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IGN Madworld review - 9.0


None of that changes the fact that at it's heart Madworld is a beat em up, and beat em ups are an inherently shorter genre. Increase the length of these kinds of games and you risk boring the player.

I agree with your last sentence.

I still don't see how Madworld is mechanically the same kind of game as The Punisher.


Sometimes I forget that in a world where we can rent, gamefly, buy used, borrow from buddies, and play demos that there are still people out there that make their purchasing decisions largely based on some random mother fuckers opinion (or collection there of, haha) on the internets. Media is awesome.

My system is the best, hands down. It's a three pointer.

1. Does game look like something I like?
2. Does the game work?
3. Is the game fun?

Everything else is irrelevant to me. I don't give a shit about IGN, Metacritic, 1up, Gamespot, Posters, Pamplets, Marketing reels, Resolution, hardcore opinions, casual opinions, forum suggestions, pre-order bonuses, hype, my friends opinions, my mothers opinion, your mothers opinion, female approval, pta approval, esrb approval, what society at large thinks, or any other bullshit that might otherwise interfere with me making my own damn decisions. Media has one purpose and it's not to keep you informed.


Madworld looks like something I might like! Woulda known that from the back of the box. Yay!


dabbled in the jelly
jaundicejuice said:
So it took a couple of weeks for the Official MadWorld thread to hit almost seven hundred posts and it took less than half a day for a thread on one review for the game to reach nearly half that amount.
Many were either quietly optimistic or quietly hoping the game would suck so the Wii wouldn't have any traditional exclusive games worth bragging about.


paid requisite penance
pvpness said:
Sometimes I forget that in a world where we can rent, gamefly, buy used, borrow from buddies, and play demos that there are still people out there that make their purchasing decisions largely based on some random mother fuckers opinion (or collection there of, haha) on the internets. Media is awesome.

My system is the best, hands down. It's a three pointer.

1. Does game look like something I like?
2. Does the game work?
3. Is the game fun?

Everything else is irrelevant to me. I don't give a shit about IGN, Metacritic, 1up, Gamespot, Posters, Pamplets, Marketing reels, Resolution, hardcore opinions, casual opinions, forum suggestions, pre-order bonuses, hype, my friends opinions, my mothers opinion, your mothers opinion, female approval, pta approval, esrb approval, what society at large thinks, or any other bullshit that might otherwise interfere with me making my own damn decisions. Media has one purpose and it's not to keep you informed.


Madworld looks like something I might like! Woulda known that from the back of the box. Yay!

I largely agree with you, but come on, you can't tell me a friend's opinion wouldn't even pique your interest, can you? Also, I wouldn't say I don't care about society at large thinks... Sounds as dumb as "I'm not prejudiced at all!", if you ask me.


Junior Member
pvpness said:
Sometimes I forget that in a world where we can rent, gamefly, buy used, borrow from buddies, and play demos that there are still people out there that make their purchasing decisions largely based on some random mother fuckers opinion (or collection there of, haha) on the internets. Media is awesome.

My system is the best, hands down. It's a three pointer.

1. Does game look like something I like?
2. Does the game work?
3. Is the game fun?

Everything else is irrelevant to me. I don't give a shit about IGN, Metacritic, 1up, Gamespot, Posters, Pamplets, Marketing reels, Resolution, hardcore opinions, casual opinions, forum suggestions, pre-order bonuses, hype, my friends opinions, my mothers opinion, your mothers opinion, female approval, pta approval, esrb approval, what society at large thinks, or any other bullshit that might otherwise interfere with me making my own damn decisions. Media has one purpose and it's not to keep you informed.


Madworld looks like something I might like! Woulda known that from the back of the box. Yay!

Amen to that, that's how everyone did it before "the internet".
Scores are for people who only go to school and don't have enough money to buy every game that is released, and so they like to buy a game that got a better score.
Kilrogg said:
I largely agree with you, but come on, you can't tell me a friend's opinion wouldn't even pique your interest, can you? Also, I wouldn't say I don't care about society at large thinks... Sounds as dumb as "I'm not prejudiced at all!", if you ask me.
My taste is impeccable. My friend's are not.

I don't know much about art, but I know what I like.


A 9 for Mad World? Could Sega finally not be making games that greatly disappoint me after all these years!?

My mind is blown.


Tain said:
I agree with your last sentence.

I still don't see how Madworld is mechanically the same kind of game as The Punisher.

That's cool. It's just an evolution of the genre. There's a bit of shooting. A lot of punching. A lot of fighting mindless enemies and skilled bosses. One just happens to be in 3D and have higher production values (and uses a different type of input albeit with the same hectic nature - you're still tap,tap,taping away at the end of the day)

The Punisher arcade was bad ass, btw. I want to play that game now!
EmCeeGramr said:
Sega didn't make this game.
They're name is on it. To be fair, even if they no longer have to intestinal fortitude to develop kick-ass games on their own, at least they are managing to have others do it for them.


