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Let this sink in: Rocksteady wasted a whole decade.


Kill the Justice League just looks so generic. The only thing going for it is the potential for a cool story.

I remember hearing so many rumours back in the day that their next game was going to be a Superman game. Would have absolutely loved to have seen their take on the Man of Steel.

There's no way they worked on KtJL for 8 years, they must have had either had their original title cancelled (Supes game?) or this game just went through development hell (constant changes/redesigns).

Feeling disappointed AF. But, I'll probs still get it for Kevin Conroy. RIP.
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Jinzo Prime

Gold Member
I've said it many times, but a gritty TMNT game by Rocksteady should have been the obvious choice from WB. It would have catapulted the series back into popularity among the masses, sold fucking gangbusters and rejuvenated the brand so that it would be ripe again for merchandising, new non-shitty movies and TV shows.

An open-world TMNT game in the style of Arkham City would have been great! Unfortunately, Paramount owns the rights to TMNT, so that might not have ever have been a possibility.


Insomniac should hire Sefton Hill and Jamie Walker and create a sister studio. Rocksteady is undoubtedly dead after this, but I think they still have a ton of potential. I think they could help with Wolverine.
They are definitely very talented. But we also don't know what caused the 10 year issue with development. Was it leadership and ideas or WB getting involved etc.

I would like to see them get their own studio and not be tied down to any license or IP. But either way I'm sure they'll find there way to something big soon enough


Kill the Justice League just looks so generic. The only thing going for it is the potential for a cool story.

I remember hearing so many rumours back in the day that their next game was going to be a Superman game. Would have absolutely loved to have seen their take on the Man of Steel.

There's no way they worked on KtJL for 8 years, they must have had either had their original title cancelled (Supes game?) or this game just went through development hell (constant changes/redesigns).

Feeling disappointed AF. But, I'll probs still get it for Kevin Conroy. RIP.
As far as the rumors go. Rocksteady and wb Montreal had multiple games trashed.

Originally the latter was making suicide squad and Rocksteady were rumored to make supes. Then there was a canceled damian Wayne batman with the nemesis engine. Then rocksteady got suicide squad and wb Montreal got Gotham knights.

And I think somewhere in that mess there was even a canceled flash project rumored but can't remember exactly, maybe it was a justice league game
It could do well with the casual audience. The younger crowd. I know its sad but we're getting old. These type of games ain't for us. I'm just sad that we lose a great studio known for their high quality single player batman games. Why not let them do what they're good at and use another studio to make you a live service multiplayer game? That's the real bad thing from all this. The rocksteady that we know is now gone.
It looks good to me, why are you comparing it to arkham games, it's not a batman game.
Because it should have been and they are the only ones holding the license to Batman. So while they go ahead and indeed waste a decade making a game that no one wants (another fortnite clone), they could have spent that time actually making the game people give a fuck about.

It wouldn't be a problem if other studios with good pedigree (like Insomniac) had the possibility to make a proper Batman game. So yeah, waste of a decade.


It could do well with the casual audience. The younger crowd. I know its sad but we're getting old. These type of games ain't for us. I'm just sad that we lose a great studio known for their high quality single player batman games. Why not let them do what they're good at and use another studio to make you a live service multiplayer game? That's the real bad thing from all this. The rocksteady that we know is now gone.
Avengers didn't do well and I would assume that casual audience likes them more.
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That's Western Game Development School of Tought for you, managament is the biggest fuck up, people here tend to blame on the lower levels that have zero power on it and do their work, its the upper ones who keep changing everything and putting all the work into the trash.

Cyberpunk for example, of the 8 years of development, only roughly 3.5 years were for the final iteration, imagine that all the pre production they did during the Witcher 3 days should have gave enough time to be perfected and sent into full production with barely any changes, a smooth sail, but nope, lets scrap 90% of what we did but we gotta still keep the deadline or close to it, good luck, basically a death march. Not even getting into detail what was changed and cut during the final vision development.

Meanwhile in Japan you can have a triple A made from scratch in less than five years + iterative sequels every two years.
Ever heard of FF15?


