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I was wondering the next ZELDA for Switch 2, looking like KENA for PS5!


Gold Member
It uses more advanced techniques from modern times for sure, but, it also looks nearly the same as it did on the Wii U 6 years ago, albeit at a higher resolution only when docked. Not dramatically higher.

Just power wise, it's only somewhat ahead of the 7th gen, the extra RAM helps of course. It's not even near base 8th gen consoles. So in terms of expectations for Nintendo next gen, I'd set my expectations between XBO-PS4, not PS5. Which makes sense as the chips available to it might be around 1Tflop. Def not 10+. DLSS will also help.

This isn't shitting on it at all, that's my realistic take on the world and what's likely from them next if they continue with portable Switch compatibility in next gen.
Come on, it's basically a full 8th gen game, it just has everything a notch down due to console power.

Everything I mentioned were improvements that became commonplace in 8th gen, even resolution as PS4 and Xbone run most games at 900p (BOTW) or 1080p (TOTK). Not saying Switch is as powerful as Xbone or PS4 but Nintendo clearly made it punch above its weight by a quite a lot. BOTW has the same tech than TOTK, but has many low res textures, some lower quality materials (well, in the desert TOTK is just much more improved), lower draw distance, etc. TOTK made the textures resolution way more consistent among many other graphical improvements that aren't noticable if you've not played BOTW recently as I did or have them side by side, but they are very noticable.

There's a reason why Switch games share much more in common with Xbone/PS4 in terms of rendering tech than with previous gen:

- It has tech on par with those, it's just weaker from a pure power standpoint

- Devs migrated to full PBR + SSR + Other newer techniques by the time Switch came out so it was just easier/cheaper to keep using them there, it's not that PS360 couldn't do those, it was just too expensive for them but they could, in the case PBR it's just that nobody thought of that up until 7th gen was ending, see Beyond: Two Sould and Remember Me, two games using PBS. AFAIK they didn't do full PBR due to memory constraints but I could be wrong.

- Switch has one feature that is more advanced than Xbone/PS4 base SKUs and that's half precision floating point (FP16). It came to Pro and X consoles later btw, but games were still designed around base consoles anyway, so that's why Switch can manage games with rendering tech mostly used on 8th gen consoles using way less resources.

Switch only looks bad on big TVs, on my 4K 43" TV it looks amazing, but yeah, some games like Xenoblade 2 can't be saved, god knows what the hell Monolith did there.

And that's why I prefer how BOTW looks over Kena... It just wouldn't fit it, but a smaller scale Zelda with that art style wouldn't be bad at all... Like if Nintendo develops two Zelda branches: One classic and one with new formula.


Gold Member
Look at those 360p resolution textures, generic cliffs and volcanoes. Even vanilla WoW has better textures than that holy fuck. Zelda might be one of the best in gameplay/mechanics but technically and visually its a piece of shit. Only blind fans would say otherwise.


Gold Member
Someone should post those screen from biomutant pc...

edit fuck it:


This is how the next one could realistically look, you can maintain the cel shading characters if you want.
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Come on, it's basically a full 8th gen game, it just has everything a notch down due to console power.

Everything I mentioned were improvements that became commonplace in 8th gen, even resolution as PS4 and Xbone run most games at 900p (BOTW) or 1080p (TOTK). Not saying Switch is as powerful as Xbone or PS4 but Nintendo clearly made it punch above its weight by a quite a lot. BOTW has the same tech than TOTK, but has many low res textures, some lower quality materials (well, in the desert TOTK is just much more improved), lower draw distance, etc. TOTK made the textures resolution way more consistent among many other graphical improvements that aren't noticable if you've not played BOTW recently as I did or have them side by side, but they are very noticable.

There's a reason why Switch games share much more in common with Xbone/PS4 in terms of rendering tech than with previous gen:

- It has tech on par with those, it's just weaker from a pure power standpoint

- Devs migrated to full PBR + SSR + Other newer techniques by the time Switch came out so it was just easier/cheaper to keep using them there, it's not that PS360 couldn't do those, it was just too expensive for them but they could, in the case PBR it's just that nobody thought of that up until 7th gen was ending, see Beyond: Two Sould and Remember Me, two games using PBS. AFAIK they didn't do full PBR due to memory constraints but I could be wrong.

- Switch has one feature that is more advanced than Xbone/PS4 base SKUs and that's half precision floating point (FP16). It came to Pro and X consoles later btw, but games were still designed around base consoles anyway, so that's why Switch can manage games with rendering tech mostly used on 8th gen consoles using way less resources.

Switch only looks bad on big TVs, on my 4K 43" TV it looks amazing, but yeah, some games like Xenoblade 2 can't be saved, god knows what the hell Monolith did there.

And that's why I prefer how BOTW looks over Kena... It just wouldn't fit it, but a smaller scale Zelda with that art style wouldn't be bad at all... Like if Nintendo develops two Zelda branches: One classic and one with new formula.

I don't particularly think we have anything to argue about. Newer tech than the 7th gen, but power significantly below the 8th, is my point. It can run modern features sure. It also ends AF filtering a foot in front of Link.

