny. It isn't exactly a brand that screams quality. I'd rather not lock myself in to play their uninspired software.


The nicest person on this forum
Not sure. Likely not at launch if anything.

Monster Hunter World is on GP now.
But I'm super hyped for MHRise, the traversal and using those traversal tool for combat looks super exciting. Also none of Vanillaware games ever made it to Xbox systems, so there is a good chance 13 Sentinels not coming to Xbox as well.
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Gold Member
I thought EA access was only a catalog of older EA titles. If all new EA games are being added to gamepass day and date, that's potentially even bigger news than the Bathesda acquisition.
Don't think so.

I don't think the regular EA Access ever had day one games. I dont think the EA thing included with GP is supposed to the PC version of Origins which does include day one games.


Gold Member
No thanks. I hate subscription shit. I like owning the game/movie/ song and not having to worry about it going away at the end of the month.
Are there any launch title or even first year window release from Bethesda? Why should we care if their games are 3-5 years from now and then we can play all of them on a more powerful PC day 1?

I have my eyes on both Starfied and Elders Scrolls to be honest. When are those games releasing?
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Not for everyone. I'm super picky about what games I play and only one or two every few years will grab my attention. I'm still happy to pay $60-70 for a game.

I'd love for MS to offer a demo service though. $1 to the entire gamepass catalogue but you can't play more than 30 mins of any game. That's really all I need.


Gold Member
As a PC gamer I like owning games and buying them on discount so I’m going to go with ‘No’ to GaaS.

Gamepass has value when playing Ubisoft games and the like where I wouldn’t own unless severely discounted and then wouldn’t ever touch again thereafter. Instead of buying these discounted on a Steam summer sale, I can pay Much less for a month and be done.


Gold Member
But I'm super hyped for MHRise, the traversal and using those traversal tool for combat looks super exciting.
GP day one games are basically 99% limited to MS first party games and some smaller scale indie games. Off the top of my head, I don't remember any big third party games being day one GP.


Yup. True.

I did the $1 thing last summer. Bought 3 years of gold, then upgrades for $1 + tax.

I guess MS changed it lately. I'm positive they still had the 3 year max thing earlier this year.

Same. My Xbox Live sub was ending at the perfect time so I got the full 3 years as well. Normally I might wait a bit to pick up XSX, but with that Gamepass sub running i'm definitely getting it day one. No extra controller or 1st party game costs. I'll grab the system and Cyberpunk and call it a day for a while.


The nicest person on this forum
GP day one games are basically 99% limited to MS first party games and some smaller scale indie games. Off the top of my head, I don't remember any big third party games being day one GP.
Thats not the real issue here, most games third party games like Vanillaware games just wont get released on Xbox at all. Gamepass is great value if you already have Xbox and you are in to the games it has.

For me it doesn't have the games I want then Gamepass is useless to me.


Gold Member
Thats not the real issue here, most games third party games like Vanillaware games just wont get released on Xbox at all. Gamepass is great value if you already have Xbox and you are in to the games it has.

For me it doesn't have the games I want then Gamepass is useless to me.
Totally understandable.

If a gamer only plays Call of Duty, GP is useless since I don't think any CODs have every come to GP.
If it's through Windows Store, I'm on team "no thanks." I'm just hopeful that subscription is not the only means by which to have access to games in their catalog.

Now if you bundled MMOs together for a monthly subscription, I'd be willing to talk myself into it.
Isn't the EA Play that is included the one that doesn't included new games on day one? Aka for say FIFA or Madden it will be the last years one for most of the year.


I will never be interested in a subscription model for games, no matter how much money the platform holders are throwing at it.
Why do people insist on ignoring the option to still buy the games? To make no mention of their discounted price with GP. You still have the CHOICE.
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Not interested since

1) want to own the games or I might as well pirate.
2) I will feel forced to play the gamepass games which are mostly games from studios I ignore to justify paying monthly and I won't want to buy games not on it anymore.


lol im sure it's a necessity to keep buying it because the minute you unsub you lose all your games.

renting games is fine, i like to own mine.

people need to chill out on Gamepass. it's not like you cant play DOOM on every machine out there.


I used gamepass on PC for half a year and my problem is that it's difficult for me to enjoy the game when I don't own the game. I don't know how to surpass that feeling.

