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Insomniac Chief Creative Officer Brian Hastings speaks out on the PS3


Banstick Emeritus
Jtyettis said:
Looks like he struck a nerve with reality. He knew this post would draw a number of criticisms within the gaming community. I believe those said criticisms are a very serious part of the gaming community at hand. A very real debate, that goes on every single day, which in the end the consumer will be left with the final say. Whether or not he acknowledges some of these criticisms is entirely up to him.

With a blog update like this one, it's only expected that he'll be inundated with criticism.

Informed criticism, however, is something else entirely - and judging by the usual suspects I referenced earlier - somewhat lacking.


7. The Wii Fad Will Fade
OK, this one’s going to be controversial, but I have to say it. I like Nintendo a lot. I think Nintendo has innovated far more than any other company in the industry. And I think the Wii is really, really fun. But… let me relate to you a story that may sound familiar:

Your friend Reggie invites you over for a Wii Party. It’s awesome. You and your friends partake in whatever beverages are legally appropriate for your age group. The next day everyone who went to the party rushes out and buys a Wii.

A week later Reggie hosts another Wii Party. This time only half the group comes. It’s still fun, but there isn’t quite as much shoving to get at the Wiimote.

The next week Reggie hosts another Wii Party. You tell him you have bird flu.

I can't agree. firstly, because a party is always fun given the proper deal of "beverages". secondly, because the fun with the wii is due to the game you are playing. thus, if a constant flow of games which make good and funny use of the Wiimote is present, the fun simply renews itself over the time. I mean, you will not play the same game over and over again, there will be new games and new way to enjoy the console.


Whether you love or hate Sony, if you’re trying to spin Home as a bad thing I can only conclude that you’re part of Microsoft’s $3.2 billion viral marketing campaign.

Whats funny, is that if he was a gaffer, he would be banned for trying to paint some some posters as VMs. :lol


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Brian Hastings said:
With the PS2, Sony got away with making a fairly developer-unfriendly system, and its success allowed their hardware designers to ignore developer’s complaints as they made the PS3. People high up at Sony have realized that approach simply won’t work anymore and are trying to fix the problem. Sony is actively improving their libraries, tools and developer support in order to make PS3 development easier.

Is this sentence being overlooked? He's subtly confirming that the development communities objections were arrogantly brushed off by Kuturagi, that overall the hardware design of the PS3 was a mistake, that Ken got punished for his "vision", they're now working feverishly to alleviate the learning curves, Phil Harrison and Sir Stringer are cleaning house, and that Kaz Hirai was sent to die.

Or am I reading too far into it?:lol

Good read btw.


f_elz said:
Whats funny, is that if he was a gaffer, he would be banned for trying to paint some some posters as VMs. :lol
Whats really funny is that there are 9 pages arguing this blog post. What do you expect the creators of Resistance Fall of Man to say?

"PS3 sucks.... don't buy it!
And while you're at it skip our game too, Halo is much better."
Dirtbag 504 said:
Whats really funny is that there are 9 pages arguing this blog post. What do you expect the creators of Resistance Fall of Man to say?

"PS3 sucks.... don't buy it!
And while you're at it skip our game too, Halo is much better."

Insomniac Blogposts: now it's personal.
KTallguy said:
For the "hypothetical 30 year old looking for mature software and something E-rated for my kid and something T-rated for my 15yearold nephew", the PS2 is the best choice. It's cheap and has lots of great software.

But in general, the PS3 line up is a lot more diverse looking than the 360s, and that's in its first year up! As the price of the system comes down, casuals will line up.

okay, so make it a hypothetical 30 year old with an HDTV. Either way, if the question is RIGHT NOW, the point still stands.


frankthurk said:
Insomniac Blogposts: now it's personal.

Well, they're doing a podcast too, so I guess that's the direction these things are going.

This reminds me of Factor 5 and how they justified moving to the PS3.

Clever Pun said:
okay, so make it a hypothetical 30 year old with an HDTV. Either way, if the question is RIGHT NOW, the point still stands.

The point is, the Xbox 360 is definitely not a console for "everyone", just as the original Xbox wasn't. PS2 and PS1 had software for almost every different kind of taste. Nintendo software typically slants younger, but has a few mature titles sprinkled in there. PS3's software will eventually look like PS2 and PS1, at least that's what they're aiming for.

