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NYT: Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation


I, for one, welcome our Ryan overlord



Whether Pence would take over is interesting.

Ford was pretty insulated from the Nixon White House only coming in as it was all falling apart.


I've honestly been contemplating arresting trump on one of my weekends but I am an introvert and don't really wat a parade and positive media attetion :/

Still though I might arrest him because its fully within my rights.


What wonders will tomorrow bring? Good night all.

I've honestly been contemplating arresting trump on one of my weekends but I am an introvert and don't really wat a parade and positive media attetion :/

Still though I might arrest him because its fully within my rights.
Uh you do that fam.
I've honestly been contemplating arresting trump on one of my weekends but I am an introvert and don't really wat a parade and positive media attetion :/

Still though I might arrest him because its fully within my rights.
Uhhh if you do we have a GAF member who's a guaranteed historical figure so go for it if you wanna


I've honestly been contemplating arresting trump on one of my weekends but I am an introvert and don't really wat a parade and positive media attetion :/

Still though I might arrest him because its fully within my rights.

Eh... I don't think the president can legally be arrested by any law enforcement. Maybe military police?


So leaks would continue to carry the day.

Yeah. Brilliant plan there Newt.

Exactly. The reason this WH is so leaky is because the administration is completely disfunctional. Newt of course knows this, but he's one of the biggest scumbag liars in D.C. If you're looking for "the swamp", he's it.


I've honestly been contemplating arresting trump on one of my weekends but I am an introvert and don't really wat a parade and positive media attetion :/

Still though I might arrest him because its fully within my rights.

Don't see anything wrong with it. Don't forget to shout NEOGAF and BELIVE while doing it.

We are going to F for you.


Hypothetically with President Pence how fast would it take for Pence to select a Vice President?

He could nominate one as soon as he take office, and while I don't know how long it would take it to get through the senate I can't imagine it would be more than a couple of days. It's intended to be a fast process for the sake of national security. Basically, if shit goes down they'll be able to get a new VP in place before we get President Ryan.
When you have people who believe PizzaGate and now this Seth Rich bullshit, you can see how Trump got voted in. There are a lot of really dumb as rocks people in this country.

If he was to get impeached, the conspiracy theories and things they pull outta their ass will be glorious.


God it'll be one of my life's great disappointments if this idiot clown and his enablers don't get nailed in full view of their moronic supporters. This country needs a reality check.


No. You may get to see his business empire go down in turmoil as his name becomes toxic in the future though.

Guessing even after that he'll continue to make money off the alt-right media organization he'll surely back/found after all this =\
God it'll be one of my life's great disappointments if this idiot clown and his enablers don't get nailed in full view of their moronic supporters. This country need a reality check.

The people most in need of a reality check are the ones least likely to accept one. Video of Trump setting orphans on fire could come out and they would find some excuse or rationalization for it. 30% of this country is lost in this haze of bullshit, expecting them to see the light will only result in disappointment.


I've honestly been contemplating arresting trump on one of my weekends but I am an introvert and don't really wat a parade and positive media attetion :/

Still though I might arrest him because its fully within my rights.


Lol wat? what do you do
I keep wondering what the real chances are of Trump resigning before impeachment are.

Yeah, I know the conventional wisdom is that he would never give up -- but, at some point the constant turmoil and fury of staying would seem way less appealing that just quitting and hiding out in some carribian island for the rest of his life...

I want to believe that at some point someone says to him "Dude, just sign this resignation letter and take your lifetime secret service detail and jusr relax in Trump Tower instead of taking all this shit" and he goes along with it.

Also there could be a point where resignation+pardon lets him keep his crazy fans (and liberty), which is better than going down in flames (and handcuffs).


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
I keep wondering what the real chances are of Trump resigning before impeachment are.

Yeah, I know the conventional wisdom is that he would never give up -- but, at some point the constant turmoil and fury of staying would seem way less appealing that just quitting and hiding out in some carribian island for the rest of his life...

I want to believe that at some point someone says to him "Dude, just sign this resignation letter and take your lifetime secret service detail and jusr relax in Trump Tower instead of taking all this shit" and he goes along with it.

Also there could be a point where resignation+pardon lets him keep his crazy fans (and liberty), which is better than going down in flames (and handcuffs).
The Art of the Deal.


never left the stone age
He could try, but he would basically have no political capital to do so given the way he would get into the position. That and a full impeachment and succession likely wouldn't happen before 2018 elections.

I hope your dems have the foresight to see the perfect storm that's brewing here, there's a chance this Trump fuckery has the thickest silver lining. Imagine if they nabbed the '18 and the '20 election (god damn we're almost living in the 20's)


He always settles before cases go to court, probably because it's a guaranteed loss and may get a look at his taxes etc. so if resigning avoids his business being outed among other things he will definitely resign but I hope that doesn't stop further investigations, he needs to be completely exposed and taken to task by the authorities.


I don't think resigning would save his ass now. The IC want blood at this point, he painted a major crosshair on himself by firing Comey and acting the way he did towards the IC. He's basically target numero uno for the FBI and others, and now they know there's likely something in his taxes, they won't stop until everything comes to light. Even if he got off relatively scot-free, he's still gonna have leaks targeting him, and his reputation is going to be rotten and toxic to others for a long time.

He mocked the constitution and the IC see a chance to get him for so openly flaunting the rules. This is like a nice big gold-wrapped Orange present for them.
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