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GTA is famous for satirizing America, will R* have the balls to satirize the current climate?

Will R* stick to their guns for GTAVI and do what they do best and that's making fun of everyone?

  • Yes, R*'s big d**k attitude will not be tainted by a few online opinions and trusts in the masses.

    Votes: 62 43.4%
  • No, even a behemoth like R* can not stand up to the wannabe lobbyists.

    Votes: 81 56.6%

  • Total voters
Lol where did you get your talking points from The View?

Newsflash buddy over 55% of the black population of the US lives in the south. But don’t let facts interrupt your ignorant white rural hate session. You are talking about reality and everything you said here is false lol.
Yeah and those blacks lean left lmao and what about all the other minorities? Why did you only focus on blacks....interesting.

You willing to bet cash that as time passes the more """left""" things become?

The only culture war here is right wing whites against left wing whites.

Everyone else is already primarily left lmao statistically speaking

And "talking points"? Dude, im not WRONG when i say other countries dont look at trump favorably. Thats not a talking point, thats a fact that doesnt happen to work in your fucking favor lol im not WRONG when i say the majority of EVERY other ethnic group statistically leans left. Why do you think BIG cities lean left genius? More diversity, these arent "talking points" it's reality, live in it please. You wouldnt even win an election without the electoral college lol

Middle state whites...thats the LARGE majority of the republican demographic. A realllly bad look for you tbh
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With the recent departures I'm not sure.
Otherwise I'd expect it to make fun of both sides really, while not focusing the main story on either of them.

I'd imagine something like the main character having a friend that's basically a Maga hat wearing, redneck caricature shown to be really dumb and racist. And maybe an annoying daughter or something with pink/blue hair getting offended about the most absurd of things.


Remember when the Drs left Bioware or that time when Chris Avellone left / fired from Obsidian, no impact what so ever.

Remember when EA bought Bioware/Pandemic?

Usually they come with a 5 year clause where higher ups get paid even more millions to stay, but with morally just people like Ray Mu.....oh...


and people get fired all the time, no where did I fucking say zero or "no impact" would happen to some product, simply that most don't give a shit and most don't leave solely for some moral reason alone or something. Forgot to mention they left with those millions huh?
Exactly...the "right" stormed tge damn capitol and elected someone that every other country thinks is a fool. They do
..sorry thats the reality. So if you think a non american studio is going to lean toward the right, i got some bad news for you.

You guys need to understand that the more time passes, the more left things become because of more diversity in population.

Hence why the majority of red areas are white and rural or spaced out and the more culturally diverse an area i ls the more "progressive" it is.

Do you honestly think with time those rural areas full of white people will be the norm? Lol nope. So have fun.

The people clueless about this are in for a rude awakening, and are the ones surprised that trump lost. Because they actually thought they were the majority
Yep, we sure are moving towards a bright new future with these leftist policies that result in book burnings, persecution based on your gender and political beliefs, and all the other things that I was told only fascists do...

Yep, we sure are moving towards a bright new future with these leftist policies that result in book burnings, persecution based on your gender and political beliefs, and all the other things that I was told only fascists do...

The only people giving a fuck about the things you give a fuck about are the minority republicabs in this country comprised of primarily middle state whites. More people care about inclusion, science towards the enviroment, and social equality and shit like that.

Your ideology is only gonna last like maybe 40 years more. Even Texas almost went blue for gods sake.

And if the VAST majority of the people in your party are white, and from the states nobody wants to go to....then you should take a moment of reflection lol shouldnt be a surprise that you cant win a popular vote

Which party is more likely to vote with christianity in mind and not give a fuck about science? Republicans? Yeah have fun being part of that and looking good lmao
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Thread Title made me think: "wouldn't it be great if they brutally satirised climate change deniers and flat earthers?"
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Seeing what happened with the guy from the Harry Potter game "stepping down", I don't think Rockstar can survive today's climate. Is that why I heard they are going back to older time periods so they can use the excuse of if being from older time compared to setting a game in modern day?


Remember when EA bought Bioware/Pandemic?

Usually they come with a 5 year clause where higher ups get paid even more millions to stay, but with morally just people like Ray Mu.....oh...


and people get fired all the time, no where did I fucking say zero or "no impact" would happen to some product, simply that most don't give a shit and most don't leave solely for some moral reason alone or something. Forgot to mention they left with those millions huh?

