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NYT: Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation


When you have people who believe PizzaGate and now this Seth Rich bullshit, you can see how Trump got voted in. There are a lot of really dumb as rocks people in this country.

If he was to get impeached, the conspiracy theories and things they pull outta their ass will be glorious.

It's funny how conspiracy theorists will believe this shit, but completely discount the Trump/Russia conspiracy that's becoming more and more obvious. A real, true life conspiracy is finally being revealed in their lives, and their response is outright rejection.
Hmmm seems like this will be a he said / he said situation... since the memos are written by Comey anyway.

Congress may just choose to believe Trump in that situation when he says he didn't pressure anyone, even though Trump is a proven liar.

everyone seems ready to forgive trump for anything, literally could have footage of trump shooting seth rich on 5th avenue himself and fuckall consequences for him

he'll probably be pardoned should bad shit come his way

Funky Papa

As a foreign expectator, the only thing that makes the current situation barely tolerable is that Trump is way too fucking incompetent to even make a case for another worthless war.

Or it seems that way.
No lies, it's highly enjoyable to watch this mess unfold.... but when this is finally over you guys need to seriously look at the way the your checks and balances are set up. In a functioning democracy, you shouldn't have to rely on the intelligence apparatus to stop a mad king. That's banana republic stuff.

Well the IC is part of the investigation arm who will report their findings to Congress who will handle the removal process. Are you saying the superior system would be that a minority party can remove the sitting head of state prior to the completion of an investigation? Sounds stable. I wouldn't describe Trump's presidency as king-like either, at least not more so than any other presidencies. He been blocked by courts and even Congress at times. It's only been a few months.


They are going to change the locks on the White House while he is gone.

When he's left, there will be a mysterious signed Executive Order appearing forbidding him from entering the country; the signature is definitely his, although it looks for all the world like the handwriting on the text is... Comey's...?


I don't know. The GOP might jump at the chance for the ultimate distraction.

Unless there were an initial attack (and depending on how the reaction to that and evidence of who attacked goes), going to war would be one of the other moves that would boost Trump's disapproval. A big part of his campaign was getting out of other countries and focusing in only on the US.


I will say this, as a non American your politics is like crack with the orange shitgibbon in charge. Way better than any TV show.
It's totally surreal and pulp fiction ... BUT FUCKING REAL LIFE.

If some made a political drama/thriller with the plot of the ongoing events, like 10 years ago, people would have rolled their eyes, walk out of the theater or switch off their TV.


Seconded. The US democratic system is like the gamebryo engine. It may have been fine at some point, but there are better alternatives available today, to say the least.

Trump in the oval office like:

trump.additem 00cmytp1 1
Item '00cmytp1' not found for parameter ObjectID

Compiled script not saved!



Just 42 percent of self-identified Trump voters in last year's election strongly approve of his job performance


surprise, 42% of dumb people are tremendously dumber than the other dumb people, i guess some of them can still be salvaged

This poll was conducted before all of this shit that hit the fan. And it's a poll that normally favors Trump quite heavily, at least to my knowledge. Correct me if I'm wrong about that though.


So now it's JayJay's fault??




It's totally surreal and pulp fiction ... BUT FUCKING REAL LIFE.

If some made a political drama/thriller with the plot of the ongoing events, like 10 years ago, people would have rolled their eyes, walk out of the theater or switch off their TV.

Sadly, it was around this time that we learned that something like this was a real possibility because that was when the right was head over heels in love with Sarah Palin. If she were running against Obama in that first election it may have been tighter because they wanted her and not McCain. She was the one going out telling them things very similar to what Trump is known to say (Obama rubbing elbows with terrorists) while McCain had to go behind her trying to put out those fires.

Bill Maher said it best after that election

"Just because a country elects a smart president doesn't make it a smart country. A couple of weeks ago, I was asked on CNN if I thought Sarah Palin could get elected president, and I said I hope not, but I wouldn't put anything past this stupid country."




This poll was conducted before all of this shit that hit the fan. And it's a poll that normally favors Trump quite heavily, at least to my knowledge. Correct me if I'm wrong about that though.
Meaningless poll. I have a coworker who hates Trump and regrets voting for him, but did it literally because of "but hillary..."

It doesn't matter if they like the candidate, when they're in that booth they'll always make the same decision.


From what I can tell now the spin is how dare Comey have memos and why didn't he come forward with it immediately? Both are profoundly ignorant of how investigations are supposed to work but it looks like that's the direction it's going to go.

Also as a side note if Congress accepted a transcript from fucking Putin then all is Lost.
From what I can tell now the spin is how dare Comey have memos and why didn't he come forward with it immediately? Both are profoundly ignorant of how investigations are supposed to work but it looks like that's the direction it's going to go.

Also as a side note if Congress accepted a transcript from fucking Putin then all is Lost.

The memos were submitted to the Department of Justice when they were created back in February, but they did nothing with it.
At a certain point, Twitter, Facebook, FoxNews, and other "conservative" media need to be held accountable. This is irresponsible and dangerous to the general public.

That's up to sponsors and advertisers.

When companies stop trying to sell shit through those media outlets, those media outlets will die.

That's how they got rid of O'Reilly. You have to choke off the advertising money from those networks.


The memos were submitted to the Department of Justice when they were created back in February, but they did nothing with it.
That's what I believe the NYT reported for seems like everyone's ignoring it for now. If sessions and as made aware or Rosenstein or anyone really from the justice department and nothing came of it, then I think Trump's fucked long term.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't think I've ever seen a comedy depicting a presidency that displayed as much ineptitude and idiocy as the Trump administration. It's surreal.
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