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Help, I'm a WoW noob!


I want to get the best out of my trial so I can determine if I want to pay for it. I created a Night Elf as a Druid. Seems like Druids are a good balance between physical and magic abilities. Is that a bad way to start out if you're new to the game?

Again, I'm totally lost, just fighting off animals in the forest and walking around like an idiot because I have no idea what to do. Surely there's more to do... when does that happen and how do you get there? Can you change your character to other classes or do you have to make a new one? How do you get more abilities?


Eric P

it's not a bad way. the first 20 or so levels are basically "training" levels where it gets you into the game slowly.

All you have to do is remember to talk to people w/ a "!" and a "?" over thier heads and you'll be fine.

You get new abilities from "trainers" who you'll meet within the first 5 levels of your character.

Just remember to do quests and you'll be fine.


Tag of Excellence
I assume Zaptruder is saying that in order to stop you from becoming horribly addicted to the game. Now Piepz' retort about Night Elves is the result of a common association that those who are new to MMOs usually go for Alliance and specifically the Night Elf race. Don't mind his elitist attitude too much, on my server (Elune) the Horde can be just as noobish as the Alliance. I would recommend taking a nice long look at the Horde choices since they are equally as fun as the Alliance.

While I don't profess intimate knowledge of the game I have been playing off and on for the past 7+ months. I think choosing Druid for the magic/physical balance was a good choice and recommended based off what you said. Aside from that the most important thing I can tell you is to take every quest you can (as indicated by a yellow exclamation mark). These are great ways to teach you about the world and its nuances along with giving you some decent XP and gear for your level.
Night elves are overused, but their home land rocks so just keep going.

Yeah, basically, talk to everyone you can, especially quest guys. There should be a tutorial mode activated when you first start, it will tell you what to do. If not, activate it in the interface options.

Basically, you start out by killing the wolves and boars near the start, you can also get a quest to kill the imps a bit west. After doing that, the second tier of quest involves going a bit north to kill spiders, help a wounded guy, and eventually start visiting the moon wells to collect holy water. After that, you will eventually be guided south out into the "real" world. At that point you will be level 5-6, enough to deal with the initial mobs out there. Just do what the quest guys tell you and you'll be fine.

Edit: As for class choice, druids are fine. They can be a bit more complex after a while since you have to switch between forms, but then so are most classes. Druids switch between bear/cat/other forms to get abilities like warriors/rogues/other temporarily. Warriors change between various stances to focus on attack, defense or balanced. Rogues go in and out of stealth and must move around a lot to use some attacks. Hunters must command their pet while staying at range themselves. Of the night elf classes, only the priest is quite straight-forward, but it's the weakest of the classes so you might need some practice just to fight enemies quickly, put up shields and stay alive.


There is nothing wrong with being a Night Elf druid. There are just a lot of Night Elves (primarily rogues), which apparently offends people.

Play what you want to play.


Druids are a neat class, and a tough one to play well. You get to be a rogue, tank, and healer all in one. Only down side is you tend to be slower killing stuff. You have to make a new character to try a new class and abilities are purchased from your class trainer. New ones are always available at your even levels (level 2,4,6,8 etc.)


Kroole said:
If you want to be unique, I'd suggest you start an Undead rouge...
:lol :lol :lol

In all seriousness though, Druids are in the midst of getting reorganized for patch 1.8. Meaning their talent trees will be redone, with changes to the different forms. It probably would have been best to wait until after 1.8 to play a Druid. The same goes for Paladins.

As of right now, the most 'balanced' classes according to Blizzard are: Shaman (haha, overpowered.), Rogues, Priests, and Warriors. This means that all the other classes are pretty much either going to have shitty talent trees (Paladins), or bugged to all hell (Mages).

Once you hit level 20 and leave the noob zone, things do start to heat up, especially when you try out your first instance. Deadmines is a blast.

What server are you on?
By the way, once you have reached lvl 10 or so, you should go to Darkshore to activate the flight point there. Then you should travel on to Menethil (by boat), activate the flight point there, and then either have someone escort you to Ironforge or get summoned there by a warlock. The night elf areas are fine, but you're missing out on a whole lot of interaction since you'll be far away from the other Alliance. Once you have your flight points in Darkshore, Menethil and Ironforge, you can travel back and forth between NE and dwarf/human lands very quickly, and pick up quests from three distinct starting areas.