I was taking your comment as there would be no difference with the loss of the most talented people in the room, but i could be wrong.. though thats very rare.


Many old people from R* have left.

The focus on multiplayer means that they care only about money and they have hired sjw for years.

Not going to happen

cm osi

they won't.
in fact i bet one of the next MCs will be a strong indipendent wahman
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They will definitely make fun of it... but I think it will feel flat and neutered... cuz it will be. No way they go full South Park and call us out on our insanity and palpable cognitive dissonance.

while I do expect some humor critical of the “woke”, I expect more boomer bashing than anything. Like I fully expect a mission(s) that revolve around EVs and I can see there being some “ignorant boomers” we claim v8 muscle is king, only to get smoked by a Watt Model 3.

to be honest I hope they get Alex Jones and/or Joe Rogan to do talk radio channels. Jones is great at self deprecating and would make it fun. Would be PR shitstorm.... but press is press, and tastes best when it’s free.
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I hope they don't and if they're smart they won't and I bet big money that they'll still rake in billions of dollars and have record setting sales.


R* is a gaming institution now, way too big to take risks like that, it's all going to be watered down. Hell, even GTA 5 was pretty mild overall and quality of the satire was much lower than in the past.

A real GTA cannot come from R* anymore.
Hard to imagine the next game will take place in modern day. They just did that with GTAV.

That said it would be funny to hear radio ads for new prison wardens for the Kamala Harris gulags, only BIPOC can apply.

Airbus Jr

I always love GTA crude joke and madness but perhaps those glory days are over

Any stupid prank and satirical joke that might offend someone and theyre risking themselves getting cancelled and boycoted

Some people these days already labelled GTA game as sexist and problematic as they describe that GTA game are all about men fantasy utopia ( strip club, objectfying women, alcohol, car hijack, criminal game that embrace violence etc)
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That’s going to be interesting to see especially in the political climate we’re in right now, I hope Rockstar Games doesn’t cave into the SJW bullshit I hope they go all out and be realistic with our current climate just like they did with GTA 4 & 5. But it also depends on what era they decide to go on.


Nope. A couple of the top writers left iirc.

At this point I think a new Saints Row would be more likely to be "offensive " than the next gta
you're wrong. And i bet youre an out of touch white guy who feels so morally superior that you think you can speak for where minorities fall on the political spectrum like we're just fucking statistics.
Statistically minorities arent primarily republican. At all. This isnt even debatable. The fact that were even discusisng it like it is, tells me how bad things really are.

Looks like we just wont believe what doesnt benefit us. And no im not white lmao

The fact that I have to quote this is terrifying. You know this is the truth, yet...why are we playing games like it isnt?

Middle state Whites are keeping the GOP alive lol

White voters continue to be somewhat more likely to affiliate with or lean toward the Republican Party than the Democratic Party (51% to 43%).

Since 2010, white voters have been more likely to align with the GOP than with the Democrats. However, the share of whites identifying as Democrats or leaning Democratic has edged upward (43% now, up from no more than 40% from 2009 to 2016). This growth is attributable to a slight increase in Democratic-leaning independents, rather than a rise in Democratic affiliation.

By contrast, African American voters remain overwhelmingly Democratic: 84% identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party. Just 8% of black voters identify in some way with the Republican Party.

While black voters remain solidly Democratic, identification with the Democratic Party has declined modestly in recent years: About two-thirds of African Americans have identified as Democrats in the last several years, down slightly from the first half of Barack Obama’s presidency, when about three-quarters affiliated with the Democratic Party.

By more than two-to-one (63% to 28%), Hispanic voters are more likely to affiliate with or lean toward the Democratic Party than the GOP. The overall balance of partisan orientation among Hispanics is little changed over the last decade.

There is a similar balance of partisanship among Asian American registered voters: 65% identify with the Democratic Party or lean Democratic, compared with 27% who identify as or lean Republican.

