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Media Create Software Sales 19th-25th Dec

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
cordonbleu said:
Yes Nintendo has new ideas of new and simple ways to play, but the Gameboy has never been a difficult gaming device to grasp. There aren't many buttons to use, its already simple. Further, they have also stated that they have no intentions of abandoning the current profitable concepts within the gaming realm.

To you and me it isn't. Still doesn't add anything to the DS though, which already has those face buttons and the rest.

I never said it was the main selling point, that is your limited assumption.

Then what is the main selling point? The new games? That is not an advantage over the DS or Revolution. In fact it's a disadvantage as Nintendo would have to split their resources over 3 systems instead of 2.

Yes the Revolution will have it's virtual console, but id wager a guess that not all games will be available for purchase on it, and perhaps you will find that the systems will link and you will be able to play your downloads on the new GameBoy.

Wait...so on a virtual console system where the costs of distribution/manufacturing/manual and box printing/retailer take are basically eliminated or severely reduced, Nintendo aren't going to put all their games, BUT on a system where you have to pay for distribution, you have to pay for manufacturing, you have to print and make manuals and boxes AND the retailers take some of the cost of the sale and have to be convinced to even stock the product, there'll be more available?

I don't believe that on a small screen, the size of a PSP's that graphics matter, its definitely all gameplay. I don't think that Nintendo finds graphics to be the be all either.

Don't misunderstand me, I don't think Nintendo care about graphics, that's one of the very reasons I don't think a new Gameboy is coming. What I don't get is what a new Gameboy could bring to market aside from new graphics. If graphics don't matter, why is it being released?

Im completely serious, And I can see Nintendo pulling off a N64 Classics series on the Next Gameboy, and making millions, even with the Virtual console there, one does not necessarily count the other out, expand your mind a little dude.

Why can't they do this on the DS? Releasing a new handheld for something that can be done on the current handheld AND on their home console is just nonsense.

It's like saying the Virtual console will not work cause I can get those games for FREE emulated off the net, wake-up.

Erm...it's not like that at all. You can't compare Nintendo getting NO money from ROMS so creating a virtual console to Nintendo putting the same games out on two of their own systems at the same time where they'll get the money even if they put it on one of them instead (and lower costs of distributing both).

You are not understanding. The DS, it can be argued, is a completely different product to what GameBoy

The DS has added to the Gameboy, it's taken nothing away. While games like Nintendogs, Brain Training and Elektroplankton didn't come to the Gameboy at all, all the Gameboy hits are coming to the DS. Mario, Pokemon, Wario, Zelda, Starfi, Kirby, Advance Wars, Mario Kart, Metroid, Yoshi, Mario & Luigi, Castlevania, Sonic, Tony Hawk, Pac-Man, Bomberman, Spider-Man, Final Fantasy, Slime MoriMori, Boktai, Harvest moon, Dragon Quest Monsters...while you can say that the GBA doesn't have DS games, you can't say the DS doesn't have GBA games.

I doubt you will see many Under eight to twelve year old kids with a PSP, or many adults apart from avid gamers with a GBA.

But you're looking at this backwards! It doesn't matter if adults would play a Gameboy, they're playing the DS, what matters is if kids are also playing the DS. And clearly, they are!

Why? Because No right minded parent wound buy there child such an expensive piece of gaming equipment as the PSP, and as a parent, I know it isnt suitable, the games definitely are not aimed at them. So what caters for that market now?

The DS!

With the PSP, Sony is attempting to create a completely new market for Handheld consoles, and that is the Teen to adult market.

Exactly, which is why putting a Gameboy out there not targetting Sony's market but in fact Nintendo's own is not sensible.

With the DS, Nintendo is also attempting to engage new audiences whilst not turning off current handheld gamers.

Are you contradiciting yourself now? You just told me it can be argued the DS is a completely different product to the Gameboy.

A new Gameboy would be after the same market that Nintendo now caters to with the GBA, children and gamers.

The. DS. Does. This. It does other things too, but it does this. And it doesn't do other things at the expense of the children and gamers, I think for the first year the DS lineup has killed the GBA's over the same time.

Thats it, it's not about competing with the PSP. What out of Nintendos new philosophies makes you think that they will try to compete with the PSP?

Oh my god, you don't even know what I'm arguing anymore. I don't think they want to compete with the PSP, I've said this from the start. That's why I don't think a new GBA is coming. However, if they do bring out a new GBA, that's what they'll have to compete with or it's just going to be a DS without the different inputs!

