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NYT: Democrats: ‘Our Brand Is Worse Than Trump’


Has anyone tried to assess how many votes the Democrats lose due to gerrymandering and voter suppression by the other side? As in would it help to tackle that or is the US political system irreparably broke there too?
There's an SC case in the pipeline on that. It's absolutely an issue.

Political pork getting killed has hurt as well, because it nationalized races.
Has anyone tried to assess how many votes the Democrats lose due to gerrymandering and voter suppression by the other side? Would it help to tackle that or is the US political system irreparably broke there too?

If the Supreme Court rules the right way later this year, we might not have to worry about this for much longer.


The entire field of economics shifted to the right because many hard-left ideas straight up don't work. Socialism/Communism/etc. were completely discredited, and a lot of traditional left/liberal ideas ended up w/ massive problems attached. Economic growth is a very good thing that has helped lead to a massive reduction in poverty and a massive increase in standards of living.

Paradigms change, what was impossible a hundred years ago may be possible now. Automation in particular will open some doors but close others. Democratic goals should be based on universality of outcome, regardless of economic system.


Paradigms change, what was impossible a hundred years ago may be possible now. Automation in particular will open some doors but close others.
What I'm referring to isn't about what's possible or no, it's about whether they're net positives- Rent Control being the prime example of "no, do not do this, it will do the opposite of what you want!" Their net effects aren't going to change (because people don't change) regardless of where they fall on the ideological and popularity spectrums.

Change is indeed a constant, but bad discarded ideas aren't going to un-rot themselves.


Turned 18 for the 2000 election, wasnt complacent, but did subscribe to the both sides argument and voted nader (in Kansas so dont be too mad). I have long since learned the error of my ways. If dems don't want to lose those folks to complacency then they need a bold vision.

  • Universal Healthcare
  • Free College
  • Student Loan Forgiveness
  • Massive Investment in Self-driving Cars/Mass Transit
  • 15 minimum wage and tie it to inflation
Young people will vote for that

So what you are saying is that young people want hope. Except your enumerated list is basically pie in the sky stuff. All of us as democrats want this but know that it is not realistic.
If the swing to dems in these two elections are equalled in 2018 there will be a big democrat majority as 70 republican districts are more blue than these are.

What's the problem, exactly?


So what you are saying is that young people want hope. Except your enumerated list is basically pie in the sky stuff. All of us as democrats want this but know that it is not realistic.

Pie in the sky wins elections. Do you think trumps really going to build a wall?
Dems need to campaign on single-payer health care, $15 minimum wage, marijuana taxation and legalization, corporate welfare reform, tax reform, free community college, livable wages, etc. Campaigning on job creation won't move the needle and means jack shit, since Democrats' response to rural America's economic collapse has been lol just move to the city where jobs are instead of creating new job opportunities in rural areas.


Strap on your hooker ...
Okay, so say Pelosi goes strictly under the basis of optics, some random Democrat replaces her as minority leader. What do you do when the GOP machine ramps up and starts trashing her replacement, what's the plan? Replace that one too? If you want to replace Pelosi, doing so strictly because the GOP is very astute at trashing her name is short sighted to me when at her actual job she is fine.
Pelosi's practically a caricature sprung to life of Republicans' worst-polling attributes about the kind of opposition candidates they hate with a passion. Yes, Republicans will attempt to smear anyone that takes her place. No, I don't think the vilification will take hold as easily or take root as deeply as it did with a rich, botoxed middle-age liberal woman from California who speaks in haughty tones and debates in condescending partisan snips.

She's a good fundraiser, but if she believes in the party, she should be a good fundraiser with or without a seat at the head of the table. It might not be her fault that she plays so perfectly to all the traits that make Republicans' blood boil, but alas, she does. She has to acknowledge that and do her best to take that giant target painted on her and move it away from the party's head.


