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Official Madden '16 PS4 Online league thread #2: Blink Daggers and Backflips


we all know what happened when Rodgers went to the Cowboys




intangibles, motherfucker
Winston has been my shit lately. Though it feels like some people on your team dont know how to use the #spacecreated


I removed a couple mods from my GTAV install. Got rid of Refined Weapons and Gameplay. But added a dozen car replacements.
Some people have done some great work modeling cars.


intangibles, motherfucker
Are the new PS4 controllers of a better build quality than the launch ones? I think I finally need to replace mine.

Its stupid that I need to say "finally" for a controller that isnt even 3 years old, but here we are.
Ive been using one of the uncharted controllers for a while now it's still fine for now. Don't remember how long it took my other controllers to start falling apart
Are the new PS4 controllers of a better build quality than the launch ones? I think I finally need to replace mine.

Its stupid that I need to say "finally" for a controller that isnt even 3 years old, but here we are.

i bought a blue one around this time last year and its still in perfect condition. i have 2 other black ones from launch: one got a busted up R2 button, which i replaced but it's not quite right. the other still works fine i guess but the left/right analog sticks are peeling. i have used the blue one for about 95% of my gaming since i bought it so i think they must have fixed whatever issues there were
I have 3 controllers, trigger on one launch controller sticks, Left joystick on another launch controller doesn't always register that you are pushing up, acts like you are slightly pushing up so your char walks instead of running, third controller is fine. Blue one I got a year or two ago.

The rubber on both black ones is fucked too.
I think I've bought 4, 3 black 1 white

A black and white one flat out stopped registering joystick movement sometimes. Another black one is beginning to expire --- sometimes R2 works. I've got one that is fairly new but even I can feel those thumb grips coming apart


Are the new PS4 controllers of a better build quality than the launch ones? I think I finally need to replace mine.

Its stupid that I need to say "finally" for a controller that isnt even 3 years old, but here we are.

I think so. I went through two launch controllers where the sticks went to shit very quick. I picked up one of the 20th anniversary controllers a while ago, and have not ran into any of those problems.


intangibles, motherfucker
Apparently my R2 button was also fucked up and I didnt realize it until playing furi today. Rad!

Whats the newest color? I figure that has the best shot at being not a total piece of garbage.


I've had no problems with the sticks, but all my R2 buttons break or lose full range of sensitivity

fixed 2 that had sensitivity issues by taking them apart and folding over a piece of electrical tape underneath the rubber pad
The organization continuing to try and low ball him just isn't a good look. I get what they're trying to do, avoiding that end-of-career albatross contract, but the stuff that they sell to future free agents just doesn't seem as truthful when you're treating the greatest player in franchise history like he's a dog. Losing LeBron wasn't really a fault of their own but this could have, should have been handled a lot better.

The door is truly open next year when the salary cap increases again and there's even more player movement. If they try pulling another low ball offer on him I think he'll be out the door much faster. If he's taking a pay cut, I think it would have to be for his friends that he has already had a good relationship with, who are all also past their primes.


intangibles, motherfucker
I wanted the White PS4 controller but I ended up getting the Grey/Blue uncharted 4 controller to make sure I get the latest model.

The quality of these have been one of the most disappointing things about the PS4.
I mean Wade in another jersey would be so hard to see. But we did it he way we did it so we'd be in a position to offer KD max. im glad we set ourselves up to potentially grab the top FA. I think Riley was ready to say goodbye to Wade if we ended up with KD. But I think he's also okay with overpaying him if we didn't... I think this was always the plan and Wades gonna end up getting paid cause of it.

I don't see the problem. Not giving a 34 yo max when KD is available and u could potentially land him is what any sane gm would do.


I wanted the White PS4 controller but I ended up getting the Grey/Blue uncharted 4 controller to make sure I get the latest model.

The quality of these have been one of the most disappointing things about the PS4.

Ya my launch controller is worthless, think I threw it out honestly. I ended up buying one of the 20th anniversary controllers and that's been good so far.
I mean Wade in another jersey would be so hard to see. But we did it he way we did it so we'd be in a position to offer KD max. im glad we set ourselves up to potentially grab the top FA. I think Riley was ready to say goodbye to Wade if we ended up with KD. But I think he's also okay with overpaying him if we didn't... I think this was always the plan and Wades gonna end up getting paid cause of it.

I don't see the problem. Not giving a 34 yo max when KD is available and u could potentially land him is what any sane gm would do.

You're correct about all of that, but I also understand why this would anger Wade. Riley isn't chasing LeBron and Bosh, who were Wade's friends through the years---he's chasing Durant, the same guy who called Bosh a fake tough guy and said in 2013 that Wade was no longer a top ten player. I have no idea how these guys are together, but I don't think Bosh or Wade have any relationship with Durant. Hell, during All-Star break, I bet they don't really connect then. And they haven't been on any Olympic teams together. So seeing that Riley was chasing the shiny new toy, who nobody on the team has a connection with, had to bruise his ego.

It sounds like Wade didn't completely endorse the franchise going all in for Durant. If it was Melo, I think Wade would have really tried recruiting him. Since it was Durant, Wade just chilled overseas and said "yall figure this shit out on your own then"


It's more of a sign than ever that you need to go all in with Park and Pro AM

You know...I really want to buy the deluxe version as always for the extra VC...but KoMe on the cover man.


And yes I want physical because it works out great at Best Buy with GCU. However given who is on the cover... I need to think this through.
I'm sure there will be some digital deluxe version which is what I'll get. I got it digitally because it's been worth it for me to never have to pop in the disc and I figured I would be playing it late into the cycle (which we still are) so re-selling it is worthless. I don't play NHL as much but we still meet once or twice a week so doing that digital has been worth it too.


So anyone encounter a weird issue with PS4 controller turning on and not connecting to the PS4? That is what happened last night when I wanted to watch Netflix.

First I try on my XB1, Netflix won't load. Got about 10 straight errors going into Netflix on Xb1, gave up and turned on my PS4.

I couldn't get into Netflix at all because I was stuck at the "Press Home button to enter PSN" screen. I have two PS4 controllers, I even used a USB cable to plug them in and that didn't work.

Option 3 was going to netflix dot com on my home theater pc and that worked, but I'm annoyed that both consoles ended up being garbo. So much for simplicity of use. Is there any way to fix this controller issue on PS4 or am I screwed? If I have to buy a new PS4 I'll just wait for the Neo.
So anyone encounter a weird issue with PS4 controller turning on and not connecting to the PS4? That is what happened last night when I wanted to watch Netflix.

First I try on my XB1, Netflix won't load. Got about 10 straight errors going into Netflix on Xb1, gave up and turned on my PS4.

I couldn't get into Netflix at all because I was stuck at the "Press Home button to enter PSN" screen. I have two PS4 controllers, I even used a USB cable to plug them in and that didn't work.

Option 3 was going to netflix dot com on my home theater pc and that worked, but I'm annoyed that both consoles ended up being garbo. So much for simplicity of use. Is there any way to fix this controller issue on PS4 or am I screwed? If I have to buy a new PS4 I'll just wait for the Neo.

Did you plug in with usb and press the ps button? This happened to me before when I was using my ps4 control on pc and tried to switch back without resyncing
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