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Official Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Thread


Re: the mini game -

It's a dream sequence - Save immediately after the torture sequence in game and load it back up.

Make sure to call Sigint for a hilarious bonus conversation about nightmares.


What program do you use to photoshop a picture?
Miburou said:
Here are some bugs/glitches I found in MGS3:

how about the arrows pierced inside my buttock and hand from the fight with the fear. Annoying as fuck.



Just got to The Fear. I've read here that using your tranq gun to kill the bosses will give you their camo.

My question is, do you have to use it throughout the WHOLE fight? It takes forever to knock out The Fear's stamina with only a tranq gun. Is there a certain number of shots you can land to get his camo?


Marconelly said:
Question for Jett or anyone else who has found this easter egg:

what are you supposed to do to get that fake "this is not a valid Playstation disc" error message when you boot MGS3?
I remember Jett posted this thing as a separate thread maybe a week or two ago.

Sorry buddy, but that's not fake. :p

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Assman, no - you have to drain his stamina bar completely to get his camo suit. It's indeed very difficult to do that just by shooting the tranq darts at him, so you'll have to think of something better :p

shoot out all the mushrooms in that area, but don't collect them! When he gets hungry he will drop to the ground and start eating the poisonous mushrums that you left there for him, which will drain his stamina quite a lot. Then finish him off with tranq darts

Sorry buddy, but that's not fake. :p
So, your PS2 died? What exactly happened there?

Also, what happened to the alleged rumor that the game would
"erase" the saves from your memory card? Actually, tell you that it erased them but really wouldn't do it


AssMan said:

Just got to The Fear. I've read here that using your tranq gun to kill the bosses will give you their camo.

My question is, do you have to use it throughout the WHOLE fight? It takes forever to knock out The Fear's stamina with only a tranq gun. Is there a certain number of shots you can land to get his camo?
Someone answer this question (I've asked it on the previous page):
Shoot the poisonnous mushrooms and frogs in the area. The Fear will eventually eats them and be poisonned...

I just finished, but I found this extremely funny. I followed Raikov in the toilet room. I was disguised as a scientist. Raikov tried to grab my balls in the small toilet room.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
I actually cant believe I'm having trouble understanding this games plot. I understood MGS1 plot very easily and undertood MGS2's plot easily too, but I can't seem to understand the plot for MGS3.

The main thing that is bothering me is who is working for who. From what I understood:

EVA was pretending to work for the KGB but was really working for the chinese government.

Snake was working FOX.

The Boss was pretending to work for Volgin but was really working for the american philosophers/ the patriots

Ocelot was doing the same thing as the Boss. Ocelot was also ADAM

Now, if Ocelot and The Boss both wrok for the American government, then why did they try and kill Snake or was the only time The Boss tried to kill snake in that final battle?

Also, were Ocelot and The Boss working together. They were both trying to get the Philosophers Legacy for they same person werent they?

Why was The Boss only allowed to be killed by Snake and why could she not kill herself. I understood that it was so America could prove their innocence, but I could be wrong.

EVA says that the public were not allowed to know about the defection of The Boss and that Volgin destroyed Sokolovs design bereau. Didn't Kurschev say that the Russian public knew about the destrucion of the design bereau and why was it neccessary to make sure no one knew that the Boss defected?
psycho_snake said:
Why was The Boss only allowed to be killed by Snake and why could she not kill herself. I understood that it was so America could prove their innocence, but I could be wrong.

Snake had to kill the boss to prove to kruschev that the americans weren't involved.
That was also the boss' orders. The boss also wanted to test Snake. That's what I think.


The Boss never tried to kill Snake except for the maybe the ending, Ocelot tried to kill Snake in the initial VM because at the time Snake wasn't important yet. Later he probably just tried to "beat" snake to prove he was better, thats why he had the blank.

EVA says that the public were not allowed to know about the defection of The Boss and that Volgin destroyed Sokolovs design bereau. Didn't Kurschev say that the Russian public knew about the destrucion of the design bereau and why was it neccessary to make sure no one knew that the Boss defected?

No you've got it wrong. EVA said the public could never know The Boss never really defected and was just trying to steal the money back from Russia. The USA and Russia made sure everyone knew it was The Boss who defected and was acting on her own when she used the nuke. Otherwise it could have started a war.


psycho_snake said:
Now, if Ocelot and The Boss both wrok for the American government, then why did they try and kill Snake or was the only time The Boss tried to kill snake in that final battle?
Insurance, insurance... They were both working for the American to steal the legacy to make sure one or the other wouldn't double cross them. The Boss might also be a "spacer" between Ocelot/Adamska and Jack/Snake Senior/Big Boss to make sure he never founds out the whole story.


Or the plot could be pretty stupid and full of holes just like in the previous games in the series. Works for me. Still my favourite game this gen.


Marconelly said:
So, your PS2 died? What exactly happened there?

