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Mistwalker/Hironobu Sakaguchi's Terra Battle |OT| Season 2 has been unleashed!


Yeah, and how long do we have to wait?

Going by this picture it seems like the larger group of new characters seems to be drawn by some other artist. Hope the designs won't be all too awful looking.


The second one is cool.
Going by this picture it seems like the larger group of new characters seems to be drawn by some other artist. Hope the designs won't be all too awful looking.
I wouldn't worry yet.
I mean, look at early Nakupi here:

If you MS paint his face the same way, he would look undead too.
He came out gorgeous in the end.

Yeah, and how long do we have to wait?
They've already scheduled their next stream (April 23rd), so I'll assume at the least Matsuno/Ch35 will be previewed there.
April update will probably only have the dragon event, since it looks somewhat complete.

It's weird coming into this thread and seeing everybody being positive instead of "Terra Battle is dead/dying".
Near-death experience only makes it stronger.


Going by this picture it seems like the larger group of new characters seems to be drawn by some other artist. Hope the designs won't be all too awful looking.


yuck !
I really do hope those are early sketches... not liking them...

When does BonnaZ hit ? Ima need to recode her ASAP and include her in my main team >:)

Answering my own question with an edit !

3.8.0 just went live and it's pretty much what we expected :
- Bonna^ releasing
- 34-10 adjustments (~450k exp now, more in hard mode) with guaranteed Metal Minion ^ drop
- preparations for Dragon cup
- some background downloading optimization so startup should be faster or something
- Spring event starting soon
- 10+1 2S guarantee event coming later today

Oh and 2.5M milestone reached. Yay?


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
The UI is really nice now. It's the only mobile game that doesn't have a repulsive UI.

Edit: Forgot about Treasure Cruise, that one has a nice UI, too.

OMG Aero

Did the 10 11 pull and got:
Daiana (dupe)
Ra'prow (dupe)
Korin (dupe)
Lewto (New but only because I already recoded him)
Ra'prow (dupe)
Gigojago (dupe)
Ma'curi (dupe)
Yukken (New but only because I already recoded her too)
R'zonand (dupe)
Metupi (dupe)
Lewto /\ (dupe)

God damnit I should have waited for the new characters.


I couldn't hold out...

New: Bajanna, Bonna (SS; had just recoded her..)
Dupe: Gatz, Dianna x 3, Ra'prow x 2, Ka'pori x 2, Una'sang

Eh, not so bad !
Does BonnaZ + Bonna stack exp wise ?


funnily enough, I pulled Bonna. I really couldn't care less about her recode but I guess it's better than the usual dupe.

maybe with 3 BonnaZ C2 exp grind will be a thing again.


So what are companion drop rates and do anything affect them? I figure I should be trying to get a couple skullsplitters and bewitching bows


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Love the boss fights in this game, really well designed with some requiring strategy and sound team composition to overcome.

No other gacha has bossfights as well designed as this one, at least the ones I've played.
Love the boss fights in this game, really well designed with some requiring strategy and sound team composition to overcome.

No other gacha has bossfights as well designed as this one, at least the ones I've played.
It is damn fun running through those story stages and bosses, but then it ends.
Leaves you wanting more. MORE !

You're 100% right though.
Also, each bosses even have their own art, while other mobages tend to rehash bosses quite often, making them less unique.
With next stream broadcast on the 24th, and Bahamut/Levi/Odin ending on the 27th, then update probably on the 28th... ?

They showed so much last stream, I doubt they'll top it so soon.
Welp. Some 4.0.0 info was datamined from server already by a TB forum user.
Those new Z characters all have 3 jobs. (I've avoided most for spoilers)
edit: what duckroll said. My bad.


The patch won't be up until the end of the month. They already said. It won't be this week either because there's usually a sign when they're uploading the actual patch data. This is just the image asset data which is always uploaded in advance. Don't get people excited over nothing!


New characters looking really cool. Positively surprised.

Game could have been top tier had they managed to push out these kind of updates on a regular basis, not just once a year.

Been slacking with my daily logins, maybe I should become more consistent with them again to get to 200 energy.


This might be a dumb question (given how long I've been playing now) but how many Metal Tickets it usually the "best" to get from Area 6 on item up days?
This might be a dumb question (given how long I've been playing now) but how many Metal Tickets it usually the "best" to get from Area 6 on item up days?
Probably upwards to 75 if you run it all 3 days. (might be more with Treasure Hunter)

Just about enough to recode and level a single Z character.


