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Naruto Shippuden UNS: Generations |OT| Why is Shizune support only?


For adventure/rpg-ish modes, the Ubi games were great for that. But the combat was lacking and really frustrating at times.

For non-fighting game fans, this game will not appeal to them beyond the stories and some fan service. I also havent followed Naruto since what UNS2 got up to, so seeing everything after that
especially the Madara, Minato, Kakashi, Jinraiya and Killer Bee stories
was cool.

I guess I'd rather them focus on one thing (either fighting or exploration/rpg elements), so I'm happy with this one. A dedicated adventure game covering stuff with more depth would be amazing though. They did some already so I wouldn't be surprised if it happened.

I havent read the manga though so I don't know where CC2 can go with this series.


To each their own, but here's mine.

I like that they got rid of the QTEs, but I did like the "crazy fights" from the last game (gaara vs deidara / naruto vs kakuzu / etc). Don't mind the removal of the QTEs but would have liked more non-standard fights.

The adventure mode was cool in the last game, but this game has all the side stories. So I can kind of accept a trade of one for the other; especially considering this game is all about the whole naruto universe, not just shippuden/part 2.

The changes to the combat system I think are really good and shows where CC2 put their efforts. I would have bought the game at $30-$40 for just these changes alone. The anime cutscenes do make me understand it's $60 price; there's a lot of animation in the game and IMO it is really really well done.
Opinions can't be facts. Either one would be wrong if you say fact. But it's true for doc and me. For example, I'm playing the first story and about to skip this stupid anime cutscene that looks like filler episodes.
I wouldn't recommend this to non-fighting game fans, either. It is a fighting game, afterall.

Doc: Yep, ps3. we shall play. Uchihas and Haku > whoever you want to use, unless it's haku or uchihas.

I wouldn't recommend this to non-fighting game fans, either. It is a fighting game, afterall.

sorry, but you're wrong. i'm sure now he meant to say "My" perfect Naruto game, but as it stands, and given the syntax, perfection is NOT an opinion i didn't agree with his concept of perfect, though i respect his personal opinion.


sorry, but you're wrong. i'm sure now he meant to say "My" perfect Naruto game, but as it stands, and given the syntax, perfection is NOT an opinion i didn't agree with his concept of perfect, though i respect his personal opinion.

perfection in a videogame is always opinion.
Install it offline (unplug your cord) - Sonic Generations did this to me as well

Thank goodness other people have this problem too! I thought it was just me lol.

Sonic and FFXIII-2 so far I've found for me do it, so annoying. I remember stressing over it at FFXIII-2 launch because I couldn't find info on anyone else having it and thought I was going crazy, but luckily my brother discovered trying it offline and it worked. :\ Something to do with the cloud storage feature shit?


It seems obvious that you come from those boards.

Don't mind him, Skilletor - How far into the story mode have you gotten? I've completed everything up to Gaara's story thus far. The combat system is nicely refined from UNS2

I played through young Naruto's story. I'm really enjoying the changes. KnJ being limited and assigned to a separate button is a nice change. I also like dashing/jumping out of combos. I'm thinking of how this kind of stuff will play out in an actual match (haven't jumped online yet), and I think it could be pretty cool. I think there might be a lot of strategy with meter conservation and movement this time around.

Gaara seemed pretty good. KnJ puts you right in the middle of his sand attacks, lol. He seems more difficult to counter.

I think I'm going to do Sasuke next. <3 my Uchihas


I agree, there is a lot more strategy and conservation this time around. I also LOVE doing an up+O combo setup, ending in a launcher, then hitting chakra+dash to meet in mid air and continue the combo. It's like 3D Marvel vs Capcom


They're pretty cool. I think the UNS games are some of the most graphically impressive this generation.

Yes. Especially when you compare it to other cell shaded games. One that comes to mind is Tales of Vesperia. I was blown away back then but now....CyberConnect2 considers cell-shading anime characters to be an art. Most other developers try to mask the stiffness with shiny cutscenes but CC2 put them to shame with characters in motion.


Yes. Especially when you compare it to other cell shaded games. One that comes to mind is Tales of Vesperia. I was blown away back then but now....CyberConnect2 considers cell-shading anime characters to be an art. Most other developers try to mask the stiffness with shiny cutscenes but CC2 put them to shame with characters in motion.

Right. The animation in this game is astounding. I wish people made more gifs of it. :(
It seems obvious that you come from those boards.

Don't mind him, Skilletor - How far into the story mode have you gotten? I've completed everything up to Gaara's story thus far. The combat system is nicely refined from UNS2

i'm an old head, i was there in its infancy, coming at folks sideways after situations squashed (like you just did) was also prevelant there. Enjoy the game.


i don't even know who those last dudes are, if they're filler i assure you a miniscule minority wanted them in a Naruto game, they don't even look interesting.
To each their own, but here's mine.

I like that they got rid of the QTEs, but I did like the "crazy fights" from the last game (gaara vs deidara / naruto vs kakuzu / etc). Don't mind the removal of the QTEs but would have liked more non-standard fights.

The adventure mode was cool in the last game, but this game has all the side stories. So I can kind of accept a trade of one for the other; especially considering this game is all about the whole naruto universe, not just shippuden/part 2.