The DS certainly is out there, as is the PSP. And I doubt that a new PSP is going to be out within the next five-seven years, how much better do you really believe the graphics could get on a Handheld? Next step logically for PSP is around PS2-PS3 graphics! Yeah right....

Errm...the PSP is around PS2 graphics right now. In fact I think for firstg en titles, the games look better than the PS2 first gen titles. Why exactly wouldn't Sony be able to put out close to PS3 graphics on a handheld towards the end of PS3's life when they can put out close to PS2 graphics on a handheld towards the end of PS2's life? "Yeah right" isn't a great argument against it.

The only reason to release a new GameBoy is not to compete with the PSP at all, thats really a blind view. The reason to release a new GameBoy is to cater to it's current market (which is not the PSP's or DS's)

Yes it is! It is, it is, it is! The DS does cover the GBA's market, it just covers more as well. That has always been Nintendo's argument and they've followed through on it.

and to continue it's Dominance. The next logical step for the graphics on a Nintendo Handheld is of course Gamecube graphics. But, given the 'New Nintendo Philosophies' that you talked about, that would be counter-productive and ultimatly too-costly.

*slams head into desk* So why do it at all?

Nintendo is never going to offer multimedia functions in their handheld consoles as a standard, it does not make sense for them as a GAMING company to offer alternatives for people to not buy their products for their systems. Therefore, the next Gameboy could NEVER logically compete with what the PSP offers, apart from games...

...which the DS is already beating it on, if you aren't going to compete graphically then what's the need of a new system for the games when the current one is kicking ass (and I mean a new parallel system, not a follow up like PS2 -> PS3)?

Of course there are more traditional games on DS as well, but the majority of these games are generally offered with a different control method.

But they're still traditional games. When a new control method is offered, it's better than the original way and no one would want to go back, OR the DS offers traditional controls anyway.

Nintendo would be smart, for the GameBoy demographics, to release a N64-Dreamcast powered handheld, one screen, that yes, has ports, but also has that power to fulfill a generation of handheld games, like the GBA did with SNES, that is the logical step, Discounting DS.

I assure you, the GBA demographic are well satisfied with the DS. It can do exactly the same as the old system, plays the same traditional games, but better.

What is it about the DS that makes it so BOLD that it could have been a complete Disaster??? Two Screens, a touch screen??? Its still just a gaming system.

That it's graphical increase was minimal when going up against the mighty PSP, that gamers might not give the new controls a chance as they see how pretty one lot of games look compared to the other and immediately go with the flashy one, that the PSP's multimedia functions woudl further entice people away.

Had it had the GAMEBOY name, it would have definitely been successful anyway, because it definitely WOULD have been the next Gameboy. And wouldnt have been competing with itself (GBA) as it would have been a figured replacement.

We all know the Saturn was successful with that great Sega name. Just because predecessors have done well, doesn't mean they always will.

As I said, the DS is targeted intentionally at a much broader and in some cases mature and different demographic then the GameBoy.

Yes, it absolutely is. But it it does it without hurting or taking away traditional games, keeping that demographic.

The GameBoy brand is known to be primarily targeted towards children. As the PLAYSTATION brand is KNOWN to be primarily targeted at Young adults and teenagers.

And the DS is known to be targetted primarily at...everyone (which, shockingly, includes children).

Look, we can go on quoting each other all night. To make it simpler, let's bring it down to the basic points:

You think a GBA2 with sub PSP, just above DS level graphics could compete with the PSP, I don't.

You think the DS isn't catering fully to GBA players, I think it's doing an even better job than the GBA for those games.

You think a system with N64 classic would do really well, I think you can sell those games just as well and better on what's already out there/already coming.

Let's put it this way, looking at your proposed new Gameboy:


- An N64 collection.
- Slightly better graphics than the DS.
- Traditional, normal controls.
- Possibly cheaper than the PSP?


- (Inevitably) costs more than the DS.
- The N64 collection could easily be done on the DS and will be done on the Revolution for cheaper (to the developers).
- Worst graphics than the PSP 2-3 years after that system launched.
- The DS and PSP both already have traditional, normal controls.
- The DS caters to all audiences.
- The GBA audience in particular, which the Gameboy would take on, is more than catered for by the DS.
- Developers resources are split even further, hurting all the systems.
- None of the multimedia functions of the PSP.

