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Magic: the Gathering - Oath o/t Gatewatch |OT| Look again, the mana is now diamonds!

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For five mana it should!

Summon the gideon t3, gideon t4!

Doing nothing on t3 except tapping out is not a great way to win in Standard these days. Your opponent is most likely going to be playing Mantis Rider or Anafenza or their third or fourth mono-red threat on t3. On t4 they'll be untapping and immediately killing the Gideon you just played because you won't have the board state or open mana to protect it.

I might play this card in the mardu control/midrange deck I have brewing in my head but I don't expect it to be very good.


Mono Red (+Mother of Runes?) ftw. I feel like I got really lucky and had more openings that went T1 Jackal Pup/Rakdos Cackler, T2 Eidolon/Chainwalker, and T3 Sulfuric Vortex/Chandra's Phoenix than I probably deserved, but it was my first attempt, so I'm pretty happy with a 3-0.
That lightning greaves makes me want to throw up.

Needle Spires
Needle spires enters the battlefield tapped
(T): Add (R) or (W) to your pool
2(R)(W): Until of turn, Needle Spires becomes a 2/1 white and red elemental with double strike. It's still a land.

~ Redeemer
Creature - Eldrazi
Devoid, Flash
When you cast ~ Redeemer, you may pay C. If you do, put a 1/1 colorless Eldrazi Scion creature token onto the battlefield for each nontoken creature that died under your control this turn. They have "Sacrifice this creature: Add C to your mana pool".

Not excited about either of these.


Eye of Ugin is moving up. Unlike my other rec's, this is a "buy your playset now (3x) or else" call. Eldrazi Temple probably in the same boat as well to a lesser degree (given the uncommon reprints.)


Pretty sure I have a couple in boxes at home but I picked three more. Why is it in the "or else" category? Just because the odds of a reprint are super low now that we're leaving the plane this card is from and because they likely won't reprint the 3 titans in MM2017? Actually, that reasoning makes sense haha


Pretty sure I have a couple in boxes at home but I picked three more. Why is it in the "or else" category? Just because the odds of a reprint are super low now that we're leaving the plane this card is from and because they likely won't reprint the 3 titans in MM2017? Actually, that reasoning makes sense haha
It's going to jump, it's in the process of doing so as EBay is sold out - this is a now or never type deal.


It's going to jump, it's in the process of doing so as EBay is sold out - this is a now or never type deal.

Oh, I don't mean to disagree, I'm just wondering about the "why". First place I checked was eBay and I moved onto other pastures once I saw that there was nothing there for me. Crazy that this is happening.


Oh, I don't mean to disagree, I'm just wondering about the "why". First place I checked was eBay and I moved onto other pastures once I saw that there was nothing there for me. Crazy that this is happening.
B(/x) Eldrazi is a real deck in Modern now.


So someone gifted me a booster box of khans and I just opened it all at once. That felt really good.

edit: looked online and it seems i was really unlucky opening only one fetch land :(


The UW and RB ones will be so great for Limited. Just give me a bunch of Nettle Drones and Flayer Drones and I'll be so happy.


Flayer Drone is easily my favorite, but I love aggro so clear bias here. 3 power with first strike for 3 mana is already early pick material. Add some cheap colorless dudes and you've got some real value on your hands.

Mindmelter isn't bad either, just because it can't be blocked. Its activated ability might as well not matter as far as I'm concerned. It's just 3 mana for 2 damage every turn until the enemy kills it. I'll gladly take that early in draft.


Mindmelter (sweet name, also) not tapping for the activated ability is pretty great. Don't even need to stop the beat down while you're eating their hand.


Linvala, the limited bomb

Linvala, the constructed unplayable

Linvala, the "I mean, I guess I could use this in commander" angel


Those limited uncommons are spicy. Some of the most interesting cards they've spoiled so far. I'm curious what's going on with the multicolor cards in this set though. At first I thought we were getting a cycle of each color-pair for a legend but that clearly isn't the case. So an enemy-color cycle of legends plus a few extras (see that RG legend)?

BTW, LSV just spoiled this card:


Worse than classic Linvala in constructed but probably better in Cube.

For Support to be good there must be a few common token generators we haven't seen yet

Did you forget all the Scion makers in Green in BfZ? Granted limited will be more biased towards the second set than normal but I'm not expecting the Scion train to stop in Gatewatch.


Yeah that is physically painful to read/say out loud :(

Who thought that was a great idea?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Why does Linvala have a weird Timely Reinforcements attached and is there some kind of rule that Angels have wonky fucking anatomy?

Linvala is better than you are giving her credit for, though. She does a decent job of giving you a board when you're losing, but I don't think she will see much play at 6 CMC.


Eye of Ugin is moving up. Unlike my other rec's, this is a "buy your playset now (3x) or else" call. Eldrazi Temple probably in the same boat as well to a lesser degree (given the uncommon reprints.)