So if you're buying a console for your younger kids, a PS2 is a good idea, instead of either an Xbox 360 or PS3.
captive said:
You mean like this guy?

I see, so it's much easier to label me a fanboy than to actually address my points? I presented an argument countering his point about the diversity of the 3 systems software library. Unless you have something to contribute, you're just trolling.

KTallguy said:
For the "hypothetical 30 year old looking for mature software and something E-rated for my kid and something T-rated for my 15yearold nephew", the PS2 is the best choice. It's cheap and has lots of great software.

But in general, the PS3 line up is a lot more diverse looking than the 360s, and that's in its first year up! As the price of the system comes down, casuals will line up.

In what genre? This is why I made my post in the first place, because of unsubstantiated analysis like this. By this November (the one year mark), in what genre(s) will the PS3 have more and better games than the 360? This is an honest question. I conceded platformers (only because of Ratchet and Clank), in every other genre and in every ESRB-rated category, the 360 has, and will have, more games. Rhythm games, shooters, racers, jrpgs, western rpgs, rts, mmo, free-roam, action, fighter, simulation, sports, licensced...without exception. Even if this is only because of the one year head start, it's the unavoidable truth.

The PS2 is a great choice for people looking for diverse software. Unfortunately, people aren't buying PS3's to play PS2 games, they're buying PS2s. The PS3 will need a software library that approaches the PS2s depth if it wants to approach its sales, even if they were the same price.


The Amiga Brotherhood
ROFL said:
Yeah, super low I would think

Dude why don't you have a nametag, so that people can see you work for Insomniac.

He is the weird british guy at the end of their podcast for anybody who is wondering
Sho_Nuff82 said:
I see, so it's much easier to label me a fanboy than to actually address my points? I presented an argument countering his point about the diversity of the 3 systems software library. Unless you have something to contribute, you're just trolling.

In what genre? This is why I made my post in the first place, because of unsubstantiated analysis like this. By this November (the one year mark), in what genre(s) will the PS3 have more and better games than the 360? This is an honest question. I conceded platformers (only because of Ratchet and Clank), in every other genre and in every ESRB-rated category, the 360 has, and will have, more games. Rhythm games, shooters, racers, jrpgs, western rpgs, rts, mmo, free-roam, action, fighter, simulation, sports, licensced...without exception. Even if this is only because of the one year head start, it's the unavoidable truth.

The PS2 is a great choice for people looking for diverse software. Unfortunately, people aren't buying PS3's to play PS2 games, they're buying PS2s. The PS3 will need a software library that approaches the PS2s depth if it wants to approach its sales, even if they were the same price.
I wouldn't be so quick to say the PS3 is lacking in every genre. The system launch like 4 months ago. It will get its Rhythm games, shooters, racers, jrpgs, western rpgs, rts, mmo, free-roam, action, fighter, simulation, sports, licensced...without exception. Oh and your right about PS3 having the 1up in platforming (one of my favorite genres)

Edit: isn't there another guy nambed Sho Nuff here? He didn't speak like you at all.


RamzaIsCool said:
Dude why don't you have a nametag, so that people can see you work for Insomniac.

He is the weird british guy at the end of their podcast for anybody who is wondering

he works for insomniac?
this thread is pretty much xbox360 fanboys vs ps3 fanboys....were not people saying how xbox 360 was a P.O.S and not "next-gen" when it wasn't even a full year in? give it a chance guys...if this guy/developer is saying that the ps3 will look marginally better in a 1-2 years, then lets hold him to it and hope it comes true...the only winners here would be us the gamers...i dont see the point in trying to prove him wrong at this time, especially when we are not developers and are putting out numbers that the console companies themselves have thrown at us. Honestly, when i see this "full" potential of the ps3 in a game on the shelves then i will rush out and buy a ps3 and feel justified about the price...because as of right now i wouldnt feel justified with the games out atm.