Everyone's chasing after that gaas money and WB isn't any different. Problem is only a few succeed and turn their games into cash cows. There was definitely some fatigue after 4 Arkham games based on the same premise, but they could've gone in many directions while keeping the game SP focused on a single cool superhero (or supervillain). Like that rumored Superman game would've been interesting mixing everyday life as Clark and fighting villians.
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Yup,It's my favourite too.I love how dynamic it is.Going from atop a building into the batmobile then driving through Gotham only to eject into a batglide and bust through a window on a goon will never ever get old.You really feel like Batman.Also all the costumes....So good.
its problem was a little bloated open world with repetitive side quests and too many car combat sections. It could really have used some side mission and enemy variety.


It looks good to me, why are you comparing it to arkham games, it's not a batman game.
They say it takes place 5-6 years after Arkham Knight, it's not a Batman game because of what happens in that game, but they alluded it's connected to the Arkham Series

I really hope it does well though, I don't want Rocksteady to crash and burn with this game, they deserve better, so hopefully people support the game
My bad my bad!

Real talk though, just shows you how depressing the game industry is in how everything is so clearly geared around monetization now.
Sony would disagree.
To be fair they weren't working on this game for 10 years they were trying to figure out what their next game was going to be, prototyped other games etc. Maybe they only know how to make one type of game? who knows maybe this will end up being fun? it doesn't look like the kind of game most of us hoped it would be but maybe they'll prove us wrong.


ידע זה כוח
Developing is not easy, there's no formula that can magically make something great. It takes time, prototyping, experimenting, and more. Especially if you want to innovate.

Retro Studios haven't produced a new game since more than a decade either. They had a game and it was cancelled. We don't know how many diff games Rocksteady had, how many iterations of this one they've done.

It takes time, and sometimes the publisher will say, this is it, you need to move forward.

I hope we can be understanding towards any creative industry, it's not easy.


While on a smaller timeframe (2009 - 2015) they put together 3 extraordinary Arkham games
Holy shit! I actually did not thought about it like that, brutal. And Marvel Avengers has a crucial advantage over Suicide Squad, it can be played offline so for those that like the game they are safeguarded while Suicide Squad has a ticking time bomb until the servers are shut down, specially if it ends up failing based on the super negative reception surrounding the game.

But man, that time frame you pointed out, devs need to chill with this huge ass dev times but i think that also demands something from us the players, we have to chill when asking for insane graphics and AAAAA quality if we want those times to improve. Its either that or generative AI will save us.
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Many of you are kinda being harsh... the game looks pretty good and fun.
I dont play many games nowadays but watching that trailer made me think of a mix of some games I've already seen before. I actually got some Fortnite vibes from it but without all the building stuff.

It was an undewhelming reveal for Suicide Squad.


Because it should have been and they are the only ones holding the license to Batman. So while they go ahead and indeed waste a decade making a game that no one wants (another fortnite clone), they could have spent that time actually making the game people give a fuck about.

It wouldn't be a problem if other studios with good pedigree (like Insomniac) had the possibility to make a proper Batman game. So yeah, waste of a decade.

its not how it works. you might care about Batman, they don't anymore, it's that simple. And personally I'm glad we're getting something new instead of yet another rehash of the formula, especially after everybody utterly dunked on Arkham Knight for having "insufferable Batmobile presence, shittiest requirement for the true ending - nigma trophies - and bad everything else" for years. And now RS have to care about people's desires / feelings / wants ? the fuck you think you are

If not delivering a perfect game undermines a studio's efforts for years, then the fans can go fuck themselves and another studio can pick it up. You got Gotham Knights and Spiderman, be thankful. If anything Rocksteady should NEVER make another one.
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Many of you are kinda being harsh... the game looks pretty good and fun.
I feel like people aren't harsh enough. Live service games are creeping up all over the place. I feel like for every God of War or Hogwarts Legacy type of game we get 5 live service games, or games that have GaaS elements.

