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NPD Sales Results for June 2007


Skiptastic said:
This proves several things to me:

3. The 360 is STILL the attach rate king. I mean, people continue to buy GHII for it. They sold Tenchu Z for crying out loud. If they could drop the price 100 bucks, they could really start cutting into the PS2 software sales.

Don't quote me on that, but 360 software sales, during some months this year, have already surpassed the PS2.


Odysseus said:
i mentioned this to someone on msn and i'll mention it here...

hardcore 360/ps3 types continue to have problems adjusting to the new reality. just accept the wii. it's here. you might not like it, you might not ever want to play it, and no one will make you. but the thing is successful, it's taking from the sony/ms traditional gaming pie, and third parties will support the thing. and, make no mistake, your games will be affected. you might not know it, you might not admit it, but some of those resources directed towards wii would have otherwise gone to 360/ps3. just get used to the idea.
Yeah, that's something I noticed.
Many are like in shock seeing Nintendo consoles/games as the top selling ones...when in reality, is not the first time in history of gaming that something like this happens.

But is like someone told me...probably most (not all) of the ones complaning started gaming on the PS1/PS2 era...when Sony was already winning..when Microsoft entered gaming...and got used to the idea of seeing Nintendo games/consoles either not selling or just selling for a month and then dissapearing from the charts...and got used to the idea of "Nintendo is kiddy".."Nintendo is dead" ...etc..


Odysseus said:
i mentioned this to someone on msn and i'll mention it here...

hardcore 360/ps3 types continue to have problems adjusting to the new reality. just accept the wii. it's here. you might not like it, you might not ever want to play it, and no one will make you. but the thing is successful, it's taking from the sony/ms traditional gaming pie, and third parties will support the thing. and make no mistake, your games will be affected. you might not know it, you might not admit it, but some of those resources directed towards wii would have otherwise gone to 360/ps3. just get used to the idea.
Now you're sounding like CliffyB's brother all of a sudden. :p

I think you are correct, but it will be a while before I'm impacted; I only buy a small fraction of the games that appeal to me, so there has to be a lot of transfer in resources to the Wii before it bugs me. Besides, I'm used to owning the systems that come out on the "losing" end of these "wars". :lol


Willy Wanka said:

Fixed :D

Amazing. Was hoping the 4th guy would get taken care of.. better than I could have imagined.


Also, this is just the beging folks. Wii hardware numbers are now at the point where third party games will sell (on a Nintendo platform OMG!!1)

I remember this moment on the DS. It's finally come to the Wii. Congrats to Capcom's RE4.


:lol :lol Oh shit that is the dopest thing since the early days of the it prints money gif.
Norse said:
not what I said....but this gen is unlike any of the past.....when has there been 2 consoles head and shoulders more powerful than the 3rd? I will side with sony and MS and say that the wii isnt competing with 360 and ps3. Wii is casuals and nintendo gamers....ps3 and 360 are power gamers, pc gamers. Totally seperate just as is the hardware. IMO

I'm not sure if that really flies. The ultimate in casual is the DS and yet it landed the DQ9 exclusive. That's a traditional console title that the PS2/PS3 lost even though the DS has graphics comparable to the N64/PS1 generation. So even though the DS is the Nintendogs/Brain Age system that is weaker than its competitors by a painfully obvious margin, it's still getting a steady flow of third party games that cater to the core audience and it also scored one of the largest game coups (against a home console!) this generation. It's probably also preventing the Tales games from coming to the PS3/360. I don't see the why the Wii is going to be a different situation if it continues to outsell the competition so dramatically and everything indicates that it will.

Further, I consider myself a core gamer and yet the Wii will be getting, by far, the most amount of money from me this holiday season. I'm sure I'm not the only one. And judging from RE4 sales, there is a sizeable force out there that will purchase games of the same type as the ones found predominantly on the 360.


Junior Member
Odysseus said:
i mentioned this to someone on msn and i'll mention it here...

hardcore 360/ps3 types continue to have problems adjusting to the new reality. just accept the wii. it's here. you might not like it, you might not ever want to play it, and no one will make you. but the thing is successful, it's taking from the sony/ms traditional gaming pie, and third parties will support the thing. and make no mistake, your games will be affected. you might not know it, you might not admit it, but some of those resources directed towards wii would have otherwise gone to 360/ps3. just get used to the idea.
rs7k said:
Don't quote me on that, but 360 software sales, during some months this year, have already surpassed the PS2.

