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I was told to 'kill myself with a gun' tonight while playing Rocket League


As of now the best option is probably to mute, report or ignore. But we shouldn't accept status quo or accept harassment and verbal abuse online. We are effectively normalizing it by saying: "It's how it's supposed to be on the internet, bro, lighten up, don't be so serious!" This is not normal behavior. It should not be accepted as normal behavior. It's the kind of behavior that should come with consequences.
This annoys me more than the abuse itself. Most of the thread is dismissive, as in "it's the internet, of course you'll be verbally abused. It's your fault for caring."

It's not just part of the problem, it's enabling it.
The toxic community has really taken over in Rocket League over the past few months, it's difficult to play it nowadays without encountering it. In unranked games players on the losing team will leave, often within the first minute and in ranked the insults will fly.
The worst part is its always between teammates which creates an odd dynamic of feeling more in competition with your allies than your opponents.

As someone who has never had an xbox, doesn't play fps and avoids f2p I've probably been sheltered towards these sort of communities before but I'd have to say what the Rocket League community is like right now is the worst I've ever encountered. I'd definitely not recommend it to anyone sensitive to that sort of behaviour. I've had to quit it as a result. I enjoy the game but don't enjoy being told to "uninstall", "drown myself", "die in a fire" etc. The report feature seemingly does nothing either so time to bail.

Which is a shame because the community was quite reasonable in its first few months, plenty of sarcastic "What a save!!" comments but not the sort of animosity you see now.


Report and move on. Happens in every popular multiplayer game.

There's a reason many people just don't engage in MP chat anymore. I'll be honest though watching video's of kids being little assholes and then getting crazy mad when someone F's with them is oddly therapeutic.


Best course of action is to reply like:

If it's voice chat: "With what type of gun?" and carry out conversation really seriously.

If it's written chat: ":("


The toxic community has really taken over in Rocket League over the past few months, it's difficult to play it nowadays without encountering it. In unranked games players on the losing team will leave, often within the first minute and in ranked the insults will fly.
The worst part is its always between teammates which creates an odd dynamic of feeling more in competition with your allies than your opponents.

As someone who has never had an xbox, doesn't play fps and avoids f2p I've probably been sheltered towards these sort of communities before but I'd have to say what the Rocket League community is like right now is the worst I've ever encountered. I'd definitely not recommend it to anyone sensitive to that sort of behaviour. I've had to quit it as a result. I enjoy the game but don't enjoy being told to "uninstall", "drown myself", "die in a fire" etc. The report feature seemingly does nothing either so time to bail.

Which is a shame because the community was quite reasonable in its first few months, plenty of sarcastic "What a save!!" comments but not the sort of animosity you see now.

Just block communications from non-friends in the Xbox settings.


Don't take them seriously, report them and focus on the good people in the scene.

Most likely they are kids and they're mad.


An idea to combat these kind of behaviours and taking advantage of the Steam account is that if you are banned from a multiplayer game for a bad behaviour it will affect that you won't be able to connect to any multiplayer aspect from all the other games that your account has. Obviously this woun't be easy to do because it will be great changes into the steam system but the punishment may discourage a lot of people from the bad attitudes.


This annoys me more than the abuse itself. Most of the thread is dismissive, as in "it's the internet, of course you'll be verbally abused. It's your fault for caring."

It's not just part of the problem, it's enabling it.

I do think being sensitive to every little obnoxious troll is unhealthy. You only have a limited number of fucks to give. So you should only give your fucks for fuck-worthy situations.

Someone telling me to eat shit and die after losing a game isn't worth worrying about. Now, there's a big difference between that and genuine online bullying that persists and can cause harm.

One situation is worth giving a fuck about, the other isn't. If you give out fucks like they're ice cream at a fucking summer camp, you're going to drive yourself crazy and only harm yourself. Giving a fuck is letting the troll get to you. It's basically doing exactly what the troll wants.

Just let it slide and don't reply. It's really the biggest dis' you can give to a troll. Being overly sensitive about every little insult from anonymous strangers is even smaller than launching the insults in the first place.

