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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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I feel like permissions and trust totally outweigh the lack of responsibility, though. High school was just a bunch of brooding over legal driving curfews and not going out whenever you wanted, and even if you did get to go out you couldn't really do anything (legally).

I definitely prefer "run down to Target 30 minutes before closing to pick up more Keurig filters even though courses start up the next day and cleaning this damn thing out is losing me like an hour of sleep" as opposed to, like, "YEAH BUT EVERYONE ELSE WILL BE THERE MOM"

Oh god yes, the freedom I felt when I started university was pretty overwhelming but so nice.
I feel like permissions and trust totally outweigh the lack of responsibility, though. High school was just a bunch of brooding over legal driving curfews and not going out whenever you wanted, and even if you did get to go out you couldn't really do anything (legally).

I definitely prefer "run down to Target 30 minutes before closing to pick up more Keurig filters even though courses start up the next day and cleaning this damn thing out is losing me like an hour of sleep" as opposed to, like, "YEAH BUT EVERYONE ELSE WILL BE THERE MOM"

High school social/leisure time for me basically consisted of getting high in someone's car and having pretentious conversations about how bohemian we were. In retrospect it was about as much fun as it is embarrassing to remember now. For whatever reason I tend to forget the lack of autonomy and how annoying that was, but I'd still never want to return to that time. Your understanding of the world as a teenager is basically that of an observer criticizing the world from the outside, because you aren't really a meaningful participant in anything, it's kind of pathetically idle, you're basically criticizing the world in theory from what you've pieced together from sugar packets.
High school was fucking miserable for me. I didn't have many friends, nor did I have much fun doing anything there.
College has been way way more fun for me. :)


What is that??
Might as well quote myself for the new page (and fuck things up for some poor mobile user)
Australian comedy, I made an OT for it a while back before season 3 premièred (also talked about it in this thread). It gets compared to Girls and Looking quite a bit, but I think that's a bit unfair to the show, essentially it's about a dude named Josh who realises he's gay after getting dumped by his girlfriend. Though that's probably a too simplistic way of describing it, it deals with topics like family and mental illness better than pretty much any other show out there and it still manages to stay funny and sweet.

Also sorry for shitty tumblr gifs but they were so darn accessible:


edit: so sorry for shitty gif bonanza:




Australian comedy, I made an OT for it a while back before season 3 premièred (also talked about it in this thread). It gets compared to Girls and Looking quite a bit, but I think that's a bit unfair to the show, essentially it's about a dude named Josh who realises he's gay after getting dumped by his girlfriend. Though that's probably a too simplistic way of describing it, it deals with topics like family and mental illness better than pretty much any other show out there and it still manages to stay funny and sweet.

It looks quite funny! I'm going to suggest it to the bf. Although we're up to our eyeballs in Desperate Housewives at the moment, so it might have to wait.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
I'll second the recommendation of Please Like Me. I believe I watched the first two seasons and really liked it. It has a distinct style (I haven't seen Girls/Looking, so maybe it's similar), so if you like that, it'll work.
Ooh what is Please Like Me? I'm always excited for new TV series suggestions... especially if they're LGBT themed.

Again, it was fine for me. However if most people are of this opinion then it seems pretty clear why it was canned. Personally I think maybe it just needed some time to hit its stride.
I can agree with that. Show definitely had potential. I don't know why episodes were a half hour long. There were several episodes where I started to enjoy it, but then it hit the credits.


Studying this dermatology course is going to kill me, teacher seems to get evil pleasure from putting the most disgusting picture of dicks, asses and vaginas he can fight for every single thing. Even a class talking about skin cancer will have completely ravaged dick/tits/anuses pictures in it :/ I shouldn't have eaten before starting it >.> Very interesting class though, I might try to specialize in that if I can get good enough grade to get a shot at it.

It is rumored in my country that most dermatologists are gay. I might have to go the same route.

Also: Queer as Folk >>>>>>>> Loooking
Michael is the most adorable character I've ever seen on a tv show :3
Well ladies and gentlemen and everyone inbetween, I'm on my way to face my first "real" date after my break up. I'm freaking out inside but I'll be ok haha.


Well ladies and gentlemen and everyone inbetween, I'm on my way to face my first "real" date after my break up. I'm freaking out inside but I'll be ok haha.
Just have fun. No expectations. Two people enjoying each other's company and uh, enjoying this misty weather?

Be careful, though. We're projected to get 5-10 inches of snow today.


irresponsible vagina leak
Just have fun. No expectations. Two people enjoying each other's company and uh, enjoying this misty weather?

Be careful, though. We're projected to get 5-10 inches of snow today.

