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Mistwalker/Hironobu Sakaguchi's Terra Battle |OT| Season 2 has been unleashed!


But I wonder just how much the odds are increased...

Can't really speak for TB, but in FFBE they usually release batches of new characters where there are the equivalent of 2 Silver gate characters, 2 Gold gate characters and 1 - 2 Rainbow gate characters and usually you still have to pull a rainbow first to have the rate-up go into effect (which seems to be around 20 - 30% chance to get the rate-up char)

I do hope that's not the case for TB and they're making generally easier for most people to get a new character to play around with.

Haven't bothered to use up my energy the past few days but I guess I should get around to getting the full break skills for that new character I got, just in case...


I wouldn't pull even if I had the energy, Schweiz seems great (mostly for the tap skill, *tap: allies' ATK/MATK/DEF/MDEF +30% for 1 turn*, which seems insanely good) but the odds are also raised for Samatha, Bonna and their lambda versions which I already have at not 100% sb so I'll end up just pulling their dupes.

Finalow you got a new Z character, and a mage at that. I got Nakupi (the A unit, not lambda).

I wish but no, I didn't pull the new Z mage. the #luckiestGAFTBplayers here did though


I haven't played this game in months since I changed phones. I wandered in here and decided to redownload it, and it doesn't open on my phone. :/
I haven't played this game in months since I changed phones. I wandered in here and decided to redownload it, and it doesn't open on my phone. :/
Does it get stuck at the white "Mistwalker" screen ?
A lot of people are getting that since latest version.


Does it get stuck at the white "Mistwalker" screen ?
A lot of people are getting that since latest version.

They changed the loading procedure so the live update download begins at the start screen instead of the splash screen. If you see the circle in the top left corner stop spinning, the game has timed out and you need to reboot. It's a step backwards since you have no direct indication unlike the previous versions with the download percentage. Make sure your connection is strong and steady; I took 3 hours to update in 3.8 over 3G. Minimising the game to let it download on the background helps.

I wish but no, I didn't pull the new Z mage. the #luckiestGAFTBplayers here did though

Oh, my bad. We can stew in misery and rage together at the latest PvP event.

Pupru Λ and Shberdan Λ were mentioned today in another small stream.
They also seem to have art and text for up to Chapter 38 so far.
Still no Matsuno. <.<

Oh yeah, here's the link to a recap of the stream. Pupru recode is still a baby which is bizarre.



well I'm effectively back into the game. never was able to beat that fucking teleporting boss and finally did and am back as addicted as ever.
Those floating photon traps from the second dragon are so awesome.
Didn't expect game engine to handle nifty tricks like that.

Now the bad news for most people:
Resplendant Dragon is kinda gated behind having Gravity skills.
So you somewhat do need 6 of those Axiom companions from previous Primordial Dragon to damage it.
Having some of the new Z characters obviously helps too.
For the ~3 GAF people still playing, Sakaguchi hosted another mini stream yesterday.
Not much new, but he showed some character art of an upcoming special scenario unrelated to story.


Some more at usual TB forum here.


For the ~3 GAF people still playing, Sakaguchi hosted another mini stream yesterday.
Not much new, but he showed some character art of an upcoming special scenario unrelated to story.

I'm still playing, though sort of stuck at 34-4 since all my units seem to die too quickly, so I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Is this special scenario an event or just a new addition to the arena?
I'm taking a break for now. I'm still getting my daily rewards, doing the important daily quests and occasionally dabbing into the weekly.

I should at least do these new dragon dungeons, I suppose.

I'm still playing, though sort of stuck at 34-4 since all my units seem to die too quickly, so I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Is this special scenario an event or just a new addition to the arena?
Chapters 31+ are basically "season two," so they're permanent.


Chapters 31+ are basically "season two," so they're permanent.

No no, I mean what theMrCravens mentioned in regards to the "upcoming special scenario unrelated to story" stuff from the stream.

I know that the stuff post chapter 30 are permanent, I'm not that green haha
Looks very Yoshida-ey

Sadly not. :(

Matsuno still a mystery.
until Terra Battle 2
Is this special scenario an event or just a new addition to the arena?
It'll probably be a scenario event similar to "The Last Story".
I should at least do these new dragon dungeons, I suppose.
It's not casual content though. Just a warning.
Really requires some grind, like leveling the new Palpa Z (or Gatz Z), beating Primordial until you get 6 Axion companions, and then farming Metal Minions to feed them to (near) max level so you can stand a chance against Resplendent.
This is also assuming you have a bunch of the meta characters SB'ed and leveled.
( some ex: S'naip, Bahl, Ma'curi, Odin Z, Ami Z, Gugba, Gego Z, Elvern Z, some Z mages)


10-pull with 2 guaranteed S+ coming up later today, with an added twist: increased Z chance ! It's a shame that it can't be combined with the increased chance for X characters which ends right before it...
Still, hoping for some new characters :p

Now to max SB on my GatZ till tonight... 3% left !
Final Inexorable Dragon King is up!
Has the godly "2x EXP" companion, but dataminer says might be 1% drop rate. <.<

10-pull with 2 guaranteed S+ coming up later today, with an added twist: increased Z chance !
We had that a month ago. (did you miss it ?)

