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MotorStorm: Apocalypse |OT| Where the Rubber Meets the Road

Shurs said:
How much you enjoy Motorstorm will depend heavily on your tolerance for long load times.
Well the load times in this game were pretty shit, to be honest.

I've ordered it because it was £1.50 second hand. Bargain :)


Foliorum Viridum said:
Well the load times in this game were pretty shit, to be honest.

I've ordered it because it was £1.50 second hand. Bargain :)


didn't you forget a digit somewhere?
Foliorum Viridum said:
Well the load times in this game were pretty shit, to be honest.

You think you've seen load times, you ain't seen load times 'til you've played MS1! How on earth the vehicle selection loading made it to the final game I will never know.


works for Gamestop (lol)
chalkitdown1 said:
You think you've seen load times, you ain't seen load times 'til you've played MS1! How on earth the vehicle selection loading made it to the final game I will never know.

I always chose the first vehicle because of that crap


chalkitdown1 said:
You think you've seen load times, you ain't seen load times 'til you've played MS1! How on earth the vehicle selection loading made it to the final game I will never know.

I switched to 2D vehicle select, that solved that fuck up.

Loading times in general on the PS3 are hell.

Also:No one said bluray was FAST.

jax (old)

Finally popped this in to play and after about 7-8 stages. I had to take a breather. Just finished the skyline rooftop level and man, this game is fucking insane.There's things flying everywhere, shards of glass everywhere, trash and rubble flying.. rain.. :O :O :O There's just this immediacy to the racing and the flat out insane things happening on screen. Skyline was :O and the stage before that the night time one through the city was similiarly gobsmacking. I'm sure it'll get old but when the game goes bonkers and things start crashing down and going batshit ... it is so so good.

Yeah, people have said the demo level was the most eh - but (the boatyard one - nothing happens???) was kind of dull. I was like where's the crazy!!?

Liking this lots!

* the cutscene cinemas? The person who thought of this "idea"... needs a paycut and to wear a dunce hat and sit in a corner. Boring and boring. and boring. I skipped all of them. Tried to sit through the 1st one and I couldn't. They must have had an artist + animator work on them... totally pointless and unnecessary.

Motorstorm A : is the motorstorm without the bouncy cars. I like it!


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
This is the only game I miss not being able to play online. Please give us back PSN. :(
Rhoxin said:
I switched to 2D vehicle select, that solved that fuck up.

Loading times in general on the PS3 are hell.

Also:No one said bluray was FAST.
that didn't used to be an option. i'm so glad they patched that in and addressed it for the sequels.


Dedication Through Light said:
This. I really want online to be up by the time I get the game next week (no Release date delivery on Amazon, so I guess I wont have it until the 5/6)

it has released date delivery


Dedication Through Light said:
This. I really want online to be up by the time I get the game next week (no Release date delivery on Amazon, so I guess I wont have it until the 5/6)

Thats odd...I have mine set to release date delivery.
i don't care if PSN is up or not by the time this releases, i just want to play this in 3D on my 3D tv that was bought in no small part to play this game.

the demo is getting boring...
BeeDog said:
And for once, the 3D effect is not sub-HD!
i really hope this isn't the only game we get for the PS3 built from the ground up to be in 3D. the difference between this and everything else is tangible even just based off of the demo. i have stuff on PC that's almost impressive, but no other PS3 game comes close.
swoon said:
it has released date delivery
AEREC said:
Thats odd...I have mine set to release date delivery.

Thanks, I had to cancel it from being a part of an order then reordering to get the shipping option.. Should have browsed the page of the product versus just the shipping options on the order page. Well now, May 3rd will be fun!


just got the game and it already froze twice on the same race, 3 beeps when i turn it off, is this a known thing or is my ps3 gonna die? imma try to play MK to see if that freezes.
Tiduz said:
just got the game and it already froze twice on the same race, 3 beeps when i turn it off, is this a known thing or is my ps3 gonna die? imma try to play MK to see if that freezes.
I've had absolutely no crashes except for online, but that was probably due to the servers sucking, and only required a game quit not a hard reset. I don't know about anyone else but I've heard no complaints in here.

Jax said:

video of the awesome skyline level. If you want to get the game, there might be some spoilers - did I say that about a driving game? But sick.... even looks amazing to watch someone else play the level.
Dude needs to step up his game, damn. :D
So after sending this back to my rental service I put back in Pacific Rift and boy does it seem a whole lot less exciting now. Still a really good racer, but yeah, it lacks in the spectacle.

I need to buy this game soon!


Mechanical Snowman said:
I've had absolutely no crashes except for online, but that was probably due to the servers sucking, and only required a game quit not a hard reset. I don't know about anyone else but I've heard no complaints in here.

Dude needs to step up his game, damn. :D

yeah my ps3 ended up dead shortly after that message


jax (old)

Tiduz said:
yeah my ps3 ended up dead shortly after that message


if the PS3 is crashing etc... it was probably on its way out anyhow. My last one did one on a bluray movie... and then after. dead


Yeah i'm looking at this and L.A. Noire. Hopefully we start seeing more reviews pop up...because between this and NFS: HP, my arcade racing slots will be full.
i know my copy is waiting for me at gamestop. when i get out after the day job i'm swinging by the mall to grab it (and get some street passes). looking forwards to finally enjoying my 3D tv to it's maximum potential.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Square Triangle said:
Kmart has a $15 off coupon for this tomorrow!
have $60 in coupons from the week of MK's launch... totally using that and grabbing this for free!! and the $15 coupon to boot!! do we know the expiration date on this coupon? (usually a month or so?)