Again, this is different from persistent online bullying. I'm only referring to one-time isolated situations. They should be dismissed because, quite frankly, they shouldn't matter to you if you have a good head on your shoulders.
It's a common thing.

There's a lot of shitty people in the world.

Multiplayer games seem to have greater representation of shitty people.
I actually interact with way way way way more positive people than outright negative clowns.

OP, find them and humiliate them in front of their teammates. Nothing says 'moving on' like the sweet taste of revenge.
Shit like this is why I very rarely play competitive online multiplayer, got enoygh depression in my life without getting abuse from random strangers.
I owned a PS4 since launch and I have not ran into racism or bigotry yet online. Actually people on GAF complain now that more people don't use their mic and I enjoy that. When I owned a 360 I use to hear kids yell out the n-word and f-word so much.

Now the worst I run into is some kid playing his shitty music in a lobby.

I don't think there is any change for the people that do this and say that it is "just trolling/joking." I do not wish them well in life and I hope that their toxic actions reflect a toxic community they have to live in.
Reminds me of the "good ole days" playing Halo 2 back before there was such a thing as party chat. Sitting there in the pregame lobby as it filled up, listening to all the trash talk that would happen back and forth. Then the game happens. Then the postgame lobby trash talk...

I know it's not for everybody, but I always liked it. Felt like more was at stake when it was that way. Now, most everyone's in a private party which, by the way, is how I'd recommend the OP to roll. There's no good reason to have to endure insult and injury from other people if that's not your thing.


Reminds me of the "good ole days" playing Halo 2 back before there was such a thing as party chat. Sitting there in the pregame lobby as it filled up, listening to all the trash talk that would happen back and forth. Then the game happens. Then the postgame lobby trash talk...

I know it's not for everybody, but I always liked it. Felt like more was at stake when it was that way. Now, most everyone's in a private party which, by the way, is how I'd recommend the OP to roll. There's no good reason to have to endure insult and injury from other people if that's not your thing.

I miss those days too. Party chat ruined some of the fun.
Reminds me of the "good ole days" playing Halo 2 back before there was such a thing as party chat. Sitting there in the pregame lobby as it filled up, listening to all the trash talk that would happen back and forth. Then the game happens. Then the postgame lobby trash talk...

I know it's not for everybody, but I always liked it. Felt like more was at stake when it was that way. Now, most everyone's in a private party which, by the way, is how I'd recommend the OP to roll. There's no good reason to have to endure insult and injury from other people if that's not your thing.

Now that was fun times. Halo and Gears.

"Oh they talking shit? Okay let's just wait until the game is done."
*game ended*
"What was that you were saying? You got wrecked scrub."


Ah, nothing like being insulted by a bunch of juveniles or 40 year old adolescents. Gaming at it's finest.

Seriously, just laugh, report them and move on with your day. Such things should be no more to you than rain drops rolling off.
I miss those days too. Party chat ruined some of the fun.

Now that was fun times. Halo and Gears.

"Oh they talking shit? Okay let's just wait until the game is done."
*game ended*
"What was that you were saying? You got wrecked scrub."

I loved the way it raised the stakes. I still remember individual games of Halo 2 and 3 from as much as 10 years ago. The epic comebacks, the nail-biters and the feeling in the post-game lobby afterwards. As much as I enjoy games like Battlefield or Overwatch, I don't even remember individual games from last week, really. Not saying that private parties are the only reason why, but I think it's part of it.


Reminds me of the "good ole days" playing Halo 2 back before there was such a thing as party chat. Sitting there in the pregame lobby as it filled up, listening to all the trash talk that would happen back and forth. Then the game happens. Then the postgame lobby trash talk...

I know it's not for everybody, but I always liked it. Felt like more was at stake when it was that way. Now, most everyone's in a private party which, by the way, is how I'd recommend the OP to roll. There's no good reason to have to endure insult and injury from other people if that's not your thing.

Halo, Gears, and Call of Duty were big for me because of this. Back in the mid 2000s everybody was using a mic. Felt like you were bonding with your teammates. Now console shooters just feel dead to me because of party chat and even a lot of games not offering open chat. I never even add anybody to form a party with since I don't remember any of my teammates after the game. Glad to have experienced the console shooter community back when it felt like I was playing with real people.

