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I was told to 'kill myself with a gun' tonight while playing Rocket League

trash talking is common in all things that are competitive, sports, video games, board games, etc, online multiplayer is where trash talk is at its worst though because the people involved are so far removed from each other, there's practically no risk of saying the wrong thing to the wrong person and getting your head kicked in like it would be in a game of pick-up basketball at a park

edit: didn't read that it was a teammate


After what I thought was a cheerful session of Awesomenauts on PS4, I was checking my notifications and whatnot getting ready for bed, noticed I had a string of messages I must have missed / wasn't notified of in-game. I noticed they were someone who was on my team for several matches - we seemed to have a good unspoken rapport, me healing with the tentacle guy, him killing people with that little alien girl who bursts into flames. "He must want to be friends" I thought.

Well, he opened up with a volley of insults about my skill. Which, if you have ever played this game, it's really easy and light hearted so I thought maybe, maaaybe he was joking around. The messages continued to get more belligerent, eventually combining racist and bigoted slurs (I was called a Jewish n-word, a gay faggot Indian, all kinds of things). The final few messages (he sent like eight) were telling me I should kill myself and if it were Nazi Germany I'd have died in some "gay Muslim camp" years ago.

So, OP, it can get worse.


Yep it happens everywhere.
Just this morning we lost a game of Heroes of the storm, the guy was soooo mad. Even if he didn't play like a god, he insulted everyone and told me he hoped everyone i care about will die and i'll die alone. How on earth a single game can affect someone like this ?

Next game he was on the enemy team and I kicked his ass, I'm sure he crashed his computer afterwards.


Still the kind of unpleasant culture that just sours me on playing competitive multi-players. I de-stress with games, I have no wish to be yelled at by shitty kids and adult kids.

If you de-stress with competitive multiplayer, you should accept the fact that there are reactions from stressing competitive situations.

Even in real world sport games happen to be pretty tough tensions when it comes down to matches and so on. There is a big amount of people that can't handle the stress from the competitive aspect.

Yeah, I am a really relaxed person in that regard and I never put my anger onto people in a lobby with me. But let's be real. There is a huge bunch of people that will never learn to control themselfes in that way and if you don't want to ditch that hobby you have to deal with it. Sadly.

In a perfect world there would be no hassle with this.


I don't like how this kind of stuff is seen as "well that's just how it is in MP Games"...just because it happens so often doesn't mean that it's okay to write such things. It's one of the more disgusting sides of any MP Game.


I don't like how this kind of stuff is seen as "well that's just how it is in MP Games"...just because it happens so often doesn't mean that it's okay to write such things. It's one of the more disgusting sides of any MP Game.

You won't solve that problem by discussing it in a forum. The industry is trying to reduce it. Look at League of Legends and how many bans they are throwing around for being toxic, raging and stuff like that. People do it nonetheless and make threads like "I can't control myself and got banned 10 times". I've seen shit like that more than 10 times now.

That problem exists in the world and it is just reflecting on multiplayer lobbies. You really can only report and mute them. With that, there is a chance to get them banned and you don't need to bother with their shit.
With a gun? At least he could tried to be a little more original.

Now seriously, it happens with every MP game. With time you learn to filter that out and it becomes almost irrelevant. I've noticed that it's far worse if you play on PC.


Turn off voice/text chat. Its what I do on rocket league, in the end it only made me play better :)

After 100 hours with randoms and with voice on I have never had anyone use voice comms for beneficial purposes. Text chat is mostly sarcastic comments after a goal or some frustrated teammate getting upset/mad. So the next 250 hours I've had everything turned off and just focussed on the game at hand.


It's pretty normal. As fun as the game is, the community can be pretty toxic. Though it's the same in Mombas, overwatch and pretty much any popular multiplayer.

I only play Rocket Legue in teams when there are friends online.


Honestly don't let it bother you OP. Happens every other game now in Rocket League. The community can be quite toxic at times but that's online MP for you.

If it's a team-mate a couple of own goals on your part will see him kick off a bit and rage quit. It's always deeply satisfying.

If it's the opposition then it generally means you're winning so will have the last laugh.


good credit (by proxy)
Some people lead unfulfilling lives and need to whine and cry to prove their alpha manchild status.