Well...then it could REALLY start surpassing them if they had more price competitive hardware.


bmf said:
The one that had something that looked like Rei Ayanami's head bursting out of a translucent blue thing.
That was a slime turning into Rei's head from the RPG parody episode of Hayate the Combat Butler.
We're used to this happening monthly recently, but by my count Wii's US YTD (2.1M) is now ahead of X360+PS3's US YTD (2.0M).
F#A#Oo said:
Nintendo have said that's what they aim to ship as a minimum for year ending March...so you can bet the farm they'll be producing more and making more money then they have forecast they are telling shareholders...they always do without fail.
They failed to hit their goals of 4 million by the end of 2006 and 6 million by the end of March.
AlteredBeast said:
I think that the NPD is renegging on its deal.
It's not like GAF was bringing anything to the deal, though.
Odysseus said:
i mentioned this to someone on msn and i'll mention it here...

hardcore 360/ps3 types continue to have problems adjusting to the new reality. just accept the wii. it's here. you might not like it, you might not ever want to play it, and no one will make you. but the thing is successful, it's taking from the sony/ms traditional gaming pie, and third parties will support the thing. and make no mistake, your games will be affected. you might not know it, you might not admit it, but some of those resources directed towards wii would have otherwise gone to 360/ps3. just get used to the idea.

Meh, third parties. They will come back (if they ever leave) once these machines hit a mainstream price point. For now, we'll just have to get by on incredible first party efforts instead.


Odysseus said:
i mentioned this to someone on msn and i'll mention it here...

hardcore 360/ps3 types continue to have problems adjusting to the new reality. just accept the wii. it's here. you might not like it, you might not ever want to play it, and no one will make you. but the thing is successful, it's taking from the sony/ms traditional gaming pie, and third parties will support the thing. and make no mistake, your games will be affected. you might not know it, you might not admit it, but some of those resources directed towards wii would have otherwise gone to 360/ps3. just get used to the idea.

I want to have your angry snowbabies.


GhaleonEB said:
Now you're sounding like CliffyB's brother all of a sudden. :p

I think you are correct, but it will be a while before I'm impacted; I only buy a small fraction of the games that appeal to me, so there has to be a lot of transfer in resources to the Wii before it bugs me. Besides, I'm used to owning the systems that come out on the "losing" end of these "wars". :lol

you're not among those coming across as overly bitter or dismissive about it. i'm no wii fan, either, but i've come to accept its place in gaming and think that, generally speaking, what's happening with the wii is a good thing for the industry.

on that same note, another thing i've mentioned to this person on msn is the fact that something like the wii is a good indicator if gaming actually has a future that isn't just tied to increases in technology. "eventually the graphics on wii will get old and people will want the new hotness." if that's true, then it doesn't say much for the gaming industry as a whole. eventually, the shallow thrill of better eye candy or whatever is going to have to give way to something more substantive, or else gaming is just one huge house of cards waiting to fall down when the next technological leap becomes too costly or even less distinguishable than the current one. if all gaming is is the quest for more power, what happens when more power never happens? what then?

the wii, i think, is a good barometer for the future of gaming. its appeal is something else. i don't want all of gaming to travel down the path. heaven knows i don't want to waggle. but the idea that an idea other than the latest and greatest in graphical fidelity can drive industry growth is rather refreshing.
AltogetherAndrews said:
Meh, third parties. They will come back (if they ever leave) once these machines hit a mainstream price point. For now, we'll just have to get by on incredible first party efforts instead.

exactly... Nintendo may have one the battle but they will not WIN THE WAR!

Master Z

Odysseus said:
i mentioned this to someone on msn and i'll mention it here...

hardcore 360/ps3 types continue to have problems adjusting to the new reality. just accept the wii. it's here. you might not like it, you might not ever want to play it, and no one will make you. but the thing is successful, it's taking from the sony/ms traditional gaming pie, and third parties will support the thing. and make no mistake, your games will be affected. you might not know it, you might not admit it, but some of those resources directed towards wii would have otherwise gone to 360/ps3. just get used to the idea.

I'm still not convinced that the Wii is going to steal away the epic games from the 360 and PS3, especially when it comes to western developed titles. With maybe the exception of EA, it looks like most developers would rather push themselves with new tech. But if somehow the Wii does take signifigant 3rd party support away from 360/PS3 I know that, with the PS3 atleast there will always be a bunch of great 1st/2nd party software to look forward too.

