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I'm taking a break from games - because they're not relevant to me like they used to be.

Do you know what i mean?

  • Yeah, GL with that

    Votes: 73 52.9%
  • Nah, GL tho

    Votes: 65 47.1%

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I really like checking new videogames and have a strong desire playing most of them.
But I work so many hours in RL that it is not possible at all. I have maybe 1-2 hours of free time while I am very tired. At some point I truly believe I will just stop playing games and just watch them from afar...
that's very where i'm at atm
Without a doubt gaming has given me probably the entirety of my top 20 entertainment payoffs since i was about 10. WoW, Halo, Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, Age of Empires 2, Homeworld, Pillars of Eternity, Human Revolution, many many many more.. But i think I've been waiting for the next such payoff ever since i finished Witcher 3 half a decade ago, and nothing's delivering. It's an expensive hobby, doubly so when it isn't any fun.
Same thing happened to me. Aside from a few exceptions, newer games don't really interest me at all for the most part. In the end, what "saved" me from quitting the hobby altogether was the realization that payoffs don't have to come from games that are a) new releases, and b) AAA. Some of the most fun times I've had gaming over the past decade came from low-budget or indie releases and older games going back all the way to the early 90s.

There are hundreds of great older or indie games out there right now that are not only cheap or even free (with zero additional nickel-and-diming on top of the original cost) but available right now, with zero waiting required. This is especially true if you're on PC. I'm basically drowning in free games.
I go through phases. I hadnt been playing much but just powered through mass effect trilogy and loved it.

It’s a part of life. No need for a thread or a grand gesture like unplugging your consoles.

It’s really not the industry. It’s you.
Get a PSVita man, that is the best thing in gaming for years. It really saved me from leaving from this hobby. I buy less games now.

But i understand what you mean. For me, its´Nintendo, EA, Ubi and SEGA´s fault, they´ve killed all the fun from the 16 bits and early 3D games. I mostly only care about Sony, SNK, Yakuza, Tekken, Virtua Fighter, Square Enix and Atlus. I have ZERO interest in 2k, EA, Ubi, Capcom, Namco, Nintendo, SEGA, MS for exemple.

Focus in what you like, never listen to the internet fans. i play mostly retro and fuck the hype. For exemple, fuck Resident Evil 8 hype! I won´t get it! 😂😏😜
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I'm sort of in-between right now.

Part of it is due to all the shit that has happened in my life lately (both financially with all my savings i had for a high end new tv gone,as well as phychologically) ,part of it is due to no interesting games (for me) coming out (with a few exceptions of games like Elden Ring we know nothing about) and part of it is due to me realizing that the way this industy is heading is in many ways not to my liking or how i dreamed it will be some 30 years ago.

In general (with a few exceptions) i feel very disappointed by this medium lately. And i'm starting to miss forms of entertainment that i used to love in the past like books and graphic novels.


Gold Member
Made similar decisions..? I don't understand. If you have no control over priorities and it somehow ruins your life and you need to completely turn everything upside down to survive, then ok. But why would most people in a mostly normal life need to "make a decision" about ad-hoc entertainment stuff or other similar type of "light life padding"/hobbies, it's absurd. Either you use it, or you don't. Everything I need is online and connected ready to go - Or not to go, per se. Whether I make use of it every day or don't feel like using it for a month, flight simulators or Tetris, who cares, why complicate it.
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Maybe play older generation games? Even older than the ones you mentioned. Probably on PC. There are tons of games with better depth and gameplay because back in the day gaming wasn't so mainstream.

I played through an episode of Blood:Fresh Supply co-op with a buddy last night and he was blown away by the level of interactivity. "Why don't games these days do HALF the shit this game is doing from 1997?"

He was surprised at how much fun we were having because he said he had no interest because of the graphics....

There are so many unique and original games that just never took off from many years ago and I'd highly suggest maybe looking back and giving some of those games you've dismissed in the past for whatever various reasons, another opportunity. Especially if one is bored with what gaming is offering these days.