Junior Member
Narcosis said:
A 9 for Mad World? Could Sega finally not be making games that greatly disappoint me after all these years!?

My mind is blown.

I will answer this for you neogaffers: VALKYRIA CHRONICLES is from sega and it did not dissapoint.


Oops, I thought it was an internal Sega team that made the game...my bad

bmf said:
They're name is on it. To be fair, even if they no longer have to intestinal fortitude to develop kick-ass games on their own, at least they are managing to have others do it for them.

Agreed. Sega's output in recent years has been pretty bad in my opinion and if they can get some other studios to make the games with them on publishing detail I'm all for it.

Ganondorfo said:
I will answer this for you neogaffers: VALKYRIA CHRONICLES is from sega and it did not dissapoint.

That game is still on my backlog...

Should I just run for cover now?


343i Lead Esports Producer
I'm gonna hold off on my IGN Nintendo thoughts until after I play more of the 3rd party Wii games.

Does anyone else not read a lot of IGN reviews because they tend to be really long?


1) Reviews whined for years to make Sonic games better, but failed.
2) I see some resemblance of a Mirror's Edge situation where nobody buys the game because it's 6 hours and $50 (or $60). Replayability be damned
3) Someone would either complain about 480i or not-60fps or stuttering rates or the Wii to not get the game.

Congrats! Sega will make more crappy Sonic games in HD which go for 20-30 hours but it'll be an absolute chore going through their next gimmick.
For those who missed the Amazon Deal:


Fry's seems like they'll have it for $5 off.


Great score.

Why is the thread growing faster than the official one? Where is the official one on the font page anyways?

EDIT: Its on the front page now.:D


God this thread is absolutely awful.

First of all, people do realize that pretty much EVERY site has guidelines for what their scores mean, right? And pretty much all of these guidelines say that, as you get closer to 10, the more they're trying to tell you that you should buy it. I don't get why there would be any outcry over Matt saying "buy this game", when that's what the review and score are already saying.

Next...This game has been shown for quite a while. It has been playable at shows, it has been sent to reviewers for previews, and people have had essentially the complete game for a while now. No 480p was NEVER NOTICED. Matt, a self-confessed widescreen/480p whore (known for docking considerably in their absence), DIDN'T NOTICE. NO ONE NOTICED. I wish Platinum had just included an option between "480i and 480p modes", which did absolutely nothing. (except for the guy who can't play this because of his monitor not playing anything that isn't 480p...he has a right to bitch)

I'm still not sure if I'll buy the game if I don't get it or game certificates as a birthday gift tomorrow, but man this thread was infuriating.
Nicktals said:
Next...This game has been shown for quite a while. It has been playable at shows, it has been sent to reviewers for previews, and people have had essentially the complete game for a while now. No 480p was NEVER NOTICED. Matt, a self-confessed widescreen/480p whore (known for docking considerably in their absence), DIDN'T NOTICE. NO ONE NOTICED. I wish Platinum had just included an option between "480i and 480p modes", which did absolutely nothing. (except for the guy who can't play this because of his monitor not playing anything that isn't 480p...he has a right to bitch)

I also found it weird that hundreds of people playing Madworld at Comic Con on LCD screens, didn't notice it was in 480i, and we probably wouldn't know it Matt hadn't said a word.


Shaheed79 said:
Many were either quietly optimistic or quietly hoping the game would suck so the Wii wouldn't have any traditional exclusive games worth bragging about.

there lies the problem. the Wii DOES have traditional exclusive games... but will it sell? this is the same problem that occurred with No More Heroes. the game had a lot of hype, and when it came out core gamers praised, critics loved it... but nobody bought it. sure it did 100,000, which is good for a Suda51 game; but in the grand spectrum that's pretty pitiful. if Madworld doesn't do well, it confirms what everyone doesn't want to say: that there are only certain games that sell on the Wii.
pvpness said:
Sometimes I forget that in a world where we can rent, gamefly, buy used, borrow from buddies, and play demos that there are still people out there that make their purchasing decisions largely based on some random mother fuckers opinion (or collection there of, haha) on the internets. Media is awesome.

My system is the best, hands down. It's a three pointer.

1. Does game look like something I like?
2. Does the game work?
3. Is the game fun?

Everything else is irrelevant to me. I don't give a shit about IGN, Metacritic, 1up, Gamespot, Posters, Pamplets, Marketing reels, Resolution, hardcore opinions, casual opinions, forum suggestions, pre-order bonuses, hype, my friends opinions, my mothers opinion, your mothers opinion, female approval, pta approval, esrb approval, what society at large thinks, or any other bullshit that might otherwise interfere with me making my own damn decisions. Media has one purpose and it's not to keep you


Madworld looks like something I might like! Woulda known that from the back of the box. Yay!
You and me think alike.