Though if third parties would actually get creative with the Wii, I wouldn't mind seeing some epic adventures made on that console.
JoshuaJSlone said:
It's not like GAF was bringing anything to the deal, though.
Plugging the floodgates like Cheesemeister said. Anything else I say will just be paraphrasing him.

That aside, It would be rather nice to have a place to go to get a straightforward answer of what ranked where with what numbers instead of having to scrape data from a half dozen articles and leaks on other boards.
Odysseus said:
i mentioned this to someone on msn and i'll mention it here...

hardcore 360/ps3 types continue to have problems adjusting to the new reality. just accept the wii. it's here. you might not like it, you might not ever want to play it, and no one will make you. but the thing is successful, it's taking from the sony/ms traditional gaming pie, and third parties will support the thing. and make no mistake, your games will be affected. you might not know it, you might not admit it, but some of those resources directed towards wii would have otherwise gone to 360/ps3. just get used to the idea.

You stopped just before the best part!: MS and Sony have proven that the 360/PS3 model doesn't work; if they have any aptitude at all, you will not see gaming machines in their spirit again. :D


Only a matter of time 'till more third parties move to the Wii. Wii60 is all that is needed this gen.

And to everyone saying third parties don't sell on the Wii, look at RE4. Third parties need to make a f'ing good game and it will sell. Give Wii userbase shit, and they will flush it down the drain. RE4 is proof that good games sell on Wii.

I hope Soul Calibur: Legends turns out good.


Hardware - This Month| L Month  |     YTD   |     LTD

1. NDS	 -  561,900  | 423,150  | XXXXXXXXX |   XXXXXXXX
2. WII   -  381,800  | 338,278  | 2,109,800 |  3,190,000
3. PSP   -  290,100  | 221,120  | XXXXXXXXX |   XXXXXXXX
4. PS2   -  270,000  | 187,765  | XXXXXXXXX |   XXXXXXXX
5. X360  -  198,400  | 154,932  | 1,248,400 |  5,751,515
6. PS3   -   98,500  | 81,604   | 763,104   |  1,450,804

Because I like cheese's format. I wish I had complete numbers.


laserbeam said:
If sales keep up certainly in august

regardless of when it happens, it's pretty amazing to think that microsoft's headstart is all but gone less than a year removed from the competition launching.


I would bang a hot farmer!
TheGreatDave said:
I've bought 6 of the top 10. Are you calling me cool?
I own 1 out of the top 10 and it's RE4. What the hell is wrong with me? I would've kicked my own ass in the past for owning an RE game. :(


I didn't read the thread but, GO NINTENDO! NINTENDOMINATION! RIDE THEM 3rd parties tooo! Monnynies here I come.


the thoroughbred said:
Exactly. You see, the Ferrari is just fast. It's not pratical. You can't get a family in it, you can't go shopping in it. It's not comfortable to drive, the suspension is way too hard. If there is a curb you have to go over, then good luck having a go. And its way too wide to drive on roads. Plus the crappy engineering of the whole thing. It will always be in the garage getting serviced and costing an arm and a leg for the servicing. It's very unreliable. Whereas the Beetle, is reliable, cheap, looks great, and practical in every way. By far the Beetle is the better car. And if you really wanted a sports car, and didn't just want it for showing off, and actually had the money to afford one, you'd buy a 911.

So many wrongs within there, it's not even funny... the Beetle is NOT a better car than a Ferrari... They're are not reliable, they ARE cheap, they look like balls, and are not practical in every way... No one in their right mind would ever-ever take one of them over a ferrari... now shit is getting out of hand here... You have the money to get a ferrari, you don't care if it's "too wide for roads" lol...

Not an application for videogame consoles, cause who needs a "practical-everyday console" LOL... it's a lil frill in life, not a needed everyday item... You want to compare Performance, looks, sex-appeal, then yes... But practical is a non-sense term, unless the Wii hits $50 and the new games clock in at $5...

It's gonna be a first here, but I agree with Norse... :lol

No doubt the Wii is selling like crazy... But, as long as it has uninteresting, irrelevant games to me on it, I can care less as long as I get the games I want on my PC, PS3, and 360...

...But, sucks for those people that have fun with their non-wii machines based on sales numbers... I can see how that'd decrease the gaming experience... I'm sure after Insomniac and Bungie see these numbers, their games appeal and quality will plummet without a doubt, and crysis, only needs 16mb videocard now as it's awesomeness just plummeted... And, by all means pick up Red Steel now, as it's a certifiable AAAA+ title...
Skiptastic said:
This proves several things to me:

1. People love to buy hardware that is under $300.

2. Nintendo continues to really help only themselves. Capcom's probably pretty happy with the #9 position for RE4 on the Wii, but they should realize that they could have probably gotten up above Forza 2 or higher if they had released it on the 360. Which leads me to point #3...