(does anyone get a feeling of nostalgia? like when the ps2 came out and none of the games looked any better than the Dreamcast games? and then everyone would use soul calibur as an example of how the DC and Ps2 are the same?)

edit: niice avatar f_elz:lol


Sho_Nuff82 said:
The PS2 is a great choice for people looking for diverse software. Unfortunately, people aren't buying PS3's to play PS2 games, they're buying PS2s. The PS3 will need a software library that approaches the PS2s depth if it wants to approach its sales, even if they were the same price.

it doesn't matter if people buy a PS2 instead of a PS3 cause its still a customer for Sony and 1 less for MS and Nintendo


K.Jack said:
Is this sentence being overlooked? He's subtly confirming that the development communities objections were arrogantly brushed off by Kuturagi, that overall the hardware design of the PS3 was a mistake, that Ken got punished for his "vision", they're now working feverishly to alleviate the learning curves, Phil Harrison and Sir Stringer are cleaning house, and that Kaz Hirai was sent to die.

Or am I reading too far into it?:lol

Good read btw.

Of course it's overlooked, because the people up in arms here always just look for potential inflammatory remarks about their console... He adds weight to his remarks by stating something critical like this... but the other people here are glossing over it because right now they have red-misted-rage syndrome and a bashing at their keyboards furiously over someone having the mere thought that the PS3 is a competing system...

Sony's finally learning that they must have the software to back up the hardware for the devs... That's probably one of the reasons that Nvidia got the call for the GPU... imagine the chaos that would've happened if they actually went ahead using another cell processor for graphics duty... Now they're releasing the "Edge" tool set, and middleware companies are tweaking their engines to suit the PS3 design better...

I hope they keep Ken around for further PS3 projects, but also have Harrison and Kaz (who's a software guy correct?) inject some ideas into the mix as well, and/or have them assigning work more quickly to ensure proper tools are available sooner than later...

This really was a great blog, and goes to show how many people put weight into something that someone from Insomniac says... Shows there's respect and jealousy in how great of an AAA dev house they are...


Hail Britannia
RamzaIsCool said:
Dude why don't you have a nametag, so that people can see you work for Insomniac.

He is the weird british guy at the end of their podcast for anybody who is wondering

I don't think I'm all that weird but yeah, someone already nominated me on here as "the Brit guy at the end" but I'm still waiting for my tag.... :/


Devs are gamers too. They'll have opinions and want to share them. Some will agree with him, some won't. I disagree with the Wii comments, but agree with everything else. Meh, different strokes. It's just an opinion, not a predictor of things to come. Though, when Sony is going in dry on the Wii60 in 2-3 years, this thread will be worth a laugh. ;) PEACE.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Sho_Nuff82 said:
I see, so it's much easier to label me a fanboy than to actually address my points? I presented an argument countering his point about the diversity of the 3 systems software library. Unless you have something to contribute, you're just trolling.
Because your argument was retarded.
A game thats coming out on 360 thats been out on PS2(as a time exclusive) for close to 6 months or so is going to outsell every E or T rated PS3 game in april, ok, if you say so.
And that Forza is going to outsell F1 and Motorstorm combined? Oh really, who would have thought that a system with 4 or 5 times the install base in NA would have games outsell other games, especially a niche title coupled with an arcade racer.
If you really want to argue something like that, can we compare Guitar Hero 2 on PS2 sales with Guitar Hero 2 on Xbox 360?

Not to mention you went off on this tangent after reading the guy saying that Sony has proven IPs in every genre and rating section. And your best counter-argument is Guitar Hero 2? This guy wasnt saying that the PS3 has a more diverse library right now, he was saying that the track record is that Playstation family has vastly more diverse libraries than Nintendo and Xbox.
Reading comprehension for the loss.


The Amiga Brotherhood
f_elz said:
he works for insomniac?

yep...that's what I said. Just look the replies on the previous page, they fit somebody who kinda works for them. But everybody is ignoring instead of lynching the poor bugger. So he needs a nametag so everybody knows here to whom to bitch here.


Sho_Nuff82 said:
The PS2 is a great choice for people looking for diverse software. Unfortunately, people aren't buying PS3's to play PS2 games, they're buying PS2s. The PS3 will need a software library that approaches the PS2s depth if it wants to approach its sales, even if they were the same price.

You're absolutely right. It's early in the PS3's lifetime RIGHT NOW, so a lot of those casual games are not out yet. But in general, the PS3 just has a more diverse line up, catering to more varied tastes, like the PS2 before it.