Sadly, once you leave Darnassus, you're pretty much never coming back, except for the rare quest visit or buying your mount at lvl 40.

Edit: Oh, for a trial it might not be worth it with this much foresight. Then again you get to see a lot more of the land, and you NEED to see Stormwind and Ironforge. It might be easier to just roll a dwarf, human and tauren, and take a look at Ironforge, Stormwind and Thunder Bluff respectively. Those towns are amazing.


So druids are the hardest to learn?


Since I only have 10 (or is it 14) days... I want something unique, but at the same time easy to learn and not a hassle, because I don't have a lot of time unless I want to start paying.
Druids aren't hard to learn, not more than your average class. And you won't have to bother with bear form until you have lvl 10, by that time you should be skilled enough at playing your regular form.

And don't worry about being a noob. I've seen lvl 60 noobs, it's more about the person than how long he's played. Don't think you know it all, be humble and ask people, then you won't be a noob for long. 10 days is plenty in this game, you could be at lvl 20 and see your first instance in that time.

Edit: Basic druid fighting: approach an enemy and press the button you've set your attack magic to when it lights up, that's when you're just close enough. Keep pressing it as soon as you've launched a spell, until the enemy gets close and starts attacking. This will interupt your spells, so either let the last one finish or interupt it yourself by moving. Now switch to melee by right-clicking the mob, or left-click and then press T. If it's at your level, you should be able to take it down easily. If you get into trouble, start casting your heal spell at around 25% HP. It will take some time to work since the mob will slow it down by attacking.

When you get bear form, you basically just switch to bear form for melee, and back if you need to heal. Not harder than that.
More tips:
Aggro management is key to survival. At the beginning mobs are yellow and won't attack unless you attack them first, but once you leave the starting area, mobs will attack when you get close, depending on your relative level. All intelligent mobs will also attack if you attack one of their allies close to them, so "pulling" a single mob out of a group when it has moved far enough away from them is an important skill.

If you get more than two mobs on you, run. Unless they're way below you're level, you can't win, and three attacks at once will slow your spells down to the point where they probably won't come out.

Group up! If you see someone fight the same mobs as you, right-click them and invite to a group. All quests are easier in a group. If you need to kill X mobs, you'll do it twice as fast and much safer. If you need to collect X items, you'll still kill the mobs faster, even if you have to collect twice as many. And obviously, as a group you can have a dedicated fighter and healer, which makes things even safer for both of you.

Again, which server are you on? I bet someone here can stop by and give you a hand.


Diablos said:

And this means...?

If Night Elf / Druid is a bad idea, what should I be?

Horde, not childish Alliance
But yeah, quit tat shit while you can. I quit and I'm happy


I'm doing pretty good with my Druid, lvl 5, but still waiting for something else to happen. The forest and spider cave is boring.

Question: I got this from PC Gamer... it says after the trial I only have to pay monthly fees. I never bought the game though. When the trial is up will I have to pay $50, too? Or is this some really nice promotion?


I started as a druid too, and am totally glad I did. it really helps you learn how other types of classes (tank, healer, dps) play and you get to understand different strategies that come into play later on in the game. it is a little slower than the other classes, but once you get bear/cat/travel forms, it picks up.

the big problem with NEs is that they're so far away from ironforge at the beginning, darnassus is a ghost town, and darkshore is kinda dull. if you can get an escort to ironforge, take it as soon as you can.

and druid tip #2: don't spam moonfire! use it once near the beginning of the fight and let it run its course. you'll waste too much mana if you keep firing it.
Night Elf's or NE's are a waste of time. in fact, alliance is a waste of time. The horde is the much more fun to play on for the simple fact that there is a lot of hate towards people who play alliance and therefore is a more full filling WoW experience. :lol

That aside, I whole heartly agree that you need to roll a Undead Rogue. :) I've got a lvl 60 warlock, lvl 60 mage, lvl 41 warrior and an up and coming lvl 24 Rogue. (undead too!).
The game is quite fun just make sure that you've got some time to waste.


I've seen the horde on my server act just as childish as the alliance. The real reason a person should consider horde over alliance is to help balance out the populations (alliance tend to outnumber horde on all servers). I find it hard myself to play horde tho, mainly cause female trolls are the only race even remotely nice to look at and the horde beginner areas are dreadfully boring.


