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NYT: Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation

I hope your dems have the foresight to see the perfect storm that's brewing here, there's a chance this Trump fuckery has the thickest silver lining. Imagine if they nabbed the '18 and the '20 election (god damn we're almost living in the 20's)
Under normal circumstances, the opposing typically does well in midterms. Trump's toxicity and the healthcare drama has a lot of people pissed, so there's definitely a good outlook for the house.

Unfortunately, most of the senate races in 18 will involve defending dems so there isn't much to gain.
I do not think Donald Trump is going to be impeached anytime soon.

I do think however that either Trump or Comey will suffer a tragic accident or suffer a quite sudden severe medical condition at some point which won't allow one of them to testify on court.
I don't think resigning would save his ass now. The IC want blood at this point, he painted a major crosshair on himself by firing Comey and acting the way he did towards the IC. He's basically target numero uno for the FBI and others, and now they know there's likely something in his taxes, they won't stop until everything comes to light. Even if he got off relatively scot-free, he's still gonna have leaks targeting him, and his reputation is going to be rotten and toxic to others for a long time.

He mocked the constitution and the IC see a chance to get him for so openly flaunting the rules. This is like a nice big gold-wrapped Orange present for them.

No lies, it's highly enjoyable to watch this mess unfold.... but when this is finally over you guys need to seriously look at the way the your checks and balances are set up. In a functioning democracy, you shouldn't have to rely on the intelligence apparatus to stop a mad king. That's banana republic stuff.
No lies, it's highly enjoyable to watch this mess unfold.... but when this is finally over you guys need to seriously look at the way the your checks and balances are set up. In a functioning democracy, you shouldn't have to rely on the intelligence apparatus to stop a mad king. That's banana republic stuff.

Our system's designed in such a way that makes it very difficult to implement changes. With such partisan gridlock, it's basically impossible to implement reforms.


No lies, it's highly enjoyable to watch this mess unfold.... but when this is finally over you guys need to seriously look at the way the your checks and balances are set up. In a functioning democracy, you shouldn't have to rely on the intelligence apparatus to stop a mad king. That's banana republic stuff.

Agreed. We should be able to get independent commissions and prosecutors without needing the majority we currently need.


I've honestly been contemplating arresting trump on one of my weekends but I am an introvert and don't really wat a parade and positive media attetion :/

Still though I might arrest him because its fully within my rights.

"I could save teh world but I shy lelz".


And Justice for all..


Where is this scene from again? Its Killing me


Under normal circumstances, the opposing typically does well in midterms. Trump's toxicity and the healthcare drama has a lot of people pissed, so there's definitely a good outlook for the house.

Unfortunately, most of the senate races in 18 will involve defending dems so there isn't much to gain.

Still important to defend as many as possible for the following elections.
I do not think Donald Trump is going to be impeached anytime soon.

I do think however that either Trump or Comey will suffer a tragic accident or suffer a quite sudden severe medical condition at some point which won't allow one of them to testify on court.

Hmmm, I don't think such a thing would happen to Comey as there are probably people at the FBI he has shared his information with making it pointless. Though I wouldn't rule it out for Trump.

The second people start talking seriously about impeachment, Trump will be tweeting and ranting like nothing we have seen before. He will probably start desperately throwing people under the bus, anything to take the heat off him. It will only make things move more quickly and it will be a political rapture which I expect to get very ugly.


Gold Member
Aaaand here's your distraction non-story!


They're running with a conspiracy theory that the DNC had him killed for leaking Hillary/Podesta emails to Wikileaks.

Interesting timing, wouldn't you say?

Speaking of


At a certain point, Twitter, Facebook, FoxNews, and other "conservative" media need to be held accountable. This is irresponsible and dangerous to the general public.


Do you guys know that Trump actually believes the human body has a finite amount of energy so he never excercises and that's why he says he has a lot of energy? This is our president folks
Do you guys know that Trump actually believes the human body has a finite amount of energy so he never excercises and that's why he says he has a lot of energy? This is our president folks

Sounds like General Jack D Ripper and his precious bodily essences (discovered after noticing the act of love left him feeling drained).


The trouble at the moment is that Trump is too incompetent, we don't have to time to properly digest his latest blunder because oh look here comes the next one!


When you have people who believe PizzaGate and now this Seth Rich bullshit, you can see how Trump got voted in. There are a lot of really dumb as rocks people in this country.

If he was to get impeached, the conspiracy theories and things they pull outta their ass will be glorious.

They aren't dumb. They just want racism and hate the "other" so badly they'll go with whatever just to stick it to them.

