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Most clueless you've ever been to sexual/romantic advances?

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All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
I didnt know girls period last almost 5 days. I always thought its one day thing. When I found out I was like hollyfuck
Also clueless about thread topics...


Too many times to count. Mostly in high school though, there were like 3 separate occasions where a girl told me she liked me and asked me out, and each time I was like "Nah, shes probably just messing with me", I had big trust issues back then.

Currently in college and it's happened a few times as well. This girl I was working in a group project with started going out of her way to give me rides to meeting locations, and she also started talking to me about how many bad first dates she had been on. Then when we were talking about meal plans or something I said that I still had a lot of money left on mine. She responded with "You should totally buy me dinner one time then.". I thought she was joking so I laughed it away, but to this day I'm still not sure if she liked me or not.

E the Shaggy

Junior Member
My senior year in college, a girl out of the blue had talked with my roommate and said she was interested in hanging out with me. I invited her over to our place to watch "Remember the Titans". She then asked if she could bring over her roommate as well.

Her roommate was really, REALLY unattractive and overweight. In my drug addled brain at the time, I had theorized that this was some ploy to pawn off her friend onto me or something. I never even thought that it could have potentially been a threesome scenario.

To this day, I wonder about what she was ultimately looking for. I feel like I dodged a bullet either way, but I'm more curious than anything.
I'm sure there's been plenty of times, but low self confidence usually prevents me from seeing it.

The times I actually realize it, I'm not interested in the girl anyways. :/
I've never had a girl hit on me so i wouldn't know. Apparently I exude so much power and confidence that people shy away from me, even though i feel the exact opposite, doubt and helplessness


I always not sure, if I can go for it.

was dancing with this girl at a festival last year.
one song was even about kissin. afaik it even was "come kiss me now" or something like that, and I looked at her, and she looked at me and smiled and I smiled back.
I was all like: haha, what a funny song, huh?
she then kissed me not long after that song and we made out for the next 3 days.
Some girl told me That i was one of the fuckable option and that she wanted to steal a kiss from me.

Was she into me GAF?

Jk. She was one of my crushes previously, but she shot me down, so I kinda payed her back with the same game. She was in a relationship and hot as fuck and in retrospective I kick myself but i m glad nothing happened.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
I was at the beach with a few friends. We planned the trip last summer, and it was quite a large pack of us (maybe around 15) to spend a week down at the shore. One of the girls there was apparently in to me for a long while, and whenever it was night time, she would invite me over when her friends were sleeping to chill on the balcony so we'd be alone, watch the sunset, etc. No big deal. I go, and she is obviously making moves on me, cuddling with me, touching me, calling me sweet names, all that shit. Even when we were all together during the day she'd playfully hold my hand and make me give her piggy back rides. I didn't think much of it. We did this basically the whole week until she literally put her face to mine and said "just kiss me you dumbass" and we made out. Was really sad that this happened for like 6 straight days and I did and thought of it as nothing.

Oh my God, why.


Although mine is very cringe worthy too, a girl told me she was alone in her apartment for 5 hours and wanted me to accompany her. Shit.


I didnt know girls period last almost 5 days. I always thought its one day thing. When I found out I was like hollyfuck

Huh. Well, that sucks.

Edit: As for the thread, never. Never been unaware of this as it's never happened, I think. Well, there might have been once when a girl was contacting me to hang out in various places a couple of years ago—which I usually didn't want to and only reluctantly accepted a few times—and she'd do stuff like lean on my shoulder in the bus. Don't know about that being any kind of advancement, though; just how she is. Plus, I don't pick up on social cues very well, so I try to perceive any directed towards me as a negative one, as a defense mechanism. Wouldn't really be able to tell, if it happened... which it won't/hasn't.


In chronological order:

- age 4: little girl gives me a picture of the two of us holding hands. I laugh and rip it up in her face. She is inconsolable. This sets the tone for my romantic life.
- age 6-10: run away from various girls because girl germs
- high school: too many. A collection:
+ I remember telling a girl it was weird no one was into me, and she said she knew at least 7 girls who were. I later realised she was one of them. Never found out who the rest were.
+ Girl had me climb into bed with her at a party, which I thought nothing of because she'd previously called me desperate (parents of the girl holding the party hauled me out of there which was good because she was an uggo).
+ 6 hour phone conversations with a girl who I knew my friend was into. She told me she'd go out with me before him. Went to her house one night, but she was super distant. Her weird brother came in after a while and accused me of starting a fire nearby (?). Bailed.
+ girl moved to sit next to me in Bio, claimed she didn't want to sit next to a couple who were PDA'ing in class. Was very flirty, invited me out a couple times, but I was too shy and didn't think she'd be interested that way (since she was, you know, attractive).
+ Independent, 'spiritual' girl friendzoned me hard, then got drunk and told me she wanted to kiss me. I was stunned and stared at her until she left. She didn't talk to me for a year and a half, then came up to me acting like nothing happened (about 5 years later she showed up at my house talking about being a Christian, and how a woman's role was to run the household - dodged a bullet or two there, I daresay).
- adulthood: not so many of these, but the best one was a girl I worked with. Sent her super long emails, even when she was in Europe. Beautiful, smart, sense of humour like mine. She invited me to the movies with a couple of friends of hers. I say no (I've never met these people, what if it's awkward? Plus I was in a long distance relationship at the time). Keep emailing. She gets a bit flirtier. One day she comes to work in a black mini and more make up than usual. I spend half the day sneaking a peek at her leaning over desks (not realising that she's only leaning over desks directly in front of me). Eventually we get drunk at a work function, she pulls me aside and tells me she's into me. Again, I am stunned, had no idea. I tell her about my long distance thing. She says break it off and be with her. I say let me think about it. She says no, but eventually relents. I go home and the pieces fall into place. The emails, the flirting, the saucy office attire... Next day I say let's give it a shot. Still took me a week to kiss her after that, but it's been 8 years together now so at least I got the message eventually.
In high school, before I had even kissed a girl, there was this fairly attractive girl who would talk to me in my freshman English class. I remember her talking to me about totally rejecting this one guy super awkwardly, but more interestingly somehow she "confessed" to me about looking at Dragonball Z hentai, and liking it.

I don't even remember why but I ended up sitting on the other side of the classroom on a whim... Way later I realized that I probably could have played Chi-Chi and Goku with her at any time. Her note in my yearbook was written like it almost had tear stains on it.


at last, for christ's sake
at least five times I know for sure, all between 14-24. then you start asking yourself why your mojo doesn't work anymore, and girls become clueless instead of you



I swear I remember this popping up in an epic thread. Does anyone have a link. I laughed so hard when I first saw the story with this pic.


I can't count how many times I had half-naked girls crawl into bed with me and in a panic I laid completely still because I couldn't justify in my head them being attracted to me and fearing rejection if I made a move.


I am super oblivious to the point where I can't think of any examples but according to friends I was hit on a fair bit through out high school.

Also I've had it happen alot where people think I'm hitting on a chick when I'm really not.


A girl literally spent the entire night with me at a party and at the end when I said that was leaving, she started hanging on me and kissing my cheek and I ended up leaving her at the party hanging out with my friends instead. I don't know what the hell was wrong with me she was so attractive too. I didn't start to get comfortable around girls until my early 20s anyway. I never had game and I still don't really. Got a wife now so guess it doesn't matter
I'm almost certain that no girl has ever made sexual advances towards me.

I'd like to think I would notice something like that. But maybe I wouldn't.

I have been asked out before though which really surprised me.


Junior Member
Well, I...
Five years ago I was on a date with a girl. This was the third date I have ever been on so I was a bit nervous. We were meeting at a bar and i had got there early. I was pounding back drinks to calm down and to loosen up. We met up and had dinner and drinks. She didn't have a mustache so it was already the best date I've been on. The conversation and laughs was flowing smoothly all through the night. As we were leaving she mentions how she lives 5 minutes away and I mentioned how I had to take the subway. She offered to walk me to the subway and we ended up doing just that.

We got to the subway and I pulled on the door to the entrance to the place it was locked. Boom. A transit strike just occurred and I couldn't use the TTC. She asks me what I'm going to do and I mention how I'll have to take a cab or walk home. She says to me, "Why don't you sleep over at my place. you can sleep in my bed". I reply, "No, no its ok, I'll take a cab home". I then proceed to hail a cab and hop in. On my way home she calls me twice asking me if alright and if I still want to come over to her place.

I face palm myself everytime I think of that date.
...couldn't top this even if I tried.
One time when I was 15 I spent a week at my aunty and uncles place during school holidays. A friend of my cousins was staying there, a 16 year old smoking hot outgoing clearly sexually active girl.

