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Gotham Knights has officially gone GOLD


Same. Very excited for this. Too much negativity surrounding the game IMO.
I’m looking forward to it too. The initial reveal was great, but mostly everything since has been a downgrade. The biggest annoyance for me is that the city seems so dead. Not sure if it’s story related but there seems like nothing to do In the open world.


Holy shit, what awful movement animations.
Animated GIF


I kind of want to like it since its been way too long since there was an Arkham game. But I see level indicators, builds, loot and all that shit and its like this is the DC version of The Avengers game?

I would love a Court of Owls centric game, but not like this.


Gold Member
Not gona lie man animation look bad, and the graphics doesnt look impressive here

Is this the same rocksteady who make the previous batman game?
Rocksteady isn't the developer here. It's the WB team that made Arkham Origins.

Rocksteady is currently working on Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League.
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I never understood the hate on this. It looks like it's going to be a pretty awesome game. Really looking forward to it. Did anyone watch the video about how they built out Arkham right down to the various districts and the underground portion of the city? This game is being severely underestimated for some bizarre reason on a pure graphics assessment front. I personally think it looks damn good. Cutting edge graphics that make your eyes bleed doesn't mean a better designed game. It doesn't seem like everybody really grasps this fact.

I'm very excited.

Airbus Jr

I never understood the hate on this. It looks like it's going to be a pretty awesome game.

I'm very excited.
Go check batman arkham knight from 2015 it look miles better than this and that game was on ps4 xbox one

Quality downgrade is real bro
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Go check batman arkham knight from 2015 it look miles better
played it 5 minutes ago on a i9 109k 32gb ram 6700xt; no it doesn't.
the game hides a lot of low res last gen stuff behind grain and blur, the main character models looks good, but pretty much everything feels like it firmly belongs in the ps4 era

Airbus Jr

played it 5 minutes ago on a i9 109k 32gb ram 6700xt; no it doesn't.
the game hides a lot of low res last gen stuff behind grain and blur, the main character models looks good, but pretty much everything feels like it firmly belongs in the ps4 era
Was talking about presentation animation and everything

All previous batman arkham game are legit class aaa game on its own

This new gotham knight game felt like a fortnite wanabe
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Holy shit, what awful movement animations.
Worse than the new Saints Row?

On one hand, you gotta understand talented animators are in short supply and high demand, so not every game will excel in that. On the other, like someone else said, Arkham games have always been pretty top notch in the animation dep, so this is kinda disappointing.
Go check batman arkham knight from 2015 it look miles better than this and that game was on ps4 xbox one

If you're basing this just on graphics alone while ignoring a potentially more fully fleshed and fully realized gotham city that appears to go far deeper than the Gotham in Arkham Knight, while also not seeming to pay any attention to the possibility that there could be a pretty solid story at the heart of this one, and are totally ignoring most of what appears to be some really solid game design decisions on the team's part, then I'm afraid I can't possibly take that statement seriously.

Way too many people go just off graphics alone. It's almost like graphics = good game design. Yea, aspects of the early combat shown didn't look perfectly fluid or flawless, but nothing has suggested it's a bad game. I still very much enjoy videogames in their purest sense and can't just dismiss them as easily many folks tend to these days.

March Climber

Gold Member

I've finally figured out why this game looks so odd to me. The animations themselves look really awesome, but the way they blend together (the in-between button presses) looks extremely stiff. You're basically pressing a button to wait for a long stylish animation to play out instead of having more control over it. I'm even doubting if they have animation cancelling or even if they have an animation to indicate a move is being cancelled. I hope I'm wrong because otherwise this is going to feel really old, like Assassin's Creed 1 old, and gameplay feel matters the most in situations like this.
There are also more main story, high profile villain moments in the game that turn things up another notch with regards to the liveliness of the city and the set pieces.

And this was in pre-alpha state. I think there's much more to this one than meets the eye.

The Skull

There are also more main story, high profile villain moments in the game that turn things up another notch with regards to the liveliness of the city and the set pieces.

And this was in pre-alpha state. I think there's much more to this one than meets the eye.

Considering, imo, that any footage posted after this looks decidedly worse, I expect this to be a "vertical slice" akin to Anthem. Happy to be proven wrong, but that is my worry.


Still 50/50 on this I have to admit. If this was a Batman game would be day 1 even at £70. But the bat family without Batman is a huge loss for me.

