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Madden '17 PS4 Online league interest thread: Tyronne McKay Memorial edition


Basically the exact same thoughts as me. I add my complaint for the lack of full ship control. I like having to be more of a pilot like in Elite Dangerous.
I remember your thing against the game was the lack of a focus on what you're supposed to do - but that's kind of why I liked the idea of the game to start with.
Probably double dipping on PC as well.

Things they need to add:

Waypoint system- This is a big one. Launch day I went into a cave and was lost for close to a hour. If you see some good shit but want to come back to it, you might be screwed unless you remember the EXACT location. This extends to the galaxy map too.

Traversal- Desperately need a buggy or something on surface of planets. Don't know what they were thinking. Right now the melee jump glitch let's you get around a ton faster, but that shouldn't be necessary.

Inventory- why can't i stack identical items in inventory? Makes no sense


Things they need to add:

Waypoint system- This is a big one. Launch day I went into a cave and was lost for close to a hour. If you see some good shit but want to come back to it, you might be screwed unless you remember the EXACT location. This extends to the galaxy map too.

Traversal- Desperately need a buggy or something on surface of planets. Don't j is what they were thinking. Right now the melee jump glitch let's younger around a ton faster, but that shouldn't be necessary.

Inventory- why can't i stack identical items in inventory? Makes no sense

Agree with all. That jump trick is a god damn life saver


I'd wait on PC version. I'm not super confident in it which is why I'm letting others jump in the fire first, but this

Performance is not great so far. Very stuttery.
Titan X OC
i7 3930k @ 4.7Ghz
16Gb RAM

Not good, and we have pretty much the same rig.




you know what game doesn't get old quick? Rocket League


Both good answers. It's kind of crazy how awesome it still feels to score a goal in Rocket League even after playing so long.


Going to stream some PC NMS once I change settings


Edit: wow, yea - some real bad frame drops.

Performance thread says have to restart for FOV change to work, and that by default it's capped at 30fps, hence the stuttering?


Both good answers. It's kind of crazy how awesome it still feels to score a goal in Rocket League even after playing so long.
I can't think of any other game I put more time into that frequently reminds me how much room there is for improvement

never really knew what was possible going into it, so I developed habits that became issues against better players

I've had to rework my approach to the game like 3 times now, and it feels like I'm at another wall


Performance thread says have to restart for FOV change to work, and that by default it's capped at 30fps, hence the stuttering?

Yeah, I restarted and changed my 60fps cap back down to 30, still had massive stutters. Literally had one that took it down to 2fps. Won't play PC version until a fix is out.


If only you put more time into dota
I was smart enough to recognize that early on and bail out - high skill ceiling games aren't good for me

Rocket League disguised itself as a stupid party game, and then it was too late


intangibles, motherfucker
I was smart enough to recognize that early on and bail out - high skill ceiling games aren't good for me

Rocket League disguised itself as a stupid party game, and then it was too late

I think your actual performance and how you think you were performing were two very different things. I think most of us were fairly impressed that you played decently with not alot of time under your belt.
I think your actual performance and how you think you were performing were two very different things. I think most of us were fairly impressed that you played decently with not alot of time under your belt.

This kinda reminds me of when Welli committed to being part of Dota squad (and actually did well) and then disappeared after 3 weeks.


For now, I'll keep NMS on my PC - but after a week if they don't patch it, I'll refund. It's really bad. PS4 version runs infinitely better.


I think your actual performance and how you think you were performing were two very different things. I think most of us were fairly impressed that you played decently with not alot of time under your belt.
I can't accept decent if I sink time into anything - it's just how I am

I usually distance myself or go all in, and learning a whole new roster just to get settled was probably the biggest hurdle I wasn't looking forward to

would've stuck it out if it was the LoL lineup and all I had to worry about were the differences in mechanics, but I think it was too much at once


I wonder what it would be like if I had to learn Dota today. In retrospect it was very helpful starting to play while Dota was still in the beta and there were 40-50 less heroes in the game than there are today.

It was helpful having a smaller initial hero pool to learn and then being able to learn an additional 1-2 at a time as they were periodically added.


Sounds like the PC version is coming in hot...if at all.

Mike Martin ‏@MathasGames
FOV sliders do very little, FPS dips wildly, textures struggling to load in, noticeable delay when clicking. @NoMansSky needs work still.


I wonder what it would be like if I had to learn Dota today. In retrospect it was very helpful starting to play while Dota was still in the beta and there were 40-50 less heroes in the game than there are today.

It was helpful having a smaller initial hero pool to learn and then being able to learn an additional 1-2 at a time as they were periodically added.
I played LoL for about a year, and it took at least half of that to become comfortable with what to look for... wasn't even 100 on the roster when I quit (2011-2012?)

I mean you play alot of madden...
I already said I wouldn't touch Madden if it wasn't for the people in this league - I'm talking things with high skill ceilings!

Madden being played at the highest level is using the same 4 plays that are hot routed to the same 2 plays, and putting your RB in at FB

Gregor has a. Pretty stacked team this year tho
my ego can't handle these expectations :(


I wonder what it would be like if I had to learn Dota today. In retrospect it was very helpful starting to play while Dota was still in the beta and there were 40-50 less heroes in the game than there are today.

It was helpful having a smaller initial hero pool to learn and then being able to learn an additional 1-2 at a time as they were periodically added.
I had to learn it back in WC3!


Loda's reaction was a good laugh.

I'm thankful for every game that Tobi doesn't cast. Somehow he became like 5x more annoying this TI. Didn't used to really bother me.


Not sure that I really understood any part of that EG draft. Felt like they were trying to outsmart Wings somehow but got away from their playstyle.


intangibles, motherfucker
Im assuming everyone got that email from sony with a code for a bunch of shit in some of their Free 2 Play games.

Time to become smite players, boyzzzzzzzz
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