At the end I used the service as some sort of demo source to decide if I purchase the game on Steam.

I quit a week ago, and you know? All that game library gone. So in fact I didn't own the games. And that doesn't help me to return to the service.


A lot has changed today, anyone who doesn't acknowledge that is frankly not living in the real world

I'm still in shock that Phil has been given the keys to the war chest, clearly Satya sees him as "the guy" to run their whole gaming business

They have doubled their subs in six months as well, if they continue at this rate they will go into the market again and buy another big company
Na I'm good. I'll keep owning my games instead of paying a monthly fee to access them, I'm not missing out on anything by not buying gamepass.


Tbh it doesn't change that much for me, I barely buy Bethesda games at all, and the one time I did it this year with Doom Eternal I regretted it. It's still a nice bonus though, don't get me wrong.


I liked both evil within, bestly under rated series and more enjoyable than RE for me.

I dont have time to invest in the large RPGs...


I can't deny the value of GP, and hopefully Xcloud takes off as well.

Its whats pushing me from a Sony guy to an Xbox guy. still on the fence with the 399 PS, but GP has really caught my attention.

In the end whatever gamer you are, everyone should be hoping GP works out. It will put more pressure on Sony to be aggressive. If this meant that Sony would lower the price of NOW, add in day and date first party games would anyone be pissed? I would say the PS Collection for PS5 is probably because of GP and not Sony's goodness.



is too strong of a word, you don't HAVE to do anything with Gamepass. But if you like to play a lot of games and don't like buying all of them outright then gamepass is a no-brainer.
Nah. I've subbed to Game Pass for 5 separate months (most of which were free because of promotional codes) and it just doesn't do much for me on PC. I only played through one game (A Plague Tale), and the rest I dropped within an hour or so.

It really is the Netflix of gaming for me - browsing around for something to play, deciding on nothing and closing the app.


advanced basic bitch
Yeah but how many have a PC that can match the performance of an XSX? I'll wait on your numbers.
I love hearing this one. You should check out the activity in the 3080 thread. People who post on forums are enthusiasts. They have enthusiast builds. So quite a few on here anyway to answer your question.


Then you must hate Netflix and Spotify because for $10/mth you can watch and listen to tons of stuff and never need to buy movies and shows one at a time at $10-$20 per BR disc ever again.

I do not see those as similar markets at all.

-Netflix is not only a monthly subscription, it's ease of access to a large catalog which was before only available on DVD or at specific times on TV. It's about convenience rather than money structure. Especially in Europe where American shows are dubbed and released with a delay the experience is simply not the same.
- Music is a short-span medium. A song is 3 minutes long, and album - maybe an hour. There is a lot of value to listen to different music all the time so streaming an endless amount of different artists has intrinsic value.

Now let's compare to gamepass:
- Gaming is time consuming. Games are already available for sale. Most publishers are already using subscription services and freemium models for AAA games. Gamepass is a good value for older games and AA games if you don't want to pay but take me: I don't care for multiplayer much, I want to play Assassin'c Creed, FIFA, Dark Souls etc. I don't have time to try an endless amount of games out there and it's mostly noise to me.
- Good games require significant money investment. Gaming market is not the same as Netflix subscription available everywhere. Netflix has 180 million subscribers and most of its shows don't cost millions to make either, GamePass has 15M (question if all are active today with full sub or not) and truly AAA games need a much larger budget, therefore it's a vicious cycle. Moreover it's vicious in its strategy of cancelling good shows early and is notoriously hit-and-miss in its productions especially movies. This is because they go for breadth of content instead of sheer quality which is exactly what MS wants. MS would also want longer-form games to keep sub running.
- Gaming industry has been quicker to adopt new monetisation policies and they don't share. EA PLay on gamepass is a joke as it has only older games. Most companies won't release their games on gamepass if they can generate more revenue by selling directly to consumer and keep their playtime on their own platform without paying more royalties to MS.

Now this is all assuming MS is fully embracing sub service as an ideal model. Obviously they can also release good games for sale but the big strategy usually dictates priorities. I fully expect Nintendo and Sony to make great games that do not waste my time or force me to spend recurring money on repetitive tasks because they want to sell a box and a game. Gamepass - I'm sceptical, especially as I will still need to spend extra for other AAA titles I enjoy.
I used gamepass on PC for half a year and my problem is that it's difficult for me to enjoy the game when I don't own the game. I don't know how to surpass that feeling.

