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I'm taking a break from games - because they're not relevant to me like they used to be.

Do you know what i mean?

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  • Nah, GL tho

    Votes: 65 47.1%

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I don't plan to stop posting here.

But I'm gonna unplug and store all my consoles for a while.

I might partially pull that back when my girl wants to play co-op games, might break out some Nintendo platforms, or resurrect sackboy, because that's the most fun i have with gaming these days by a long way, but as it is I'm no longer really interested in completing single player games, as was once my big motivation for gaming.

Without a doubt gaming has given me probably the entirety of my top 20 entertainment payoffs since i was about 10. WoW, Halo, Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, Age of Empires 2, Homeworld, Pillars of Eternity, Human Revolution, many many many more.. But i think I've been waiting for the next such payoff ever since i finished Witcher 3 half a decade ago, and nothing's delivering. It's an expensive hobby, doubly so when it isn't any fun.

Might check back when my Kena preorder drops.

Any of you guys nearing a similar decision?
I've definitely felt this way and I feel like I am heading to that kind of feeling right now. I have never proactively taken the steps as you though. I just slowly step away for a while (continue to dabble in/out) and then stop, only to come back after a while. lol


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
It’s okay to change your life, video games can be meaningful experiences but to me they’re second priority.


Have a summer cooldown from games, chill out, do sport, travel a bit if you can, and then come back in September/October. That's what I always do every year.
I try to do this as well. Though there's something about chilling on the couch and playing videogames on a big screen TV in an air conditioned basement.... Maybe childhood nostalgia.
serious the big lebowski GIF


Take a break bro, good decision. Sometimes it's just too much. When you get back there might be a different time for you again.


Gold Member
Not feeling that way at all.

Though I've noticed getting older I hit dips where games get really popular, I check out said game, and it does absolutely nothing for me. So then I look to see what's coming in hopes that there's something for me to get excited about. It happened to me with the MOBA craze when it was soaring and I didn't care for them. Same thing with Battle Royales, they were/are all over the place and I couldn't care less.

I've just kind of shifted my thinking when things like that happen. Stick to the games that make me happy, and keep an eye out to see what else is coming that I'm really interested in. In the past year and some change there were 2/3 games I was SUPER excited about. But everything else, nope.

Is it sad? Definitely. But I feel like it's a fairly standard thing if you have preferences and are particular.

We just gettin' older, but it's all good. <3
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Straight up, i haven't played most of the games i comment on anyway, but for real where is it stipulated that all we're allowed to talk about on here is gameplay we've experienced? We can't give perspectives from outside gameplay? I mean they would have a different value, but yeah~
Sounds like you REALLY need to find something else to occupy your time.
I don’t get why taking a break from gaming has to be so dramatic 😆

Take a break, invest in another hobby and come back to gaming when you get back in the mood.


Going by your games you enjoy i suggest trying divinity original sin 2 and grim dawn if you haven't already

I am kinda on the same boat. Just play older games that you have fun with. the last year I only play witcher and divinity original sin 2 as i dont feel playing any other games. thankfully both games are highly replayable.


Without a doubt gaming has given me probably the entirety of my top 20 entertainment payoffs since i was about 10. WoW, Halo, Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, Age of Empires 2, Homeworld, Pillars of Eternity, Human Revolution, many many many more.. But i think I've been waiting for the next such payoff ever since i finished Witcher 3 half a decade ago, and nothing's delivering. It's an expensive hobby, doubly so when it isn't any fun.
So check out and play retro games you haven't played before instead of waiting for the 'next payoff' from the latest stuff.
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Too many games inject politics and wokeness, gaming is not what it used to be anymore.
Gaming used to be a Wild West, now we are bombarded with everything, game reviews, opinions. Companies doing crappy stuff and getting away with it etc.

I think before we gamers got a game, play it and talked about it to friends… it was a shared experience.

nowadays we have people fighting each-other over a game that still haven’t been released.

So to sum up. Gaming and sharing your experiences became less of something that connects us gamers.

we hear so much things about a game that when we play it, we already have our prejudices about it. That takes the enjoyment.
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Ofcourse; you could always try and incorporate use of psychedelic substances. Or MDMA, weed, cocaine or/and alcohol.

Just to spice things up! <3


Gold Member
I went through this several times, starting in my early twenties. Internet talk about games was so much more compelling to me than actually playing games, and the early 6th gen was a string of disappointments for me. Then I had a comeback with some GC/PS2 games I really liked, but after that I dropped almost everything except for Nintendo DS and retro gaming. I jumped into the 7th gen with Wii in 2010, and only got a PS3 in 2012. Spent a few happy years playing quite a bit again, but now the weight of responsibilities simply doesn’t let me game without the feel that I’m wasting my time, and I don’t have that much time to dedicate to gaming anyway.


I try to do this as well. Though there's something about chilling on the couch and playing videogames on a big screen TV in an air conditioned basement.... Maybe childhood nostalgia.

Yeah, I feel the same, though I hate the idea of playing videogames in summer with those bastard mosquitoes flying and trolling around my big TV screen and breaking the immersion, and air conditioning is now a no-no for me because of muscle pain. I'm 33 now, and I learned the hard way to take more care of myself. I personally started my summer break from videogames just the other day, and will return by the end of September when temperatures are low enough.


Gold Member
I don’t get why people do this. I get it that it is your choice, but did you box away your DVD’s, Blu-ray’s, or music? Delete that Pandora app because you lost interest in the band you once enjoyed? Video Games are so accessible and accepted on many different planes of thought. You could play a farming sim or a casino game on your smart phone. I’d understand if you just don’t have the space for it, but video games are digital now. You could just have your controller sitting out there in the room.

Video Games have grown quite a lot since I was a kid. I’m not sitting there with a Sonic 2 poster on my wall thinking about the last time I used a password in a video game. I think it’s discouraging to basically quit without considering the many different avenues that gaming has. Are there people on IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes making a point about not watching movies ever again? I hate Hollywood, so I broke my Roku stick and cancelled my Netflix sub.


Well most games are boring derivative garbage with nothing interesting going on and some are outright some of the worst pieces of entertainment media ever like pokemon sword. We ain't getting years like 1998 or 2007 again when developers made new shit.
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I don’t get why people do this. I get it that it is your choice, but did you box away your DVD’s, Blu-ray’s, or music? Delete that Pandora app because you lost interest in the band you once enjoyed? Video Games are so accessible and accepted on many different planes of thought. You could play a farming sim or a casino game on your smart phone. I’d understand if you just don’t have the space for it, but video games are digital now. You could just have your controller sitting out there in the room.

Video Games have grown quite a lot since I was a kid. I’m not sitting there with a Sonic 2 poster on my wall thinking about the last time I used a password in a video game. I think it’s discouraging to basically quit without considering the many different avenues that gaming has. Are there people on IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes making a point about not watching movies ever again? I hate Hollywood, so I broke my Roku stick and cancelled my Netflix sub.
^^Agree 100%, Its because video games still have this immature stigma attached to it which is very stupid.

People don't view it for what it is which is just another form of entertainment and nothing more. My guess is OP was putting crazy hours in and not making time for other things so I can see it being a big deal to step away in those situations.
Video games will always be a part of my life, I think. But, there have been multiple times in my life where it wasn't the focus. It was either life events or just lack of games (Especially during parts of the PS3 era :messenger_grinning_sweat: , it was rough at times) that interested me. I think the longest I've gone with not turning on my console is probably 2-3 months. I've never gone as far as unplugging a console, but you do you man.
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