Dems need to campaign on single-payer health care, $15 minimum wage, marijuana taxation and legalization, corporate welfare reform, tax reform, free community college, livable wages, etc. Campaigning on job creation won't move the needle and means jack shit, since Democrats' response to rural America's economic collapse has been lol just move to the city where jobs are instead of creating new job opportunities in rural areas.
It's very hard to run on "Job Creation" with under 5% unemployment!

And you just can't snap your fingers and create permanent jobs in rural areas. The jobs are going away, in large numbers, and we can only cushion the blow.
Dems need to campaign on single-payer health care, $15 minimum wage, marijuana taxation and legalization, corporate welfare reform, tax reform, free community college, livable wages, etc. Campaigning on job creation won't move the needle and means jack shit, since Democrats' response to rural America's economic collapse has been lol just move to the city where jobs are instead of creating new job opportunities in rural areas.
yeah the idea that the economic message Democrats think would be strong is "job creation and growth" is concerning to me, they should instead try and make the jobs not suck


Dems are a hot mess. Since Trump's election, there has been no consistent message. Trump's scandals suck up all the oxygen and Democrats have no message that breaks through the noise. Leaderless, rudderless, and directionless.


So what you are saying is that young people want hope. Except your enumerated list is basically pie in the sky stuff. All of us as democrats want this but know that it is not realistic.
That is so not pie in the sky stuff. Some states are moving to most of those things. Gawd, Dems need to stop starting from the compromised position. Ask for big things, take the smaller version that you actually wanted

Dude Abides

Pelosi's job is to keep her caucus in line, which she is good at. The GOP San Fran Nan attack strategy goes back to 2002. If you're going to blame one person for Dem losses in congress and everywhere else, blame Obama. He was the leader of the party for the past decade, not Pelosi.


What I'm referring to isn't about what's possible or no, it's about whether they're net positives- Rent Control being the prime example of "no, do not do this, it will do the opposite of what you want!" Their net effects aren't going to change (because people don't change) regardless of where they fall on the ideological and popularity spectrums.

Change is indeed a constant, but bad discarded ideas aren't going to un-rot themselves.

Well, we can start by providing basic needs like good health care and clean water. If Democrats question if that's possible, then they have truly lost their way as a party.


So what you are saying is that young people want hope. Except your enumerated list is basically pie in the sky stuff. All of us as democrats want this but know that it is not realistic.

It's very realistic, many countries have it, many states have some of those and favorability for those measures are increasing, 10 years ago you would have said the same thing about legalized marijuana and gay marriage. Ultimately we get bogged down in the short term back and forth but these things will happen. Belief systems can resist but they can never actually win over actual results.
I should switch to the Republican party when white nationalism goes out of style, these young liberals are making me crotchety.

  • Universal Healthcare
Obamacare is pretty close.

  • Free College
Without cost reducing initiatives or incentives? Just foot the bill for wherever? When colleges can't use grants and price to attract students they'll just keep offering more and more programs (just like employers offered more and more benefits after FDR fixed wages). That makes costs rise even higher. Bad idea.

  • Student Loan Forgiveness
Worst economic stimulus ever. They're degree holders with high earning potential, why give them that free money when poor people need it even more. Way to fuck the little guy!

  • Massive Investment in Self-driving Cars/Mass Transit
How much is massive? Like Bush investing in hydrogen? Remember how that went? Just let the market take care of it (it already has).

  • 15 minimum wage and tie it to inflation
Too high. Also, tie it to PPP. There's a reason they call it a living wage ;;;)


We can just close this thread now, folks.

Obamacare halved the percentage of people without healthcare and heavily expanded America's single-payer healthcare programs, the fact that you're dumb doesn't make that not a huge progressive success

yeah the idea that the economic message Democrats think would be strong is "job creation and growth" is concerning to me, they should instead try and make the jobs not suck

The best way to do that would be to make them optional


We can just close this thread now, folks.

You said Universal Healthcare, not single-payer. The ACA got close to universal coverage and can be adjusted in a few relatively minor ways to close the gaps (primarily though deeper subsidies).


That is so not pie in the sky stuff. Some states are moving to most of those things. Gawd, Dems need to stop starting from the compromised position. Ask for big things, take the smaller version that you actually wanted

Yes for the most part the states that we as Democrats already carry.

