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Kinda of a Continuation of my last post

I just feel like a loser sometimes even though i know im not. Like i feel like im wasting my whole year, like i haven't gotten my license and im already almost 17, i havent done anything outside of school or any school groups. Like I dont really do anything, i get devu ju because basically basically my schedule for the weekdays is 1)wake up 2) go to school 3) come home do homework 4) sleep. Then i dont really do that much on the weekend, which im fine with. But i just have they sense of regret and kinda sense that im doing everything I need to be doing.
Like i know i should do more stuff, but i just hate doing that stuff. Like all the clubs snd stuff would just be awkward and not that much fun for me. Then my parents get on my ass about not doing anything, and i always just say i will look into it and never do anything. I just wish i could be better at forcing my self to do things but Im terrible at it. I just sometimes get this feeling like i should be doing so much more, and i know i should but i just don't change it. I feel like if I dont change things now that my going to fuck up the rest of my life and just make it harder for me later, like i will say" im going to go do blank" then when comes time to do that thing i back out.

I hate how stressful highschool, basically if i fuck up now the rest of my life is going to be worse. I have already seen my brother go through the whole going to college and it wasnt fun so Im dreading that.

Sorry for the long just needed to write this out.
Tldr: i feel like im wasting this year because im not doing anything outside of school. And i know i need to fix it but I have yet to do anything about it.
I was somewhat like you in high school. I did mostly nothing in high school (although I was 'technically' a member of some clubs which made my college applications look better despite me not actually doing anything). I think honestly that you might be beating yourself up a little too much. Not everyone is super extroverted or wants to be involved in a ton of stuff and thats totally fine.

I will say that its important to think about why you don't want to do stuff. I've always had this unfortunate combo of being introverted as well as having a high amount of social anxiety. While the former is a totally fine thing I've also used that as an excuse to foster the latter and that made my college experience miserable at times. I don't know if its the same for you. Its important to find your niche and sometimes that means putting yourself somewhere you initially feel awkward or uncomfortable, but it gets better.

Also, you're in high school dude. It's okay. These issues you're having aren't going to be having as much of an impact as you think right now, trust.
Welcome back
First ask why you aren't doing the things you want to do. Is it something like depression, or do you just genuinely not want to? If you genuinely aren't interested in doing those things, then don't bother forcing yourself.

As for college, I hate it and miss high school, but mainly I just hate being an "adult." What kind of college are you looking to attend? What's your GPA like?
I do things that i like too, but i know that i need to join clubs and stuff so i can put it on my resume because just saying i did nothing my whole 10th grade year will not look good. I way rather be in college than highschool so much more freedom but the trade off is that there is more responsibilities. Which i would be totally fine to trade those.
My GPA is around 93, with almost all advance courses. I would like to get into a good school thats good for computer science and math.

i just got my license last august and i'm 24

don't worry about it man, you're still a kid. do your work, and do shit you enjoy when you've got the time. homework is a drain on that time for sure, but you have a lot of time left ahead of you to fuck around and do whatever.
Yeah I just feel like i need to do something.
Im really looking forward to next year. My classes will be fun and im going to help make a club and then make my own club. My and friend wants to make a rhythm game club so i will help him with that. And the club i want to make is just one where you talk about music and what you have been listening to recently.


Since it's scientifically proved that I suck at selfies (1 out of 100 tries can be described as passable, the rest... meh) this photo from my vacations last year has to do:

Kinda of a Continuation of my last post


Sorry for the long just needed to write this out.
Tldr: i feel like im wasting this year because im not doing anything outside of school. And i know i need to fix it but I have yet to do anything about it.

Heh, you're 17, you still have plenty of time to find that something that will make you tick. You just have to look around, try new things from time to time (even if you think you might not like them - seriously, 6 years ago I would make fun of anyone who would dare to suggest I would spent my free time running or visiting gym).

And don't feel bad about spending weekends at home, not doing clubs and stuff. If you don't enjoy it, you simply don't. No need to force oneself to do something unfunny just because the society tells you you should.

My GPA is around 93, with almost all advance courses. I would like to get into a good school thats good for computer science and math.

Since you want to get into computer science, if you want to spend some time productively, try programming. It's fun (I remember how proud I was of myself when I wrote my first simple calculator in Pascal :D), it's varied, there are plenty of tutorials/courses online and nowadays you can do really great stuff without much effort.


Yeah I just feel like i need to do something.
Im really looking forward to next year. My classes will be fun and im going to help make a club and then make my own club. My and friend wants to make a rhythm game club so i will help him with that. And the club i want to make is just one where you talk about music and what you have been listening to recently.

Junior year of high school I started a club where every Friday I'd bring my Wii and a bunch of us would just spend 2-3 hours playing Smash Bros. after school. Sometimes I'd bring Rock Band :D Your club sounds like a great idea, you should do it!
10. Completely hate it. It's just random noises which I hate.

Anyway, I have pics for you, CB. Are you excited? 🍆

I mean I suppose. Can you do a favor and hold a postcard or piece of paper with the date or "NEOGAF" or something written on it?

I half expect you to catfish everyone.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
I weighed myself today and apparently I'm about 10 pounds lighter than I thought I was? It's weird because I don't know where the weight went. Oh well.