I prefer about 6-8 tbh. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Hunky Nostradamus
I just use those generic alcohol-fee ones. It tends to help if you catch it early. I gargle and sing scales just so I know I've exposed every possible area that may be causing that sore-throat sensation. =)

Oh, so just regular mouthwash then? No super healthy homemade concoctions? :p

I have stuffy nose and itchy eyes. I think its allergies. This is on top of my back whjch I hurt last week at the gym. It must be a slipped disk. I had to get it xrayed but probably will need an mri to be sure. It sucks. :(

*empathizing hard rn*

I want him to see me as his date, not his bro.


I wonder if that Looking movie is still getting made. It's been close to a year since the show wrapped/got canceled.

Yes, I believe they've already filmed it. It should air in the next few weeks/months.


Oh, so just regular mouthwash then? No super healthy homemade concoctions? :p

No, not really. Nothing homeopathic or mystical. Just plain old mouthwash. You could do antiseptic or antibacterial, I suppose. I generally just go for the alcohol-free since antiseptic tends to contain alcohol. Not sure if alcohol-free ones can be antiseptic though I should probably check if the one I have at home claims that property.


Hunky Nostradamus
No, not really. Nothing homeopathic or mystical. Just plain old mouthwash. You could do antiseptic or antibacterial, I suppose. I generally just go for the alcohol-free since antiseptic tends to contain alcohol. Not sure if alcohol-free ones can be antiseptic though I should probably check if the one I have at home claims that property.

I use alcohol free mouthwash too because my dental hygienist told me alcohol based mouthwashes can cause mouth/throat cancer D:

Here is some Josh Thomas talking male suicide and stuff: https://youtu.be/zZuL_2hUaoI

thx for posting


As long as you don't abuse mouth wash, you'll be fine. Outside of cancer you can get some pretty ugly fungal infections if you overuse them though.

Antibacterial mouthwash for a sore throat would be useless most of the time though, most sore throat aren't caused by bacteria.
My crush cancelled at the last minute. He didn't really say why, he just asked me if we could do something tomorrow morning instead and I told him it was ok. He also apologised.



I use alcohol free mouthwash too because my dental hygienist told me alcohol based mouthwashes can cause mouth/throat cancer D:
That's why I don't use alcohol too, because of those same concerns.

As long as you don't abuse mouth wash, you'll be fine. Outside of cancer you can get some pretty ugly fungal infections if you overuse them though.

Antibacterial mouthwash for a sore throat would be useless most of the time though, most sore throat aren't caused by bacteria.

My sample size is n of 1, though. So take that was you will, Ratsky :)
The date went. Well it went. I'm not sure where I stand with her at all, it was flirty and nice and since she works for the airlines she said we should travel everywhere together. No physical contact though. Yet she was like "we need to go out more". No idea lol

On an aside. Maru is freaking expensive lol
My crush cancelled at the last minute. He didn't really say why, he just asked me if we could do something tomorrow morning instead and I told him it was ok. He also apologised.

I'm sorry.
hi fellow asexuals and other fellow freaks of nature
Hello. Aces have the best word. :)
The date went. Well it went. I'm not sure where I stand with her at all, it was flirty and nice and since she works for the airlines she said we should travel everywhere together. No physical contact though. Yet she was like "we need to go out more". No idea lol
This sounds like it is good.


irresponsible vagina leak
Like we both literally just got out of relationships so I'm not really super looking for anything but I've always had a thing for this girl so trying to take it slow and chill

Well if she wants to go out more with you it seems like a good sign. Also remember contanct sometimes is fast and sometimes it takes time and since both of you are out of relationships recently it might be a bit awkward to deal with the dating stuff for a bit. It should be alright. Continue to have fun and see how things continue to develop.


Australian comedy, I made an OT for it a while back before season 3 premièred (also talked about it in this thread). It gets compared to Girls and Looking quite a bit, but I think that's a bit unfair to the show, essentially it's about a dude named Josh who realises he's gay after getting dumped by his girlfriend. Though that's probably a too simplistic way of describing it, it deals with topics like family and mental illness better than pretty much any other show out there and it still manages to stay funny and sweet.

Also sorry for shitty tumblr gifs but they were so darn accessible:


edit: so sorry for shitty gif bonanza:




I think I'm going to have to check this out.

Your flapping vagina cross has shaken this gay atheist to his core.


I've heard some good things. People say good things about Hugh Jackman's accent I think.

Though he's similar to most other Australian actors with mainstream recognition in that the roles which he's best known for all involve suppressing that accent. And even if people don't mind his voice specifically, having to sit through an entire cast with Australian accents will necessarily be a very different experience, especially for the duration of an entire series.

I'm reminded of all those Twitter rants about how social equality is a cover for enforcing "homosexual supremacy"...

but how does one cuddle and date and have sex through the interwebs

VR, with a dismembered mannequin peripheral?
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