I've never had a problem muting players I didn't want to hear so I'm surprised why people on here couldn't just do the same. Then again, there are plenty of gaffers who list a major reason of going digital is not having to switch discs.


First tragedy, then farce.
To say more than I did last night.

I have had RL players send me messages on Xbox and threaten to put my username on Reddit to be inundated with messages from people that they know. It didn't happen of course, but that threat has happened 3-4 times.

Voice messages that were very threatening. People blaming team mates for being terrible.

For whatever reason, that game makes people bonkers. Maybe it's because there is such a reliance on team-mates to make things happen. I don't know. But for whatever reason a bunch of chump-tier players (I never rose anywhere in the rankings that mattered) were super aggro the entire time.

I dumped it because it was the opposite of fun after a while.


Why is someone telling you to go kill yourself any less damaging on rocket league than it is on social media platforms like Twitter? Especially if we're bringing voice chat into this. Simply saying it's a game isn't exactly a good excuse. You can delete Facebook and Twitter posts, you can block certain people, you can report them or close your account. Just because you have those options don't make bullying on social media any less harmful, just as having a mute option in a game doesn't make bullying there any less harmful. Some people will dismiss it on both platforms while others will take it to heart, so I wouldn't say the OP is overreacting.

The people playing games are real people just like in social media. But sure, on social media the harassment and bullying can go on longer and be done by a big group of people. Which can make it more harmful.

What I simply meant is if someone posts something on your wall, say Kill Yourself, with a Gun, chances are some of your friends, family, etc will see it before you can deal with it.

Bullying is a lot more than a random audio clip of a dude that can be shut off forever, at the click of a button.

I'm sorry but abusing on MP chat--while distasteful to some, is too easily mitigated with the existing measures.

Also personally I find people who take offense to cusses weird. They are just words: hollow showcases of one's anger. I get it not everybody has the same thickness of skin. But life is too nice to sit back and mope about rando lowlife #2326393 who asked you to kill yourself.

If someone did that to me, I'd be like 'Just like you did a minute ago?" --then again I like banter, and how do I put this. Nobody should have the kind of control over you wherein they ask you to kill yourself and it affects you.

And all sports has banter, or sledging or verbal attacks if you may. Human beings are far more rank than we'd like to accept. The quicker you accept that and build a defense against it, the happier you'll be.


People shouldn't take the internet so seriously.
I piss myself laughing when ever I get threats or assaults thrown at me in an online game.
Knowing you have played well enough to rile up someone is very amusing.

Usually it's not the other team that is saying this type of toxic shit. it's your teammates. I think it is a lot more easier to ignore the other team vs teammates who you are trying to work with.
Reporting abuse works

via reddit. Thought it would be a worthy bump, as even I have questioned whether reporting abusive behavior not just in this game but in many competitive MP titles actually results in penalties for the offenders. Again, Psyonix continue to be awesome.
The real question is if someone had shouted this at you while driving because they felt you weren't going fast enough, would you feel you could no longer drive because of rude people saying hateful things?

Because I'm sure worse things have been said and done over simply not driving fast enough or small oversights in traffic rules.

Rude and hateful people exist. They always will. Some of them play videogames. They always will.

Mute and move on. It barely deserves a moment of your time or consideration.


Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
Reporting abuse works

via reddit. Thought it would be a worthy bump, as even I have questioned whether reporting abusive behavior not just in this game but in many competitive MP titles actually results in penalties for the offenders. Again, Psyonix continue to be awesome.

Thanks for the info, I don't chat during games, but my 2 sons do and they have been harassed before. They are older of course, as one is 21 and the other is 16. I don't think it matters what age the victim of this type of harassment, so from a father, thank you very much.


I love getting messages like this as a fighting game player. They almost always come after I manhandle someone. Gives me a good laugh


Some people online are like this. I'd say it was due to a lack of maturity, though I think it stems more from anger issues. If someone lashes out like this after you beat them, try and take it as a compliment of sorts. In the sense that your skills made them flip out, and if possible, try and laugh it off.

Try and not take it personally, but I could see how this could be upsetting coming completely out of left field and with not a ton of experience online. The best thing to do is remain silent, report them and move on. There's nothing negativity hates more than being ignored.