Rhythm Games: Singstar
Sports: Basically every Madden game + every in house Sony game.
Shooters: Rainbow Six, Fear, Warhawk, HL2, KZ2, etc.
Racers: Motorstorm, F1, GT5, Sega Rally, Wipeout
JRPGs: FF series titles, Folks Soul
WRPGs: Oblivion, other Bioware project.
Action: Lair, Heavenly Sword, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Spiderman 3, GTA, MGS, etc.
Fighter: VF5, Tekken, Soul Calibur

And there's a lot more than this!

I think that Xbox 360 has a few gems, and people hype those gems like crazy. I've heard so much about Mass Effect, Too Human, and Halo 3, but really what else is there on the horizon? The PS3 stuff on the horizon looks much more interesting and diverse for me personally.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Rhindle said:
He's writing it for the same reason fanboys post their manifestos on internet message boards: To make himself feel better about his lot in life. Which at this point involves having committed his company to a platform holder with a fairly inept management team that can't seem to stop tripping over itself, and a console that looks going to be locked into a minority position indefinitely.

Go ahead and have yourself a nice cry Insomniac, you'll feel much better afterwards.
I guess we all have our little manifestos, eh, Rhindle? And so I guess you're also indicting everyone that feels the need to respond to his blog defensively, right?
bishoptl said:
Well, Mr Hastings certainly seems to have struck a nerve with the usual suspects. :D

Very true, and blind faith also from the usual suspects. I'm waiting to see what he says will come true. It's tough for me to think that CPU advantage means better looking games with screen caps. I do believe it does offer some benefits from what I've read to physics, etc. I'm not a techie though, so I could very well be wrong.


RamzaIsCool said:
Dude why don't you have a nametag, so that people can see you work for Insomniac.

He is the weird british guy at the end of their podcast for anybody who is wondering


Hail Britannia
RamzaIsCool said:
yep...that's what I said. Just look the replies on the previous page, they fit somebody who kinda works for them. But everybody is ignoring instead of lynching the poor bugger. So he needs a nametag so everybody knows here to whom to bitch here.

I suppose my tag could be "lynch this poor bugger". It'd only be marginally worse than "the weird British guy" I suppose...


7. The Wii Fad Will Fade
OK, this one’s going to be controversial, but I have to say it. I like Nintendo a lot. I think Nintendo has innovated far more than any other company in the industry. And I think the Wii is really, really fun. But… let me relate to you a story that may sound familiar:

Your friend Reggie invites you over for a Wii Party. It’s awesome. You and your friends partake in whatever beverages are legally appropriate for your age group. The next day everyone who went to the party rushes out and buys a Wii.

A week later Reggie hosts another Wii Party. This time only half the group comes. It’s still fun, but there isn’t quite as much shoving to get at the Wiimote.

The next week Reggie hosts another Wii Party. You tell him you have bird flu.

Obviously I’m exaggerating, but the Wii does have many characteristics of popular mainstream fads. It’s instantaneously accessible, it’s unlike anything you’ve tried before, and it’s great fun to share with friends. In short, it’s everything Nintendo said it would be and it has captured the world’s imagination. The only downside is that the world is easily distracted. Tickle Me Elmo captured the world’s attention at one point, as did Furbies. They were both instantly accessible, were unlike anything people had seen before, and were fun to share with friends. But a year later, after everyone had seen them and tried them out, their popularity waned.

The Wii is currently riding on a massive wave of mainstream attention and has been purchased by lots of people who don’t normally play games. But how many of those people who are hooked on Wii Sports will also buy Wii Need For Speed? Mainstream fads usually run their course within a year. As the honeymoon period fades, the Wii will be going up against more and more graphically impressive games on the PS3 and Xbox 360. More people will be buying HD televisions and looking for the most immersive and stunning experiences available. For these reasons, I think the Wii will be more successful than the GameCube or N64 but in the long run will still be outsold by the PS3.

Except that he neglects to mention that these people go out and buy a wii for themselves and then they host their own parties and that encourages others to buy their own wii.


The only thing i find strange is that the PS3 just had one of the biggest console launches in EU and just about every site i go to said the EU launch was bad. No lines and no demand. :lol :lol

how can these huge gaming sites be that far off?