Teknoman said:
Yeah i'm looking at this and L.A. Noire. Hopefully we start seeing more reviews pop up...because between this and NFS: HP, my arcade racing slots will be full.
already 50something reviews up for it on metacritic.. including gamespot, gametrailers, edge, eurogamer, gamepro.. I think the only major site that doesn't have a review up is 1Up.

consensus seems to be that the level design is generally great, and the motorstormy parts in the game are awesome and motorstormy, but most of the new gameplay stuff they added is blah.. enjoy it as a great arcade racer, it's just a shame that they couldn't do more to advance the series as a whole (not my comments, just what seems to be the consensus in reviews)
Seems to need a better story, though, I cant remember the last time I played a racer with a story, beyond Modnation, but then, I only played one story race and did everything else online, which I hope is the case with this (though with no PSN, Ill be forced to play SP).


My copy from amazon arrived today even though they sent me an email saying the shipment would be delayed 2-3 days.

I really hope the original delay as well as the PSN being down doesnt affect the sales and online community too much in the long run...it just seems like this game hasnt been able to catch a break so far...getting decent scores though.
There is some wild track designs and events I couldn't imaging seeing in a racing game. Played the first third so far and the bridge and rooftop levels were jaw dropping. Have to say I don't care for the story presentation. I'd rather have my gorgeous cg back and keep the racers unknown. I never thought playing the previous two "if only I got to really know the people behind these events". The controls are tight and it's fast and as fun as ever, though!
AgentChris said:
Went to Kmart to buy this and they didn't have it. I'll buy it from Amazon like always.
Apparently Target or Walmart won't carry this game in stores according to their respective websites. Kinda bullshit.


Neo Member
Bought this last Thursday and played it over the UK Bank Holiday Weekend. Really enjoying it so far, I'm halfway through the "Pro" third of the game and the "Waves of Mutilation" level may be one of the most intense and epic moments I've ever had in gaming. Absolutely stunning.

I'm not too fussed about the "story" though, doesn't really add anything to the game. Don't see what was wrong with giving us a list of events to work through like MS1, 2 and Arctic Edge.

Overall I'm really enjoying it, just wish PSN was working so I could try out the multiplayer.


The cut-scenes, story, characters etc. are pretty much useless and mostly a giant stupid waste of time and resources. If only the races were loading during this time...

Other than that, the game is absolutely amazing. The track design is fantastic, the new controls are better than every other MS games, you can feel the weight differences between each vehicles and classes, counter-steering is even more amazing than before thanks to weight transfer & suspension ... and I personally think the music fits pretty well with the action. The track design evolution is also executed reeeeaally well as the tracks change over two days (maybe more, I'm halfway through it) of earthquakes and storms.
Graphically awesome as well, even though some things definitely looked better in Pacific Rift. Cars look a little less detailed, the fire effects are meh, explosions are also meh, so are the trees/vegetation and so are the water effects... the lighting engine is definitely more advanced in Apocalypse, but the results are a mixed bag IMO. Particles are all over the place, everything animates, everything has physical reactions etc. it definitely look AMAZINGLY detailed and jaw dropping in motion.
Textures are also a mixed bag since less real-life textures were used so it looks a bit inconsistent and a bit more cartoony overall.

Edit: Futureshop was the only store that had the game today and there were about 5 of them .... sad!
Finally got my hands on the North American release. And while I'm definitely having fun with it, I do have a few concerns.

First off, the load times absolutely do suck. They're not Modnation bad, but still disappointing.
Secondly, does the Festival portion of the game open up at all? I'm not crazy about not having a choice of vehicle, venue, or event. Instead, it's just a slew of races with a stupid ass story tacked in between. They do a good job keeping the races varied and fresh, and it's fun, but damn I hate being forced to use fucking motorcycles and other vehicles I always avoided in previous games.

Did they get rid of the event tree from Pacific Rift just so they could have those stupid comic book cut scenes? If so, what a dumb fucking decision.

I know I sound negative, but that stuff is annoying. Overall, the game is great, frantic fun.


My only real complaint with this game, is the way your car easily spins when touched by an AI car. This happens more when you move up in "difficulty", but becomes very annoying when it happens on the last lap. Its like your car is a magnet to the front of the AI's car.

I don't find the load times too bad, but certainly should be improved. I can also live with out the comic book story. Just stick to what MS has always been.


So is it a $15 gaming coupon at K Mart, or $15 off the game? I'm getting this soon, but just got SOCOM, which also has really nice 3d, so am not in a huge rush.
DidntKnowJack said:
Did they get rid of the event tree from Pacific Rift just so they could have those stupid comic book cut scenes? If so, what a dumb fucking decision.

There is no event tree in there, it's just one event after the other. And you never have the choice of your vehicule too :p


Im not feeling this motorstorm for some reason and I gotta say the cutscenes are absolutely atrocious and completely uneccesary. I miss the CG and the announcer intro from the previous motorstorms.

The gameplay part is all right even though Im not a big fan of the setting and would much rather have seen a PS3 remake of Artic Edge.
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