Also, what happened to the alleged rumor that the game would
"erase" the saves from your memory card? Actually, tell you that it erased them but really wouldn't do it

My PS2 has problems with loading stuff that's not part of the main game(like bonus demos, or that secret DMC-like bonus game in MGS3). I had to play through that part on a friend's PS2. :p

I don't think that was a rumor, I believe it was an idea Kojima had at one point, to make a game where if you died your saved game would be erased. Like Steel Batallion, I guess. It's not in MGS3.


OK, now this is getting ridiculous... :eek: :O


Run through the game under 2 hours without eating???? WTF???!!!


damn, thats just insane

How could you aim the tranq gun? and how could you run past guards without getting hit while your stomach is making a whole crap load of noise?


Gonaria said:
damn, thats just insane

How could you aim the tranq gun? and how could you run past guards without getting hit while your stomach is making a whole crap load of noise?
When you save and come back, your energy and stamina is recovered IIRC...


Laurent said:
Aren't they considered as Special Items?!

Nope. Only
stealth and infinity face paint
are considered special items.

Wow that guy is really fast. I wonder how they beat it that quick, maybe they skipped
The End using the PS2 clock trick?


Vagrant said:
Wow that guy is really fast. I wonder how they beat it that quick, maybe they skipped
The End using the PS2 clock trick?

Or they just sniped him at the docks

Still, damn. I used to do speed runs in RE2 and for the first time in years felt like trying it again with this game, but this kinda takes the wind out of the project :p
callous said:
Or they just sniped him at the docks

Probably not; if you snipe him at the Dock, then Snake is forced to take out a whole bunch of Ocelot Snipers instead. Skipahead would remove both problems nicely.

The stamina problem gets fixed in one shot with the moss camo - whenever you're low on stamina, just wave the torch around. Problem solved.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Miburou said:
What's the clock trick?

Set your PS2 internal clock ahead one week, and The End will just die of old age.


Anyone get the infinaty face paint by capturing the Tsuchinoko snake before finishing the game. I heard this is the alternate way of getting it other than beating the game with a Fox Hound ranking.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Holy shit, you serious? Wow. I can't wait for a secrets and easter eggs FAQ.
Yeah, just the other day I tried reloading the save file where I saved at the very beginning of the battle with him, and since I saved some seven days ago
he was dead. You get a special cutscene for this event, btw.


kpop100 said:
Anyone get the infinaty face paint by capturing the Tsuchinoko snake before finishing the game. I heard this is the alternate way of getting it other than beating the game with a Fox Hound ranking.

didn't find it myself- but saw pics and movies at gameFags from someone who did. It looked like the one in CV: AoS, heheh. and there was a codec of Paramedia and Major Tom saying Don't Eat It! Bring it back alive. the poster said that he did get the infinity paint by capturing it, and that he got it in the Fear's trap forest (I think during the Fear battle)..


I just had my first encounter with Boss on the bridge (just started playing)

Is it me or is the stealth 10x more frustrating now they removed the map?? The bit where i had to enter the red building took me about an hour. Havent ever been pissed off by an MGS game this bad.

Camera is worse then every now. Still, fucking wonderful story so far, acting, voice work and humor is brilliantly executed.

Shame im not enjoying the gameplay, as i thought MGS2 was amazing. Hope it gets better, might have to set it on easy. Too many guards
Is it me or is the stealth 10x more frustrating now they removed the map?? The bit where i had to enter the red building took me about an hour. Havent ever been pissed off by an MGS game this bad.

Yeah the warehouse section kicked my ass many times. You effectively have to unlearn most of your old MGS habits and learn to utilize the new system. Once I got used to it I found stealth in this game far superior to the other MGS games and pretty much every other stealth game out there with the possible exception of Thief. I didn't miss the radar at all.

Playing on hard is even worse- you don't get the motion detector or sonar.

One big thing I missed early on- if you want to effectively sneak up on someone you need to use the D-pad buttons. That initiates the new "stalking" mode that lets you creep up on someone while draining stamina. Using the "walk" speed with the analog stick isn't the same and will almost always result in being detected.


Prine said:
I just had my first encounter with Boss on the bridge (just started playing)

Is it me or is the stealth 10x more frustrating now they removed the map?? The bit where i had to enter the red building took me about an hour. Havent ever been pissed off by an MGS game this bad.

Camera is worse then every now. Still, fucking wonderful story so far, acting, voice work and humor is brilliantly executed.

Shame im not enjoying the gameplay, as i thought MGS2 was amazing. Hope it gets better, might have to set it on easy. Too many guards

Your in the same boat a lot of people were when they first started playing. I know I spent an hour atleast at that brick yard too. Don't worry, the first mission is more of a practice mission than anything-- and it definitely gets better. Operation snake eater is when the game really begins.

Buggy Loop

Yea, the initial levels sucks big time, sneaking on guards is way hard at first, especially when you're a bit rusty on MGS games and you find there's no radar to help you this time. The snake eater mission goes much more smoothly though, since you start off at night you can play with the guards more and experiment with what you can and cant do.