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
ROFL said:
I suppose my tag could be "lynch this poor bugger". It'd only be marginally worse than "the weird British guy" I suppose...
I vote for "weird british guy."

Your segment in the podcasts are hilarious.
atomiswave said:
(does anyone get a feeling of nostalgia? like when the ps2 came out and none of the games looked any better than the Dreamcast games? and then everyone would use soul calibur as an example of how the DC and Ps2 are the same?)
Whoa kinda, the other day I was thinking about how good the graphics were for that game at the time. weird

ROFL said:
I don't think I'm all that weird but yeah, someone already nominated me on here as "the Brit guy at the end" but I'm still waiting for my tag.... :/
:D That was awesome. I just started playing Ratchet and Clank: Up your Arsenal. I got it with my PS2 in one of those Costco Bundles. I never got around to playing it till now then the song from the podcast came on:D :) :D
KTallguy said:
I've heard so much about Mass Effect, Too Human, and Halo 3, but really what else is there on the horizon?.

Banjo 3, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Bioshock, Forza 2, PGR4 and many more. Both consoles have a lot of potentially great games.


KTallguy said:
Well, they're doing a podcast too, so I guess that's the direction these things are going.

This reminds me of Factor 5 and how they justified moving to the PS3.

The point is, the Xbox 360 is definitely not a console for "everyone", just as the original Xbox wasn't. PS2 and PS1 had software for almost every different kind of taste. Nintendo software typically slants younger, but has a few mature titles sprinkled in there. PS3's software will eventually look like PS2 and PS1, at least that's what they're aiming for.

So if you're buying a console for your younger kids, a PS2 is a good idea, instead of either an Xbox 360 or PS3.

And so is Microsoft aiming at a software library with the diversity of the PS2 and PS1. And you can bet Nintendo is also aiming at creating the same diversity in their software library in the long run. So does every console manufacturer. Whether they achieve or not can only be determined towards the end of the life-cycle.


How can you list alot of 3rd party software...
KTallguy said:
Rhythm Games: Singstar
Sports: Basically every Madden game + every in house Sony game.
Shooters: Rainbow Six, Fear, Warhawk, HL2, KZ2, etc.
Racers: Motorstorm, F1, GT5, Sega Rally, Wipeout
JRPGs: FF series titles, Folks Soul
WRPGs: Oblivion, other Bioware project.
Action: Lair, Heavenly Sword, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Spiderman 3, GTA, MGS, etc.
Fighter: VF5, Tekken, Soul Calibur

...and then say this?
KTallguy said:
I think that Xbox 360 has a few gems, and people hype those gems like crazy. I've heard so much about Mass Effect, Too Human, and Halo 3, but really what else is there on the horizon? The PS3 stuff on the horizon looks much more interesting and diverse for me personally.


The Amiga Brotherhood
ROFL said:
I suppose my tag could be "lynch this poor bugger". It'd only be marginally worse than "the weird British guy" I suppose...

Sorry man, but atleast I remembered who you where. Anyway what about "the Brit at the end" or "the british guy at the end". This also describes your job discribtion at the podcast.

And give me a shout out in the next podcast

EDIT: to late you already got one :lol
Link316 said:
it doesn't matter if people buy a PS2 instead of a PS3 cause its still a customer for Sony and 1 less for MS and Nintendo

And it's -1 sale for next-gen multiplatform games like NBA Street 4, Virtua Tennis 3, VF5, CMR 07, Burnout 5, Spiderman 3, SKATE, GTA4, DMC4, Unreal Tournament 3, The Darkness, etc that are coming out in 2007.

Do you really think that will have no impact on PS3 support in the future? You know, the kind of support that determines if a console will have a diverse 3rd party software library in 3 years time? Do you really think publishers are looking at sales of VF5 and thinking "hey, at least Sony's God of War 2 is cleaning up"?

If Sony could flip-flop PS3 and PS2 sales in NA they would in a heartbeat.

People just buying a PS2 now are either the most casual of casual gamers, dedicated PS2 owners looking for a new slim model, or Xbox/GCN owners picking one up for games they missed out on. The former group aren't emotionally invested in any of the hardware companies, and will buy the cheapest console with the most software in 5 years time...this is not guaranteed to be the PS3. The latter group is probably emotionally invested in MS/Nintendo and makeup most of the 360/Wii early adopters, who will not likely buy a PS3 for another 7 years and a similar <$150 pricepoint...assuming its software library is as compelling as the PS2s.