I was about to say... the Horde beginners' area sucks. I stopped playing it instantly.

I now have one Night Elf as a Druid and a Human as a Rogue. I have tired every other class and these seem to be the most appealing.

It kind of sucks how some have better beginners' areas than others. That doesn't make it very balanced now does it?


VictimOfGrief said:
I've got a lvl 60 warlock, lvl 60 mage, lvl 41 warrior and an up and coming lvl 24 Rogue. (undead too!).

How do you find time to do all that shit? It's taken me nearly three months to get my warrior to lvl48 and I've been playing pretty hardcore in that time as well.


Diablos said:
I was about to say... the Horde beginners' area sucks. I stopped playing it instantly.

I now have one Night Elf as a Druid and a Human as a Rogue. I have tired every other class and these seem to be the most appealing.

It kind of sucks how some have better beginners' areas than others. That doesn't make it very balanced now does it?

Yeah there is definitely some imbalance. I think the NE get screwed over most with their beginner area (considering how hard it is to get to the auction house in ironforge). It is surprising so many play NE dispite that. I guess Blizzard forseen the popularity of the NEs and tried to do something to deter everyone from playing them (didn't work).
xabre said:
How do you find time to do all that shit? It's taken me nearly three months to get my warrior to lvl48 and I've been playing pretty hardcore in that time as well.
Easy, grind and don't travel far. travling time in WoW is what sucks up your time.

Make a lvl 1 alt toon at all the cities (tanaris, Orgimmar, Undercity) and have them send mail and items through to their banks and keep them there until you reach that level or until you need to sell it at the Auction House.

Also note, you only get new abilities every 2 levels. To be efficent, I only travel to a city with a trainner for my class ever 4-8 levels depending. Also, different classes have different quests to get things.

For example, I just finished my quest for poisons for my rogue @ lvl 23. I grinded till I was HIGHER than the above level for the quest, ran the quest in 5 mins, and got poisons. Now I'm grinding 2x faster since I've got weapons w/ Beastslaying +2 (since I stopped at a town to get them enchanted) and have poisons on my blades.

Just depends on how you game, but that's what I do.


I'm set on using the night elf... currently on level 6. It took FOREVER to get from level 5 to level 6, and I was fighting a lot!

Please say it doesn't take that long to level up. If so NE's must be one of the hardest to level up with.

And, speaking of staying in the damn forest for so long, how much longer till I can finally go somewhere different? I'm trapped. It's just the forest and the spider cave. Gets real old, real quick. Please don't say I have to complete stupid quests (like find the mushrooms under the tree, etc.) to finally get somewhere else. :|
Pfft, if you want to spend a long time trying to level up, try playing FFXI. :p

When you log out of the game, make sure you are at an inn. You'll gain the more 'rested' points, which means you'll get 2X EXP. for your kills. When your XP bar is blue, it means you're rested, and will last up to wherever the arrow is on the bar. It's pretty easy to level up quickly like this.
Leveling up from 1-35 is easy.
35-45 is a bitch
45-55 another bitch and half
55-60 is a whore.

If you think leveling up from 5 to 6 is tough.... just wait till you hit 59 and you have 217324 experience to gain to get up to 60. Enjoy the game. :lol


Diablos said:
I'm set on using the night elf... currently on level 6. It took FOREVER to get from level 5 to level 6, and I was fighting a lot!

Please say it doesn't take that long to level up. If so NE's must be one of the hardest to level up with.

And, speaking of staying in the damn forest for so long, how much longer till I can finally go somewhere different? I'm trapped. It's just the forest and the spider cave. Gets real old, real quick. Please don't say I have to complete stupid quests (like find the mushrooms under the tree, etc.) to finally get somewhere else. :|

It's much easier to level up by getting xp from doing the quests than it is to grind on killing stuff. So yes, you do have to complete the stupid quests. Sounds like you are not even out of the Teldrassil starting area (mushrooms under the tree and the spider cave). Hurry up and do the quests and get the hell out of there.


Diablos said:
I'm set on using the night elf... currently on level 6. It took FOREVER to get from level 5 to level 6, and I was fighting a lot!

Please say it doesn't take that long to level up. If so NE's must be one of the hardest to level up with.