Depending on the day, Witcher 3 is debatably my favorite game of all time so I understand OP's sentiment, but just because there hasn't really been a game like Witcher 3(other than BotW) that has really blown me away, we live in a time of there being so many incredible games release, even from YEARS back, that I've gone back and looked at games I've dismissed before and am having a blast rediscovering my love for retro Build Engine shooters at the moment.

Last weekend my buddy and I sat down on a couch and played hours of NHL '94/Streets of Rage 2/Zombies ate my Neighbors and Bonanza Bros. and we haven't done something like that for years. Then, we played a single match of WWF No Mercy from the N64 for over an hour and had a blast.
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I hear you OP. The hardest thing for me about most modern games are that they are too long and not pick up and play. I don’t have time, nor the interest to play engrossing games that are 20-100 hours. I prefer games that are 6-10 hours and can be picked up at any time. That’s why SoR4 was my favorite game last year. I have a massive backlog, and a lot of it is because I have zero interest to suck up so much time playing games when I have other things to do. As a kid, gaming was a more valuable use of my time, but as an adult I’d honestly rather watch a movie.



I played through an episode of Blood:Fresh Supply co-op with a buddy last night and he was blown away by the level of interactivity. "Why don't game these days do HALF the shit this game is doing from 1997?"

He was surprised at how much fun we were having because he said he had no interest because of the graphics....

There are so many unique and original games that just never took off from many years ago and I'd highly suggest maybe looking back and giving some of those games you've dismissed in the past for whatever various reasons, another opportunity. Especially if one is bored with what gaming is offering these days.

Depending on the day Witcher 3 is debatably my favorite game of all time so I understand OP's sentiment, but just because there hasn't really been a game like Witcher 3(other than BotW) that has really blown me away, we live in a time of there being so many incredible games release, even from YEARS back, that I've gone back and relooked and games I've dismissed before and am having a blast rediscovering my love for retro Build Engine shooters at the moment. Last weekend my buddy and I sat down on a couch and played hours of NHL '94/Streets of Rage 2/Zombies ate my Neighbors and Bonanza Bros. and we haven't done something like that for years. Then, we played a single match of WWF No Mercy from the N64 for over an hour and had a blast.
Funnily enough my first returning urges to game since making this thread were to power up a GBA emulator and play golden sun lol... Resisted though


Get a PSVita man, that is the best thing in gaming for years. It really saved me from leaving from this hobby. I buy less games now.

But i understand what you mean. For me, its´Nintendo, EA, Ubi and SEGA´s fault, they´ve killed all the fun from the 16 bits and early 3D games. I mostly only care about Sony, SNK, Yakuza, Tekken, Virtua Fighter, Square Enix and Atlus. I have ZERO interest in 2k, EA, Ubi, Capcom, Namco, Nintendo, SEGA, MS for exemple.

Focus in what you like, never listen to the internet fans. i play mostly retro and fuck the hype. For exemple, fuck Resident Evil 8 hype! I won´t get it! 😂😏😜
I've got a vita 1000 and a vita 2000 :p and i love them


probably you burn out and might be pretty occupied with something else in life. no worries. just take break. jump back wherever you feel has the urge.
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You are starting to realize that life wont last forever and wonder to yourself at night if you really want to waste what's left of your life playing with and arguing over toys designed for children.


I go through phases. I hadnt been playing much but just powered through mass effect trilogy and loved it.

It’s a part of life. No need for a thread or a grand gesture like unplugging your consoles.

It’s really not the industry. It’s you.
Eh people make posts to complain about ugly women in games i think it's fair enough to make a post to discuss something that is arguably more relevant :)
Funnily enough my first returning urges to game since making this thread were to power up a GBA emulator and play golden sun lol... Resisted though
Star Trek Borg GIF

I'd say go for it. Nothing to lose and maybe it'll reignite that flame..


I don't plan to stop posting here.

But I'm gonna unplug and store all my consoles for a while.

I might partially pull that back when my girl wants to play co-op games, might break out some Nintendo platforms, or resurrect sackboy, because that's the most fun i have with gaming these days by a long way, but as it is I'm no longer really interested in completing single player games, as was once my big motivation for gaming.