In 1998 (the first year for which sample sizes of Asian American voters were sufficiently large enough in Pew Research Center surveys), 53% of Asians identified with or leaned toward the Democratic Party and 33% identified with or leaned toward the Republican Party. (Note: Only English-speaking Asian American voters are included in the data).
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Yes, whoever said that most minorities are Republicans, you sure showed them. They apparently aren't in this thread, you are using some nonexistent argument as an indication of "how bad things really are". Is this an invisible person you are debating or something? Secret posts that none of us are seeing?
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Reddit had quit a few rumors that GTA6 was going to be set in late 70s Miami, so maybe they'll dodge this particular bullet
This is what they had to say:

You basically cant. Both sides have lost their minds and have turned into butthurt snowflakes.

The sad thing is that there is so much to make fun of. Trump becoming president is something you wont even see in a bad hollywood comedy. People committing treason for him is absolutely fucking hilarious. The left has gone absolutely mental with cancel culture and the whole trans stuff forcing women to compete with ex-men. Some of this shit is satire itself and we need someone to make fun of it all.

I was watching Bill Maher last week and he pointed out how 80% of americans dont care for the politically correct culture. I think it's just a bunch of sad miserable losers on the internet who get outraged at everything while the rest of us are just too scared to get cancelled and lose our jobs for speaking up. No one is gonna cancel the next GTA, it will sell a 100 million units regardless. so go crazy.
Yep its the reseteras of the world which is basically twitter as normal people get banned from those places. If we all stand up to the pronoun in the bio nutters collectively (bring the fight to them) we can end this bullshit.
Yet people are triggered over GTA...RIGHT NOW, TODAY.

Enough buy it, don't give a shit and will support it.

So I don't know how its "not the same" when that article is literally about GTAV, right now. We've heard all that shit before though. Plenty of "young people" were also on the side of cancelling Far Cry 5 only for it to become the best selling Far Cry in history.

Not as much people give a shit about this crap as you guys actually think.
That may be so for normal people but the corporations bow to their marketing departments which take marching orders from .02% of the population. The wierdos on twitter with pronouns in their bios , only fans accounts and say shit like "my truth" or "yassss slay queen ".
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Gold Member
to be honest I hope they get Alex Jones and/or Joe Rogan to do talk radio channels.
They don't get political radio hosts, those get parodied, and don't cry about that being "woke" that's something they've done for years.



Why wouldn’t they? Rockstar can do anything they want. Imagine thinking they would even consider bending their writing to fit woke or PC ideals 😂😂😂


It's a GTA game so they better give the people what they want.

It's kind of a no Brainer. Do you piss off your base or the soyboy cancel culture?

People have become too sensitive. 6 Dr Seuss books got taken off shelves for sakes. I hope they go after everyone and piss off every group imaginable.

I think their bigger problem might be the main guy leaving.
Wow wonder if they have the balls to take on Donald Trump and his supporters. Then they will be as edgy as the ladies of The View. Or Jimmy Fallon. So ballsy.

You guys it's not going to be modern day. It will be set in a time period so they can easily parody the concerns of the era. Just like GTA: SA had talk radio about 90s stuff.
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If it is the current time period then i can see them making fun of the Trump adminstration and things like the proud boys..easily.


Doubt it. Rockstar is in the "bubble" so to speak and will embrace the woke instead of parody it. I was happy to see that statement by Houser though. I'm glad he sees the embrace of extremism on both sides. It's not healthy.


Well I think their way out will be having a female protagonist.

Then they could do the same shit they always do.. but as a female.


Gold Member
Thing is they obviously have a really loyal fanbase to the IP who have expectations. There will be someone doing calculations based on possible losses and gains to sales by making changes to the formula. And that is what will drive any changes.

They can't change GTA Online now given its player base and the fact they are splitting it out and making it its own thing. There are expectations of Los Santos and how it's built and behaves.

I'm guessing they will want to pick this up somehow:

Looks like they still intend to go that way though ultimately



They are an American studio, so they won't get a pass by woke bots as if it was a Japanese studio like SEGA. Too dangerous but I have hopes that they can do it.
Even Japan isn't safe anymore. There has been a push to treat Japan like the U.S. when it comes to inclusion. I don't remember if it was over anime or games though.
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I don’t think the next gta will be set in modern day. This will give them an excuse to put whatever they want in their imo. Either way their going to get so much shit thrown at them by polygon kotaku and Jason.
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