Given that it wins out on NOTHING when compared to other systems on the market....ermm...what's the point?


I would bang a hot farmer!
Mama Smurf said:
Errm...the PSP is around PS2 graphics right now. In fact I think for firstg en titles, the games look better than the PS2 first gen titles. Why exactly wouldn't Sony be able to put out close to PS3 graphics on a handheld towards the end of PS3's life when they can put out close to PS2 graphics on a handheld towards the end of PS2's life? "Yeah right" isn't a great argument against it.
The first things that came to mind were the Cell and the graphics chip that the PS3 will be using. If Sony can shrink those down to make them portable friendly while keeping costs down then I could see that happening. This is the genius of Nintendo keeping handhelds 1.5-2 generations behind consoles, it makes the hardware so cheap to make that it's hard not to make money off of it.

I agree with the rest of what you said which is why I could see Nintendo keeping the GBA (specifically the GBM) around for a long while until it's time to upgrade the DS and merge the names of the two lines.


Sucks at viral marketing
I can see Nintendo renaming the DS to the "Gameboy DS" when the redesign is launched. Drop the price of the current model below $100 and rename it to the "Nintendo Gameboy DS," then release the redign as the "Nintendo DS+ " (or something) without GBA BC, but with enhanced features to interact with the Revolution, NWFC, and the Virtual Console.
cordonbleu said:
Well, i guess you are right.

Nintendo will DEFINITELY match or better the PSP's power with the next Gameboy, just like they are matching the power of the PS3 with the Revolution...
asdfkljfkl;jdsa. In the case of the Revolution, we have a cheaper/different console not matching up to all the tech specs of something coming out at about the same time. The DS is that to the PSP. Something coming 3-5 years down the road is something entirely else.


cordonbleu said:
Well, i guess you are right.

Nintendo will DEFINITELY match or better the PSP's power with the next Gameboy, just like they are matching the power of the PS3 with the Revolution...

@_@ It isnt that simple. IF Nintendo sells something that costs the same price as the psp in 2 years time, eg at $150, then i am sure it will be similarly powerful. Not saying it will be more powerful though because it is very unlikely.

PS THE GCN is only just as powerful as the ps2. *runs*


Monk said:
@_@ It isnt that simple. IF Nintendo sells something that costs the same price as the psp in 2 years time, eg at $150, then i am sure it will be similarly powerful. Not saying it will be more powerful though because it is very unlikely.
I dont think Nintendo will change their habit to sell their handhelds at a <$150 pricetag (including profit) and with a very good battery life. And in 1 or 2 years it wont be possible to build something more powerful than the PSP with those limitations.

Marc^o^ said:
I have a question for you: how do you picture the PSP2? When would it launch and with what specs? To improve on its predecessor it would need to provide graphics close to the PS3 (PSP owners wouldn't see any reason to rebuy a new product with mere PS2 turbo graphics). And PS3 graphics on a handheld are not likely to happen for years and years (and years) to come. On the other hand, I'm pretty confident Nintendo will release a GBA2 in 2 years from now, which will seriously hurt PSP sales.
If I were Sony I would give the PSP another 5 years, maybe launch alongside PS4 in 2011 or so. As stated above the GBA2 wont be much more powerful (I hope for a GOD based system that plays GC games, but Nintendo might not go for a disc based system). In 2010 or 2011 Sony might then release a PS3 level system, yes. But with 720p LCDs unlikely it doesnt need the fillrate and some missing polygons/lower res textures wont hurt it.
Marc^o^ said:
30 million PSP units sold will not happen
I think there is misconception about how good the PSP sells. I think they are already close to 15 million with the PSP out less than a year in most regions. I see the PSP at 50 million at least if they dont cut its lifetime to early with the 30 million probably reached next fiscal year (til 03/31/2007). It might not be the walkman of the new millenium, but it still does more than the new video ipod at the same price (OK, without a HDD of course). And if I were Sony I would do a harddisk version to compete with the video ipod (add a HDD, video out and a better battery to a standard pack and the perfect game/videoplayer should be possible at a $299 pricetag).


quetz67 said:
I think there is misconception about how good the PSP sells.
Yeah - and you are the one with the misconception. I'm guessing that you haven't paid much attention to the millions of sales threads around here. The PSP won't even reach 10 million sold-through worldwide by the end of this year - and quite likely not even 9 million. I have no idea where you pulled the 15 million number from. The PSP may very well go on to post some very healthy lifetime numbers - but at the moment it is nowhere near as successful as you seem to believe.