At the end I used the service as some sort of demo source to decide if I purchase the game on Steam.

I quit a week ago, and you know? All that game library gone. So in fact I didn't own the games. And that doesn't help me to return to the service.
This is the dumbest argument ever against GP for me. You didn't pay full price for the games so why would you own them? Also a ton of games have special GP pricing on them as well. You could easily offset the subscription cost with sales prices. Dishonored 2 is going off of game pass on PC and they are selling it for $32.. it is still $40 on steam. There are a ton of deals like this that make buying a game you want offered on the service and easy way to offset the cost of the subscription.
How will those gamers feel that dont want to pay subscriptions and like physical or digitally owned games, when MS is giving out same games for almost free and in the same time asks full price from others?
Thats not the real issue here, most games third party games like Vanillaware games just wont get released on Xbox at all. Gamepass is great value if you already have Xbox and you are in to the games it has.

For me it doesn't have the games I want then Gamepass is useless to me.

There's almost zero chance of small-mid scale Japanese games ever being added to GP, because most of them don't even release on Xbox.

You're more likely to eventually see some of these games on PS Now. I was pleasantly surprised to see a pretty decent JRPG collection on PS Now, like the Disgaea games, Atelier games, etc. Plus they have Gravity Rush 1/2 ;)

To me I don't see any games on GP that interest me. MS's 1st party games don't interest me. Most Japanese games won't release on GP. Big 3rd party games don't release on GP on day one (a lot of them go on PS Now as well down the line). Maybe if one day they start adding in the latest COD/FIFA to the service day one, but until then I don't see the service being must have for the mainstream.
Then you must hate Netflix and Spotify because for $10/mth you can watch and listen to tons of stuff and never need to buy movies and shows one at a time at $10-$20 per BR disc ever again.

Netflix have so limited amount of movies/series* that 8 times from 10 it doesnt have what I want to see

* Not all countries have as many as usa has

Or it have part/season 1+2 but not 3, 4 and 5

Or it is in another service.

So yeah, I have to buy movies/series.

If GP wont have 99% of all released games, same thing.

And buying older/used games is almost the same price but you can resell and some people just like to collect


It's not an option, as in I don't use Windows 10 so it's literally not an option? :lollipop_smiling_face_eyes:
You could buy a nvidia shield or another android tv device. Just saying. That's how I play xbox in the bedroom.

Edit: hell, android tv is built into a number of televisions now.
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No thanks, I'd rather buy my games rather than rent. I do not see how it is a necessity considering that it still has very few games I actually like and have time to play.
Moreover I do not like the way Gamepass may change the industry and while it's a good value now for some I do not support it.
It could absolutely ruin it. It could also allow developers to make the games they want to make as they wouldn't be tied to individual game performance. This applies mostly to the 20 something studios now under MS umbrella. We may see an influx of actual experimentation and new gameplay ideas. Time will tell.
Not for everyone. I'm super picky about what games I play and only one or two every few years will grab my attention. I'm still happy to pay $60-70 for a game.

I'd love for MS to offer a demo service though. $1 to the entire gamepass catalogue but you can't play more than 30 mins of any game. That's really all I need.

They literally have trial deals almost every month.


I will never be interested in a subscription model for games, no matter how much money the platform holders are throwing at it.

I feel the same, though I appreciate the value behind it. I actually see it as the smart investment for someone like myself as well, but I just don't want another monthly fee. It will bug me when I go a month or two without gaming, it'll bug me when I have to account for it every time I'm reviewing my finances, etc. Monthly fees are just annoying, so I like to have as few as possible.

Really great value though, of course.
15 million subs at $10 a month(GP basic) = $150,000,000/mo and growing
MS would be silly to fix what ain't broken
Try to keep in mind how unlikely it is that 15 million people are actively paying $10 a month for GP.

A good number of them (myself included) are probably in it from the Summer 2019 deal that let you convert up to 3 yrs of Live Gold to GamePass Ultimate for $1.

Don’t let subscriber numbers fool you.


They literally have trial deals almost every month.

Doesn't count. The last 2 games I bought, I went to look for a code but there were none. I'm not going to sit around waiting for a deal in order to demo a game. Even if it's only a week, that's still way too long.
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