Throughout the whole week she was dropping obvious hints (getting me to touch her face etc) that she was keen but I was too shy/oblivious to do anything about it. It all culminated in us going to a movie together... at one stage she turned to me and said "I really like you, you know" and just stared at me obviously waiting for me to kiss her.

At the time I didn't actually hear what she said so I just nodded and pretended I did before turning back to the movie.

I only found out what she said the day after she left. She told my parents, my cousins parents and all the grown ups that she was totally into me and had told me that she liked me in the movies but I was too nice to make a move.

Yeah... that painful memory sustained me for the next year and a half.


Junior Member
Long story short I'm still a virgin, so I wouldn't know if I missed any hints until later in life.

I have a bad feeling I missed a lot.
Question: A woman I had never met before drove an hour to my house and we sat on the couch and watched Netflix with a person's worth of space between us the entire time. Is this one of those instances? I suspect it is but I'm still not sure. Can I get some insight?

Jesus, why was this bumped. UGH
Just roll with it.


Question: A woman I had never met before drove an hour to my house and we sat on the couch and watched Netflix with a person's worth of space between us the entire time. Is this one of those instances? I suspect it is but I'm still not sure. Can I get some insight?

Just roll with it.

What movie/show(s)?

Gray Matter

On the last day of sophomore year (high school) me and a group of friends decided to go to the movies before we went off for the summer. In the group was the girl that I had the biggest crush on the entire school year. On the way to the theatre, long story short, her boyfriend (who wasn't in the group) follows us in his car. She gets mad and breaks up with him in front of us. Now, I use to flirt with her mercilessly with her, and she flirted with me, but it never went past that. Anyway, we're in the theatre sitting next to each other and the entire movie we're close to each other, touching ETC. When the movie is over and we're about to leave she gives me a long hug, I was going to go in for a kiss but two things happened, I was nervous as I never kissed anyone before and she just broke up with her boyfriend like 3 hours earlier. So no kiss for me.

To this day I deeply regret not doing that.
I met a guy in a hotel gym once and ended up going back to his room because I was hoping he could help me hook up with some hot chicks. Once he started massaging my shoulders, I realized he was gay and so I left.
Never been clueless cause i've never really get sexual/romantic advances (or i've never seen them, but i seriously doubt it)

the rares times i managed to have a girlfriend, it was me who was romantic and go for a kiss etc...

the only time that i knew that a girl was attracted to me (she even told me later), i tried and she didn't want anything cause she had a boyfriend, she liked me, but not enough to cheat (and that's good for her, i can't blame her, she's married with him now)


Weekend, 2am, in college, everyone is out, a girl I have a serious attraction to explicitly tells me she wants to watch movies with me in her room. Just me and her. Alone. We're not even that close as friends, I only know her cause my dormmates introduced me.

Needless to say, I've had a few and she's had a few. I wimp out and make an excuse about having some classwork to do. I leave her dorm.

The days after she explicitly avoids me or kind of simply acknowledges me in a friendly, sterile way. It only clicks later that I might have just blown it terribly that early morning.

I've never lived with myself since then. Though I've never really been much of a smooth operator.
One time a girl in a PVC catsuit was hugging me and kissed me on the neck three times before I even considered she might want to make out.
I had the biggest crush on this girl that seemed to only want to be friends. After our Junior year, she moved to Hawaii and stayed there for a couple of months with her uncle. While there, she texted me some pretty risque pictures and was being really "forward", asking me if I liked them. I did, obviously, but I was confused as shit as to what she meant by sending them and what she felt about our friendship/relationship, and I never asked her about it.

She came back and she turned back to her normal self. She was probably high/drunk and texted the wrong person or something, but those "conversations" lasted a while.


Few times but nothing really special was missed. Girls just avoided me afterwards because they thought I rejected them. Then I would find out, lead them on and leave them hanging. They remained friends because there was always that chance i would say yes.

Yeah I was an ahole.


Drove a girl home and she was like "are you doing anything tonight? Want to come in? “
I was like" no it's OK, it's getting late. I have to head home. " Then I went home to play Diablo 2.


Why does none of the above ever happen to me? You guys get more neon signs of interest than any sane person with a half a brain.

I have a few recent ones to contribute from my end since this thread is alive and kicking:

1. Last summer, I'd gotten a cute Indian girl's number from Tinder who was pretty interested in me. We'd made plans over the weekend to go to a specific place near her way. Saturday rolls around and I'm dreading going because there was a thunderstorm coming later that day and the distance. She texts me saying that an old injury is acting up so she wouldn't be able to travel far but said we would still be on for the arranged time.