Without a doubt gaming has given me probably the entirety of my top 20 entertainment payoffs since i was about 10. WoW, Halo, Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, Age of Empires 2, Homeworld, Pillars of Eternity, Human Revolution, many many many more.. But i think I've been waiting for the next such payoff ever since i finished Witcher 3 half a decade ago, and nothing's delivering. It's an expensive hobby, doubly so when it isn't any fun.

Might check back when my Kena preorder drops.

Any of you guys nearing a similar decision?

I have the problem that there is nothing that interests me at the moment. Not much coming out soon that iam anticipating.

So i just do other stuff now.
I made this decision 7 years ago.

But I gave up on AAA games and shifted to 3ds and Vita.

It paid off cause am enjoying AAA games more than ever. Also I understand in hindsight what I did wrong and got burnt out.

Changing platforms and gaming habits help too. Am with xbox completely now and playing online a lot. First time for both.


Gold Member
Immediately clicked on your thread title, OP. I'm not in the exact same situation, but I can certaintly relate.
I have always had the "problem" of not being able to properly finish games. Most of the time I just played them for a couple of hours (or even minutes) until I stopped to not ever touch them again. Didn't stop me from constantly buying new games.. Fast forward to the launch of this gen and I said fuck it, either I stop with this hobby altogether for good now since I apparently don't enjoy this medium nearly enough, or I start seriously trying to finish games I play for once. So I did that. I finished FF7R, DeS:R, TLOU2, P5R one after the other. Currently on my way to finish Ghost of Tsushima (25h in). Wanted to see for myself what all the hype is about regarding Sony exclusives, too. To cut a long story short: While I'm definitely enjoying the experiences here and there, overall I can't say I really love this medium. It's perfectly fine to kill some time when I'm too tired to do something else. Most of the time I like it more than, say watching something on Netflix. But at the end of the day, gaming in general feels like a waste of my time. I spent most of my precious free time these days reading non-fictional books.
I don't plan on selling my consoles or anything like that. I'll keep playing. But I finally found out for myself that this hobby is not as great as I previously thought it was.


Gold Member
I sometimes cut back on tv shows, movies, music and games. Everything in moderate amounts.

Quite often it goes maybe a few months before I start gaming again, but I don't get the need to create a thread as if it was some big life changing thing. :S


It's funny OP, but sometimes all I need to do to get jazzed again with gaming is introduce my passion with someone who typically doesn't play games.

You tend to get into the history of certain consoles, certain titles of the past and why they're amazing. Break out some of those old consoles and gems for some comfort gaming my guy!!

Take a break from the regular grind like some have suggested, go light on the forums, but don't miss E3!!! And just chill. It'll all come back when you're ready for it to come back.


Any of you guys nearing a similar decision?
Sort of. I only play for about an hour a day these days.

I actually decided that I'll be moving away from major gaming at the end of this console generation, and that the PS5 will likely be the last console I buy (a decision that turned a little bitter sweet when I played Astro's Playroom and saw all the references to the games I've enjoyed over the past 25 years).

After the PS5 gen is done, I'll just stick to playing indie stuff and older games on my laptop. If this gen lasts 6-7 years, I'll be 50..! LOL! :)


Immediately clicked on your thread title, OP. I'm not in the exact same situation, but I can certaintly relate.
I have always had the "problem" of not being able to properly finish games. Most of the time I just played them for a couple of hours (or even minutes) until I stopped to not ever touch them again. Didn't stop me from constantly buying new games.. Fast forward to the launch of this gen and I said fuck it, either I stop with this hobby altogether for good now since I apparently don't enjoy this medium nearly enough, or I start seriously trying to finish games I play for once. So I did that. I finished FF7R, DeS:R, TLOU2, P5R one after the other. Currently on my way to finish Ghost of Tsushima (25h in). Wanted to see for myself what all the hype is about regarding Sony exclusives, too. To cut a long story short: While I'm definitely enjoying the experiences here and there, overall I can't say I really love this medium. It's perfectly fine to kill some time when I'm too tired to do something else. Most of the time I like it more than, say watching something on Netflix. But at the end of the day, gaming in general feels like a waste of my time. I spent most of my precious free time these days reading non-fictional books.
I don't plan on selling my consoles or anything like that. I'll keep playing. But I finally found out for myself that this hobby is not as great as I previously thought it was.
Totally with u man, I actually made the same decision as you - finish games - though I didn't have as much success as you with that... Solidarity !


