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Gaming craving, do you have them?


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Some might know what I'm talking about. It's exactly like food craving. You feel a sudden urge to play a specific video game. I get them every so often.

Two summers ago, it was Ninja Gaiden. I ended up purchasing an Xbox One X for cheap just to play NGB and NGII. After that, it was Bloodborne (this one comes back pretty frequently). Most recently, it was the original GOW trilogy. I started with God of War III but stopped halfway through and made my way from the first game to GOW III. Ended up finishing the three games in like 4 days.

Of course a common is is Skyirm. You get an urge to play, check the new mods, download those that look interesting, spend hours setting them up, only to have the game crash because of a conflict. Then you stop the game because it's too much trouble to troubleshoot. A year later you do the same thing wondering "why did I even stop playing?"

Anyway, I'm sure I can't be the only one this happens to. If I am, please recommend a good therapist.
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Recently. This holidays I felt the strange and sudden urge of replaying Cyberpunk. It's weird because even if I finished the first time I didn't like it. But I don't know why, I wanted, almost needed, to replay it. And I'm enjoying it a lot more this time than the first time. Weird.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
I do. I have this desire to play Panzer Dragoon Saga again. But I simply don't have the means. Right now I have two broken Saturns, and I cannot get the game running on emulation. It's like the whole thing is jinxed, so I kinda gave up.
I don't know which one to choose, but I'm looking forward to these games



King of Gaslighting
A good deckbuilder or a strategy game that you can pick up and put down if we're talking about "genres." The overwhelming majority of my STEAM catalog are these kinds of games and my goto "craving." LUCK BE A LANDLORD is the current taste of the month.

I crave strategy games from time to time, but I’m too stupid to play them.

I don't know you but I don't buy this at all: I also love strategy games, and haven't found any that are inherently "complex" and I don't believe for a second you are too stupid to play them - just that they likely have shit tutorializing. Like Victoria 2's tutorial is functional, but terrible for any long term appreciation of the game; same with CK3. V3 and CK3 amped this onboarding up big time and those game have been wild successes.

. . .the current form of TERRA INVICTA is a perfect example of this. Guarantee you load that up and think "It's too smart for me" when nope - game just has terrible UI/UX work and non-existent on-boarding.


Gold Member
Yes. Hitman, Sniper Elite, Soulsborne, and Gran Turismo are just a few.

I actually never delete Hitman, while the others I delete and re-install frequently. I can see myself keeping GT7 installed for a long time once PSVR2 is out.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Occasionally going back to wow once in a while.

Always trying new mmos but none can do it as well as Wow.


Sometimes yes, but more often I get a vague craving for something tied to tactile. The most common is wanting to mash buttons. I've even pick up a controller while watching TV on the couch and just mash the buttons sometimes. Like my hands need to chew.
Yes. For games that provide uniquely individual experiences. My recurrent and spontaneous video game cravings include:
- Bloodborne
- Sekiro
- DOOM: Eternal
- Mass Effect (1 or 2)
- Nier: Automata/Replicant
- Bayonetta 1
- Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen

There are likely others, but those are the main ones I can only stay periodically satiated towards.


The craving is always PlatinumGames titles for me. Sometimes you just gotta run through Vanquish or Metal Gear Rising again, your backlog be damned.


THE Prey 2 fanatic
Definitely the same for me with Skyrim. I also get cravings to return to Dragon's Dogma and STALKER a lot. Sometimes I just wanna play The Sims :lollipop_smiling_face_eyes:
Often I crave an action game, or after an open world game I'll usually want something smaller and linear, so I put off another game I was planning to get to. I just beat Code Vein, so now I really wanna avoid cringe-inducing anime cutscenes.


King of Gaslighting
I am sure if there was a strategy game that involved some sort of mice warfare you'd be smart enough for at least that. Prolly be eSports pro as well.

. . .lags like a mother once you really get a town built up though (well not lags, but the game doesn't pause, even when building out stuff and navigating your town late game can get REAL slow).


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
You played any metal gears besides rising?
Yeah! All of them, except 4 since I never had the chance.

Very cool videogames, but they are also a one and done deal for me since they are so focused on the story. Might replay V some day, and I still have to beat Ghost Babel.

Rising is my favorite tho. Gameplay's fun as hell and I love the music too.


I have so little time for gaming so I always have some cravings. Right now I can’t wait for the kids to fall asleep so I can play Elden Ring! I’m on my 4th playthrough, 380+ hours logged, and I still can’t get enough if it.

Other games I want to play but can’t find the time to play:
Horizon Forbidden West, second half
Tunic, final stretch
Gran Turismo 7
Flight Simulator in VR
Skyrim VR with HIGGS mod
Moss Book 2
Days Gone
Death Stranding
A Plague Tale Requiem
Metroid Dread, 3rd playthrough
Lots of retro games


All the time. It's usually with games ranging anywhere from the 80's to early 00's.
Occasionally I crave minecraft but exclusively for creative mode. I hate survival mode, too boring.

My crave jam typically gravitates to Doom 2, Star Craft, or arcade games.
I used to, back in the glory days of Quake etc, but it was a long time ago. Maybe when I was trucking in Elite Dangerous.

Until recently, as it hit again after having sneered at Star citizen actually played it. Holy fuck. I just want to go mining. and perhaps buy a new PC. And perhaps two new joysticks. And a throttle.


I'm on an Atlus binge right now. Started with Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal and then went way back to Digital Devil Saga. It's a combination of the music, stories, and strategic game play that I occasionally get a hankering for.


Plenty ! It's almost always how I choose my next game to play when I finish one.

I often get sudden urge to play old JRPGs I haven't play yet. Somehow this genre has a special place for me despite not being the biggest fan of it (I haven't a lot of them). Probably because it reminds me my teen years and my time on Final Fantasy X.
Also Dark Souls gets back often.

I am actually playing Death Stranding because I suddenly wanted to play it.
Last month I play RE1, RE2 and Nemesis because I suddenly wanted to play RE games.


°Temp. member
Yes I recently did this with Borderlands 3. It ran much better this time around due to having a much better videocard than last time (3090 vs 1080 Ti) and the game still looks gorgeous.


Hold onto your panties
I don't know which one to choose, but I'm looking forward to these games

If you need to pick one per platform: Dragon Quest and GT 7 hands down.

I'm craving Bayonetta 3. Never played beyond the 1st but the month it was launched; I'd already bought over my gaming budget and I've already got a backlog that trails back to the 6th gen...


Been looking for a super long form western RPG (ala Witcher 3/Skyrim) for what feels like years now.

Will finally get some of that this year.
If you need to pick one per platform: Dragon Quest and GT 7 hands down.

I'm craving Bayonetta 3. Never played beyond the 1st but the month it was launched; I'd already bought over my gaming budget and I've already got a backlog that trails back to the 6th gen...
In fact, I already wanted to buy those 2 video games friend xD
I always have a crave to play "lightning fast" games like back in the days... I used to play tons of UT99/2k4, Q3arena and Gunz:The duel...

Everytime I watch someone playing those crappy slow as fuck BR's I always think about if something went wrong with people's brains... Games nowdays are like a PowerPoint presentation if we compare with older ones...

I've been playing rhythm action games for 25 and that's the only thing that fix a little my "need for speed"(pun intended).
Yes, this happens a lot to me. Just as an example, the other night I randomly had a massive urge to play Dead Rising so I downloaded it and played it for a few hours, had a blast. Had no idea why I wanted to play it that badly though.

It's the worst when it's for games you have no way of playing currently. Like I get it with Halo a lot from my 360 days but I don't own an Xbox currently.
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