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Halo Infinite | Campaign Gameplay Premiere – 8 Minute Demo


So, first they were PS4 games upscaled, now they're CGI and not representative?

Horizon was clearly CGI for the most part, and the small parts that weren’t didn’t look that special. Some of the actual gameplay shown in the other games was just as unimpressive as most of the games today.
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Horizon was clearly CGI for the most part, and the small parts that weren’t didn’t look that special. Some of the actual gameplay shown in the other games was just as unimpressive as most of the games today.
Everything was captured in real-time on PS5.

And didn't look special compared to what? Halo?


Everything was captured in real-time on PS5.

And didn't look special compared to what? Halo?

Ahh yes, the good old “captured” term. So vague and loose no one knows what it defines.

Generally speaking. I think a lot of the praise for the graphics stem from the CGI, not the few snippets of actual gameplay.


I dunno this looked the closest to Halo the series has been in years. The first 3 games were easily the best and they absolutely nailed the look and feel and it's very much welcomed. If they can nail the feel of the original 3 Halo games in terms of multiplayer I'm in. Visually I'm fine with it as long as it plays good which it looked like it did.
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Ahh yes, the good old “captured” term. So vague and loose no one knows what it defines.

Generally speaking. I think a lot of the praise for the graphics stem from the CGI, not the few snippets of actual gameplay.
HZD already outclasses HI. That's on a 4.2Tf console, 4Kcb/30fps.
HI is running on a 12Tf machine.

HFW will run on a 10Tf machine and given that HZD used ingame cutscenes, you doubt that HFW will look like the trailer?

I doubt you actually believe that.

I can’t believe people still fall for this shit like it’s 2005.
Nah, we've seen what Sony has been doing since announcing the first PS4 "CGI" trailers back in 2013.

What’s up with all the denial? It's borderline delusional at this point.
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Im hearing now on the Halo forums that the demo shown was not final and it was made like long ago IDK why they show that instead of the final in game but expect between now and release to see different in quality.
People are talking about lockhart holding back games so just imagine how much the bass xbox one that struggles with 1080p is holding this back. It's a trash approach from MS.

5 years I’ve waited for this fucking reveal, 5 fucking years. Who the fuck is running this shit show, I’m done with 343 and I’m done with Xbox. They have no idea what they’re doing. FIVE YEARS IN DEVELOPMENT, for these SHIT graphics. Amateur level work from an amateur level company. They dare try and bait us in with the last 2 stellar trailers to pull this dog shit out. Delay the game it’s done Microsoft lost


^^^ sony boys trying to wipe their tears after their mediocre conference :messenger_tears_of_joy:

UH yeah you deserve your diluted 12 flop machine lol. Enjoy your smear.

I'm not too bothered about the graphics as long as it plays well. It looked fun

Huh? I mean I have money to burn too but I'm not allowing MS to rip me off with this downgraded for non SSD pc pos.

Looking forward to it with reservations but I can understand the grief it's getting. If the gameplay is there then all the shitposts today won't mean anything.

But this is next gen. Now the 12 flops don't matter? Does anyone have any standards around here? Did you even watch the original reveal trailer?

I'm looking back at the engine trailer and wondering how we went from that to this in two years. The foliage, wildlife, lighting, nothing was like this.

Lockhart.or something. Their engine simple doesn't scale well so basically lowest common denominator drags XsX all the way down.
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5 years I’ve waited for this fucking reveal, 5 fucking years. Who the fuck is running this shit show, I’m done with 343 and I’m done with Xbox. They have no idea what they’re doing. FIVE YEARS IN DEVELOPMENT, for these SHIT graphics. Amateur level work from an amateur level company. They dare try and bait us in with the last 2 stellar trailers to pull this dog shit out. Delay the game it’s done Microsoft lost

This was me about 7 years ago, but I held out some hope they'd turn it around.


I just see Phil or some other figurehead coming out in a few years and saying "we learned from mistakes of the past about not forcing our 1st party devs to work around old hardware ever again."


My thoughts as a Casual Halo Dude who has only played Halo 1, 2, and 3 to completion on their original platforms, with some MCC tinkering here and there:
  • Gameplay appears very satisfying, despite the slow, "look at all our scenery" demo playstyle
  • It gives off strong Halo 1 vibes for me, with the tricks of Halo 3 and beyond thrown in
  • Open world makes me groan, hopefully they can resist Ubi-Towering it
  • Everything looked way too clean and lifeless
  • This is absolutely NOT graphically impressive, nor a showcase for the Series X - it looks more like a base XBox One pushed to 4K, at best. If this is what they were going for, that's fine - but this does not scream next-gen in any way
  • Despite not being technically graphically impressive, the actual art style oozes classic Halo, almost as if it's trying to look last-gen for nostalgia purposes
  • The cutscene with the alien guy at the end was SUPER CRINGE, he looks current/last gen, but they're zooming in on his face as if we're supposed to be impressed by the graphics and facial animation... just weird
Overall, I'm left confused and disappointed, yet strangely optimistic. If they stop positioning the game as some breathtaking graphical showpiece, I think things will turn out fine due to the solid looking gameplay.