Eldrazi Temple is in the Zendikar vs Eldrazi Duel Deck in addition to the MM2015 printing so the recent supply bumps will keep the growth there pretty moderate.

It's going to jump, it's in the process of doing so as EBay is sold out - this is a now or never type deal.

It's late to be going all in. The spike already took place and at this point you're just buying into the hype and the inflated prices it creates. If someone absolutely has to get into the deck now because that's the deck they want to play, sure buy in. If you're willing to wait, I think we'll see TCG prices stabilize over the next month prior to the Oath Pro Tour. The only way it goes significantly higher from here is if the B/x Eldrazi decks start putting up some major results. If the deck(s) look solid enough I'd say your deadline to buy in would be two weeks prior to the Pro Tour. That said, it's still only played in volume in one archetype so I don't see it going significantly higher in the short term. I can't imagine it's able to hold a price comparable with something like Spellskite or even Fulminator Mage and they're both around the same levels of supply.

In other MTG Finance/Supply news, Gaddock Teeg is now sitting at $60 on TCGPlayer because supply has continued to dry up over the past few weeks. Hope everyone that wanted their sideboard copies got some earlier when you were alerted to the dwindling supply.


The deck is legit and plays 2-3x Eye of Ugin. That's why the buy-in is important, even now, the 2 printings are WWK and MM15. Both of them are sets with supply constraints.


The GW mana sink should have been a 3/3. No reason it's not.

New Linvala sucks eggs.

Is selling Teeg into the spike worthwhile? Or is it only going up from here?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I still think Ugin is evil. All of these Ugin lands only help you cast more Eldrazi, not less.

Teeg is a weird spike. What's he even in?


I still think Ugin is evil. All of these Ugin lands only help you cast more Eldrazi, not less.

Teeg is a weird spike. What's he even in?
Teeg's just old and hasn't gotten a reprint. He's only ever really a 2x in a deck- nothing specific is really pushing on him,.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I sold my Twin deck and started playing Modern Abzan and I've never even considered to play Gaddock Teeg over say, Voice of Resurgence.

In fact, the last time I had an inkling to put him in even a sideboard was when Pod was legal.

I don't really know what he's particularly good against. Tron is just gonna ignore him until they Pyro or Kozilek's Return and he dies to Bolt against everything else.
Doing some analysis of my mana base before the GP:

14 fetches-
  • 2 Evolving Wilds + 4 Polluted Delta (4 fetchable colors)
  • 4 Bloodstained Mire + 4 Flooded Strand (3 fetchable colors)

10 fetchable lands-
  • 2 of each relevant Santa Land (6 total)
  • 1 of each relevant basic (4 total)

2 Utility Lands
  • 2 Shambling Vent (BW)

So I've got a 26 land 4-color control deck with only 4 lands that need to come into play tapped. Compared to say RTR-THS Esper Control being 27 lands, only 3 colors and a whopping 12 tapped lands, the mana is pretty good right now.

The mana sources come out like this:

  • 21 Black
  • 19 Blue
  • 15 White
  • 13 Red

Again, pretty high numbers for a 4-color deck. Still, looking at the way the mana is spread out vs the types of spells in my deck, there's a surplus of UB mana and I'm slightly tight on red. Thus, it would make a lot of sense to replace a Sunken Hollow with a basic Mountain. Then the mana winds up like this:

  • 20 Black
  • 18 Blue
  • 15 White
  • 14 Red

Which is almost perfect for the types of spells I want to cast. It lets me cast Dig Through Time and Infinite Obliteration relatively easily and on time while still being able to fire off Fiery Impulse. In fact, outside of turn one Impulse specifically, it basically would be perfect numbers.

The problem is that removing a Sunken Hollow makes Bloodstained Mire much weaker in the long game once its ability to fetch blue disappears. As a relatively slow control deck that wants to regularly hit the 6th land and beyond, this is a relevant consideration. I'm not interested in going to 27 lands at this point. I'm also certainly not willing to add a third Evolving Wilds or Trilands and increase the number of taplands while putting extra strain on my fetchable lands.

It may be that more consistent early red mana is worth the occasional awkward draw in the mid-game. Especially with Painful Truths in the deck, there's ways of finding the second blue for Dig Through Time or a spell with negate backup.

Any opinions?

Oh, another one:

Linvala, the worse version of herself.

This is a good card. I doubt it'll see much Standard play but I could see it in the sideboard of a UW control deck. The pseudo-Timely Reinforcements effect is really good.


Why does Linvala have a weird Timely Reinforcements attached and is there some kind of rule that Angels have wonky fucking anatomy?

Linvala is better than you are giving her credit for, though. She does a decent job of giving you a board when you're losing, but I don't think she will see much play at 6 CMC.
Maybe it's because I'm on mobile, but where are her legs? o_0
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