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LEGO City Undercover |OT| This city has no ports

This will take me also a while to beat. Amazing game, I have trouble with Open World games, I start them but dont finish them. I have yet to finish GTAIV, but I think I will 100% this game.

Now TT Fusion / Nintendo, start working on Lego Medieval please.


When I started playing this game two weeks ago I only saw it's (mostly technical) problems, but after completing a chapter or eight I must say that this game is really fun to play. The city is also quite a bit larger than I initially thought and there's a lot to do besides the missions.

I have a piece brewing in my head about this game.

It does so much wrong, and so many things that irk me in gaming, but I just find it to be a fun and compelling experience. And I think it allowed me to finally understand what draws me to games.
Got 100% last night.

I feel so hollow.
Same here, I want MORE! Took just over 45 hours for 100% and I loved every second.

Just finished Lego City Undercover and I think everyone is underestimating this game. Sucha great story and a lot to do in a fun open world environment. It sits right under Bioshock Infinite for GOTY right now.
It is above Infinite for me. LCU is such a breath of fresh air, haven't had this level of joy with a game in quite awhile.
Is there any way to find character unlocks? I got the scanner upgrade but it seems this only shows those which are in the world itself. The ones behind mini missions like coloring etc cannot be found :( Any tip?


Bested the game last night

The last 3-4 hours.. the "climax" as it were.. was just outstanding.. and as a huge fan of a lot of those films really just tickled my movie boner as well.
So what are good movies to watch in prep for most/all the references in this game? I need some good movies to watch, and I'd hate to miss out on jokes in this game... >.>


So what are good movies to watch in prep for most/all the references in this game? I need some good movies to watch, and I'd hate to miss out on jokes in this game... >.>
The main references are:

Shawshank Redemption (must watch)
Good Fellas (not that needed, but watch it still, awesome movie!)
A Night At The Museum (safe to skip, IMO)
Starsky and Hutch (also sorta safe, watch the movie parody)
A more recent blockbuster of which I think everybody has watched it anyway. It's also in the 'dangerous' list below.
You also should be familiar with Schwarzenegger movies, but don't bother to watch them all, lol. Same for Morgan Freeman.

Plus a set of single references, but I think listing them all would spoil more than do good for you. Alphabetical order of the dangerous ones, mark at your own risk:
Cagney & Lacey
Dirty Harry (forgot which movie)
The Fly
James Bond (Connery era)
The Joy Of Painting
The Legend Of Zelda OOT
The Matrix
Mission Impossible
Sherlock Holmes
Super Mario 64 onward

Stuff you have to know/watch to get the reference:
The Dark Knight
Die Hard (1)
The Great Escape (but actually, Shawshank has this as well))
Kray twins (real people, infamous London mob bosses)
Monty Python's The Holy Grail

At least that's all I could think of, I'm sure I missed a lot. Fortunately, most jokes are of general nature or make fun of common TV tropes of certain genres, so no danger to miss anything here.


I have a piece brewing in my head about this game.

It does so much wrong, and so many things that irk me in gaming, but I just find it to be a fun and compelling experience. And I think it allowed me to finally understand what draws me to games.

If you do happen to write that piece then please post it or PM me :)
Just bought the game and played it a bit with my 5 year old son. He's a big LEGO fan and i must say we had a great deal of fun. He was laughing his ass off.


The Birthday Skeleton
I finally had the time this weekend to finish the story. Wow! Just wow! It's the best final in a game in the past years. The final chapters are building into an game/movie apotheosis.

Great game!


Knows the Score
May be a bit obscure for most, but I was happy to note the Mini Mart was named Granville, presumably after David Jason's character from Open All Hours.



El Capitan Todd
Finally I was able to spend some time with it again: chapter 6, and I'm simply LOVING its charm (fun gameplay, fun dialgoues, lots of cameos, good exploration...)
Completed the story last night. (@ 38%)

Amazing game.

Can't wait to go back to it and unlock every single damn thing there is to unlock.

I'm not really into the whole movie-to-LEGO-game thing but this is/was different.