And, speaking of staying in the damn forest for so long, how much longer till I can finally go somewhere different? I'm trapped. It's just the forest and the spider cave. Gets real old, real quick. Please don't say I have to complete stupid quests (like find the mushrooms under the tree, etc.) to finally get somewhere else. :|

you'll get to darnassus around level 10, then you can go to darkshore for levels 10-20. during 10-20, you should definitely travel to ironforge.

(also, I have $5 on you never seeing level 20. :p)


skip said:
you'll get to darnassus around level 10, then you can go to darkshore for levels 10-20. during 10-20, you should definitely travel to ironforge.

(also, I have $5 on you never seeing level 20. :p)

Why won't I ever see level 20?


skip said:
(also, I have $5 on you never seeing level 20. :p)

I think that's probably a good bet. NE's took a hosing on their starting area. The undead would be just as screwed but you can take a zeppelin from just outside Org ----> UC.
Diablos said:
I'm set on using the night elf... currently on level 6. It took FOREVER to get from level 5 to level 6, and I was fighting a lot!

Please say it doesn't take that long to level up. If so NE's must be one of the hardest to level up with.

And, speaking of staying in the damn forest for so long, how much longer till I can finally go somewhere different? I'm trapped. It's just the forest and the spider cave. Gets real old, real quick. Please don't say I have to complete stupid quests (like find the mushrooms under the tree, etc.) to finally get somewhere else. :|

If you want to lvl fast in the noob zones, just quest. If you don't want to quest, you are playing the wrong game unfortunately.
krypt0nian said:
If you want to lvl fast in the noob zones, just quest. If you don't want to quest, you are playing the wrong game unfortunately.

I like it; grinding for, say, Felcloth gets me bored FAST. But questing gives you a something to focus on besides n amount of XP till next level, plus most are at least interesting. Some even have very nice rewards, too. Win-win.
SatelliteOfLove said:
I like it; grinding for, say, Felcloth gets me bored FAST. But questing gives you a something to focus on besides n amount of XP till next level, plus most are at least interesting. Some even have very nice rewards, too. Win-win.

Plus the storylines are at times clever, funny, touching.


How do you get more silver? I want to buy more abilities and stuff, but I can't.

I discovered Darnassus, freaking beautiful.

I need to level up though.

Besides, you don't really have to stay in one place for the entire level range, say 10-20 in Darkshore. You can do all the green or yellow quests in one area, then go away to another 10-20 area and do the first quests there, then return once you have higher levels. Makes it a bit more varied too.


Ok, I'm almost at level 10 now. I've taken ships all over the place but I need to keep leveling up until probably 11-12 before I continue.

Is there any way I can teach my Druid to accept armor that is not only cloth or leather, but mail, etc.?


Tag of Excellence
Come to Dwarveopolis, dazzle at the sights! Be impressed by those masculine specimens of manliness known as Dwarves.

What sever are you on? I'm on Elune.
Diablos said:
Ok, I'm almost at level 10 now. I've taken ships all over the place but I need to keep leveling up until probably 11-12 before I continue.

Is there any way I can teach my Druid to accept armor that is not only cloth or leather, but mail, etc.?

Restricted to Cloth and Leather Armor only....Bear form will be your armor. :D


krypt0nian said:
Restricted to Cloth and Leather Armor only....Bear form will be your armor. :D
That sucks ass. There's no way I can get trained to use other armor? When I try to wear mail, it says I can't, yet. Or at least that's the impression that it gives.

Bear form seems cool, but then you can't use spells. :\
Diablos said:
That sucks ass. There's no way I can get trained to use other armor? When I try to wear mail, it says I can't, yet. Or at least that's the impression that it gives.

Bear form seems cool, but then you can't use spells. :\

If you're a Druid, plan on form swapping multiple times each battle. Bear/caster/cat = tank/mage/rogue.


You can actually make as much XP for doing one quest if you grind quickly on enemies a few levels higher than you. I've gained double the experience I got for a quest while doing it quite often. I mean, mobs give you like 100-200 XP per kill if they're a few levels over you and it takes me no more than 45 seconds (If that) to kill mobs only a handful lf levels above me with Hunter.


Who the fuck wants to be a bear or something? Argh. Should've been a Night Elf but something else.

Oh well. More incentive to pay for the game, get to like level 25 or so and then be another race and class. :D
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