Hopefully this is gonna sell. Its gotten a ton of cross promotion with HoTD:O, and it's got its very own commercial campaign airing all over the place. Then there's the Gamestop thing.

I think it will do well!


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
v1cious said:
there lies the problem. the Wii DOES have traditional exclusive games... but will it sell? this is the same problem that occurred with No More Heroes. the game had a lot of hype, and when it came out core gamers praised, critics loved it... but nobody bought it. sure it did 100,000, which is good for a Suda51 game; but in the grand spectrum that's pretty pitiful. if Madworld doesn't do well, it confirms what everyone doesn't want to say: that there are only certain games that sell on the Wii.

Given the budget and advertising No More Heroes did excellent, as evidenced by the relatively quick announcement of a sequel.


v1cious said:
there lies the problem. the Wii DOES have traditional exclusive games... but will it sell? this is the same problem that occurred with No More Heroes. the game had a lot of hype, and when it came out core gamers praised, critics loved it... but nobody bought it. sure it did 100,000, which is good for a Suda51 game; but in the grand spectrum that's pretty pitiful. if Madworld doesn't do well, it confirms what everyone doesn't want to say: that there are only certain games that sell on the Wii.
It did 100k in its first two months, it's beyond that now. Not a blockbuster, but certainly decent.


hey guys so this got a 9.0 on ign and then on edge magasine they gave resi 5 a 7 so i guess that means this game is a lot better huh? :lol :lol :lol


Permanent Junior Member
pakkit said:
hey guys so this got a 9.0 on ign and then on edge magasine they gave resi 5 a 7 so i guess that means this game is a lot better huh? :lol :lol :lol
You are so damn annoying sometimes.

Bring on Madworld.


IGN said:
9.5 Presentation
Absolutely stunning presentation headlined by amazingly stylized graphics and audio. The look is bold, the commentary hilarious. Great story, too. Lacks leader board and online options.
9.5 Graphics
Drop-dead gorgeous art style that's altogether new to the videogame arena and great tech to back it up. Characters and locales constantly wow and the rivers of blood never looked better.
9.0 Sound
Had it not been for some repetitive in-game dialog, we'd have given this a perfect score. The punchy sound effects, hilarious commentary and awesome soundtrack all come together brilliantly.
8.5 Gameplay
Not just blood and guts. Great, smart gameplay controls and hilariously gross mid-level challenges all complemented by epic boss fights. Camera system, though, could use some tweaking.
7.0 Lasting Appeal
You'll blast through normal difficulty in five or six hours, which is short. But you can come back for the ridiculously challenging hard mode or two-player split-screen challenges.
(out of 10 / not an average)
Eurogamer review out

Still, as a piece of violent spectacle MadWorld is unrivalled. The creativity of PlatinumGames in providing ever more unlikely and delicious ways to kill and maim Jack's antagonists boggles and delights the mind at some deep, base level. And so, no matter how much the schoolboy-humour commentary grates, no matter how repetitive the bits in between the set-pieces start to feel and no matter how frustrating the later levels become, MadWorld provides a rush of blood to the head almost as often as it provides a rush of blood to the pavement.

Seven out of ten.


Kilrogg said:
I largely agree with you, but come on, you can't tell me a friend's opinion wouldn't even pique your interest, can you? Also, I wouldn't say I don't care about society at large thinks... Sounds as dumb as "I'm not prejudiced at all!", if you ask me.
Sorry bout the slow return here. At most a friend will say, "Hey man, have you played *****?" and so if I haven't, I'll check it out. That's where it ends though. My occupation allows me to play most games if I'm inclined. My friends have largely fallen out of gaming these days. We're all getting old and now they pretty much fall squarely in camps. About 50% of my friends play WoW exclusively. The rest are divided between, "I like this genre" and the ever popular on GAF, "I like this Dev/Series" camp. Which is cool, whatever.

I've always been the guy in our group that plays everything regardless of all those things I previously mentioned. It just comes down to my personal taste being very broad and most of my friends concentrating on what they really, really like in the gaming sphere. I'm a gaming slut. :D


Mama Robotnik said:
Eurogamer reviews are the best reviews.

Eurogamer said:
Gamers who have been clamouring for adult content for Nintendo's Wii are to be sorely disappointed. MadWorld is as juvenile a videogame as Barbie's Horse Adventures. Of course, juvenile doesn't necessarily mean that it's in any way suitable for children. Quite the opposite, in fact. After all, Barbie never got to dip her pony into a flaming oil drum before ramming it onto a spiked wall. Eyes first. Repeatedly.
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