It's funny OP, but sometimes all I need to do to get jazzed again with gaming is introduce my passion with someone who typically doesn't play games.

You tend to get into the history of certain consoles, certain titles of the past and why they're amazing. Break out some of those old consoles and gems for some comfort gaming my guy!!

Take a break from the regular grind like some have suggested, go light on the forums, but don't miss E3!!! And just chill. It'll all come back when you're ready for it to come back.
yeah, i actually predict that i'll come back when my girl finishes a huge professional licensing exam she's currently studying for and i've got some time to, i dunno, play persona 5 royal in front or her again or something... best fun i've had in the last few years was playing through P4 golden with her on our vita ...
I think this is the natural evolution of games no longer rewarding the time you put into them, but rather the money you put into them, it started with Games as a service and seeped into everything else. For example when was the last time fighting game rewarded you with an unlockable costume rather than sell them instead?

Games have become an experience of "good enough" rather than exceptional, because if it dousent make money there's no reason to go the extra mile with a feature.

I had slowly been losing faith in Games until I bumped into Deep Rock Galactic on Steam, it allowed me to realise the problem was not with me getting old and bitter, but quite frankly because Games are shit these days, it just takes a truly good game in a genre you enjoy to show you that.

However as tastes are subjective just because this game worked for me does not mean it will work for you, for example despite how linear it was I really enjoyed the Final Fantasy 7 remake, and I will talk the ear off anyone who asks me about Crosscode, everyone is diffrent so if your not enjoying the hobby anymore unfortuantly the only person who can find a fix for this is you.

Good luck
Yes, and I'm with you on that front. Gaming really has been going to the gutter business-wise. It's just too much money and investment compared to before. Multiplayer is a blessing and a curse because games nowadays only care for player retention. Meaning, we are always fighting against the clock to get certain upgrades/stats/titles/rewards under time constraints provided by multiplayer seasons/battle-pass or whatever fancy naming convention they decide using.

I know, single-player games are still there and I come to enjoy a few of those. However, things we would have for granted like unlockables for completing numerous tasks as extras are generally sold under the pretense of pre-order bonuses, ultimate/deluxe/collectors edition bonuses. Yeah, gaming as a business is booming and all, and I'm genuinely happy for it, but at the same time, I'm concerned. Gaming to me feels like I'm watching an old friend grow up and be one scummy adult that I might cut ties for the better in the future. I love my hobby with passion, but I can't say it's going the "right way". Hell, if that even means anything these days.
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I don't plan to stop posting here.

But I'm gonna unplug and store all my consoles for a while.

I might partially pull that back when my girl wants to play co-op games, might break out some Nintendo platforms, or resurrect sackboy, because that's the most fun i have with gaming these days by a long way, but as it is I'm no longer really interested in completing single player games, as was once my big motivation for gaming.

Without a doubt gaming has given me probably the entirety of my top 20 entertainment payoffs since i was about 10. WoW, Halo, Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, Age of Empires 2, Homeworld, Pillars of Eternity, Human Revolution, many many many more.. But i think I've been waiting for the next such payoff ever since i finished Witcher 3 half a decade ago, and nothing's delivering. It's an expensive hobby, doubly so when it isn't any fun.

Might check back when my Kena preorder drops.

Any of you guys nearing a similar decision?

Have you considered playing games that scored below 90 on MC? There's hundreds of game releases out there too many for you to believe there's nothing to play.
Have you considered playing games that scored below 90 on MC? There's hundreds of game releases out there too many for you to believe there's nothing to play.

This is way more important than people think.

Important to decide what you enjoy rather than racing to finish everything that scored highly.


It's like saying you will stop reading or watching TV.

stopping from time to time is a good thing. staying too close all the time is like watch paint dry. I've stopped for over a year several times. coming back to an evolved and refreshed medium.


Gold Member
I don't plan to stop posting here.

But I'm gonna unplug and store all my consoles for a while.