What I really wanted to post about:

For anyone who is a gay or bi male and young and/or a sexual novice, Calum McSwiggan is a gay YouTuber from the UK who has recently been putting out some gay sex ed videos called "Gay Sex 101." He just finished his first six-video series, which is fairly straightforward and foundational in its coverage. I will link to his channel and list out the video topics in spoiler tags.

Video 1: The History of Gay Sex
Video 2: What is Gay Sex?
Video 3: Multiple Orgasms
Video 4: Top or Bottom?
Video 5: Penis Size
Video 6: Painless Anal Sex

Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/user/eatgaylove/videos

As you can see from that list, there is a slight focus on
anal sex
in the latter part of the video series. However, the videos aren't entirely limited by that, and he is making these videos as someone who now identifies as
a side.

I found these videos educational, even if it wasn't always relevant to me, so I would recommend them to others who think they might feel the same.

It sounds like he'll make more videos in the future, so it is likely a broader number of topics will be eventually covered. The six that have currently been completed are part of a larger plan to continue releasing six-video sets. I am hopeful he'll talk more about safety and other forms of sexual activity in future videos to increase their utility for people.

It's videos like these that I wish I had known about when I was younger, so I figured I'd share them here so they might potentially benefit some posters and lurkers. There are probably better videos on YouTube, but these are the ones I've seen.

Side note: I apologize for my sporadic spoilering and linking in this post. I'm really unsure of what's allowed under NeoGAF's TOS regarding sex stuff, and despite these videos being entirely educational and non-erotic, I didn't know if it was okay to post. If it is okay, I can go back to my original plan and link the individual videos here for ease of access. If this isn't okay, someone let me know and I can edit what's needed.
I mean I suppose. Can you do a favor and hold a postcard or piece of paper with the date or "NEOGAF" or something written on it?

I half expect you to catfish everyone.
I already took the pics, though! You can tell it's a dorm room in the background, but I have an idea... Read below
Lol. Should make him draw someting obscure
Since I was gonna draw a heart around one of my perfectly sized nipples for you, DP, you and CB can compare the sets of photos and the backgrounds and stuff to see that they're real. Problem solved. DP will also receive a special video.
Or am I? ;-)
I already took the pics, though! You can tell it's a dorm room in the background, but I have an idea... Read below

Since I was gonna draw a heart around one of my perfectly sized nipples for you, DP, you and CB can compare the sets of photos and the backgrounds and stuff to see that they're real. Problem solved. DP will also receive a special video.
Or am I? ;-)
All this chatter and no inboxing. (Disgust)


Aw thanks! Tbh everyone in this thread floors me. I can't help but wonder if we're all just secretly catfishing one another.

Ignore bed-hair and sleepy post-nap eyes

You remind me of someone I once saw on TV... 🤔

Still, very handsome mister! 😍


irresponsible vagina leak
I think I have some kind of gaming nostalgia adhd. I hardly play new games anymore, I just flit from game to game that my brain tells me I need to relive. At the moment all I want to do is play P4A, Okami and FF12 :O
Recent games I play are mostly fighting games. Otherwise you'll see me playing gamecube games on Dolphin Emulator or plugging in the older consoles. The new games lack content compared to older games and certainly lack in art style since everything is trying to be either realistic or generic anime.
Recent games I play are mostly fighting games. Otherwise you'll see me playing gamecube games on Dolphin Emulator or plugging in the older consoles. The new games lack content compared to older games and certainly lack in art style since everything is trying to be either realistic or generic anime.

I think also for me the wildly popular recent games just aren't my thing. Everybody lost their shit over Dragon Age: Inquisition and the Witcher 3.

Despite adoring the Mass Effect series with every particle of my soul
I just couldn't get into DA:I. I know I won't like Witcher 3 for the same reasons.


irresponsible vagina leak
I think also for me the wildly popular recent games just aren't my thing. Everybody lost their shit over Dragon Age: Inquisition and the Witcher 3.

Despite adoring the Mass Effect series with every particle of my soul
I just couldn't get into DA:I. I know I won't like Witcher 3 for the same reasons.

IMO The Witcher 3 at the moment is that game that made open world right. The sidequest have a story to them so it doesnt feel like a simple fetch quest or kill certain enemy quest despite being exactly that just because there is a good narrative there. The world in TW3 feels like a proper balance between battle and exploration.

Dragon Age: Inquisition on the other hand feels like an offline MMO which makes it kinda boring as the world feels massive and empty at the same time, the sidequests are crap and narrative it does nothing special. It's certainly better than DA2 but that isnt hard to achieve tbh.

Im not that huge of a open world fan cause in a way I like the old school design more. I may get used to it but at the moment I can tell that even The Witcher 3 which is a good open world it cant keep my attention as well as something in a smaller scale.

Also the hype culture these days ruin a lot of things. Lately most of the times I enter the gaming side I look at the main post in some cases to not deal with the fan base crap that is going on lately. MGS, Dark Souls and Final Fantasy fans have ruined a lot for me lately with their behavior so Im mostly trying to not read too much into things to ruin my interest in some games.
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