Random thoughts:

  • Gorgeous visuals at times. Especially the later parts of the game ;P
  • Really liked the sound design. From the excellent soundtrack to the 5.1 positioning and the "yummy" sound effects.
  • Gamepad put through it's paces.
    Especially the Camera function. Could easily be a stand-alone game or at least used with some form of Achievements
  • Attention to detail. From the main-character "idle" animations (unique to each disguise) to the design of the whole city/map itself.

Still early but -at this point- GOTY material for me.


Now that Miiverse is generally available, I can post this. At least two posters have managed to do this. Both of them won't say how it could be accomplished. Anyone know? Because it's awesome. :-D




Now that Miiverse is generally available, I can post this. At least two posters have managed to do this. Both of them won't say how it could be accomplished. Anyone know? Because it's awesome. :-D



I'm guessing they used the red brick that allows you to summon a vehicle anytime.
So it's worth it GAF?

I love open world games, but I feel Skyrim burned out that genre for me.

But I do love colorful games (and I heard there are Nintendo easter eggs to be found) and my Wii U is dying for games (although I've been playing Darksiders II and that's really good)



I want to love this game but load times are making it very hard

They're rally not that bad after the first two hours or so. There's loading every now and then when a level is loaded for the missions but other than that I wasn't really bothered by it.

So it's worth it GAF?

I love open world games, but I feel Skyrim burned out that genre for me.

But I do love colorful games (and I heard there are Nintendo easter eggs to be found) and my Wii U is dying for games (although I've been playing Darksiders II and that's really good)


General consensus of the thread would be yes, UNLESS you really don't like LEGO games. They can be a bit repetitive and are quite easy (though I found some driving missions rather challenging).


So it's worth it GAF?

I love open world games, but I feel Skyrim burned out that genre for me.

But I do love colorful games (and I heard there are Nintendo easter eggs to be found) and my Wii U is dying for games (although I've been playing Darksiders II and that's really good)


I would say: yes and if you like Lego a definite Yes.
It is a great, great game and more people should play this game.


I'm guessing they used the red brick that allows you to summon a vehicle anytime.
Yup, that's how I've done it, much to my childrens' amusement. I first accidentally did it with the semi pictured above hanging over the roof of Chan's garage. I think that's the best one to do it with; the cab hanging down has the most comedy value.


I unlocked and applied some of these red brick cheats but I'm not sure how they work. I turned on the summon vehicles thing, but how do you actually use it?


Just got it and fired up the first 10 minutes or so with my little boy. The dialogue bored him but I found it great! Can't wait for a session with this by myself.
I find it annoying, that you can´t control the scanner with the thumbsticks like in ZombiU.
It´s so annoying to stand up from the couch to scan around yourself.


I find it annoying, that you can´t control the scanner with the thumbsticks like in ZombiU.
It´s so annoying to stand up from the couch to scan around yourself.
Amusingly, the 3DS game lets you do just that.

Game is really good but I really miss a proper combat system.
Not to say that your desire is invalid, but could kids handle one? A system that excluded them would change the whole way this game is played in my house.


Played a bit now and am really enjoying it. It's a bit too easy and guided but I enjoy the open world and the humour.


I finished the game last night - or at least the story. And man, what a fantastic game! I played one or two LEGO games before and didn't really like them. That said, I was not exactly hyped for Lego City Undercover. I thought this game is going to be something for Lego fans but hell no, this game turned out to be a real reason to buy a Wii U!

I bought it based on the good impressions from gamers here on NeoGAF. And all those fellow GAFers were right. The game is outstanding. TT did a great job on a lot of different subjects. The most important of them: the gameplay. The game is fun to play and offers tons of variety. And the design of the game world is top-notch. There are a trillion secrets around every corner: Sidequets, easter-eggs, super builds, etc. I often wanted to play for an hour or so, just checking out the next story chapter but I actually played a couple of hours because I just discovered new cool things. The game was made with love and made me smile and laugh a million of times. The humor is gold, the tons of Nintendo and movie references are godlike. My only points of criticism: The controls of vehicles are a bit too squishy and the loading times, especially the initial ones, are far too long.

I absolutely cannot understand the average rating of 8/10 on Metacritic. How can someone really complain about the lack of a coop mode? Just because there is a Lego logo on it? This is not just another Lego game, this is a full-blown open world game which offers tons of great things and content. Give it a shot, you won't regret it.

Some screenshots from my Miiverse account:






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