About two hours later or so, I get phone call: it's her. By this point, it had started raining pretty hard so I was hesitant to head out. She was telling me to go have dinner with her at a restaurant not too far from her place around 6/7PM because her injury. She sounded like such an awesome girl on the phone however, stingy/oblivious me declined because of the distance that I would have to travel so I suggested we meet up after she got back from her two week trip. Two and half weeks later or so, I text her to see what's up. She never responded. After speaking about it with my therapist, he helped me realize that I could've probably have gone over to her place after eating dinner so I could have easily gone over to her place and stayed the night. Bad move captain.

2. Last month, I bumped into a girl I hadn't seen in school in almost a full year (who gave me her number before I lost interest and deleted it) that always gives people fake names for odd reasons. She looked at me and said "I had a dream about you that you were telling me to submit something." I was immediately astonished and intrigued at the same time. It eventually hit me that I'd deleted this girl's number and had met her while promoting my club. Apparently, she'd been meaning to come to one of our meetings to submit a comic. I invited her to a friend's party that was happening that night, she showed up much and hung around me. Long story short, I didn't end up re-acquiring her number since she disappeared.

I've also had a bunch of random out of the blue Tinder messages that I've been too oblivious to capitalize on missing out on a bunch of opportunities. However, I redeemed myself a bit by catching this one girl's sexual innuendo which led to receiving a bunch of nude pictures and eventually hooking up for a one time thing.


Near the start of uni, this stunning Spanish babe started grinding on me in a club. I was out with two of my male spanish housemates, and around 15 of his gorgeous latina friends. Anyway, she kept grinding, but I was kinda nervous at this point so I kept shuffling alone awkwardly. Eventually, she steps into the middle of our little dancing circle and grabs my hand, imploring me to dance with her. I'm like "nahhhh, nahh, I can't dance."

At this point my housemate literally facepalms and laughs simultaneously, and asks me why the fuck I didn't dance with her.

Honestly, I have no fucking idea what happened to me that day. I lived in halls of residence with around 40 other fellas, and this was the first time I was out exclusively with the Spaniards, so I guess I felt a little intimidated.


Back when I worked desktop IT there was this tall, blonde drink of water who all the guys were always oogling. I try to be a gentleman so I never flirted with her anything, didn't want to make her uncomfortable. Several other women that worked with her would flirt with me when I came around, and during lunch we joked a few times about it (she would tell me the nasty things they'd say about me, etc, and I'd tell her some of the things the guys around work told her). One day I'm working on her computer and ask her to do something or the other, like logon or click this or that. She says "OK, Apt101, I'd do whatever you want". She said something to that effect later.

I was at my desk later and thought about it. I was like "was she for real hitting on me just then?". It seemed too corny of a come on to be true.

A month-or-so later at the Christmas party we were both tipsy and she asked me why I didn't respond to her advances. After that we dated for a few months.


I am pretty sure I've told this story in a thread like this before, but here it is again.

I was working at a grocery store, my first job out of high school, and I made friends with this girl. She wasn't much older than me, but already had at least one or two kids. She made no secret of the fact that she slept around. Anyway, we were walking through the back area by the loading dock and we had to get something down from a storage room at the top of a ladder. When we finished getting it down, she flashed me a wicked smile and said, "You know, that storage room would be a great place to do it."
I stared at her blankly, and said, "Do what?"
She rolled her eyes at me and stalked away, muttering about oblivious little boys.

When I finally got it, I kicked myself for a week. But looking back now, (and knowing what I do about STDs,) I'm sure I dodged a bullet.
High school concert (recital for US?). I'm in year 8 and most of my friends were female, among whom was a year 11 girl (for reference, I was 12 going on 13 in year 8 and year 11 would've been about 17 or so). Year 11 girl (we'll call her Beatrice because that was her name) has a Coke and even though the school was only selling AC Cola at the food stall. I ask her where she got the Coke from because I wanted a Coke instead of AC Cola and she offered to show me. She walks me to the Coke machine and while we're standing there in complete darkness on university grounds with nobody else around she says "you know I want to get with you, right?" to which I reply "uhh, yeah? I just want a Coke." I got my Coke from the machine and we go back to the concert.

That's it. I didn't even really know what "get with you" meant, I was all about that Pokemon at that age.
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