Most GAF pulled. Most failed. :O
I won that day.


Final Inexorable Dragon King is up!
Has the godly "2x EXP" companion, but dataminer says might be 1% drop rate. <.<

We had that a month ago. (did you miss it ?)

Most GAF pulled. Most failed. :O
I won that day.
I was waiting for the new chars, so I pulled today but alas I failed aswell...
only worthy pull off note was Yap'Kar :(


Looks like they'll be announcing Endless Quest tomorrow on the Stream. They just announced today that the game has hit 2.6 million downloads (lol), and that there will be a "special guest" regarding that on the stream. Kitase power! Did he buy 100,000 extra phones to download more of the game himself?!


Looks like they'll be announcing Endless Quest tomorrow on the Stream. They just announced today that the game has hit 2.6 million downloads (lol), and that there will be a "special guest" regarding that on the stream. Kitase power! Did he buy 100,000 extra phones to download more of the game himself?!

Sakaguchi showed up on a FFBE nico stream recently and promoted TB. I imagine he has been putting a little work in promoting the new content and it has spurred downloads a little.

Will definitely tune in for the stream tomorrow.
Apparently they've reached almost 8mil downloads, but probably because of slow content pace, they're only announcing the 2.6M right now.

Also, Kino art descended battles. Interesting.

Metal Zone 7 is a "go" (levels 70-89) !
With 2x from Primordial Dragon Z companion, leveling will be a joke in there.


Blocking a player for a single turn was viable in some previous cups, but now it's 4+ turns.

People have such short memories. In the first 2 cups it was possible to play entire matches and not put a scratch on your opponent thanks to walling; this is no different.

I had a Japanese player last night who immediately spammed hisos at me last night after landing a summon. It's classless acts like these which make me want to stop playing PvP altogether, but free energy is too tempting. Private matches are a dead thing anyway which is so sad.
As a "new player" (new device, haven't played in ages), who should I be re-rolling for?
I'm way past newbie status, so I don't even know how hard/easy running the story chapters are now with equippable companions and recodes.

I guess you can aim for one of the following 10 non-recodable Z rank characters (means you can only obtain from using Energy in Pact of Truth):

Invincible, Andelucia, Edg'low, Zavison, Sayu, Peyrna, Beau'ne, Myne, Mogha, Schweiz

(Sayu and Mogha are probably best out of those for their strong mage aoe spells)


Are the new Z units similar to Invincible? Started with 3 "build"?

If that is the case, the old SS mages are still superior as once recoded, they will be able to use high level spells (lvl 65) at lower level due to level restriction in weekly challenges.

That Burbaba... So many units to recode, really cant wait for MZ7.
Are the new Z units similar to Invincible? Started with 3 "build"?
The nine new Zs that came out in 4.0.0 ?
They're all indeed 3 jobs.

As you said, they can't be used well in level restricted stages, but they're currently the best and only gravity/photon characters. Also, some of them have ATK/MATK tap abilities which are pretty godly.
Seems new recode materials are locked behind the new "Kino art descend" battles and trading post.

I don't know if Chapter 35 opens up today, but "Kino Kraken" will be available first.


Hiso Bar Vol. 5 stream this Saturday. No Matsunos allowed.


Suoh is available for recode, requires new items.
Kino event is really easy.
Mutoh and Shinen stages are live and pretty fucking hard.
Chapter 35 is live, so is Metal Zone 7.
So far, I'm on level 6 and it's pretty easy, bring lots of physical units, mages are pretty useless...


Some useful info from Terra Battle Forums:
If you beat chapter 35, you can't capture Mutoh and Shinen unless you play their levels during Hard Mode hours. So if you can't play during those specific times, don't clear chapter 35 yet!
Some useful info from Terra Battle Forums:
If you beat chapter 35, you can't capture Mutoh and Shinen unless you play their levels during Hard Mode hours. So if you can't play during those specific times, don't clear chapter 35 yet!
Tried them both blind (fail!). Pretty hardcore stuff. Art is fantastic though.
Cool concept to have these optional bosses as part of the story.
both hovering the planet in their Animatas
They get weaker as you complete more chapters (although only Ch35 is up now).

There's a special Suoh-only companion in the trading post.
Might be worth picking up before the 10 days expire.
(it'll probably come back at some point)
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