Anything new on the first day ML2, BT2, DOA, Super Robot Taisen MX Portable, Front Mission 5 and the consequent X360/DS/PSP/PS2 sales? All the usual sources are unusually quiet.


Dalthien said:
Yeah - and you are the one with the misconception. I'm guessing that you haven't paid much attention to the millions of sales threads around here. The PSP won't even reach 10 million by the end of this year - and quite likely not even 9 million. I have no idea where you pulled the 15 million number from.

10m is a possiblity - 15m is a science fiction. I like the rest of his argument, though.


The Autumn Wind
quetz67 said:
I think there is misconception about how good the PSP sells. I think they are already close to 15 million with the PSP out less than a year in most regions. I see the PSP at 50 million at least if they dont cut its lifetime to early with the 30 million probably reached next fiscal year (til 03/31/2007). It might not be the walkman of the new millenium, but it still does more than the new video ipod at the same price (OK, without a HDD of course). And if I were Sony I would do a harddisk version to compete with the video ipod (add a HDD, video out and a better battery to a standard pack and the perfect game/videoplayer should be possible at a $299 pricetag).
Are you telling me I wasted all that time reading through your ridiculously drawn out posts only to discover you have no idea of even the basic sales numbers in regards to what you're talking about?

You need to stop posting now, thanks.


Izzy said:
Anything new on the first day ML2, BT2, DOA, Super Robot Taisen MX Portable, Front Mission 5 and the consequent X360/DS/PSP/PS2 sales? All the usual sources are unusually quiet.
Yeah - I'd like to hear some news about these titles as well. And I'm quite curious to see just how much of a bump X360 got from DOA. Although I have a bad feeling that it wasn't much.


Dalthien said:
Yeah - I'd like to hear some news about these titles as well. And I'm quite curious to see just how much of a bump X360 got from DOA. Although I have a bad feeling that it wasn't much.

The 360 sales will double over last week. Double!


Dalthien said:
Yeah - and you are the one with the misconception. I'm guessing that you haven't paid much attention to the millions of sales threads around here. The PSP won't even reach 10 million sold-through worldwide by the end of this year - and quite likely not even 9 million. I have no idea where you pulled the 15 million number from. The PSP may very well go on to post some very healthy lifetime numbers - but at the moment it is nowhere near as successful as you seem to believe.
Sony is already above 10 million shipped for some time and we dont have any worldwide numbers for the holiday season (which is the first for PSP in the US and europe). Japan usually accounts for about 20% of the worldwide sales, that would be about 13 million worldwide, I expect Sony to announce 15 million shipped by the end of the (fiscal) year with a million or two less sold through. It sure isnt selling like hotcakes, but I dont see, why they shouldnt at least double that in another 4 or 5 years with pricedrops (and after all probably some more killer apps) still to come.
quetz67 said:
Sony is already above 10 million shipped

GAF has been over this countless times, but Sony-shipped figures include those PSPs currently just coming off the production line and those sitting in their warehouses. Their philosophy is; "if we build it, it's as good as sold".


marvelharvey said:
GAF has been over this countless times, but Sony-shipped figures include those PSPs currently just coming off the production line and those sitting in their warehouses. Their philosophy is; "if we build it, it's as good as sold".
No! Shipped numbers are what they shipped to retailers. And they better dont lie to their shareholders about that, because thats simply illegal. The only thing they can do is to include units ordered but then actually shipped a few day/weeks later.

I usually only talk shipped number because after all those are the only reliable ones. The discrepancy to the sold through numbers might be quite large (which is for all companies) but we only get more or less reliable sold through numbers for NA and Japan.
quetz67 said:
I think there is misconception about how good the PSP sells. I think they are already close to 15 million with the PSP out less than a year in most regions. I see the PSP at 50 million at least if they dont cut its lifetime to early with the 30 million probably reached next fiscal year (til 03/31/2007).

You are obviously talking about shipments... just btw. I seriously doubt that Sony will be able to produce about ~13.5 million units in the next fiscal year, unless they want to have millions over millions sitting in their warehouses.

No! Shipped numbers are what they shipped to retailers.

Sony itself sometimes calls it 'production shipments' (was that the expression?). It's not shipped to retailers, but most likely evers single unit they produced.

