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I'm taking a break from games - because they're not relevant to me like they used to be.

Do you know what i mean?

  • Yeah, GL with that

    Votes: 73 52.9%
  • Nah, GL tho

    Votes: 65 47.1%

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I don't plan to stop posting here.

But I'm gonna unplug and store all my consoles for a while.

I might partially pull that back when my girl wants to play co-op games, might break out some Nintendo platforms, or resurrect sackboy, because that's the most fun i have with gaming these days by a long way, but as it is I'm no longer really interested in completing single player games, as was once my big motivation for gaming.

Without a doubt gaming has given me probably the entirety of my top 20 entertainment payoffs since i was about 10. WoW, Halo, Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, Age of Empires 2, Homeworld, Pillars of Eternity, Human Revolution, many many many more.. But i think I've been waiting for the next such payoff ever since i finished Witcher 3 half a decade ago, and nothing's delivering. It's an expensive hobby, doubly so when it isn't any fun.

Might check back when my Kena preorder drops.

Any of you guys nearing a similar decision?
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I don't plan to stop posting here.
Bryan Cranston Reaction GIF


Wii U broke you?
Hahaha partially, i got vwii working, then i got wii u working, then i tried to get them both working at once and it clapped out.. then i realised that none of the games i got working were much fun, outside of the ones that were replays of childhood classics


Gaming is 50% marketing hype 50% disappointment and there's 10% fun in there

Shit-talking games with people offers so much more fun

(the extra 10% is imaginary)


But honestly, that sounds good. Take a break and do other things rather than just going through the motions, come back when you know it's an experience you really want and feel.
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even though they don't actually play them?
Straight up, i haven't played most of the games i comment on anyway, but for real where is it stipulated that all we're allowed to talk about on here is gameplay we've experienced? We can't give perspectives from outside gameplay? I mean they would have a different value, but yeah~
Straight up, i haven't played most of the games i comment on anyway, but for real where is it stipulated that all we're allowed to talk about on here is gameplay we've experienced? We can't give perspectives from outside gameplay? I mean they would have a different value, but yeah~
Because if people would‘ve played the fucking games there wouldn‘t be so much joel in ones jokes around.


Gimmie one suggestion brah and I'll see if it's contained in "many many many"
Nah I totally agree when there's nothing to be gained you should stop. Nothing preventing you from coming back and having a huge catalog of games to choose from at the right time. Though the last two games I enjoyed way more than usual was Hellblade and Control. Exceptional experiences.


Nah I totally agree when there's nothing to be gained you should stop. Nothing preventing you from coming back and having a huge catalog of games to choose from at the right time. Though the last two games I enjoyed way more than usual was Hellblade and Control. Exceptional experiences.
In both cases i gave up after about an hour of gameplay. In both cases i thought the games were fantastic, but they failed to glue me in.

I'm glad to see your supportive sentences :) also i love your music genre and avatar
OP, one thing I noticed is that FOMO and hype fucks up everything for me. I've spent years without wanting to play, and lately has been coming back even if slowly. Play whenever you want, smalls games, nothing too fancy.

And don't treat this hobby like it's your job. Log out from forums for a while, spend more time doing other things and don't feel bad if you go weeks without playing. It's your life, live it at your own pace.
you gotta try other games..i felt a bit burnt out last year and found it hard getting into a few of the ps5 exclusives like returnal but i actually found the perfect game that got me out of my rut....Wreckfest


Gold Member
It’s all good mate, no need to feel down or dispondant about it.

Happens in phases for me, tend to go a few weeks or a week not even turning my consoles on, then a big release comes and I blaze through it or play it on and off for a while.

for me it’s age and other commitments, gf, exercise, music etc oh and football haha.

Ill give you a little dirty tip. If a game is coming out and you just want to experience it casually and not playing for hours on end and the burnout that can cause slap that shit down to easy mode and enjoy it. No one in the gaming police will care and you might find out you have more fun.