Probably upwards to 75 if you run it all 3 days. (might be more with Treasure Hunter)

Just about enough to recode and level a single Z character.

I think I got around 40+ with a full stamina bar doing co-op with 2 TH on my side and 2 - 3 on partner's. If I remember it right then I ended up with 250+ tickets the last time I did that.


Probably upwards to 75 if you run it all 3 days. (might be more with Treasure Hunter)

Just about enough to recode and level a single Z character.

I think I got around 40+ with a full stamina bar doing co-op with 2 TH on my side and 2 - 3 on partner's. If I remember it right then I ended up with 250+ tickets the last time I did that.

Thanks for the answers!

Guess it's a lot of farming then tomorrow.
Friendly reminder that next Nico stream starts in about 12 hours (5AM PST)
I'm only expecting current 4.0 rehash, but would be nice to have a Matsuno preview.

Any fans crazy enough to have bought stuff from TB international shop ?
CAD prices too much for me, and it's also missing a bunch of items from original shop.


Any fans crazy enough to have bought stuff from TB international shop ?
CAD prices too much for me, and it's also missing a bunch of items from original shop.

I wish they had made more affordable trading figures for a variety of characters or translated the art book or something. I'd like to support them, but it's kinda boring to just buy energy when I don't need it.
Hard to see what's actually going to be in 4.0.0.

They're finally adding crafting at least.
All those 999 mats will have some uses.

Chapter 35 in June. Hype for new story arc finally.

Now I'm off to get Camelia and Suoh to 80/80/80. Free Z!


Well, at least now we know why they're having a huge push for so much new content now. The new story from Chapter 35 onwards is officially Part 2 of Terra Battle. 31-34 was just an interval. Hopefully this means it is substantial and goes all the way to Chapter 50 at least. :p


Ended up with 70 Metal Tickets from today. I felt I was hardly efficient, but I guess it's enough to record now.

Samatha, Zerro, Amazora and Bonna are what I have currently that I can record. Samatha is the closest one given her levels (66/90/70) but I think I might work on either Zerro or Bonna first.

Hard to see what's actually going to be in 4.0.0.

They're finally adding crafting at least.
All those 999 mats will have some uses.

I had no idea they were adding a crafting system. Would be great with getting rid of all this material I don't need.

Well, at least now we know why they're having a huge push for so much new content now. The new story from Chapter 35 onwards is officially Part 2 of Terra Battle. 31-34 was just an interval. Hopefully this means it is substantial and goes all the way to Chapter 50 at least. :p

I am half way through 34, and yeah it did feel like 31-34 were a side story (filler?) in a lot of ways compared to the previous chapters. Kickass music though.

I guess I need to finish up 34 now.
4.0.0 is out.
There's a spiffy new app icon and... that's it !

Nothing unlocked yet.
I did get Palpa ^ new upgrade material to drop from 31-1. (pink locket)
Probably will run Pudding Zones tomorrow like people are suggesting for those new ring.
(although with my luck, I won't pull a single new Z that'll need them)


4.0.0 is out.
There's a spiffy new app icon and... that's it !

Nothing unlocked yet.
I did get Palpa ^ new upgrade material to drop from 31-1. (pink locket)
Probably will run Pudding Zones tomorrow like people are suggesting for those new ring.
(although with my luck, I won't pull a single new Z that'll need them)

Seems like the 2x gold event now includes incrased chance to get Z chars. I'll probably drop 100 energy and see what I get. Should probably recode Gatz first tho.

Everything unlocks 5:00 PDT


So, I haven't played this game in a while (since release, in fact), and decided to play it again. It is a nice change from FFRK (sayonara boring auto-battles and awful RNG!).

I'm not very far, only reached chapter 10 today. My team is composed of the following members:
  • Sword: Bahl (B - duh), Ka'pori (A - 2nd job unlocked), Ba'gunar (B - duh/meh)
  • Bow: Pahrl (A - 2nd job unlocked), Lunato (S)
  • Caster (Offensive): Pupropé (S - Dark - Hatsuné Miku? Is that you?), A'merpact (A - Ice).
  • Caster (Heal): Amina (SS - actually managed to unlock her 3rd job). I got her instead of the usual B healer at the beginning. I'm not complaining.
It seems that we can get S/SS/Z characters for sure soon if we do a 10 pull, but I'm adamantly against spending money, so I'll forget about that special roll.

Any advices/things I should know? I'm mostly up to speed regarding some new additions (ie. the minions).
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