I’ll see what the reviews are like and the cost too. Can’t see myself buying it at £70tbh. Will def pick up on sale down the road though.

My own personal view aside though. Happy for that team. This must have been a tough game to develop.


Soon, the final phase of "We abandoned Arkham for this shit?" shall commence.

While it's probably too late for that series to return now, I'd like to see another AAA stab at a Batman simulator.

I'd love to see something paired down into an approach inspired by games like "condemned" or "Chronicles of Riddick" but modernised.

Sort of like how Reeves took Batman down to the detective level. Then we could actually have satisfying puzzles, that don't rely on detective vision.

Throw in some gadgets to the first person combat, and toss us into a Gotham, with an atmosphere as thick as "Alien: Isolation" or Metroid Prime.

Doesn't sound like an instant hit, but I'd be in heaven.
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Still 50/50 on this I have to admit. If this was a Batman game would be day 1 even at £70. But the bat family without Batman is a huge loss for me.

I’ll see what the reviews are like and the cost too. Can’t see myself buying it at £70tbh. Will def pick up on sale down the road though.

My own personal view aside though. Happy for that team. This must have been a tough game to develop.
I'm actually the opposite, I mean I can see some potential issues with the game, but as far as I'm concerned I'm happy to get a game about the rest of the bat family and not Batman, since we already had 4 batman games. I've been wanting something like this since playing the DLC episodes of each of these characters in Arkham Knight.
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Considering, imo, that any footage posted after this looks decidedly worse, I expect this to be a "vertical slice" akin to Anthem. Happy to be proven wrong, but that is my worry.
I worry you are right. New footage doesn’t look as good as that initial trailer.
I never understood the hate on this. It looks like it's going to be a pretty awesome game. Really looking forward to it. Did anyone watch the video about how they built out Arkham right down to the various districts and the underground portion of the city? This game is being severely underestimated for some bizarre reason on a pure graphics assessment front. I personally think it looks damn good. Cutting edge graphics that make your eyes bleed doesn't mean a better designed game. It doesn't seem like everybody really grasps this fact.

I'm very excited.
I dunno man unlike SR which was always kinda jank Arkham games had some of the best animation all around especially movement blending and fighting, this being made by the B-team is a huge step back. Big part of those games fun for me is the fast fluid fighting, this looks like anything but.


Looks rough, but I don't know why this looks like that type of janky game that I'm going to enjoy. The overly scripted animations are really killing me inside a little, they're slow and meaty and idk, just looks like it feels bad to play. I like that each character has multiple skill trees though, could be interesting.

I'll be honest, I have no idea why I like this game based on what we've seen, but here I am. I'm not even a fan of DC or Batman or the Batman universe, so it's not that.


The initial reveal of this was fairly impressive looking, and I was fine looking past the lack of Batman...but wowzers, the stuff I've seen lately? Game looks like ass.

Hope I'm wrong, as I've enjoyed the previous Arkham games.


Gold Member
Yeah animation are pretty stiff, they don't gel together well.

It there was a single good thing about free flow combat in Arkham games was how fluid and well chained together the combat animations were.

Any major studios need to start using motion matching or something similar in fucking 2023...
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I'm actually the opposite, I mean I can see some potential issues with the game, but as far as I'm concerned I'm happy to get a game about the rest of the bat family and not Batman, since we already had 4 batman games. I've been wanting something like this since playing the DLC episodes of each of these characters in Arkham Knight.
Yeh I can definitely see that some people have been looking for something like this. So I’m happy that you’re getting it. I’m not convinced there’s enough of you tbh. But that’s just opinion.

I have the same view on the suicide squad game. Looks really good. I won’t be getting it for £70 day 1 no way. But I know some people can’t wait for it. Just not sure how big that number is.

My basis for thinking this in both cases is the popularity of those characters/groups doesn’t appear to as popular as the main big time heroes. Could be wrong. Time will tell. :)


Hope this is good, the pre-release marketing communicates a lot of thought went into it - the quest cycle is interesting - but watching it is painful because it looks subtly "off" to me, sterile, the environments are a little too wide, the camera is a little too close, the animations are a little too stiff... some "B" grade games are easy to see as A's with more time and resources, this one's in that limbo where it's hard to pin down the qualitative upgrade it needs..
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