I usually only talk shipped number because after all those are the only reliable ones.

As long as your comparing Sony to either Microsoft or Nintendo the shipment don't tell you that much, as Microsoft and Nintendo only count the units if they have really been shipped to a retailer.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
quetz67 said:
No! Shipped numbers are what they shipped to retailers. And they better dont lie to their shareholders about that, because thats simply illegal. The only thing they can do is to include units ordered but then actually shipped a few day/weeks later.

I usually only talk shipped number because after all those are the only reliable ones. The discrepancy to the sold through numbers might be quite large (which is for all companies) but we only get more or less reliable sold through numbers for NA and Japan.
Someone pointed out in their financial report, that the shipped number comes from their production numbers. Meaning that Sony is using produced, rather than sold/shipped. It's right in their financials, so it's not a lie.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
PSP has lost a lot of its hype already, and just think of what will happen when x360, PS3 and Revolution are out with great games in few months from now: who will want to spend +$200 on a PSP whereas they could have a great next gen console instead? Considering this 2006 crowded market and the rise of the ipod video, how many PSP units can Sony expect to sell next year? 5 millions?


marc^o^ said:
PSP has lost a lot of its hype already, and just think of what will happen when x360, PS3 and Revolution are out with great games in few months from now: who will want to spend +$200 on a PSP whereas they could have a great next gen console instead? Considering this 2006 crowded market and the rise of the ipod video, how many PSP units can Sony expect to sell next year? 5 millions?

Are you willing to bet?


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Yeah could be fun :) I gave you my low hypothesis. I explained you why I think people will buy a PS3/x360/Revolution next year instead of a $200 PSP gaming machine, and my belief that the ipod will remain the undisputed king as walkman player.

What is your own hypothesis, on what numbers are you willing to bet?


If PSP sells 6m or less I'll buy the game of your choice.

If PSP sells >6m, .......

I'm off to watch Villa - Arse - deal? :)


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
marc^o^ said:
Yeah could be fun :) I gave you my low hypothesis. I explained you why I think people will buy a PS3/x360/Revolution next year instead of a $200 PSP gaming machine, and my belief that the ipod will remain the undisputed king as walkman player.

What is your own hypothesis, on what numbers are you willing to bet?

PSP -> PS3 connectivity. The PS3 will keep the PSP relevate.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
mckmas8808 said:
PSP -> PS3 connectivity. The PS3 will keep the PSP relevate.
Maybe so, we'll see, but not in 2006. People won't have enough money to buy a PS3 + games + 1 or 2 Blue Ray movies AND a PSP, in the same year.
I heard some comments of 1st day sales from a shop...so don't extrapolate...

Front Mission 5 - sold out
Brain Training 2 - very good
Mario & Luigi 2 - average
Dead of Alive 4 - bomba :/

I don't remember the rest now...


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Izzy said:
If PSP sells 6m or less I'll buy the game of your choice.

If PSP sells >6m, .......
We can't take this bet: we would keep arguing and arguing on the selling number (Shipped? Manufactured? Sold?) :D


pre-warning before sony fans wet themselves - there seems to be NO DS left in the whole of tokyo, so when the beat off fest happens this week when the PSP outsells the DS, i wouldn`t get that excited! Second Easter starts in January! ;)
DCharlie said:
pre-warning before sony fans wet themselves - there seems to be NO DS left in the whole of tokyo, so when the beat off fest happens this week when the PSP outsells the DS, i wouldn`t get that excited! Second Easter starts in January! ;)
But China is so close!!! They ship every week!!!



Iwata een bom zal droppen
Due to the lackluster sales of the DS in Japan, Nintendo have resorted to creating hype with false shortages!


PSP has lost a lot of its hype already, and just think of what will happen when x360, PS3 and Revolution are out with great games in few months from now: who will want to spend +$200 on a PSP whereas they could have a great next gen console instead? Considering this 2006 crowded market and the rise of the ipod video, how many PSP units can Sony expect to sell next year? 5 millions?
I think there is a misconception about iPod sales here. iPods sell fine, but not close to PS/PS2 or Gameboy sales #s.

PSP did quite fine compared to the iPod, only that iPod sales are still rising.

But for the iPod being the hype of the century and PSP NOT being the walkman of the new millenium the sales are quite close.
quetz67 said:
I think there is a misconception about iPod sales here. iPods sell fine, but not close to PS/PS2 or Gameboy sales #s.