Just mute people soon as they start getting hostile. Don't just mute everybody by default or else you're just going to be a burden on your team if the game requires any kind of communication. If there's a kick feature I'll always kick or vote yes to kick anybody who is dragging us down and doesn't even use a mic or respond to what we're saying.


I mean really?? What the hell?

And by the way, this is the third time IN A WEEK I've been told to kill myself while playing this game.

I love Rocket League. It's my favorite MP game, and has been for a year and a half. But you know what's not my favorite? Being told repeatedly to commit suicide!

I may be sheltered, as I don't play many MP games, but is this a common thing in MP titles? I mean are there folks demanding you 'end yourself' in Destiny matches if you miss that one bad guy in the corner? Overwatch? The Division?

The folks playing Rocket League sure are salty as fuck. And by the way, this was my TEAM MATE. And I had a higher score / goal total than him! STILL I should end my life!

Am I overreacting? I reported him for it. Even one of the opposing team mates posted 'Damn man lol' after he said that. I'm not in the wrong for thinking this is extreme, right? I won't be crying myself to sleep or anything, but I felt compelled to discuss.

All kind of nastiness is common in MP games. And it's the biggest factor keeping me from playing more multiplayer games. I've played a ton of them, but in the last few years I've grown so tired of it. I guess I used to be better at ignoring it. Nowadays it's very frustrating and it doesn't even need to be directed at me. I really think this is something that developers and such should focus more, trying to combat this kind of behaviour. Unfortunately punishments are probably the best option. Start throwing out bans for people who continuously attack others verbally.

Oh the online games I've played extensively, Counter-Strike, World of Warcraft and Dota 2. I guess it's no surprise that Dota community is the worst offender. Wow wasn't really that bad, but I usually played it with just friends so didn't interact that much with random players.


All kind of nastiness is common in MP games. And it's the biggest factor keeping me from playing more multiplayer games. I've played a ton of them, but in the last few years I've grown so tired of it. I guess I used to be better at ignoring it. Nowadays it's very frustrating and it doesn't even need to be directed at me. I really think this is something that developers and such should focus more, trying to combat this kind of behaviour. Unfortunately punishments are probably the best option. Start throwing out bans for people who continuously attack others verbally.

Oh the online games I've played extensively, Counter-Strike, World of Warcraft and Dota 2. I guess it's no surprise that Dota community is the worst offender. Wow wasn't really that bad, but I usually played it with just friends so didn't interact that much with random players.

DOTA can be bad - I try and get out ahead of that though. Say hi to everyone in chat, have a laugh and a mess around, poke fun at the other team in all chat - just generally try and create a nice atmosphere for the game before it starts.

Granted, it doesn't always work, but people are much more receptive if you chat to them.

RL though, well, yeah there's some real asshats who play RL. Never solo queue.


DOTA can be bad - I try and get out ahead of that though. Say hi to everyone in chat, have a laugh and a mess around, poke fun at the other team in all chat - just generally try and create a nice atmosphere for the game before it starts.

Granted, it doesn't always work, but people are much more receptive if you chat to them.

RL though, well, yeah there's some real asshats who play RL. Never solo queue.

I've changed Dota (I listened to the abuse for 3070 hours before calling quits, so it took a lot) to a lesser game, Heroes of the Storm. There's still rude people there, but not as much and less really offensive slurs. But what you said about being nice reminded me of a match yesterday. With one player greeting us, then giving compliments on ganks. But as soon the enemy team started fighting back he started throwing insults around, nothing really severe though. Didn't really ruin my experience, thought it was kinda funny.

But being positive and friendly yourself is really good advice. Share the good vibes.


I've changed Dota (I listened to the abuse for 3070 hours before calling quits, so it took a lot) to a lesser game, Heroes of the Storm. There's still rude people there, but not as much and less really offensive slurs. But what you said about being nice reminded me of a match yesterday. With one player greeting us, then giving compliments on ganks. But as soon the enemy team started fighting back he started throwing insults around, nothing really severe though. Didn't really ruin my experience, thought it was kinda funny.

But being positive and friendly yourself is really good advice. Share the good vibes.

I find people are much less communicative in HOTS generally (I mean, you can't talk to the other team for a start) but I think the game suffers as a result.

While DOTA has its fair share of ass clowns I run into a load of people who chat, talk tactics and communicate throughout the match. I don't think I've ever found that in HOTS, though maybe that's just bad luck.


