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I was told to 'kill myself with a gun' tonight while playing Rocket League

Report and move on. Not worth getting worked up about it. That's what they're hoping for. If you end up taking what little joy they have by getting them banned, then it's all worth it. Just have to brush it off because it really doesn't matter what someone online tells you. 99 out of 100 people wouldn't say or do anything face to face so don't give them ANY sort of power.


"Kill yourself" is just a set phrase in online communities now, you shouldn't really think much of it.
It's become so bad that 'kill yourself' doesn't even feel like a huge insult in an online videogame setting. I'm more taken back by all the racist and homophobic stuff that gets thrown around so easily. It's really exhausting, but I just ignore it because it's impossible to go against it.


I feel exactly the same OP. I am having to learn to be less sensitive when playing Rocket League.

In ranked people get incredibly aggressive and abusive. It ranges from people calling others noobs and passing the blame, all the way to saying incredibly crass and abusive things.

I have this week turned off comments. As much as enjoy having a good game and chatting, the negativity is too much.

From searching online it seems that no one has been banned for their behaviour, other than selling items for cash. I have been reporting loads of people but it seems fruitless.

People will quit a match after 30 seconds if we lose the first goal. This then penalises me with the loss, normally with some abuse, and I get to lose a rank.

I am feeling better about playing now the comments are off, but I am considering quiting the game. I play for enjoyment, but the abuse isn't worth it.
I don't mean to understate anything, but this and the Overwatch thread from yesterday are just so... pointless? Maybe even counterproductive.

I don't mean to understate anyone's feelings, and I don't really want to be as blunt as to say "Grow a thicker skin", but I feel like it's an overreaction that and only proves and paves the way for more and more of this kind of behaviour.

If someone is spewing insults at you and you feel bad because of them, they're getting what they want, and threads and articles about this are just a confirmation to them that that thing they do, that thing it offends, makes people uncomfortable and even sometimes breaks them down to tears? It works, and works exactly as you meant it.

And it gets bigger and bigger as gaming becomes mainstream.


Report and move on.
Its weird how people are acting as if they just discovered online gaming. Anonymity+voice chat=surprise! You'll get people to say shit that they would never get caught dead saying in front of anyone standing in front of them. Not defending the stuff, but uh yeah. Thicken up that skin, report, and move on.


No it isn't. That type of behavior isn't okay just because it's common.

...right, but it's also not going to stop, so there's no sense in crying about how "not okay" it is. Best to work on coping mechanisms so you can see with it without letting it get to you.


I don't mean to understate anything, but this and the Overwatch thread from yesterday are just so... pointless? Maybe even counterproductive.

I don't mean to understate anyone's feelings, and I don't really want to be as blunt as to say "Grow a thicker skin", but I feel like it's an overreaction that and only proves and paves the way for more and more of this kind of behaviour.

If someone is spewing insults at you and you feel bad because of them, they're getting what they want, and threads and articles about this are just a confirmation to them that that thing they do, that thing it offends, makes people uncomfortable and even sometimes breaks them down to tears? It works, and works exactly as you meant it.

And it gets bigger and bigger as gaming becomes mainstream.

Are people just supposed to say nothing and tolerate this? I know a standard response would be "yeah, cos internets" but is that be a valid response.

Don't game companies have a role in stopping behaviour such as this, and wouldn't discussion be a starting point for them to address it?

I disagree that a victim should keep quiet because their speaking up may empower their abuser. People should speak up against things that they don't agree with.

How would you resolve this issue, or should sensitive gamers simply not play multilayer games at all?

I appreciate that people may need to learn to be more thick skinned, myself included, but that shouldn't mean that this behaviour should simply be ignored.


You should have talked about how unoriginal a death by gun troll is. Then further discussed why thier intelligence level effects thier creativity when trolling and suggest they attend some additional grade school classes. For example auditing a kindergarten class.

Also i just turn off the voice if i ever play MP. Otherwise brain cells die.


You're beyond stupid put-downs in an online video game, OP. Don't let it affect you.

I know that's easier-said-than-done, so my best advice is to never drop to that level yourself and lead by example in your online dealings.

Sometimes what I do is say something like "That's a really hurtful thing to say, I've lost friends and family members to suicide." (Which I have, and you may have too.)

Really make them think about what they just said. While they may not respond with a mental reconciliation, you've stabbed them right in the soul.
Are people just supposed to say nothing and tolerate this? I know a standard response would be "yeah, cos internets" but is that be a valid response.

Don't game companies have a role in stopping behaviour such as this, and wouldn't discussion be a starting point for them to address it?

I disagree that a victim should keep quiet because their speaking up may empower their abuser. People should speak up against things that they don't agree with.

How would you resolve this issue, or should sensitive gamers simply not play multilayer games at all?

I appreciate that people may need to learn to be more thick skinned, myself included, but that shouldn't mean that this behaviour should simply be ignored.

There's simply no other easy way to counter this.

What would you do? Would you ban the use of certain words, and if you would, how would you enforce it?

You can already report them, but that is no deterrent to this kind of behaviour, and to be completely honest, I don't even think stopping reacting to them will. It's a cultural thing, it may be even a human thing if we consider this kind of behaviour can be found outside videogames like in sports or other kinds of competition.

As hopeless as it may sound, you won't be able to change a cultural behaviour that hides behind anonymity and the perceived effect of "I'm just spewing bullshit, I'm not hurting anyone".