In Japan we've seen PS2 sales slowly die off over the past 6 months with no noticeable correlation with an increase in PS3 sales. If you expect the two to go hand in hand you may find yourself dissapointed.

captive said:
Not to mention you went off on this tangent after reading the guy saying that Sony has proven IPs in every genre and rating section. And your best counter-argument is Guitar Hero 2? This guy wasnt saying that the PS3 has a more diverse library right now, he was saying that the track record is that Playstation family has vastly more diverse libraries than Nintendo and Xbox.
Reading comprehension for the loss.

So now we're referring to the "Playstation family"? So can we use the SNES, NES, Gameboy lines, and DS as part of the "Nintendo family"?

I'm getting tired of repeating this, so I'll say it one last time - past precedent is not an indication of current or future success. That was the point. The PS2/Xbox/GCN comparison is an utter joke given the current next-gen landscape. If it was, Ace Combat wouldn't be coming to the 360, Manhunt wouldn't be coming to Wii, Dragon Quest freaking 9 wouldn't be coming to the DS.

Looking at the SNES -> N64 transition how could anyone possibly make this assumption? The 360 already has more Japanese support than the Xbox, how can anyone compare the two at this point? Games that were once more popular on Playstation 2 than Xbox, like NBA Street, Smackdown or Madden, are now more popular on the XBox360 than they are on PS3. The PS3 has a grand total of zero noteworthy RPGs landing in its first year that won't be on the 360.

It's enough to make me want to bang my head into the wall.

I don't want to turn this into a list war, especially when the guy above is posting games that are either multiplatform, unconfirmed, or 2008 releases, when responding to my point about the first year of the PS3 versus what's also available and coming this year to competing platforms. It's a FACT that the 360 will have more games than the PS3 at the end of the year, in all of the genres I listed. End of discussion.

His point is meaningless.


Hail Britannia
RamzaIsCool said:
Sorry man, but atleast I remembered who you where. Anyway what about "the Brit at the end" or "the british guy at the end". This also describes your job discribtion at the podcast.

And give me a shout out in the next podcast

EDIT: to late you already got one :lol

I'm flattered, I must say.

Well hate to cut and run but I'm off to see a special advance screening of Hot Fuzz, it's not even out yet here in Yankland...


KTallguy said:
Would you really like me to list a bunch of exclusive PS3 titles?

This is turning into list wars here.
Guess what?
That’s what this generation is; a battle of exclusives. There's no point in listing 3rd party multi platform titles while saying this system is more diverse than the other.


What people forget is that its not always whats in the pipeline 2-3 years from now that will make the system the best one to get, its whats here now. A lot of systems in the 90s were doing not that great, but yet people said wait for this or that. It means nothing if you aren't doing good at sales or don't have the games from the beggining.


Oni Jazar said:
Hilarous irony.

While we're on irony I guess it's so hilarous that you spelled hilarious wrong.

Anyway copy and pasted from what I said that some of you obviously did not read in regards to movies on XBL and me not caring about movies(Casino Royale in this example) or how well they do:

I'm talking about strictly what you get with the XBL service. I personally don't care about movies, but the fact that you can DL them from Live is a plus, and something Sony does not offer with their 'free' service as evidenced by my choosing of the word 'stuff' in relation to what XBL offers that PSN does not.

Read please.


LuCkymoON said:
Guess what?
That’s what this generation is; a battle of exclusives. There's no point in listing 3rd party multi platform titles while saying this system is more diverse than the other.

Tell you what. List all the Xbox 360 exclusives that demonstrate a diverse lineup, and then list all the PS3 exclusives.

I still believe that like the PS1 and PS2 before it, PS3 will have a large roster of games that cater to the "every-demographic" more so than Xbox 360 and Wii.

Smokey Bones said:
I personally don't care about movies, but the fact that you can DL them from Live is a plus, and something Sony does not offer with their 'free' service as evidenced by my choosing of the word 'stuff' in relation to what XBL offers that PSN does not.

Read please.

So do you care about movie content or not?
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