Pie in the sky wins elections. Do you think trumps really going to build a wall?

Correct but we think of ourselves as being better than that. I mean there are white lies and outright lies. Trump is openely lying to the American people.

It's very realistic, many countries have it, many states have some of those and favorability for those measures are increasing, 10 years ago you would have said the same thing about legalized marijuana and gay marriage. Ultimately we get bogged down in the short term back and forth but these things will happen. Belief systems can resist but they can never actually win over actual results.

Ditto and 10 years from now many of these topics will be acceptable at the national level. I am not saying that they are impossible to achieve but that it will take more than two terms to get there.
This is due to complacency and arrogance. How many times last year did people say that the Republican party was dead and that the demographics of this country would mean that the Dems will never lose another presidential election again. How cocky and pretentious do people have to be in order to say that. Yet this was the general sentiment among liberals living in echo chambers like big cities and California. This is why Hillary lost. She believed that and didn't try to understand the pulse of the electorate.
This is due to complacency and arrogance. How many times last year did people say that the Republican party was dead and that the demographics of this country would mean that the Dems will never lose another presidential election again. How cocky and pretentious do people have to be in order to say that. Yet this was the general sentiment among liberals living in echo chambers like big cities and California. This is why Hillary lost. She believed that and didn't try to understand the pulse of the electorate.
too bad the electorate is the minority of the country


You said Universal Healthcare, not single-payer. The ACA got close to universal coverage and can be adjusted in a few relatively minor ways to close the gaps (primarily though deeper subsidies).

The biggest problem with the ACA is how it can be sabotaged 50 different ways. If that's what it took to pass Supreme Court review, so be it, but it was built on on a flawed foundation and it either dies by a thousand cuts or one fell swoop.

Christ no, I wouldn't deny the benefits it has brought but how do you force insurers to the table?
The biggest problem with the ACA is how it can be sabotaged 50 different ways. If that's what it took to pass Supreme Court review, so be it, but it was built on on a flawed foundation and it either dies by a thousand cuts or one fell swoop.

Christ no, I wouldn't deny the benefits it has brought but how do you force insurers to the table?

You don't. Pass the public option that we should've had in the first place. Insurers withdraw from bumfuck areas, those people buy health insurance from the government, and boom, you have stealthy single payer.

Lord Fagan

Junior Member
Money talks and there is not a single other democrat that is as good as Pelosi at fundraising. Let her do her thing and have others handle branding and strategy.

She can "do her thing" in retirement. What do you think Bill Clinton has been doing for the last 17 years?


The biggest problem with the ACA is how it can be sabotaged 50 different ways. If that's what it took to pass Supreme Court review, so be it, but it was built on on a flawed foundation and it either dies by a thousand cuts or one fell swoop.

Christ no, I wouldn't deny the benefits it has brought but how do you force insurers to the table?

It's hard to pass laws that can't be sabotaged or destroyed by people who are willing to hurt the people who elected them.

Yet this was the general sentiment among liberals living in echo chambers like big cities and California.

Most of America lives in big cities, big cities have a better standard of living and produce almost all of America's economy.

The people living in rural towns are the ones living in echo chambers. Cities are the real America.
Most of America lives in big cities, big cities have a better standard of living and produce almost all of America's economy.

The people living in rural towns are the ones living in echo chambers. Cities are the real America.

If only ppl with this attitude realized that the Electoral College and senate level the playing field....


Dems should've never boycotted FoxNews. That kind of strategy just lets the other party win.

Daily show did messaging to that demographic for years. I know it's not the same after Stewart left but last I check young people still on social media sharing political posts.

I get your premise but it seems to me they are more informed now than ever especially with the internet. No excuse to stay home on election day. Unless you just don't believe anything will change or its all the same.

If anything Stewart's shows made people even more cynical especially with his segments exposing godawful Pelosi


If only ppl with this attitude realized that the Electoral College and senate level the playing field....