On my 2nd play now and im so 0wning the guards now, experimented with CQC a lot, shooting all the frogs to get the stealth camo and having the patriot in your equipment right from the start sure does help, infinite ammo baby /rock


Prine said:
I just had my first encounter with Boss on the bridge (just started playing)

Is it me or is the stealth 10x more frustrating now they removed the map?? The bit where i had to enter the red building took me about an hour. Havent ever been pissed off by an MGS game this bad.

Camera is worse then every now. Still, fucking wonderful story so far, acting, voice work and humor is brilliantly executed.

Shame im not enjoying the gameplay, as i thought MGS2 was amazing. Hope it gets better, might have to set it on easy. Too many guards

Keep it on medium, you will regret it later if you change it. the gameplay in mgs3 takes a while to get used to. On my first time i died countless times, at the bridge and at the base, it was really really frustraiting. However, once i get used to the gameplay and the camera it got a lot better and a lot easier.

Also, the best thing you can do is start using CQC. If you get used to CQC you can take out a whole room of guards on normal. Plus its just insanely fun to use. Thanks mostly to CQC i think mgs3 has by far the best gameplay out of any mgs game


montanha said:
didn't find it myself- but saw pics and movies at gameFags from someone who did. It looked like the one in CV: AoS, heheh. and there was a codec of Paramedia and Major Tom saying Don't Eat It! Bring it back alive. the poster said that he did get the infinity paint by capturing it, and that he got it in the Fear's trap forest (I think during the Fear battle)..

I set the mouse trap up for like 30 minutes in that area and couldn't catch the damn thing, but I know it's there somewhere. Damn thing hehe.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I tried playing MGS1 today...and man have we come a long way. The controls felt sooooo barren and dull. And the graphics, oh my the graphics... =(


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Yeah, that warehouse is where you have to learn how to play Metal Gear Solid 3. I never noticed how much I depended on the radar in MGS and MGS2...until that section. It took me over two hours to get through it without being seen or killing anyone. Of course I replayed it last week and did it without trouble. You'll be kicking yourself over all the stupid mistakes you made the first time around.


Arnold K said:
I tried playing MGS1 today...and man have we come a long way. The controls felt sooooo barren and dull. And the graphics, oh my the graphics... =(
The Twin Snakes looks great after playing the original MGS...


i started working on the frogs...is there any way to know which ones you've found other than using the frog camo? about 6 hours in, just got to the mountain.


Just beat it. Don't know what to say except great ending, and a nice sense of humor.

Not sure if it's been said before, but it might have since this place is run amok with MGS fans, this part caught me off guard when you tranq EVA:

EVA: "Boss, that feels good..."

She also says, "Fido." Fido's a person right? Right?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I'm starting the game again, and realizing again how damn much I love it. I have so many unfinished and unstarted games in my backlog, but I can't even think about them now...

Just beat it. Don't know what to say except great ending, and a nice sense of humor.
Glad you liked it!

Not sure if it's been said before, but it might have since this place is run amok with MGS fans, this part caught me off guard when you tranq EVA
I've heard you can hear some funny stuff if you
get her into a CQC hold and interrogate her :p
Nice piece of work Kpop100! Can you confirm where you found it? Is it in the area where you battle the Fear?

I'd love to unlock the infinity face paint but I'm not too interested in speed-running through the game.


It is in the area where you fight The Fear. You have to catch it in a mouse trap. Just set it in an area with some patch of undergrowth. hen walk around and go back and check the rap peridically. It wont appear if you stand next to the trap.

You can do it before or after the fight with The Fear. I did it after I killed The Fear.
Thanks for the tips!

I'm playing through now on Extreme and getting close to that area (so far no Alerts **crosses fingers**) I'll be sure to hunt around till I find that lil' bastard. :)


Final thoughts:

I began with the Metal Gear Solid series this year with The Twin Snakes. I bought Substance for the PS2, and I thought both games were good (TTS being better for obvious reasons). I wasn't let down by Substance since I basically knew what to expect. It just seems that Kojima was trying too much at once: to add mystery, relate it to the modern world, expand the story of the first game, and fuck with your mind in general.

Metal Gear Solid 3 is my favorite in the series, though. As far as the gameplay goes, it was more evolved, and there was not a huge amount of backtracking (which was what got on my nerves more than anything else in MGS 2). Camera could have been better, but I didn't really mind. The tough part is comparing it with my former favorite in the series (TTS), and I realize that MGS 3 is just better.

While I think the characters of TTS and MGS were more interesting than MGS 3's (particularly Cyborg Ninja, Liquid Snake, Revolver Ocelot, and the bosses), I believe they were better developed throughout Snake Eater. The story and message of the game isn't so shoved down my throat as I felt it was with TTS and MGS2- it appeals to the emotion of the gamer to get the point across, and it does so beautifully.

Well that's all for now. Now on to Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II.

Funny, I thought KOTOR II was going to be my undisputed GotY. Now there might be a challenger.
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