Games are there to be enjoyed however you want and if you don’t enjoy them don’t feel the pressure to, life is too short for those kind of worries. Pack Em up maybe you’ll break them out again maybe you wOnt. Do you and be confident in your choices as they are after-all, your choices.


I get what you are saying, I have the same feeling about the big AAA games that are not what they used to be anymore. Just stick to what's fun to you and don't force yourself to follow the trends/hype.


Maybe play older generation games? Even older than the ones you mentioned. Probably on PC. There are tons of games with better depth and gameplay because back in the day gaming wasn't so mainstream.
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I had the same problem and you know what it was? Refusal to admit the games you used to cherish are no longer your favorites. I used to be a huge Nintendo fan (still am to some degree), however I found myself playing games like Call of Duty and Rainbow Six. It took me ages to admit that Nintendo games weren't my jam anymore, but it's hard.

So all the games you claim you like: sorry bud, you can't stand them anymore. Your problem isn't that you can't find games that you like, it's that you can't admit that the games you've spent the last decade praising are no longer your jam and embrace all the games you've turned your nose to for years. It's a hard thing to admit.
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The nicest person on this forum
No, I play video games same reason I watch TV and listen to music, entertainment......I don’t see any reason to stop.


I had the same problem and you know what it was? Refusal to admit the games you used to cherish are no longer your favorites. I used to be a huge Nintendo fan (still am to some degree), however I found myself playing games like Call of Duty and Rainbow Six. It took me ages to admit that Nintendo games weren't my jam anymore, but it's hard.

So all the games you claim you like: sorry bud, you can't stand them anymore. Your problem isn't that you can't find games that you like, it's that you can't admit that the games you've spent the last decade praising are no longer your jam and embrace all the games you've turned your nose to for years. It's a hard thing to admit.
that's legit bro but the funny thing is the only games i've enjoyed playing recently have been replays of games i loved in the 00s :p
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Yeah. I’m installed myself in Warhammer 40.000. I still follow the gaming new very closely because I love this hobby. But I can’t bring myself to start playing one of the hundreds of games PS+ already have given me. Or the last one I bought, fwiw.


niles crane GIF


It was about a couple years ago, maybe a decade now I think about it, that I lost serious interest in most videogames. When I say most I mean most; like 90%.
Most new IP's or sequels just didn't interest me one bit. It took awhile though because in my head I was like "I SHOULD like this, right?"

Anyways there's still more than enough that I DO like so I'm good.
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I really like checking new videogames and have a strong desire playing most of them.
But I work so many hours in RL that it is not possible at all. I have maybe 1-2 hours of free time while I am very tired. At some point I truly believe I will just stop playing games and just watch them from afar...

Spidey Fan

You play too much action games, which is why you hate gaming. Try exploring and relaxing games. Switch genre, and don't stick with 1 console.

I was like you, and gaming was garbage. But I switched my habit around. Pc, mobile, console. All 3 serve their purpose. And I dont force myself to complete the game. If I don't want to complete, I leave it there.

Next thing you need to do, is watch YouTube, movies. Or do activities. Dont play more than 2 hour. Its not healthy. And you will games more, the more you grow up.


Gold Member
I think this is the natural evolution of games no longer rewarding the time you put into them, but rather the money you put into them, it started with Games as a service and seeped into everything else. For example when was the last time fighting game rewarded you with an unlockable costume rather than sell them instead?

Games have become an experience of "good enough" rather than exceptional, because if it dousent make money there's no reason to go the extra mile with a feature.

I had slowly been losing faith in Games until I bumped into Deep Rock Galactic on Steam, it allowed me to realise the problem was not with me getting old and bitter, but quite frankly because Games are shit these days, it just takes a truly good game in a genre you enjoy to show you that.

However as tastes are subjective just because this game worked for me does not mean it will work for you, for example despite how linear it was I really enjoyed the Final Fantasy 7 remake, and I will talk the ear off anyone who asks me about Crosscode, everyone is diffrent so if your not enjoying the hobby anymore unfortuantly the only person who can find a fix for this is you.

Good luck
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