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NYT: Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation


FBI memos are notes kept by agents of calls they have with people and are admissible in a court of law as evidence iirc.

edit: Calling the memo a lie would require an admission the memo exists. While it's obvious that it does as per reporting by multiple agencies they see it easier to shriek "fake news".

This just goes to show they know they are fucked. This is the first thing that they have clearly not tried to spin at all just said "it's a lie".

If you spin, you can at least say "I didn't lie" later. But there's no coming back from this one.


Oh i'm not law enforcement, i'm just a regular civilian that knows he is genetically better than trump that gives me god gien right to do whatever i want in terms of arresting him. I've never pulled that card before but I may have to this time.

Not the hero we need, but the hero we deserve.


"I do not believe in trial by newspaper article or investigations based on anonymous sources..."

Except for when the subject is Hillary Clinton. Get FUCKED Lindsey.


Like with all things, don't get your hopes up yet lest you be disappointed. But if this paper trail exists and is what comey has described trump is dead to rights on obstruction of justice. But then we come back to needing republicans to grow a conscience


Waaait a minute- I was under the impression that Comey basically kept a 'diary' of these meetings, so it isn't an official memo.

How would something like that be permissible in court?

They're contemporaneous notes from an FBI agent, on file at the FBI and distributed to others in the Bureau and other agencies. These kinds of notes are routinely used as evidence.
Wow, that is definitely different from what I heard yesterday. Not that I don't believe you, but is there somewhere that I can read up on this? I would appreciate a link.

So if true, then Trump actually is completely fucked then?

This is not the first time a Comey memo bit the current president in the ass.

When he was at the Justice department he did a memo about torture when the Bush administration was pushing for it. Said memo was used in court.

Comey is a lot of things but I do believe he has "cover your ass" down.


Oh i'm not law enforcement, i'm just a regular civilian that knows he is genetically better than trump that gives me god gien right to do whatever i want in terms of arresting him. I've never pulled that card before but I may have to this time.


that's now how anything works

you cannot citizen's arrest Trump. don't even think that you can, you will end up dead or in prison.

he's in a downspiral, be patient and let the feds do their thing
Morbid topic, but its not bad news for the GOP. They would get to pick his replacement

The Democrat governor of NC would pick his replacement. NC isn't one of the states that restricts the pick to the party of the previous senator, he would be free to pick a Democrat.

Of course the NC state government would likely just quickly change the law so they got to pick if such a case arose because the NC GOP sets a new bar for low.


I still don't get why no one seems interested in investigating right-wing propaganda. At this point, they're all acting as propaganda outlets for enemy regimes. Would it be against the law for Fox News to receive its talking points from Moscow, or would that weirdly be allowed by the First Amendment?


I'm sure you're just joking around here, but please don't try and arrest Trump. You won't like prison, believe me.

Also, wut? At the bolded.
I have no idea what I'm reading here
*steps away slowly*

You might want to go find some professional help before you do something very stupid and get yourself imprisoned or killed.
I'm assuming you're just taking the piss, right? Because if not...
were you the one that jumped the fence yesterday?
Please seek help from a professional.
You sound like a lunatic.
Not to ruin Jcnet's fun, but I think a lot of you are falling for 2 posts of pretty obvious redpill or "incels" parody


Oh i'm not law enforcement, i'm just a regular civilian that knows he is genetically better than trump that gives me god gien right to do whatever i want in terms of arresting him. I've never pulled that card before but I may have to this time.
i for one would love to see you citizen's arrest the president


Like with all things, don't get your hopes up yet lest you be disappointed. But if this paper trail exists and is what comey has described trump is dead to rights on obstruction of justice. But then we come back to needing republicans to grow a conscience

Republicans growing a conscience ain't happening. They're Republicans. What will save us is Republicans staring at the prospect of a wave election next year and in 2020.


Looking for meaning in GAF
I know it looks like he's circling the drain and all, but I hope he gets removed from office soon.

Getting him out of power will literally save lives.
National Security Council officials have strategically included Trump's name in "as many paragraphs as we can because he keeps reading if he's mentioned," according to one source, who relayed conversations he had with NSC officials.


I can't... I just can't....


For what it's worth at least Republicans aren't talking about catching leakers.

They certainly are still talking about "leakers." Surrogates and elected officials like Idaho's James Risch.

And so if, indeed, that was the subject, and that’s what’s been reported, he should be commended for that. The real story here is, there’s a weasel here. And that is the person who reported about this conversation. This is a person who is a traitor.

They betrayed their own country. They betrayed their families and their neighbors. And when you disclose classified information, classified conversations that you have access to, it is an act of treason. It’s unfortunate we can’t get that person identified.

But he or she should be held to answer for that and treated as any treasonous person would be.


Like with all things, don't get your hopes up yet lest you be disappointed. But if this paper trail exists and is what comey has described trump is dead to rights on obstruction of justice. But then we come back to needing republicans to grow a conscience
I've been down on the idea of anything happening to Trump until an election but the networks are still covering this as breaking news and republicans are either canceling their appearances on news shows or not responding to anyone trying to get them on to say something, plus the press briefing was canceled, so it seems like this is different than the other stuff we've seen so far.


Republicans growing a conscience ain't happening. They're Republicans. What will save us is Republicans staring at the prospect of a wave election next year and in 2020.

Basically. The hope for impeachment hinges on mid terms next year. If Democrats retake the House, then that would send the Republicans into panic mode.


Guys I woke up again

What's going on

Go back to bed and come back! First try didn't work, Trump hasn't tweeted anything!

Nothing epic. Ryan to speak to press soon, Trump is radio silent and Putin is offering transcripts from Lavrov meeting if Congress wants them.


Dem Senators want DOJ Inspector General to investigate AG Sessions role in Comey firing—whether it violated his Russia investigation recusal

Source and full 4 page letter: https://twitter.com/BraddJaffy/status/864841331394449417





The ongoing committee process has one half of it that are Republicans actively trying to steer the investigation away from Russia. Of course he wants the existing committee, a new independent committee would immediately come back with a mountain of evidence.

Yep Republicans have consistently shown that their concern is not Russia, but leaks. Just watch any of the interview sessions so far. I don't expect that to change either when Comey testifies in public. Republicans will be going all in with leaks and emails because that never gets old... oh and for something new, "isn't it your fault for not reporting this sooner?"



"I do not believe in trial by newspaper article or investigations based on anonymous sources..."

Except for when the subject is Hillary Clinton. Get FUCKED Lindsey.
If Democrats don't call Republicans on all of their newly exposed double standards after this presidency I'm going to be sorely disappointed.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Justin Amash is one of the very few honorable republicans who puts country over party.


Paul Ryan is def one of the worst Speakers in history.

Paul Ryan is what you would get if you took an eager if somewhat dim-witted 15 year old, opened up his head and tossed in some Ayn Rand quotes and a Cliffs Notes of Milton Friedman's greatest hits, threw a suit on him and then somehow got him elected to Congress.

But we don't have to imagine that because we have the genuine article standing before us.
Dem Senators want DOJ Inspector General to investigate AG Sessions role in Comey firing—whether it violated his Russia investigation recusal

Source and full 4 page letter: https://twitter.com/BraddJaffy/status/864841331394449417

God I hope that toad Sessions has to pay dearly for his role in this too. In general I hope Trump, Bannon, Kushner, Pence, Sessions, Ryan and McConnell all experience some heavy fallout from their role in this administration.
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