It's no different than a 4th grade bully who says the other kid "smells like doodoo".


Can we stop with the conspiratorial crap of "idk guize I don't think much is gonna happen :/ someone involved finna get a "tummy ache" n won't be able to say nothin ):"


Do you guys know that Trump actually believes the human body has a finite amount of energy so he never excercises and that's why he says he has a lot of energy? This is our president folks
This sounds like Narcissistic protection.

I don't want to exercise > I'm perfect > there's something wrong with exercise

I see this sort of reasoning all the time from my mother-in-law, lol. Also, everyone she's ever worked with is incompetent, or so I've heard.


This sounds like Narcissistic protection.

I don't want to exercise > I'm perfect > there's something wrong with exercise

I see this sort of reasoning all the time from my mother-in-law, lol. Also, everyone she's ever worked with is incompetent, or so I've heard.

Honestly, it sounds like the type of statement that most accurately shows how delusional he can be.


No lies, it's highly enjoyable to watch this mess unfold.... but when this is finally over you guys need to seriously look at the way the your checks and balances are set up. In a functioning democracy, you shouldn't have to rely on the intelligence apparatus to stop a mad king. That's banana republic stuff.
Seconded. The US democratic system is like the gamebryo engine. It may have been fine at some point, but there are better alternatives available today, to say the least.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I love how Fox News is no longer really calling this out in headlines specifically, but just brushing it all into a pile of unnamed 'controversies' dogging Trump.

The benefit of being so shit, your apologists can obscure each event under a pile of the same crap.
So the eyes of the world are on you and you decide to ask the head of your intelligence bureau to do something illegal. And then when he doesn't you fire him.

How? How can someone this stupid become the President?

Like, a fucking teenager would know better. A child would know better.

Edit I will say this, as a non American your politics is like crack with the orange shitgibbon in charge. Way better than any TV show.


I love how Fox News is no longer really calling this out in headlines specifically, but just brushing it all into a pile of unnamed 'controversies' dogging Trump.

The benefit of being so shit, your apologists can obscure each event under a pile of the same crap.

Or saying how people are going mad because of how shit the president actually is.


I can't believe it. Does he think that we, Americans of all types, along with the rest of the world that doesn't agree with him are his enemies???

Does he think that I spend my nights thinking "How can I make Trump's presidency miserable?" every chance I get?

No, he thinks you spend your nights thinking "why won't they just let Mr. Trump lead!? America is drowning in the Swamp! OBAMAAAAAA!!!"


Hmmm seems like this will be a he said / he said situation... since the memos are written by Comey anyway.

Congress may just choose to believe Trump in that situation when he says he didn't pressure anyone, even though Trump is a proven liar.
I love how Fox News is no longer really calling this out in headlines specifically, but just brushing it all into a pile of unnamed 'controversies' dogging Trump.

The benefit of being so shit, your apologists can obscure each event under a pile of the same crap.

But Last Man Standing got cancelled!!

Funky Papa

So the eyes of the world are on you and you decide to ask the head of your intelligence bureau to do something illegal. And then when he doesn't you fire him.

How? How can someone this stupid become the President?

Like, a fucking teenager would know better. A child would know better.

Edit I will say this, as a non American your politics is like crack with the orange shitgibbon in charge. Way better than any TV show.

The FBI is not the intelligence bureau, though. It's the federal police, so to speak.

Which makes him dumb AF anyway.
Hmmm seems like this will be a he said / he said situation... since the memos are written by Comey anyway.

Congress may just choose to believe Trump in that situation when he says he didn't pressure anyone, even though Trump is a proven liar.

Maddow actually did a story on Comey last night outlining why Obama would've picked someone like him to be the head of the FBI in the first place. Since apparently he's viewed as being a Republican. Turns out that he was able to prove to Obama that he wasn't some shill for any party by pointing toward a memo he made during the Bush administration concerning torture. When there was an investigation into torture in the administration later on, they were able to use the memo as part of the case. It's also worth noting that in this case these memo was an email to his chief of staff, so they'd be dated


So, he has a history of doing this stuff.


So the eyes of the world are on you and you decide to ask the head of your intelligence bureau to do something illegal. And then when he doesn't you fire him.

How? How can someone this stupid become the President?

Like, a fucking teenager would know better. A child would know better.

Edit I will say this, as a non American your politics is like crack with the orange shitgibbon in charge. Way better than any TV show.

That's what happens when many of the rules of your office are not actually laws and instead a vague expectation of honor. It just takes someone selfish and impatient enough to say "fuck it" and his allies being in charge of taking him down for it to render them all moot.
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