Better that then "TRADE?" which every other nowadays posts in a quick 4vs4 match. They don't even bother to play the game, their cars sits there and they try and get to trade crates or cars. The loot crate edition has really hurt this game for me. I can still play it and have fun but to see people not even try because they want to get a trade going is silly.


People shouldn't take the internet so seriously.
I piss myself laughing when ever I get threats or assaults thrown at me in an online game.
Knowing you have played well enough to rile up someone is very amusing.


ignore it or report it.

pretty much any multiplayer game will have these idiots. i just let it fly right past me. also i always make sure i can't hear other players mic. if i want to communicate while playing then i'll set up a group.


Gold Member
People shouldn't take the internet so seriously.
I piss myself laughing when ever I get threats or assaults thrown at me in an online game.
Knowing you have played well enough to rile up someone is very amusing.

This is mostly how I feel. There's zero reason for me to get personally offended or anything, the person spewing shit has no idea who he's even shittalking.

"Nice shot!" after you miss an easy shot is just as bad.

When your own teammates say it I find it annoying, rude and destructive to the team spirit, but when an opponent says it I don't give a single shit.


This is why an SP game like Uncharted 4 deserves to win GOTY over Overwatch.

But jokes aside, help me understand how random cuss words, or asking you to die is any more meaningful than the few kbs it took for that message to reach you. How is anyone abusing you online anything more than pathetic and at some level funny?

Yes we've seen cases of bullying and even harassment when it comes to your personal social media - and that stuff is criminal and damaging.

But this is a game man, with a mute option.

TL;DR: You're overreacting.


This is one of the numerous reasons I play mainly single player games. This and the fact iIdon't like the "hype"(this word irritates me) around esports and mp games.
Damn that's a good one. The best I get is usually 'Ur lucky' or 'lol ez game'. I wish I could make someone so salty that they ask me to kill myself. I love it when people get mad at me for playing games.

Honestly I love stuff like this, especially in Rocket League. I just can't put myself in the position of someone who cares that much about a game. It's just funny to me. Like, someone is so annoyed at someone elses performance in a video game, that they request they kill themselves. It's so ridiculous that I can't see how anyone could be bothered by it.


"Nice shot!" after you miss an easy shot is just as bad.

It's just as bad as being told to kill yourself? I really don't agree.

Sarcastic quick chat isn't even that bad and can be shut down entirely by embracing it and laughing with it. If you give yourself a "Nice Shot!" or "What a save!" most people won't bother and will laugh along with you.


This is why an SP game like Uncharted 4 deserves to win GOTY over Overwatch.

But jokes aside, help me understand how random cuss words, or asking you to die is any more meaningful than the few kbs it took for that message to reach you. How is anyone abusing you online anything more than pathetic and at some level funny?

Yes we've seen cases of bullying and even harassment when it comes to your personal social media - and that stuff is criminal and damaging.

But this is a game man, with a mute option.

TL;DR: You're overreacting.
Why is someone telling you to go kill yourself any less damaging on rocket league than it is on social media platforms like Twitter? Especially if we're bringing voice chat into this. Simply saying it's a game isn't exactly a good excuse. You can delete Facebook and Twitter posts, you can block certain people, you can report them or close your account. Just because you have those options don't make bullying on social media any less harmful, just as having a mute option in a game doesn't make bullying there any less harmful. Some people will dismiss it on both platforms while others will take it to heart, so I wouldn't say the OP is overreacting.


I find people are much less communicative in HOTS generally (I mean, you can't talk to the other team for a start) but I think the game suffers as a result.

While DOTA has its fair share of ass clowns I run into a load of people who chat, talk tactics and communicate throughout the match. I don't think I've ever found that in HOTS, though maybe that's just bad luck.

Very true, Dota players tend to be more "hardcore" and competitive which also can result in positive outcome. Though I don't think there's much to gain in talking to the opponent, but proper communication with the team is a big plus. Ofcourse sometimes these generals giving tactics and shouting commands aren't doing very good job. And trying to tell them this could result in a flame war. Many take the "my way or the highway approach". Especially item builds can often be disagreed upon. And this advice is rarely given in respectful or even helpful manner. "lol shit items" is more likely than, "you should get this to counter Jugger's ulti" for example.