Deleted member 775630

Unconfirmed Member
Im hearing now on the Halo forums that the demo shown was not final and it was made like long ago IDK why they show that instead of the final in game but expect between now and release to see different in quality.
Would be so dumb of them. They know how people responded to their May event, and now they would show a a dumbed down version of Halo? They can never turn this narrative around, even if suddenly Halo would look like HZD:FW.


This one really hurt because the last 2 trailers genuinely had me filled with hope

A lot of people are pretty crushed right now. For me, I was a bit disappointed because I saw what 343i did with Halo 4 on 360. I thought that looked really fucking good for the hardware, then this came along. Idk what this even is. I literally looks like a demo from 2 years ago running on X1X, not XSX.
Ahh yes, the good old “captured” term. So vague and loose no one knows what it defines.

Generally speaking. I think a lot of the praise for the graphics stem from the CGI, not the few snippets of actual gameplay.

Good grief, talk about grasping for straws. Have you even fucking played the first game? I’m not a big fan of the game overall, but it’s a bona fide visual stunner, and its sequel is quite likely to carry that torch onward. The footage shown (which is not pre-rendered) clearly supports this notion.

in case you were wondering, you’re sort of embarassing yourself here.


Graphics aside, did anyone get an Overwatch vibe from the gameplay? It seems like they’re copying the hero shooter formula.

IMHO, the graphics look clean, textures are crisp. I think the colors are off, too saturated. I’m not bothered too much by the visuals. The gameplay looks off to me.


If they stop positioning the game as some breathtaking graphical showpiece, I think things will turn out fine due to the solid looking gameplay.

This is what bothers me about the entire direction of the game going forward. The way the demo person pans the camera around like he's showing off some stellar piece of innovation, a graphical breakthrough.

What? Have they completely ignored game development from other studios for the last 7 years? I mean, they've bragging and pushing this powerhouse game and machine, then when they show it, they're still proud of it.
No one would think twice if they said this was running on X1X at checkboard 4k. It just looks like an old game, and worse than most old games we've played in many areas. Makes no sense. Who is the captain of their ship over there?
A lot of people are pretty crushed right now. For me, I was a bit disappointed because I saw what 343i did with Halo 4 on 360. I thought that looked really fucking good for the hardware, then this came along. Idk what this even is. I literally looks like a demo from 2 years ago running on X1X, not XSX.

I just don’t understand this franchise is meant to have the best of the best working on it, how could this happen 5 years in? How could they be proud enough to show this to us? How could they zoom into that brutes face with pride like they are showing us something interesting.

Halo has helped me get through some tough times and in some ways this game represented what I wanted, the embodiment of hope. The this reveal came and looked so amateurish. It’s sad because the gameplay looks pretty fun but sprint is still in it, I can’t tolerate this bullshit anymore. It’s time to shut 343 down


I don't really buy into random 4chan or Reddit posts where people pretend to be anonymously telling us what is going on behind the scenes, but it's hard not to believe that this game has had a troubled development.

We're months away from the launch and the big explosive reveal looked like an unfinished game in alpha or beta phase. The second the gameplay starts, you might hear a bird chirp, but it's just damn near silence. There's nothing going on, the warthog doesn't appear to even leave tracks in the mud, ect.

It felt like it was missing so many elements a finished game would have. And the animations of the enemies looked really bad in some spots. There are flat textures that just look like single color low poly geometry all around in the distance...it was like getting a sneak peak at early development but this shit is releasing in months. And then you get to wait on a patch that adds raytracing elements. This is supposed to be the flagship system seller. What in the hell are they thinking over there??
The way they did the slow pan around the shitty looking environments was cringe.

So majestic!


That literally reminds me of Halo 3 forge editor. Even the textures and lighting, ugh. I mean, wtf.
For me it’s sad to look at this :/ it looks like they made this whole place out of forge
The way they did the slow pan around the shitty looking environments was cringe.

So majestic!


That literally reminds me of Halo 3 forge editor. Even the textures and lighting, ugh. I mean, wtf.
How are the textures so flat.

This is a 12TF machine that eats monsters for breakfast. WTF is going on lol
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I agree it didn’t look mind blowing. But you guys comparing this to 30 FPS games on ps5 are fucking insane. Gtfo.


I agree it didn’t look mind blowing. But you guys comparing this to 30 FPS games on ps5 are fucking insane. Gtfo.

I'm not sure how much better this would look at 30fps honestly. It seems more of a problem with the developer's direction than anything. Just uninspired visually.


The way they did the slow pan around the shitty looking environments was cringe.

So majestic!


That literally reminds me of Halo 3 forge editor. Even the textures and lighting, ugh. I mean, wtf.

Scenario design isn't any better judging by those objectives
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I'm wondering if MS will outright ignore the complaints publicly or address them. I don't think I've ever seen the internet so overwhelmingly upset about a game's visuals outside of Mass Effect a few years ago.


If Microsoft have any of this supposed 500 million left in the coffers... Throw every cent and more at Bungie!

That is literally the only chance that Xbox has to salvage this shit show.
Bring Daddy back home to his boy Master Chief and let them do the Halo game they wanted to make but you wouldn't let them so they made Destiny instead, which was the idea originally for their next Halo, which you are now making with Infinite to be a Destiny clone.

Just do it Microsoft. It makes so much sense.
And have you seen how Destiny 2 looks?


It would have been nice to see some marines. I know they'll be in there somewhere but it would have been cool. We needed more gameplay.
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