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Official Madden '17 PS4 Online League Thread: DOTA is dead, long live DOTA



Sentry Wards now come in packs of 1 for 100 gold (instead of 2 for 200)


* Blademail damage return no longer spell lifesteals off of returned damage
Indirect QOP and Ember nerf.

Ember Spirit:
* Root now disables Activate Fire Remnant
* Level 10 Talent from 15% Spell Amplification to 12%
Direct Ember nerf. :D

* Regen Rune now has the same damage dispel rules as Healing Salve
OP rune!

* Towers no longer attack neutral team units
Suck it, jungle Pudge/ES.

* Wukong's Command no longer continues while reincarnating
Why was this ever a thing?


The NBA and Take-Two Interactive Software, makers of the mega-popular NBA 2K video game, are partnering to form a first-of-its-kind esports league centered around the NBA 2K series, officials from both companies told ESPN.com on Wednesday.

The NBA 2K eLeague, tentatively set to begin play in 2018, eventually will feature 30 NBA 2K teams, each owned by one of the real-life NBA franchises, according to NBA commissioner Adam Silver and Strauss Zelnick, the CEO of Take-Two. The teams, comprised of five human players, will play out a five-month season that mirrors the real NBA season. It will proceed through a regular season of head-to-head games and then to playoffs and a championship matchup.

Silver declined to detail the NBA's initial level of investment in the league, but it's clear both companies view it as a huge potential moneymaker.

"The financial consequences could be substantial," Zelnick said.

Specifics on schedule, structure and even a salary cap still are hazy. All 30 NBA franchises are interested in participating, but some might not be ready when the eLeague tips, Silver said. The NBA hopes at least half its franchises will have teams in the eLeague by 2018, Silver said.

The NBA will hold an initial draft of esports players, and each NBA franchise will pick five to play as its eLeague team. They will draw salaries, train and essentially treat the NBA 2K eLeague as full-time jobs during the season.

Real NBA players will not be represented as avatars in the NBA 2K games, Silver and Zelnick said. Competitors will design on-screen avatars based on their own stylistic preferences.

The league will stage events, sell tickets for fans, create merchandise, sign sponsors and negotiate licensing rights so that fans can watch games remotely, Silver and Zelnick said.

Other NBA owners have independently invested in esports over the past two years.

The owners of the 76ers last year purchased the esports giant Team Dignitas, which has teams across various leagues that focus on several popular games -- including League of Legends.

The Rockets hired a director of esports and are investigating investment opportunities across the industry.

Owners of the Bucks, Grizzlies and Warriors have all made sizable investments in esports teams and players.

That league isn't going to last

Unless this means 2k is getting NBA money and we get better servers and don't have to grind anymore....................
is 2K filled with cheese opportunity like Madden?

the gameplay in those MUT tournaments was embarrassing

You realize we are the outliers, right? Most people play Madden like that. Hell, most pople in this league play Madden like that every single change they get.
is 2K filled with cheese opportunity like Madden?

the gameplay in those MUT tournaments was embarrassing

There's a couple of gripes to be had with the game, (Mostly animation/control related) but I do think most bullshit can be limited if you play good team defense. The biggest fundamental problem with the game is that shooting percentages are way too high and that defenses are too slow in comparison to specific types of ball handlers. People are shooting like 65%-70% from 3 pointers. I don't give a damn if you're open, that itself is way too unrealistic. Crimson is our sharp shooter and I think he's somewhere in that range. We run stuff to get him open but it's still totally absurd.

I for one am excited about this though, more public exposure means their problems come to light and hopefully embarrasses them.


That's always going to be a balancing problem. People are going to get mad either way, if percentages are too low or too high. That's why Mike Wang was literally changing the game every goddamn week for a while there.
That's always going to be a balancing problem. People are going to get mad either way, if percentages are too low or too high. That's why Mike Wang was literally changing the game every goddamn week for a while there.

I have no problem with Mike changing the game, they really needed to change things when the game first came out and it's been for the better. Was delightful watching people bitch and moan about how sharpshooters were nerfed when all that happened was that archetype being brought back down to earth.

I do have problems with him conducting a fucking twitter poll and using that as his main influence though. Mike pls.

They gotta make the archetype balance better though, or allow for more individual freedom when it comes to how we create. If I want to be good at standing 3 but not off-the-dribble 3 then let me do that. If I want to have a high shot close for my post scorer then let me do that.

I'm still not going to pre-order next year's game though, they gotta show me something different or else I've really got no reason to move off of this year's game. I'm just tired of grinding players and how they choose to operate.

I forgot the most annoying thing is that we don't get Rep for Pro-AM games. I damn well would be a superstar 3 by now or really close if that weren't the case.


You realize we are the outliers, right? Most people play Madden like that. Hell, most pople in this league play Madden like that every single change they get.
yeah, that's what I mean - how can you start talking serious competitive money when "high level" play is essentially a bunch of mechanic exploits

and if that wasn't embarrassing enough, the game isn't even technically stable


Good comparison. Neither team will be good enough to be world champions like the cubs. Time for that back to back run to start.
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