I might partially pull that back when my girl wants to play co-op games, might break out some Nintendo platforms, or resurrect sackboy, because that's the most fun i have with gaming these days by a long way, but as it is I'm no longer really interested in completing single player games, as was once my big motivation for gaming.

Without a doubt gaming has given me probably the entirety of my top 20 entertainment payoffs since i was about 10. WoW, Halo, Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, Age of Empires 2, Homeworld, Pillars of Eternity, Human Revolution, many many many more.. But i think I've been waiting for the next such payoff ever since i finished Witcher 3 half a decade ago, and nothing's delivering. It's an expensive hobby, doubly so when it isn't any fun.

Might check back when my Kena preorder drops.

Any of you guys nearing a similar decision?

Its probably not a problem with you, just try playing some older games from 2000-2010, you will see you will have much more fun than newer games, 95% of new games are worthless. made by talentless hacks that dont like games. The astroturfers on here will probably mock me to death, but its true.

The games industry is utter traaaaaaash these days, 95% of aaa devs dont even like their jobs anymore, its just filled with film school rejects that hate gamers and the medium, and use it as a political tool to lecture you.

They are also made full of menial tasks to pad the games out in length "collect 5 trashbags and throw them in the incinerator" "help Arvin find his 5 missing sheeps"

Also they try to milk you for so much money, "heeeey lets split up the base games into 3 dlc's that we will sell to you for 20$ each" "heeeey lets make a shitttt port and call it a remaster while it runs like shit since HR forced out any compotent coders we had on staff."

bottom line is, 95% of the industry is shit now, and its going to get worse, but fear not you have a buuuunch of games from gen 5 and 6 to play for as long as you live.

Honestly the only games i play anymore are Indies, Puzzle games, games from Eastern Europe, Japanese Games and Simulators, Football, Racing, Sports sims, because its actually made by people that care.

The last game i got totaly lost in was Cyberpunk, but that game got shat on to high heavens and back since it was a eastern european production, and they wouldnt bend the knee to americas "crunch" demands, and didnt cater to the journos ideologies. (sure it was probably a mess on console, but its the most immersive game by far on pc, i even hated witcher 3, but loved cyberpunk to death)

boot up your ps2 and play some games, you will get lost in it and refind the fun thats missing in newer games.


Authorized Fister
I enjoy older style games. Hence I barely play anything anymore. It's not I don't like gamimg anymore, I enjoy gaming like it was when I was a teenager.
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It's OK to take a break from a hobby if it gets stale. I've done it multiple times with various hobbies. Just put the consoles out of sight for a while, and when you want to play again, they'll be waiting.


I think everyone goes through these periods on a yearly basis. It's okay to disconnect and take some time off and do other things, your gaming will be there if you decide to return.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
In the first, like, open world moment of yakuza 0 i quit and didn't go back. Just didn't really want more of that sauce
Yakuza games aren't open world. Give it a proper chance.

There's also Pathfinder coming out soon, if you like CRPGs like Pillars.


I'd like to give up games; I'd probably be in better shape and have a broader social life but, presently, I'm having too much fun. But it almost wasn't that way.

I was in a serious funk for a bit. Bought a new rig around Christmas, an RTX3080, the whole shebang, a handful of new games, but nothing was really capturing me. I'd scroll through my Steam catalog, and just think "nah" 50 times. I thought I might be nearing the end of my interest in it all. Nothing was doing it for me.

Then I discovered VR simracing. Now I have no problem figuring out what to play. For the past 3 months, my gaming time has been 95% racing. It's infected my brain. I think about it while I work, I think about it when I lay in bed, I dream about it. I fking love it. It's completely rekindled my passion for gaming.

So, I guess my point is, I get what you're feeling. I was pretty close to walking away, myself. But then I found something that grabbed me. Either way, just go with what you feel. If you find something that pulls you back in, great. If not, that's fine, too.



I rather stop to post here than stop to playing games.
Just left a PS5 plugged... you get enough games thought to year to enjoy some play time.


Have you considered playing games that scored below 90 on MC? There's hundreds of game releases out there too many for you to believe there's nothing to play.
What like Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart? :p

Nah you're right, I've actually done a fair bit of that recently, i guess it's been a symptom of this coming :p
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