They're baiting to get an emotional reaction. The easiest way is to simply ignore them, and learn to not be affected by them.
...right, but it's also not going to stop, so there's no sense in crying about how "not okay" it is. Best to work on coping mechanisms so you can see with it without letting it get to you.
...how about instead of just living with it, find stricter ways to punish those who do, give them incentive to stop. otherwise, they win


...how about instead of just living with it, find stricter ways to punish those who do, give them incentive to stop. otherwise, they win

You must not have interacted with many humans over the years if you think this is a problem that can be stopped. There's no punishment severe enough to deter people from behaving this way. Even if every match had a "referee" who insta-banned anyone who behaved like this, you'd still see instances where people say fuck it and let loose.

You're going to see it if you play online with other people, bottom line. Arguing about whether it's "okay" or not is irrelevant—it exists, it will always exists. It's obviously not "okay" behavior but it's behavior that you're going to see at some point if you play online games with other humans. Best to be mentally prepared before you see it.
Meh, i've had equally bad things said. Come with the territory of MP. Just score on them and spam "what at save! what a save! what a save!". It makes them even more mad and they play like shit after that haha. Or blow them up "oops".


Just remember that the worst players are always the most salty ones. Instead of getting better at the game, they continue sucking at it and tossing insults instead of actually putting any effort in.

They are weak minded individuals with extremely low self worth, which they project onto others.

He told him to kill himself.

That's not normal trolling.
You can get lovely voice messages like this playing madden.


Sorry, but I find this funny. Not that he got so upset that he felt it necessary to voice message you and say such horrible things, but because, according to him, you only ran one play the whole game, and he still couldn't stop you! How bad is he?!?

He told him to kill himself.

That's not normal trolling.

Unfortunately, in today's Internet, it really is normal trolling. For kids and trolls, telling someone to kill themselves now-a-days comes as easy as saying "fuck you".
You're not in the wrong, people need to grow the fuck up. And yes, this happens in almost every competitive multiplayer game (yes, even in cooperative at times!). It's really dumb and people are idiots.

This is pretty much why I only play online MP games with friends or their friends. I don't have time to get frustrated over immature idiots. Really takes away the point of playing games... to relax and have fun!


Stick to people you know for mic chat.,the tools are there for you. Unfortunately don't expect most people to have even basic etiquette when speaking to others.
You must not have interacted with many humans over the years if you think this is a problem that can be stopped. There's no punishment severe enough to deter people from behaving this way. Even if every match had a "referee" who insta-banned anyone who behaved like this, you'd still see instances where people say fuck it and let loose.

You're going to see it if you play online with other people, bottom line. Arguing about whether it's "okay" or not is irrelevant—it exists, it will always exists. It's obviously not "okay" behavior but it's behavior that you're going to see at some point if you play online games with other humans. Best to be mentally prepared before you see it.
i've interacted with plenty and it's made me lose faith in humanity. every time something like this happens it should be called out. conforming to it or writing it off as something to be expected doesn't help in any way


Clearly OP doesn't take instruction well...

... also, its sadly not shocking but OP rightful in his alarm as human decency seems lost for online gaming over the past 8yrs or so.
I hate to admit it, but I kinda want to experience this legendary Rocket League salt for myself and I turn off voice chat/join a private chat by default in multiplayer games. I have never played it either, so I'll probably be pretty bad.

It's ridiculous that people get so mad about a car soccer game.


i've interacted with plenty and it's made me lose faith in humanity. every time something like this happens it should be called out. conforming to it or writing it off as something to be expected doesn't help in any way

It absolutely helps because it gets you in the right mental state before you see it. You're going to see it, so it's helpful to know going into it that you're going to see it and to not let it bother you. It's just someone trying to get an emotional response out of you. Don't let it get you worked up—that's exactly what they want.

Trying to act like this is some fixable problem is what's unhelpful. You can curtail this behavior but you can't stop it.
Oh god, it's 2017 and we're still bothered by faceless people behind a screen typing 'kill yourself' (gasp!) 'WITH A GUN'?!??!!

Be the bigger person, ignore - move on.

This is a non-issue.
i've interacted with plenty and it's made me lose faith in humanity. every time something like this happens it should be called out. conforming to it or writing it off as something to be expected doesn't help in any way

Hilarious. What sheltered alternate pleasantville reality do you come from? Life sucks. Deal with it.


I see this sometimes in RL, but I mostly play Snow Day so it's generally a healthy and helpful little community. Pretty often myself and others will tell that person to shut up or say some witty stuff back at them and that usually gets them to drop out almost immediately.
And I'm confident you will completely eliminate this problem. Great use of time and energy.

Complete elimination is not a serious goal. If an issue can be reduced even a tiny bit, the effort is worth it.

Your solution helps absolutely no one because obviously people bothered by this are not able or willing to do what you suggest, so you're really wasting your time and energy typing it out unless you get off calling people precious snowflakes that need to grow up and be like big papa pinballsummer.


Interesting, usually its with a big rubber cock up the ass while they fuck your mum.

This other player must be new also.
It's about picking your battles and not allowing yourself to be bothered by something so meaningless & ridiculous (yes, shedding a tear over a spoiled 9 year old sitting in his poopy pants calling you names is ridiculous).

It's counterproductive. You will never win. Nothing will ever change.

But by all means...
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