And again, all these systems ran on the Wii U...
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Nicely nitpicked area of an outbounds place, area that has no npc's or anything to explore. Jesus, you Nintendo fans lmao but you do still prove a point, that area that has nothingi n it, still has highly more detailed textures than Zelda. So thank you for that. Truly amazing. Btw, WoW was made in 2004,, so I guess it aint fair to compare it with a game made 19 years after it. Im done with you clowns.

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Some of you guys on gaf wouldn’t know what art-direction means in a game even if it hit you in the face straight for 24 hours.

Theres a million indie games with better art styles than Zelda, but some of you Zelda fans wouldnt know that, since, you're clearly blind to any criticism. Enjoy your game dude. If theres one thing that this thread proves, we will never have quality products. I cleared my ignore list but time to add ppl to it, especially those, who can't accept their precious game is flawed. Im outta here, before I do trigger myself and all of you and get myself banned. Peace.


Gold Member
Here's why we don't care about Zelda looking like Kena, it already looks amazing, see just how the Dark Souls Remaster compares to Zelda TOTK Fire Temple... Similar area, setup, etc. Also, see the big difference between Switch and a 7th gen average game graphic complexity for those still in negation, Switch looks like a gen above as it is... Wish Dark Souls had another remaster or remake that looks at least like that but at higher res:



always chasing the next thrill
Theres a million indie games with better art styles than Zelda, but some of you Zelda fans wouldnt know that, since, you're clearly blind to any criticism. Enjoy your game dude. If theres one thing that this thread proves, we will never have quality products. I cleared my ignore list but time to add ppl to it, especially those, who can't accept their precious game is flawed. Im outta here, before I do trigger myself and all of you and get myself banned. Peace.
well start spewing them, don't get scared being banned just curious what you will post


Gold Member
Nicely nitpicked area of an outbounds place, area that has no npc's or anything to explore. Jesus, you Nintendo fans lmao but you do still prove a point, that area that has nothingi n it, still has highly more detailed textures than Zelda. So thank you for that. Truly amazing. Btw, WoW was made in 2004,, so I guess it aint fair to compare it with a game made 19 years after it. Im done with you clowns.
Lol you must not have actually played Vanilla WoW


I don't expect the Switch 2 to get close to PS5 hardware specs. I think it will have the hardware that was rumored for Switch Pro.

And if not, being very optimistic, I think it may go to somewhere between PS4 Pro and Series S.

Regarding the artstyle of the next Zelda game, I think it would be better to continue with something more similar to the Breath of the Wild artstyle (but with more texture and 3d model detail plus better lighting/shadows) than to the Kena artstle. But this time at 1080p 60fps in portable mode and upscaled to 4K 60fps when connected to a tv.
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Suffers with mild autism
The level of fluid & natural interaction between countless gameplay systems in TOTK is a generation-level achievement. If you don't think almost every game developer would die to have that quality in a release, you're way out of the loop on the current industry reaction to the game.

Theres a million indie games with better art styles than Zelda, but some of you Zelda fans wouldnt know that, since, you're clearly blind to any criticism. Enjoy your game dude. If theres one thing that this thread proves, we will never have quality products. I cleared my ignore list but time to add ppl to it, especially those, who can't accept their precious game is flawed. Im outta here, before I do trigger myself and all of you and get myself banned. Peace.
I'm genuinely curious if you think TOTK isn't the definition of a quality product.

It shipped complete, on physical media too, with no patch required, massive locations, more new gameplay systems & ideas than most franchises create across 10 game entries, seamless integration across all of those systems without jank or bugs, high-level polish on level/puzzle/world designs everywhere, endless small secrets alongside a complete story & campaign...

Frankly, I can barely name any single player games that come close to that level of quality in the past decade, and that's a sad indictment of the rest of the industry.
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The bear of bad news
The level of fluid & natural interaction between countless gameplay systems in TOTK is a generation-level achievement. If you don't think almost every game developer would die to have that quality in a release, you're way out of the loop on the current industry reaction to the game.

I'm genuinely curious if you think TOTK isn't the definition of a quality product.

It shipped complete, on physical media too, with no patch required, massive locations, more new gameplay systems & ideas than most franchises create across 10 game entries, seamless integration across all of those systems without jank or bugs, high-level polish on level/puzzle/world designs everywhere, endless small secrets alongside a complete story & campaign...

Frankly, I can barely name any single player games that come close to that level of quality in the past decade, and that's a sad indictment of the rest of the industry.
Yes my friends, I started a threads on this



While Zelda TOTK looks good for the hardware it on, it's a dinosaur. Even compared to this 2 year old game it looks like 2 generations behind.
It makes me sad to think how constrained Nintendo's amazing developers are by the hardware. Kena looks amazing, and that's what's missing from Nintendo games these days.
As much as you want to tell yourself TOTK looks amazing, it does not.
Please Nintendo, release one more home console.......games can be made for the home console and reduced for the switch 2 and still release simultaneously.


I finished Kena and BOTW bored me to death. Both are mid as fuck. Kena is basically a good looking Okami. BOTW is Nintendo fans first venture into open world games with choice, crafting and a physics system that so many games have done before (great animations though).

My Synopsis:
Buy a mid tier PC and emulate Nintendo games in 4K. Also, get some fresh air outside. Play for the fun, not the fanboy wars.
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