PSP did quite fine compared to the iPod, only that iPod sales are still rising.

But for the iPod being the hype of the century and PSP NOT being the walkman of the new millenium the sales are quite close.

I know that 12 out of 15 of my friends have iPods. Then a few of my profesors do too. I see them daily unlike a videogames system unless I have it, and they seem to be sold out everywhere in my town. I think they are very popular, and I think you have a misconception.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
quetz67 said:
I think there is a misconception about iPod sales here. iPods sell fine, but not close to PS/PS2 or Gameboy sales #s.

PSP did quite fine compared to the iPod, only that iPod sales are still rising.

But for the iPod being the hype of the century and PSP NOT being the walkman of the new millenium the sales are quite close.
Seriously, no. You should read this.

Some business analysts have projected that Apple would ship 37 million iPods worldwide by year-end, with about 10 million sold in the key Christmas quarter.
There's no misconception about Ipod sales, they are insane.


marc^o^ said:
There's no misconception about Ipod sales, they are insane.
They are fine for such a pricy gadget, but they are far from insane. And it isnt even one product, it is a product range from $79 to $399.

You see them everywhere because people like to show them and they have the typical white earbuds.

They generated some $5 billion revenue (hope thats the right word) translating to some 20-30 million units since 2001 or so. Thats quite nice for apple because the make money from the hardware and the music. Sony revenue is about half of that, but in only a year. Profits of course cant be compared, that would be like comparing GC and xbox *g*


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Apple sold 23 million Ipod units in its last fiscal year (sept 2004-sept 2005). They are sweeping the walkman market, which once belonged to Sony. The ipod and above all itunes were the main reasons behind the PSP release. Sony expected to reproduce an ipod like performance that could have helped them regain some control over their music catalog selling. It's not happening though. Ipod and itunes have never been that successful and PSP sales are just decent so far.

Unless december sales prove me wrong, PSP is far from reaching Sony expectations, and the penetration rate seems too low to overcome the console and ipod video competition next year. When I read in this thread people thinking the PSP will sell 50 millions in 5 years, I can't help but giving my pessimistic opinion. At this stage, Sony should be happy to even reach 20 millions.


marc^o^ said:
The ipod and above all itunes were the main reasons behind the PSP release.
Not all true. If psp was in direct competition with ipod, it would have more mp3 options and marketed as a mp3 player that plays games. It looks as though sony wanted something completely new. And who's keep saying psp is a walkman?
quetz67 said:
They generated some $5 billion revenue (hope thats the right word) translating to some 20-30 million units since 2001 or so.

I have absolutely no idea of how the Ipod(s) sell(s), but it doesn't take a genius to see that Ipod sales are way higher than 20-30 million units ("Some business analysts have projected that Apple would ship 37 million iPods worldwide by year-end, with about 10 million sold in the key Christmas quarter.")




pixelbox said:
I didn't know that! Why would they say something like that with such poor mp3 features!?


Here ya go, E3 2003, Kutaragi referred to it as such (I thought it was him, but wasn't sure). I'd imagine the reason for them calling it that was so that they could use some brand recognition and get extra sales, although it obviously hasn't worked -- not that any Walkman has done particularly well in recent years in comparison to other products though.


Frankfurter said:
I have absolutely no idea of how the Ipod(s) sell(s), but it doesn't take a genius to see that Ipod sales are way higher than 20-30 million units ("Some business analysts have projected that Apple would ship 37 million iPods worldwide by year-end, with about 10 million sold in the key Christmas quarter.")
I think that fits quite nicely with my 20-30 million (before Q4). And a good part of the those are iPod shuffles, which are quite a lot cheaper than a PSP.

Sure Apple and some other are now big in the "walkman" business, but PSP does not try to be the new walkman. It is much too powerful and to heavy to do so with not much care put into the MP3 playback. It might turn ot to be competing with iPod video but never with iPod minin/shuffle/nano. Again, the iPod is not one product, it ranges from cheap USB stick lacking a display to a HDD video player.

PSP being as successful as Sony hoped or not, but even selling only 8-9 million units in a year without the need for a price drop makes it more successful than some other consoles.

I have to admit Sony treats the PSP like an unwanted stepchild right now, but with better developer (especially 1st/2nd party) support and less fixation on releasing new firmware versions it could be pretty hot. The potential is there and I hope Sony will use it in 2006.
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