K' Dash

Gold Member
Rule number 1 of online multiplayer:

Play with friends.

Rule number 2 of online multiplayer:

If you want to play online with strangers, just mute them all.

The Hermit

That's the same behaviour I see during teammates in soccer here in Brasil, especially when you just know 2 or 3 people.

I suck at soccer but a few friends just want to have fun, problem is there is always an asshole in your team that is super competitive. It the way of the sport and one of the reasons I quit, I am not a very competitive person.

This is basically the same. It's the jocks take on online game.
I love getting messages like this as a fighting game player. They almost always come after I manhandle someone. Gives me a good laugh

I love them too. I never send anything like this but receiving is always hilrious. I really can't see why this would bother someone, or how it can be conflated to bullying. Just block them and move on if it upsets you, but I don't know why you would take stuff like this seriously. Who cares what some dude on PSN or XBL thinks about you.
Thanks for the info, I don't chat during games, but my 2 sons do and they have been harassed before. They are older of course, as one is 21 and the other is 16. I don't think it matters what age the victim of this type of harassment, so from a father, thank you very much.

You're very welcome. I really enjoy being able to interact with others during a match. Sometimes you get hilarious back and forth. Part of the point of me making this thread was, I questioned whether reporting such gross behavior is a fruitless endeavor, and whether I should have reacted at all to what was said. Well it turns out that in Rocket League at least, if you insist on behaving like a fuckhead shitwad, you'll get perm'd. Good on Psyonix.


Junior Member
I played Destiny with a bunch of black dudes once, got called white boy and cracker for an hour and half.

I worked at a job as a teenager and that's what the bosses called me, never my name.lol. hey white boy, go cut some tomatoes. Hey white boy, take this order.

Anywho, people are always gonna talk shit. I embrace it. Knowing I angered some dipshit by beating them or whatever is good for the soul
This annoys me more than the abuse itself. Most of the thread is dismissive, as in "it's the internet, of course you'll be verbally abused. It's your fault for caring."

It's not just part of the problem, it's enabling it.

How are you enabling it if you mute and report them?

They are literally disabled from speaking with you at that point.


This is why I chat to friends only, in party chat. Or chat off. Its always 99% bullshit I hear. Turns me off touching competitive games altogether.


I worked at a job as a teenager and that's what the bosses called me, never my name.lol. hey white boy, go cut some tomatoes. Hey white boy, take this order.

Anywho, people are always gonna talk shit. I embrace it. Knowing I angered some dipshit by beating them or whatever is good for the soul

Growing up in the inner city as one of the few white dudes I just ignored it. However that shouldnt be an excuse. Imagine if this was the other way around....
Why are you using voice chat with randoms?

Rule #1 of online gaming: Do not Engage the community.

The fact that everyone says this is sad. Covering up/avoiding the problem doesn't make it go away. People should be permabanned for the first offense for shit like this. Same goes for harassing people sexually or otherwise.This shouldn't be tolerated as 'expected' or 'acceptable' behavior.

There should be a way to report assholes using voice that includes a recorded sample of what they said. Once the content is confirmed, they should be permanently removed from the game on the first offense.


I wish the reporting in Rocket League had a longer chat history. By the time I get to report people they could have said a bunch of things and then it's not included in the chat log (but I really like they they include the chat log, was a pleasant surprise the first time I reported someone).

I've encountered a couple of bad cases of racism against other players who happen to have foreign sounding names. It's just fucking disgusting. I wish Sony would take greater action against these players.. I don't know if they get banned or even if anything happens to them at all, but as far as I'm concerned if you blatantly racially abuse someone it should seriously be a case of getting your PS4 blocked from PSN permanently. Need to treat these people as brutally as they treat others (hell take the chat log to police..).
This type of stuff doesn't bother me. Clearly that person is already butthurt so replying in an 'i don't care' tone or a 'condescending' one is the best use of time here, keep it civil though. But after the initial response just bail, the fact they can't argue with you pisses them off the most.

The only thing to get to me is int'ing. Throwing a game which you're usually stick in till it ends is just toxic.
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