The problem with those type of games is that they require a lot of your time and they require it every day. Remember to log in every day to do your dailies, log in each week to do your weeklies. Oh remember that if you log in on this exact day at the correct time you can get this very special item. Grind endlessly every day to get slightly more powerful until we release an update that makes your gear worthless to make you grind all over again. Remember to keep spending money on cosmetics and battle pass too.
Live service games are basically MMO lites and they often feel like a second job, when every game starts requiring that type of time from you, there are bound to be a lot of gaas titles that will fail because people have other shit to do than juggle several live service games which are all fighting for your full attention.


Gold Member
This looks like a game where you could replace the Suicide Squad with any random generic characters and it’d work just the same.
What makes this a Suicide Squad game?
made this point myself a few days back:
1) design the gameplay
2) shoehorn the property into the gameplay...

at that point, it doesn't really matter who the characters are, does it?...
Tbh I rewatched the gameplay stuff - the graphics look bad to me. But the actual gameplay looks potentially really fun - I just wish it didn’t have all this stupid cosmetics and gaas baggage



Rocksteady you know, is gone. With the unholy union of western progressivism and soulless corporatism/capitalism, in this example WB, removed those who perpetrated "frat boy culture" and pushed soulless bugmen/wemen into their studios. THIS IS THE RESULT. THERE IS NO MORE ROCKSTEADY YOU KNOW.

Cherish the past and forget about Rocksteady of today.
That is applying to 90% of the AAA studios.
I can't believe that on 2023 we are getting basically a carbon copy of Marvel's Avengers but with a Great Value cast of characters from DC. At least I was playing top tier heroes with Avengers (except the arab girl)
Avengers was quite weird. The arab girl was actually not bad, her powers seem to make her a Hulk/Elastigirl mix and seem perfectly suitable, though goofy looking, to be among the top tier Avengers and their powers. But not many care about her and some, definitely me, never heard of her before, so as some intro quest, okay, but basically revolving the entire main quest around her? Having Ironman, Captain America and Hulk etc. in there but make them all the sidecast? WTF As a spin off / DLC to an established Avengers Online game, of course possible, but as the entry and main course?
Not the main problem but having only rather very short sidequests for the well known Avengers, those which people are probably most excited about, was just stupid. Having longer quests for Kate Bishop and Hawkeye, before finally Black Panther and later adding Spiderman, was also a mistake. Kate, Black Widow, Hawkeye make almost no sense to be fighting the very same enemies with the same hands on approach than the big ones. Not one of them does have actual super powers and would not survive hits of many enemies. They should be in a Splinter Cell or something like game. Especially Widow talking all the time about all those years undercover here and there, which bascially makes zero sense considering her young age, needs to be in a less actiony game.
Avengers failed at focusing on anything, would have been much better as a few separate SP games (that could have had a shared MP component or whatever) and chose to struggle to push all characters into one gameplay mould with very repetitive missions. Still kind of mindlessly enjoyable, but nothing worth being exciting for. Perfect for Plus and GP though.
Suicide Squad doesn't spark much interest in me, so cannot disappoint that much, but yeah, it seems to be the same game, a total conversion texture mod for a flashy game with much shiny action but lacking any soul, that was a hard failure and practically also doomed the following better game from their sister studio, sealing the sell out of both those studios. Rocksteady should have used their time to rethink if following Avengers is a bad idea and they not rather follow their own successes with Batman or look at Spiderman, with those maybe actually interesting characters.
Dude, what are you talking about? The Suicide Squad >>> The Avengers; and any comicbook connoisseur would agree with this.
(Marvel and DC) Comics outside of (most of?) America are not really a thing, so I know only what movies have shown me. If this is true, not many beyond those connoiseurs would and can care. In theory Suicide Squad might be interesting, but the first movie missed most marks and imho the second one wasn't that super good either. It was fun, sure, but all the characters appeared to be obscure curiosities with maybe depth here and there, but shallow nevertheless. I did not love every MCU movie but overall they were great with that connecting Thanos arc, the new phase seem to be a big blunder so far but DC has really failed so far to establish anything that works as a League or Squad or whatever.
A proper Avengers game would interest me, a Justice League game probably too, a Suicide Squad game not so much, it requires at least more convincing it did not manage so far. Especially if characters I don't really know are supposed to be kind of regular people with maybe some inexplicable special ability but same as that Avenger game with some of its characters very human, would imho be better with something else than frantic action as the gameplay hook.
its not how it works. you might care about Batman, they don't anymore, it's that simple. And personally I'm glad we're getting something new instead of yet another rehash of the formula, especially after everybody utterly dunked on Arkham Knight for having "insufferable Batmobile presence, shittiest requirement for the true ending - nigma trophies - and bad everything else" for years. And now RS have to care about people's desires / feelings / wants ? the fuck you think you are