The changes to the combat system I think are really good and shows where CC2 put their efforts. I would have bought the game at $30-$40 for just these changes alone. The anime cutscenes do make me understand it's $60 price; there's a lot of animation in the game and IMO it is really really well done.

Like a friend told me, they're leaving the boss fights (and because it is part of it, QTE) for UNS3.


sorry, but you're wrong. i'm sure now he meant to say "My" perfect Naruto game, but as it stands, and given the syntax, perfection is NOT an opinion i didn't agree with his concept of perfect, though i respect his personal opinion.

another unfact.

you take shit waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too seriously.

regardless I will never use the word perfect again when referring to a video game on a message board as it just incites riots and pitchfork/torch gathering.

btw anyone play journey? perfect game.


So I notice the enhancements say it increased the distance of the substitution thing.
Does that help enough?

I remember in UNS2, someone with a turbo controller or whatever can basically do the substitution thing for every attack and you couldn't do anything about it.
Did they also do something to prevent people just dashing sideways in a circle and throwing stuff at you?
Is there anything done for disconnecting? In UNS2 when I was at like 49 wins, I got like 20 fights in a row where my opponent disconnected before I could register the win.

And I asked this before but never got an answer: Is the story in this one enough for someone who hasn't watched the show or read anything?


So I notice the enhancements say it increased the distance of the substitution thing.
Does that help enough?

I remember in UNS2, someone with a turbo controller or whatever can basically do the substitution thing for every attack and you couldn't do anything about it.
Did they also do something to prevent people just dashing sideways in a circle and throwing stuff at you?
Is there anything done for disconnecting? In UNS2 when I was at like 49 wins, I got like 20 fights in a row where my opponent disconnected before I could register the win.

And I asked this before but never got an answer: Is the story in this one enough for someone who hasn't watched the show or read anything?

1 - no, but they also added a meter so you can't spam substitution.
2 - they didn't do anything explicitly about people ninja moving and throwing shuriken, but that was never a problem for me (out maneuver then chakra dash in to punish people who use this tactic).
3 - i don't know i haven't tried fighting online yet.


Says the person with the megaman avatar!

Who do you like in this game?

I need to change it actually. Mega Man is pretty lame in SFxT.

I'm having a hard time deciding which to focus on: ranged or close. Tobi, Deidara, and Gaara are entertaining to mess around with. I'd to get good with
Pain, Young Kikashi, Masked Man and Killer B

I think the most entertaining fighters to watch are :
Konan, Minato Hokage, Orochimaru and the Uchihas. Havent tried Kabuto yet but he looks interesting.

1 - no, but they also added a meter so you can't spam substitution.
2 - they didn't do anything explicitly about people ninja moving and throwing shuriken, but that was never a problem for me (out maneuver then chakra dash in to punish people who use this tactic).

actually they did add a slight delay when tossing repeated projectiles to prevent the spamming issues in the previous games.


I laughed.

And then I looked at the avatar.

Why? :(

deny it all you want, but there is a very compelling case for the whole manga/anime being about naruto and sasuke's ... relationship.

at this point I basically accept that naruXsasu is canon.
regardless I will never use the word perfect again when referring to a video game on a message board as it just incites riots and pitchfork/torch gathering.

its cool,i had issue with the original phrasing is all.
deny it all you want, but there is a very compelling case for the whole manga/anime being about naruto and sasuke's ... relationship.

at this point I basically accept that naruXsasu is canon.

Naruto being an only child and Sasuke being the closest thing to a brother he's ever known is where my head goes.

I laughed.

And then I looked at the avatar.

Why? :(

word, an Al bundy "my eye's!" gif needs to be made, every anime themed thread gets "Y-bombed" eventually.


its cool,i had issue with the original phrasing is all.

Naruto being an only child and Sasuke being the closest thing to a brother he's ever known is where my head goes.

word, an Al bundy "my eye's!" gif needs to be made, every anime themed thread gets "Y-bombed" eventually.

awww being afraid of yaoi is so trite and quaint; it's almost cute.


So the Card Edition


Are those cards are exclusive to the game or can you buy them at retail?

You can buy them at retail. I don't know about Europe, but we got cards from Sage's Legacy for preordering from Gamestop or Amazon.

If you're talking about the poster, they look like they are exclusive to the game.
GRAB.. once i mastered mixing that into my combo's, this game mutated into something a lot more intricate..in other news, a tag team mode is the next evolution..calling it now.

awww being afraid of yaoi is so trite and quaint; it's almost cute.
"afraid?" Seriously, aside from your snide tone, i'm actually offended by your veiled accusation of me being a homophobe. i don't put people on ignore, but lets not address each other. ever.


Wow @ Itachi's Sasuno'o.

lol. Holy shit @ Sasuke's Sasuno'o.

no way its all about K.bees crazy octopusbullthing. YO SAY HOOOOOOOOO!

I need to hurry up and beat ME3 so I can get back to this. Haven't seen any online impressions so I dont know if thats bad or good.
The Sasuno'o-s are really niceeee! And I love the new anime cutscenes too!

I'm still not sure i feel them, i always felt CC2's CG cutscenes, especially in UNS2 surpassed the anime at times, it takes me out of the story when the art style shifts so drastically.
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