3. The 360 is STILL the attach rate king. I mean, people continue to buy GHII for it. They sold Tenchu Z for crying out loud. If they could drop the price 100 bucks, they could really start cutting into the PS2 software sales.

4. Video games were up 34% over last year's June. WHEN WILL DEVELOPERS REALIZE? Summer is a perfectly good time for video games! Bring out big games during the summer you fools! Tenchu Z should prove that people are willing to spend money on pretty much ANYTHING during the summer.
Capcom should have shipped more copies of RE4: Wii then.
HokieJoe said:
I don't think it's certain by any means yet. Wii is dominating right now. I want to see how the market reacts when the 360 drops in price. No way in hell would the Wii be trouncing like it without the huge price advantage IMO. All the evidence you need is the PS2 numbers. The mainstream market isn't ready for $400 - $600 consoles.

the market will react just as equally when nintendo drops the price of the wii down to 199.99

nintendo is still in the best position for pricing.


Odysseus said:
you're not among those coming across as overly bitter or dismissive about it. i'm no wii fan, either, but i've come to accept it's place in gaming and think that, generally speaking, what's happening with the wii is a good thing for the industry.

on that same note, another thing i've mentioned to this person on msn is the fact that something like the wii is a good indicator if gaming actually has a future that isn't just tied to increases in technology. "eventually the graphics on wii will get old and people will want the new hotness." if that's true, then it doesn't say much for the gaming industry as a whole. eventually, the shallow thrill of better eye candy or whatever is going to have to give way to something more substantive, or else gaming is just one huge house of cards waiting to fall down when the next technological leap becomes too costly or even less distinguishable than the current one. if all gaming is is the quest for more power, what happens when more power never happens? what then?

the wii, i think, is a good barometer for the future of gaming. it's appeal is something else. i don't want all of gaming to travel down the path. heaven knows i don't want to waggle. but the idea that an idea other than the latest and greatest in graphical fidelity can drive industry growth is rather refreshing.

Honestly, part of me doesn't care what this does to the industry from a monetary perspective. Gaming has been my hobby as long as I can remember, dating back to the Odyssey (the first system I can recall). And for all that time, gaming has been treated like some backwoods hobby by the "mainstream" press and culture. If the success of the Wii, and it's embracement by the mainstream means gaming is seen as more "respectable", then I'm happy. If it gets more people gaming - into my hobby - then I'm happy.

So factor out the dollars - if the industry really is expanding, there's more gamers (or non-gamers, I don't give a shit how we categorize them), then it's all good.

In reality, the Wii is pretty repugnant as a gaming console to me. I can't imagine a system that appeals to my gaming tastes any less. But there's entire genres of film, music and you freakin' name it that I don't like either, I just select what I want from what's out there and be content. I'm confident there's always going to be enough out there for me.


Karma Kramer said:
I go by yearly... this year Wii wins... next year though... who knows?

it will take a dramatic shift for next year to be much different than this one. will a price adjustment or two make that much of a difference? will halo 3 and grand theft auto actually spur the masses and energize the "traditional" gaming ps2/xbox fans still sitting on the side to the degree to which 360 can erase the gap?

i don't know, i think the time to try to thwart the wii momentum was earlier this year before it had a chance to take root. instead of focusing so intently on sony (hello, 360 elite), the sights should have quickly shifted to nintendo. at this point, i'm not sure microsoft can do anything to stop it.


Odysseus said:
the wii, i think, is a good barometer for the future of gaming. it's appeal is something else. i don't want all of gaming to travel down the path. heaven knows i don't want to waggle. but the idea that an idea other than the latest and greatest in graphical fidelity can drive industry growth is rather refreshing.

So would you be up for something as interactive as waggle in future controls of various consoles? IMO the wii is a testament that people want to be more immersed into the game, there is a disconnection between pressing a button and a physical action on screen. Wii is a step in the right direction but not the final step. For far too long controls have been put into the optional peripherals market, perhaps forcing a different hrdware control is a step in the right direction to stop it from stagnating.


titiklabingapat said:
Capcom should have shipped more copies of RE4: Wii then.

Bingo. There was a at least an 85% sellout rate on day 1. and that was with most major places getting 30 copies each
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