If not delivering a perfect game undermines a studio's efforts for years, then the fans can go fuck themselves and another studio can pick it up. You got Gotham Knights and Spiderman, be thankful. If anything Rocksteady should NEVER make another one.
the fuck I think I am? A paying consumer and their client lol

I was talking about the license holder (WB), not rocksteady. If rocksteady doesn't want to do a Batman game, then don't, they main point is how they fucking wasted a decade to produce a produce that looks absolutely generic/shitty and i'm willing to bet my left nut will flop at a level worse than the avengers. My point was about a license that is now stranded in WB's portfolio without any meaningful output for over a decade at least.

I never complained about Arkham Knight (played it on pc first and then platinum it on ps4), so I'm not in line with that criticism, the game still sold quite well apparently to have them coast for another decade on this latest piece of shit GaaS.

You saying another studio can pick it up...

Confused High Quality GIF

Gotham Knights was shit again because it's another GaaS, always online, terrible performance/graphics and had NO BATMAN!!!! It is looking much better in comparison with the suicide squad though I'll admit that.

Btw what does Spiderman have to do with Batman, are you trolling at this point?


the fuck I think I am? A paying consumer and their client lol

I was talking about the license holder (WB), not rocksteady. If rocksteady doesn't want to do a Batman game, then don't, they main point is how they fucking wasted a decade to produce a produce that looks absolutely generic/shitty and i'm willing to bet my left nut will flop at a level worse than the avengers. My point was about a license that is now stranded in WB's portfolio without any meaningful output for over a decade at least.

I never complained about Arkham Knight (played it on pc first and then platinum it on ps4), so I'm not in line with that criticism, the game still sold quite well apparently to have them coast for another decade on this latest piece of shit GaaS.

You saying another studio can pick it up...

Confused High Quality GIF

Gotham Knights was shit again because it's another GaaS, always online, terrible performance/graphics and had NO BATMAN!!!! It is looking much better in comparison with the suicide squad though I'll admit that.

Btw what does Spiderman have to do with Batman, are you trolling at this point?

You can be a paying consumer and a client, but you gotta know what you pay for. You paid for previous outings and thats not what the studio decided to do moving forward.

Its not loyal or supportive if you only endorse something you want (im not targetting you specifically, its a general statement).

Now for Gotham Knights and Spiderman, I don't think its that hard to look at the correlation. Especially when Spiderman is an Arkham Copy paste in just about everything structure and gameplay wise. Rocksteady entirely changed the face of AAA third person open world's combat with their free flow system, so much so that Ubisoft and other companies borrowed the mechanics (same camera style, same press a button to parry when you see the indicator, different types of enemies needing specific actions or sequences in order to counter them, etc) and made out like bandits, Spiderman alone sold more than Arkham trilogy combined

RS decided to further their Arkham Universe (not the fans's) without putting Batman as the focus, good on them. Fans bitching about it are just beyond pathetic at this point
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An open-world TMNT game in the style of Arkham City would have been great! Unfortunately, Paramount owns the rights to TMNT, so that might not have ever have been a possibility.

The movie rights or the gaming rights?

Those two things are very distinct.

There have been recent re-releases of the old TMNT arcade games, and I'm pretty sure Paramount was not involved.
It's easy for hyperbole to exist when folks can just toss out comments like this with absolutely zero to back it up.

Uh huh.
Big yikes for you here ANDS. I know its easier to try to have that witty quip than an actual retort but come on dude. That didn't refute a thing. Look up, or play Arkham knight, then compare to the latest gameplay trailer. AK arguably looks better.
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