Hey, it's not my fault our system is rigged to give an minority cabal of unelected rural elites control over our government. All I'm trying to do is get the real Americans to wake up and take our democracy back.
Which is why I say in my above post that Pelosi doesn't need to go RIGHT THIS SECOND, but she absolutely needs to be raising up some kind of protege or someone to take her job, if only because she can't do the job forever.

Yeah same for Bernie and what Obama should have been doing too but he too was probably thinking Hillary would win.


They don't "level the playing field", they systematically disenfranchise millions of Americans.

Well, obviously that's what that guy means. The playing field is only level if rural whites have a huge advantage. They have so many cultural and structural problems they need affirmative action at the government level to compete.


It's hard to pass laws that can't be sabotaged or destroyed by people who are willing to hurt the people who elected them.

Right, and how do you overcome that? Republicans have been trying to break Social Security and Medicare for generations, but they are robust, universally popular systems that no one has had the political capital to effectively destroy. Democrats designed the ACA on the tacit acceptance of an industry that had its knives out for it since day one.
Derr hurr, dun want poor people unlike Killary!

President Trump touted his economic adviser Gary Cohn at an Iowa rally Wednesday night, praising the Goldman Sachs alum for his management of the economy despite Trump's history of attacking former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton over her ties to the company during the 2016 election.

"We have Gary Cohn, who is the president of Goldman Sachs," Trump told the crowd, pointing to Cohn in the front. "He's the president of Goldman Sachs. He had to pay $200 million dollars in taxes to take the job, right?" Trump continued. "So, somebody said 'Why did you appoint a rich person to be in charge of the economy?'"

"I said, 'because that's the kind of thinking we want,'" Trump added. "Because they're representing the country. They don't want the money, they're representing the country."

"And I love all people, rich or poor," Trump added. "But, in those particular positions, I just don't want a poor person, does that make sense?"


Right, and how do you overcome that? Republicans have been trying to break Social Security and Medicare for generations, but they are robust, universally popular systems that no one has had the political capital to effectively destroy. Democrats designed the ACA on the tacit acceptance of an industry that had its knives out for it since day one.

I mean, the ACA has as much political capital as Medicaid. Do you think Medicaid was poorly implemented?


I mean, the ACA has as much political capital as Medicaid. Do you think Medicaid was poorly implemented?

Well, Medicaid is titled under the Social Security Act and had fairly specific goals and guidelines, so in that way, yes, I think it was more sucessfully implemented. Making it work more effectively with the ACA is another ball of wax. Using Medicaid to end-around traditional insurance through the ACA appears ambiguous, in messaging and legal status.


Move left you, sniveling centrist cowards. Way the heck left. Lay out concrete leftist proposals of "here's how we're actually going to make your life better" and maybe people will bite.

Or just go ahead and be pro-choice Republicans and lose every election forever. You fucking ghouls.
Move left you, sniveling centrist cowards. Way the heck left. Lay out concrete leftist proposals of "here's how we're actually going to make your life better" and maybe people will bite.

Or just go ahead and be pro-choice Republicans and lose every election forever. You fucking ghouls.


They aren't even close to Republicans
Derr hurr, dun want poor people unlike Killary!

President Trump touted his economic adviser Gary Cohn at an Iowa rally Wednesday night, praising the Goldman Sachs alum for his management of the economy despite Trump's history of attacking former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton over her ties to the company during the 2016 election.

"We have Gary Cohn, who is the president of Goldman Sachs," Trump told the crowd, pointing to Cohn in the front. "He's the president of Goldman Sachs. He had to pay $200 million dollars in taxes to take the job, right?" Trump continued. "So, somebody said 'Why did you appoint a rich person to be in charge of the economy?'"

"I said, 'because that's the kind of thinking we want,'" Trump added. "Because they're representing the country. They don't want the money, they're representing the country."

"And I love all people, rich or poor," Trump added. "But, in those particular positions, I just don't want a poor person, does that make sense?"
My word, the worst thing is he'll get away with all this.

Just imagine Obama said something like this. Just imagine.
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