About talking to the opponent, in Hearthstone you can't do that. You can add the latest player as your friend and if they accept it, then you can "congratulate" them on their deserved victory. Unfortunately every time I've accepted a friend invite the message has been something like "lucky fucking noob" and often followed by ignore even before I've responded to anything. So I've stopped accepting these random invites too since they never are anything positive.

Yes we've seen cases of bullying and even harassment when it comes to your personal social media - and that stuff is criminal and damaging.

But this is a game man, with a mute option.

TL;DR: You're overreacting.

The people playing games are real people just like in social media. But sure, on social media the harassment and bullying can go on longer and be done by a big group of people. Which can make it more harmful.


Op its how you know you're good when teammates even tell you to die! You not shit unless you get a couple death threats along with racist slurs.



While it doesn't bother me that much and I haven't met anyone telling me to kill myself (yet?), I wouldn't even be mad if Psyonix got rid of the text chat in matchmaking. It's a cesspool.
90% of the time it's full of insults, the other 10% it's just "trade anyone?". I don't think I've ever seen anyone saying something nice.
Also sometimes people stop playing for like 30secs to type with the controller. This is actually the thing that bothers me the most, lol.

The d-pad quick chat is perfect for this game.

P.S. I could use some gaffers to play with; I'm around level 44 and usually play during the evening UK time. PS4, nick in profile.


Not new. Humans have found reasons to say disgusting shit like that for any reason. Online multiplayer video games are just another avenue for it.

Report. Block. Move on.


Unconfirmed Member
Very true, Dota players tend to be more "hardcore" and competitive which also can result in positive outcome. Though I don't think there's much to gain in talking to the opponent, but proper communication with the team is a big plus. Ofcourse sometimes these generals giving tactics and shouting commands aren't doing very good job. And trying to tell them this could result in a flame war. Many take the "my way or the highway approach". Especially item builds can often be disagreed upon.

About talking to the opponent, in Hearthstone you can't do that. You can add the latest player as your friend and if they accept it, then you can "congratulate" them on their deserved victory. Unfortunately every time I've accepted a friend invite the message has been something like "lucky fucking noob" and often followed by ignore even before I've responded to anything. So I've stopped accepting these random invites too since they never are anything positive.

You can make them tilt. It's decent chances as well. I feel like I can do it in 1 out of 10 games. That's 1 person out of 50 that just begins to throw the game.
It's especially easy when the enemy team allchats with "report x". Then you just carefully side with x so he throws a tantrum and they go all out flame war on each other. People just play worse in those conditions.
Why is someone telling you to go kill yourself any less damaging on rocket league than it is on social media platforms like Twitter? Especially if we're bringing voice chat into this. Simply saying it's a game isn't exactly a good excuse. You can delete Facebook and Twitter posts, you can block certain people, you can report them or close your account. Just because you have those options don't make bullying on social media any less harmful, just as having a mute option in a game doesn't make bullying there any less harmful. Some people will dismiss it on both platforms while others will take it to heart, so I wouldn't say the OP is overreacting.

On facebook and twitter, stuff like this is usually a personal attack, beacuse you said or did something they don't agree with. In Rocket League it isn't personal, it's one anoymous person telling another anonymous person to do something extreme because of a video game. It's nowhere near as personal and comparing it to cyber bullying is somewhat insulting to victims of actual cyber bullying.


It's pretty pathetic that this is accepted as the norm for playing video games online. I hope one day we'll look back at this time as the archaic, dark age it is for multiplayer interactions.

This is my problem with it. Since when is being a horrible person okay because it's over the internet? Sure, it's anonymous and neither party can really do anything to the other, but it's still disgusting and is a detriment to the game. Honestly, people who just pass it off as normal are really just encouraging.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
As of now the best option is probably to mute, report or ignore. But we shouldn't accept status quo or accept harassment and verbal abuse online. We are effectively normalizing it by saying: "It's how it's supposed to be on the internet, bro, lighten up, don't be so serious!" This is not normal behavior. It should not be accepted as normal behavior. It's the kind of behavior that warrants consequences.

So I really, really wish developers / service providers (Sony/MS/Steam etc.) begun integrating systems for effectively reporting the worst offenders while following up with quick temp bans and permabans for serial offenders. It's their games and services, it's their responsibility to take action when the players are not able take responsibility for their own actions.
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